Anyone who knows me at all knows that I LOVE music. My current favorite band is called Sugarland. Check them out!
Of course, my all time favorite band: the Indigo Girls. Love them. Spent 2 months straight listening to nothing but Retrospect and 1200 Curfews. If you're not a fan... well, you just have no musical taste.
Another amazing artist is a woman named Ani DiFranco. If you have never heard her music before go out and buy her Imperfectly CD. Now. She is absolutely incredible live too!
Another personal favorite is Dave Matthews Band. If you haven't heard them you live under a rock.
I was born in an era of acid-wash denim, big hair, and blue mascara. As a result, I am also a little too caught up in 80's nostalgia for my own good. I am a huge 80's fan. Sad I know, but true. Any 80's music lyrics you could ever want is here. Enjoy.
Like everyone else (it seems), I've decided that the only way to vent my fustrations about life and just ramble on in general is to have a livejournal (or blog, whatever you prefer to call them).