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Lion vs. Lion
     Lance's eyes floated open aand he found himself starring up at the ceiling of his own room.  Grudgingly he sat up and rubbed his eyes with his fists.  Getting up he wandered down to the recreation room unable to shake the strange dream he'd had about Denayl and that alter.
    Looking up he found himself in Castle Control.  "What the..."
    "Who are you?"
    Lance whirled around, his jaw dropping as he saw a younger and very much alive King Alfor.  For once Lance found it difficult to speak.  His tongue felt too thick in his dry mouth.  "King- King Alfor?"
    The King's eyebrow rose.  "Yes.  But you didn't answer my question young man."
    "I'm Lance Braddock, pilot of Red Lion."
    The King's eyes widdened and the corners of his mouth quirked.  "Oh, I thought that was your job Denayl."  He looked over Lance's shoulder and Lance shifted his position to look at the person the King was talking to.  His fists clenched at his sides as he saw the familiar blond head and blue, serious eyes of the spectre.
    "YOU!  What have you done??  It's about time you explained.  Lead me out into the night to that wierd alter-thing... Geez.  Allura and Keith must have a search party out by now... I mean Lion practice was at five and it's nearly noon..."
    "What do you know about my daughter?"
    Lance suddenly found himself looking into a pair of very angry grey eyes.  The sight angered Lance, after all he hadn't done anything wrong... yet... He yanked his shirt out of the King's grasp.
    "She's ruled Arus since your death.  Fighting against Lotor and Zarkon, heck she's even piloted Blue Lion since Sven left.  But what do you care?  You never told her anything of value about the Lions.  Coran's helped but it still isn't enough.  But that's fine, your ghost stays around the castle and his --..."  He jabbed a finger at the other pilot.  "... ghost decided to pay a visit to me.  'Follow,' he says.  So I follow... why?  Because I'm an idiot that's why!"  His whole body shook, the thoughts going through his mind just too much for him to sort out.
    He was so intent on sorting out the jumble in his head that he missed the look that passed between the two.
    King Alfor cleared his throat, drawing Lance's attention.  His face was serious, "How old is Allura?"
    The King nodded, still serious.  For some reason Lance felt his frayed nerves settle.  "Can you describe this 'alter', Denayl lead you to?"
    He nodded, set on his task, trying to remember.  "I think it was computer based... It asked me if I wanted the lights on... There were two pillars on either side of a huge marble Lion and a doorway 'tween it's front legs.  When I went through the door there were four fires and an alter in the middle.  When I touched the alter... I think I blacked out."
    "The temple of the Lion spirit..."
    King Alfor stared at the brown-haired boy before him.  No one except the Arusian Royalty knew of the temple of the Lion spirit but the description fit.  "Come with me... Lance."
    The boy's confusion was suddenly hidden by a mask that came down over his features, but he followed as he'd been bidden.
    Together they left Castle Control and Denayl stayed behind as he knew his King wanted.  Opening the door to his office he moved back allowing Lance to enter first.
    With confident, easy steps King Alfor moved to his desk and sat, gesturing for Lance to sit across from him.
    He hesitated, eyeing the door aprehensively.  But eventually sat down on the edge of the chair, his body seemingly relaxed but an air of alertness about him.
    King Alfor smiled sympathetically.  "Do you have any idea what's happened to you?"
    Lance's eyebrow quirked upwards.  "Well, it maybe just my imagination, but I'd say by some weird twist of fate I've managed to get myself transferred into the past."
    Alfor nodded his blond head and smiled, "So you're quicker than you look.  Now, I'm going to explain how you got here."  He leaned forward folding his hands on the desk.  "The place you described is called the Temple of the Lion Spirit.  It is not known exactly what the Temple's nature is, but many mysteries surround it.  It would seem that you were needed here at this time, for what reason I can't fathom but you're here for a purpose... one that only you can fulfill."
    Lance chuckled, "If Keith and Allura could hear that, they'd choke."
    At his daughter's name he looked openly on the boy.  "You're a friend of my daughter's?"
    His brown eyes sparkled, "More like a thorn in her side."
    "Would you like to meet her?"
    "What do you mean?"  Lance's forehead wrinkled in confusion.  "I already know her."
    "As she is in your time, yes, but not as a little girl."
    "Allura... a little girl... Yah sure, why not?  Where is she?"
    King Alfor smiled, spun in his chair and gently taped the side of a book case.  Immediately a section fell forward and a blonde braided girl tumbled out at his feet.
    Lance blinked at them and found himself struck speechless as the tiny girl, obviously Allura, placed her hands on her hips and gave her father a level glare.  "Father!"
    Alfor chuckled in amusement before scooping her into a hug.
    "Allura I'd like you to meet..."
    Lance cut him off, eyeing the tomboy wearily.  "Lancelot.  Lancelot Braddock.  It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess."
    "You should bow when you address Royalty."  She replied smugly.
    Lance's mouth twisted into a smirk.  "I've never bowed to you, Princess, nor will I ever.  And if you don't like that you can toss me in the dungeon."
    The little girl's mouth dropped open.  "B-but?"
    She cocked her head to the side, "You aren't ordinary, are you?"
    King Alfor saw a flicker of pain in Lance's eyes before he spoke softly, "No.  I'm just ordinary."
    But to Alfor's surprise his daughter shook her head vehemently.  "No.  You're one for the Lions.  Just like Father, Denayl, Lyndel, Jezz and Tobel... Like I will be one day."  She frowned then chewed on her bottom lip in thought.  "But if that's true... than why are you here now?"
    Lance's face weent through a series of emotions before ending in a wide grin and a bubbling laugh.  "Man, I always wondered if Allura had been 'in touch' with the Lions since she was a kid.  Guess that answers THAT question."
    Alfor opened his mouth to reply but the alarms suddenly sounded.  As he moved past Lance he gripped the younger man's shoulder and looked directly into his brown eyes.  "Take care of my daughter."
    The boy's face became serious.  "We might not have the greatest relationship but I would never let anything happen to her, sir."
    For the first time, King Alfor felt the worry for his daughter's well-being slip away.  "I believe you."
    Lance's heart pounded along with the alarm and he wished he'd be the one flying Red Lion but somehow he tugged his mind back to his new job.
    Meeting Allura's blue eyes he found himself grinning at the braided little girl.  "Do you want to see if we can help in Castle Control?"
    Allura looked at him, a mischievious look on her face.  "Why did you say that we didn't get along?"  The question silenced Lance but she continued.  "I know that there's no way I could hate you... we're too much alike."  Grabbing his hand she tugged him towards the door.  "Hurry up.  I don't want to miss the action!"
    Lance saw Coran at the monitors as they entered but kept silent as he watched the screens.  The Lions weren't doing so well.  They were loosing and it seemed that Black was damaged and Red was down.
    He felt Allura squeeze his hand and he looked down.  She motioned for him to bend closeer and he obliged.  When his ear was close enough she whispered.  "There's another Lion.  The White Lion."
    Lance pulled away and stared at her in disbelief.  The once more she was leading him away.  Outside of Castle Control she stopped and turned to him.  "The White Lion is only used in times of emergencies.  There is no pilot because it is a ghost ship, flown by a special link.  Not many of the pilots can link to it.  The ability is very rare.  I can do it but I'm too young to establish control.  Father cans as well but he's flying the Black..."  She paused and eyed him with a calculatory glance.  "I believe you may be able to as well."
    "Princess.  As long as you'll be totally safe while I do this, I'm more than willing to try."
    She smiled at him.  "Then we must go to the Temple of the Lion Spirit."
    Allura had him sit cross-legged on the floor and returned a short time later holding two jeweled wrist braces and a matching circlet which she dressed him in.  The metal felt cool on his skin and he noted that the jewels were really just large opals.
    "The Temple's security systems have been activated.  Now close your eyes Lance and imagaine the ceremonial pieces becoming part of you.  Breath slowly..."
    The voice seemed replaced by the ghost of Denayl... "Let your heart lead you to where you're called, allow your spirit to follow it.  Your destiny has begun Lion's Heart... Red Lioon is no longer under Denayl's control... he has perished.  The Drule now have her and use her against the others... Hurry."
    Lance couldn't hope to describe tha sudden letting go, releasing hold on his body.  He wasn't sure where he was goin but he followed a thin thread of white upwards, as if in slow motion.  When he reached the end he found himself in a hazy, white cockpit that was translucent, allowing him to see the Castle and trees... everythin.  He wanted to get to the fight as soon as possible and no sooner had the though entered his mind than he was in space watching the Blue evading fire.
    The braces on each wrist seemed to have melted into his skin, the designe and stone becoming part of his body.  Somehow he managed to erect a shield around the Blue Lion just as one of the shots came at it.  Aiming the White Lion at the Drule ship he fired a laser at it, where it touched the ship disintegrated.
    A shot connected with the White Lion's leg and pain erupted in his own.  Turning he face the Red Lion and knew in certainty that he'd be unable to destroy it.  The Red shot again but Lance had lost his concentration and wasn't able to focus enough to move quickly.  The shot hit the Lion's left foreleg and his arm went numb.
    A crazy thought entered his head... the White Lion wasn't really solid... it was a spirit of some kind.  If he could mesh the Red and White together...
    No sooner had he though it then he found it happening.  His mind felt like it was being torn in two.
    Everything slowly became one and the strain of holding it was becoming too much.  "King Alfor can you hear me?"
    "Yes, no time to expalin.  Form Voltron."
    Lance was dimly aware that he felt solid and it was a second before he realized he'd somehow settled into Denayl's body.  "This is getting really weird."
    He'd missed the formation somehow and just barely caught... 'form blazing sword.', hitting the right buttons in reflex.  No sooner had he donw so then he felt the White's Spirit surround Voltron.  Unable to withstand the stress he felt himself 'snapped' back to his own body.
    Allura sensed what was happening.  The Lion's Spirit had beome one with all five Lion's and she glance at Lance in worry as he groaned in pain, unconcious.  His injuries were too real and he needed a doctor but there was no way she could carry him to Castle Control.  The left the... Alter.  He'd have to be sent back to his own time when she'd be ready to help him.
    Moving him slightly she gently pushed his hand into contact with the sacred object.
    "I'll be waiting Lance, I promise."