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Walking on Fire

Lance slapped a tree branch out of his face as he walked through the think brush.Sweat trickled down the side of his face.He’d long ago stripped his flight suit to the waist, wrapping the arms around his body like a belt and wishing he could shed his undershirt as well.

“Man the next time that Pidge and Hunk want one of their prototype airships tested they can find ‘another’ pilot to test it.Hm, maybe they could even pilot it themselves.”

Crankily he knocked another branch out of his way before bringing the hand-held radio to his mouth.“Coran, am I still going in the right direction?”

There was a static blast before he heard Coran’s old but strong voice replace it.“Yes Lance.Keith and Sven are already waiting in Delfar for you.”


“He just arrived from Pollux a short while ago.”

Despite himself he grinned.“How much farther?”

“About one and half miles… if the brush wasn’t so thick we could have sent an aircraft for you when you first went down.”

Sighing Lance took in the excessive greenery around him.“I know.Look, just have Nanny prepare a decent meal for a change, as a gift for making it out of the jungle in one piece, will ya?”

He smiled to himself as he heard the Royal Advisor chuckle.“We shall see Lance. Coran out.”

Still smiling Lance slid the radio/tracking device back into his pocket.The old guy really had to learn to lighten up, Lance’s smile turned into a near-feral grin of anticipation as he thought of what Coran would do if he were to drag the older man ‘out’ for a night.

But the grin slowly faded as he remembered the look Allura had given him the ONE night he’d ACTUALLY gone out to the bar.He hadn’t even drunk anything but because some guy had dumped his beer all over him, he’d smelled drunk.

Now he was frowning.No one had believed him, not even Keith.In fact, Keith had gone so far as to lecture him on what amounts of alcohol were safe to be consumed.

Biting his lip he trudged forward, slapping at mosquitoes, why was it ha had such a bad reputation?Sure he didn’t like rules, had a bad temper and fought a lot.But he’d never drank alcohol and he rarely went to the bar.He wouldn’t deny that he was a rebel but he would have expected Keith, at least, to have given him the benefit of the doubt.

Lance felt a stab of pain above his ankle, something sharp, and he jumped forward just catching sight of a snake sliding through the undergrowth.Cursing he pulled off his undershirt and tore it down the middle before wrapping it tightly around his lower leg, above the bite.

Moving slowly he sat down on a fallen log, after looking for snakes, and didn’t move his leg anymore.

“Coran!”He snapped into the communicator.


Lance blinked in confusion.“Allura?Where’s Coran?”

“I relieved him so he could get some rest.What’s wrong?”She sounded irritated.
Lance gritted his teeth, “Oh nothing… except that a snake has just bitten me!”

There was a pause before the Princess spoke.“A snake?Did you see what it looked like?”

“Not really.”His stomach lurched, and bile rose in his throat.Glancing down at the bite he swallowed hard around the sudden lump in his throat when he saw the discolored wound.“But if the look of my leg is anything to go by, I’d say it was a pretty poisonous one.”

When he didn’t get a reply right away he wondered if Allura was still listening to him, “Allura?Hey, you still there?”

“Yes Lance, I am.I was just relaying your coordinates to Black Lion.Keith and Sven are on their way.”

“But they can’t land here!If the tried they’d only get hurt!”

Allura’s voice was soft, calming.“Lance, it’s alright.Keith has a plan.Just sit still, don’t move too much and try to stay calm.”

“That’s easy for you to say.Your leg isn’t beginning to swell to twice its size.”Before she could comment on his sarcastic tone he sighed, “I’m sorry Allura.I didn’t mean…”

“I know.”Allura’s voice was gentle, like his twin sister, Lisa had been when she’d tried to console him.Thinking of his sister made his throat close up.“Lance, I’m going to put you through to Keith and Sven, alright?”



Keith watched Sven’s eyes widen as he told him what had happened.

“E vhat?!”

“He managed to get bitten by a snake.Allura’s going to patch him through to Black Lion.We’re going to have to go get him.”

“But ve can’t land.”

Keith ran a hand over his face.“We’ll have to hover and pull him up using a rope, harness and pully.It won’t be easy but it’s the only chance he’s got.Allura says that from what she’s pieced together he’s getting worse and fast.”

Sven’s dark eyes hardened and he nodded curtly, “Zen vhat are ve vaiting for?Letz go.”


Lance looked around at his surroundings, trying hard not to look at his discolored leg.At one time he had to squeeze his eyes shut to block out the world spinning crazily around him.


Forcing his eyelids open he fumbled with the radio.“Keith?Izato?”He blinked at the slurred way he spoke and swallowed hard.“Sorry Keith.My tongue doesn’t want to work right.”

“That’s fine, less chatter that way.We’ll be there soon, okay?”

“Yah, I’ll be waiting.”


Lance jerked awake, he didn’t remember falling asleep, and glanced at his radio dumbfoundedly before getting it close to his mouth, “Keith?”It surprised him how weak his voice sounded.

“God Lance.Don’t do that?”

“Do what?”

“ I’ve been calling you for the last five minutes!”

A noise caught his attention and looking up he saw an angel, that is if a large mechanical black and white lion, could be called an angel.Chuckling softly to himself he waved, “Hi Keith.”

“Lance?”He could hear the worry in his friend’s voice.

“I’m okay… Well sort of…”

“I’m dropping the harness.Can you put it on?”

Lance fought back nausea.“Sure.NO problemo.”

Not too far from him the harness dropped, and watching for snakes he moved towards it just before doubling over in a coughing fit.Forcing his body to work and ignoring Keith’s worried inquiries he clumsily slipped the contraption on and did it up.Shivering he raised the radio to his lips with both shaking hands.“Haul me up.”Was all he managed to choke out before the device slipped from his hands.


Lance was engulfed by darkness but far in the distance he could hear voices and despite himself his curiosity got the best of him and he found himself moving in the direction of the noise.

Slowly he found his eyes opening and blinking away dots he glanced around the white room.Keeping quiet he listened calmly to what the other two people in the room were saying.

“Jesus Sven, what am I ever going to do with him?”

“I don’t knowt Keit.E ees a stubborn one.”

“And he’s also only sixteen!Pidge may be fifteen but at least he stays inside working on the computers or the machinery with Hunk.I know with Hunk there that the chances of him getting hurt are slim.Lance, on the other hand, goes off without telling anyone and he attracts trouble like a plague.”

There was a shrug in Sven’s voice, “Zhat ees just ‘ow e ees.”

Keith let out a loud sigh, and his next words sounded choked.“I know, God knows I know.And I also know he’s second in command of Voltron and that he earned that right, but…”

“But you vorry.”

Keith laughed harshly, “He’s giving me gray hair Sven!Today… I though I’d lost him.He’s-he’s like the brother I never had and he’s my…”

“Your best friend.I knowt zhat Keit.Ve are friends, true, but you two are much closer.”

“I don’t want to loose him Sven…”

Lance stared at the ceiling a moment, his mouth was dry but slowly he spoke.“You won’t loose me Keith.I’m too stubborn to die.”

He watched as Keith moved to his side, face red, and smiled sheepishly.“Sorry, ‘bout eavesdropping but… Keith, you and Sven are the only family I have.I don’t mean to worry you but you know that I can’t change.”

Keith’s lips twitched and Lance though he heard Sven laugh.“At least I can count on your being too stubborn to die.Your as bad as Nanny when she wants something done.”

“You’re comparing me to Nanny!No way!”

Keith grinned, “If the broom fits….”

Lance glared at him, “Now you’re calling me a witch?Jeez Keith, have some compassion.”

“Get some rest Lance.”

Lance met Keith’s dark eyes, his face becoming serious.“I won’t die needlessly Keith, that much I can promise.”

Keith nodded sadly, “I know, but I’m still going to worry, it’s something Sven tells me, that older brothers do.”