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Highlander and The Young Riders Fanfiction

Updated on 6-26-02

Here are some Fanfiction stories written about Highlander and The Young Riders. If you have a Highlander and/or The Young Riders Story you wish to submit please email us!

Welcome Jenna! She has a new story up Called Coming Full Circle

We have a New contest up go to Seacouver Way Station First Writing Contest Page for the details.

Stories by Stacie

Highlander: Mairi
What happens when Duncan gets a visitor claiming to be his niece? This is strictly Highlander but has some The Young Riders hints for later stories.

HL/TYR Crossover: The Contract
I wrote this sotry to enter into Kristin's How The Riders got Their Jobs Contest How Louise might have gotten her job as a Pony Express Rider.
HL/TYR Crossover: The Myrtle's
A Holloween Story that I wrote for Joanna's Contest Campfire Tales From The Crypt This story takes place in a real Haunted House near my hometown.

TYR: Another Reality
What if Lou grew up with a loving father and Boggs was a good man? Find out how different their lives could have been.

TYR: Another Reality Part2
The ending to Another Reality.

Stories by Heidi

A woman call salvation
Heidi's First TYR fanfic to be posted on this site.

Stories by Rae

Promise Kept
Is there still love between Camille and Buck? Find out in this exciting story!
(This is the link for the whole story)

Jocelyne's Stories

Leson of a Lifetime
What Buck's Fist Time could have been like. This story was written for a contest on Bedtime Stories.

Stories by Jenna

Coming Full Circle
a Highlander Story about Methos and one of the Macleods.

If you like a story on this page, then please let the Author know by sending feedback and if it is a TYR story also nominate it for the TYR Fanfic Awards!