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Part Two
    Lance felt a hand shaking his shoulder, slowly his eyes opened but the shock of light caused him to snap them shut.  "Someone trying to blind me?"  Through his eyelids he saw the light dim and once more tried to open them.
    His vision cleared after a moment as the black dots danced away.  He found himself looking into the palm of a hand and gently pushed it out of the way as he sat up.  "Thanks."
    "No problem Lance."
    Lance's eyes widdened as he took in the black-clad figure kneeling next to him.  He blinked a couple of times, "Keith?  What...?"
    Keith's dark eyes sparkled, "Why Lance... if I didn't know better I'd say you missed me."
    For a split second Lance had to fight the urge to hug him.  He didn't say anything about the nightmare he'd had.  Pulling up his usual smirk he gave Keith a slight shove.  "You?  Nah."
    "Good to see you're finally awake Lance."
    Lance glanced up in time to see Sai sit down beside Keith and couldn't help but frown slightly, "When did I fall asleep?  I mean, the last thing I remember was talking to Ryo and... then... nothing."
    Keith shook his head, a grin on his face.  "Doesn't matter."
    Lance was about to protest when a gentle hadn touched his wrist.  Out of the corner of his eye he saw Sai's tiny smile and heard his quiet voice, "We'd better get back to the Lions before Kento and Hunk eat all of supper."
    Lance shot to his feet, "You guys left them alone in the presence of food?  You're got to be kidding!"
    Sage eyed the new comers dispassionately- Kento and Hunk seemed to have become fast friends, much like Pidge and Rowen, Ryo and Keith and Mia and the Princess.
    Out of the coner of his eye he watched Sai leading Lance and Keith back.  A smile pulled at the corners of his mouth at seeing Lance looking so much better.  His eyes narrowed as he remembered how severe his injuries had been.
    **Something wrong Sage?**
    Sage blinked as he looked back at Ryo's concerned face across the clearing.  **No, just thinking.  Don't worry about it.**
    He watched as the other eleven people started to eat, but stayed apart from them, lost in his thoughts.
    "Shouldn't think so hard, it could strain your brain."
    Sage jumped slightly as he looked up to see Lance standing a few feet in front of him, smiling and holding a plate with food on it.
    "Sai insisted someone bring you something to eat... said something about food being as necessary for the spirit as it is for the body... or something."
    Sage cocked his head to the side.  "So you're the one who lost the coin toss."
    Lance's face went beat red and he stared at his feet.  "I, uh, volenteered because... well, I, uh, wanted to thank you."
    "For what?"
    "For healing me."
    Sage paused in surprize.  "Uh, no problem.  Thanks for bringing me my supper before Hunk and Kento ate it all."
    Lance nodded handing Sage the plate but he didn't turn to leave and Sage waited.  "Mind if I join you?"
    Sage shook his head as Lance sat down next to him.  Silently they watched the couples talking.
    "Is there room for one more?"
    Sage set his empty plate down as he looked up at the speaker.  Sai had slipped into a pair of black shorts and a light blue t-shirt.  "Sure Sai."
    They sat still for a minute before Lance leaned forward.  "It's like they've found their kindred spirits, and we're left overs."
    Sai chuckled softly.  "I wouldn't say that.  If you open your mind you might find that the three of us have a lot in common."
    Sage found himself eyeing Sai coolly, "Oh?"
    Torrent laughed, "Yup, we'll go out tonight and I'll prove it to you.  But it'll be our little secret.  Agreed?"
    He found himself nodding at the suggestion and saw Lance doing likewise.
    "Tonight then.  Meet me in my room at 10:30."  He winked before getting up and moving towards the house.  Leaving Sage and Lance to stare after him.
    It was Lance who spoke.  "I have a bad feeling about this."
    "Me too."