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Coming Full Circle

Coming Full Circle

(A Highlander Tale)

Written by Jennifer Kronicz,

Copywrite; December 2001


Highlander (The Series) is the property of Gaumont International, Davis/Panzer Productions and Rysher Entertainment. No infringement of any copyrights is intended. I am just grateful they have allowed me to play in their world for a while, borrowing their characters of: Duncan Macleod, Connor Macleod and Methos.

However, Jenna Macleod is fully my creation and copyrights to her and her character belong souly to me. She is not to be used in any way shape or form without my express permission. Thank you.


Methos wasn't sure why he had agreed to attend Duncan Macleod's 407th birthday party. The boyscout hadn't really pushed the issue; it was more a gut feeling that he should go. He stuffed his hands down deeper into his coat pockets and moved along the dark street a little more quickly. He could hear the laughter and music before he entered Joe's bar where the birthday party was being held. He immediately sensed the two other immortals in the bar. One much older than the other and achingly familiar, he tensed and began to scan the crowd around him. His eyes found Duncan first and almost at the same time, Macleod laid eyes on Methos as well. The Highlander quickly cut through the partygoers toward his friend, a large smile on his face.

"Methos! I'm glad you could come…I didn't think…" Duncan stopped in mid sentence at the look on his friends face. Methos was still looking around the bar as he asked, "You have company Macleod?"

Duncan nodded absently, "My cousin…"

"By 'cousin', your not referring to Connor, are you?" Methos asked finally locking eyes on Duncan.

"No…you know Jenna?" Duncan asked warily.

Methos didn't have a chance to answer, instead they heard a voice from behind and to the right of Duncan say, "He does."

Duncan turned to find Jenna Macleod, the oldest of the three immortal Macleod's, standing not far from them and gazing intently at Methos. To call her beautiful would have been an understatement. She stood only five foot four inches, long sandy blonde hair loose around her shoulders. Sea blue eyes taking in every inch of Methos as he did the same to her. She wore an ankle length, brown suede skirt with a slit that ran all the way up to her right thigh. Knee length brown suede boots and a white peasant blouse that showed off one smooth shoulder blade completed her attire. Methos was having a very hard time keeping his breathing even. The three stood silent, the two older immortals lost in memories of times past. Duncan finally cleared his throat and said quietly, "I think maybe we ought to head back to my loft, we can talk more openly there."

Jenna found her voice and said, "No…no, actually it might be better if Methos and I go alone. We have…a lot to discuss and privacy would be best. Wouldn't you agree?" She asked looking toward the oldest immortal alive. Methos could only nod. He shoved Duncan's hastily wrapped gift into the Highlanders hands and helping Jenna on with her coat watched as she lightly kissed her kinsman's cheek and said quietly, "Thank you for understanding…it's just…very complicated." He saw Macleod nod mutely and watch them as they left the bar. The look on Duncan's face said that they'd see him sooner than Methos would have liked.

Duncan on the other hand turned quickly and heading back into the crowd began searching for Joe Dawson. He had some serious questions for the watcher.

Jenna strolled along beside Methos in silence. She knew that he was having a hard time dealing with her sudden appearance and she had to admit that it had been a huge shock to 'feel' him as he had entered the bar. An even bigger shock to actually see him again. She had missed him, and had not been aware of just how much until she had seen him. He finally spoke, though it was very low and in her native language of Gaelic.

"I've missed you little one."

Jenna stopped in mid step catching Methos by surprise she stared hard at him and said, "No…You have no right any more…do you understand?"

He came close, so close they where nose to nose and he stared her straight in the eye as he said, "I will always have the right, and you bloody well know it." With that he wrapped her into his embrace and kissed her. She struggled against him for a moment and then gave in. The kiss was slow and deliberate on his part but as he pulled away. She said, "I won't let you do this to me, not this time Methos. I've learned my lesson."

She watched as his face change and he turned away abruptly and started walking in the direction of the loft again. She was left with little choice but to follow him or turn back and face Duncan and a billion and one questions. She continued on behind Methos.

*****(Back at the Bar)

Joe Dawson set a glass down in front of Duncan Macleod and proceeded to pour a double shot of Whiskey. The immortal hadn't uttered a word since Joe had broken the news that Jenna and Methos had once been husband and wife.

"Listen, Mac…the details are sketchy. We have more info on your cousin then we will ever have on Methos. But from what we can find they where married for about 30 years, give or take. He shrugged"

Duncan downed the shot and nodded mutely. "I'm going back to the loft. I want answers from both of them. I deserve at least that." The immortal froze for a moment, a sobering thought coming at him like a lightning strike, "Damn, the old man's actually been family."

Joe Dawson snickered as he watched Macleod grab his coat and say goodbye to his friends.

***(Back at the Loft)***

Methos stood watching Jenna struggle with the lock on Macleod's door and finally shoved her aside lightly and opened it in one quick turn. He turned and swept a hand toward the door in a mock gentlemanly pose. Jenna stood looking at him mutely before entering. It was her turn to watch as he deposited his jacket on the nearest chair and made a beeline for Duncan's wet bar. She got the distinct feeling he was quite at home here and that alone made her nervous.

She finally hung up her jacket and headed toward the kitchen. She wanted something to do to take her mind off the man in the room with her, if only for a moment or two. She took out a plate, crackers, a block of cheese and an apple and some grapes and got busy making up a plate for them. Methos meanwhile had taken his drink and himself to the couch and sat silently watching her move gracefully around the kitchen. Just seeing her brought back some larger than life memories and feelings and he was having a hard time suppressing them. He had finished his whiskey and stood and came into the kitchen and grabbed a beer from Macleod's refrigerator and was making his way back to the couch when he saw her staring at him.

"What?" He asked her.

"Why do I get the distinct impression you've been here before?" She asked him waving the knife at the beer in his hand and the empty shot glass now in the sink.

"Your cousin and I are friends." he answered walking toward the couch and sitting down again.

She shook her head and went back to what she had been doing, trying in vain to ignore his heavy gaze. She poured herself a glass of wine when she was done and headed toward the couch, food in hand. Setting the plate down in the middle of the table, she watched him take an apple slice and a piece of cheese and start to eat. Her stare must have made him uncomfortable because he stopped chewing and returned her gaze and around his mouthful said, "What?!"

She just smiled and grabbed a cracker and started to eat. He just continued to eat and ignore her. Finally sitting back he took a pull off the bottle of beer and watched her as she tugged off her boots and sat back tucking her feet up underneath her. As she did it, it brought back more memories of her, like the fact that she would brush her hair 150 strokes before bed, and that she only used honeysuckle and witch-hazel to wash her hair. Or the fact that when he had kissed her earlier, she had tasted sweet, like strawberries and wine. He could hardly believe it had been 600 years since he had seen her. She had been the beginning of the changes that had occurred for the better in Methos. He had found forgiveness and…the only word he could use to describe the feeling was…healing. She must have felt the weight of his stare and returned it openly waiting for him to speak.

"I've missed you little one, this is truth. Have you missed me?" He asked her again.

She never had a chance to answer, because at that moment Duncan chose to come home. He slammed in, not hiding the fact that he was looking for answers. He took in the scene in one quick glance and doing much as Methos had done, threw down his jacket on the nearest chair and headed to the bar. He picked up the whiskey decanter and realizing that it was lower than when he had left turned an angry gaze on Methos.

"I didn't think you'd mind Macleod." Methos said calmly.

Jenna added lightly, "Why is it men have to drink in situations like this, but a woman can remain calm and drink only tea or water?" He attempt at humor gained her little but a nasty glance from her cousin. She shrugged lightly and sat back in her seat.

Duncan turned away and poured himself a drink before heading toward a chair that sat across from the couch. Sitting he put down his glass and stared at Jenna. It was her turn to squirm under his rather intense scrutiny. Methos watched them closely just waiting for Macleod to turn his anger on him. He would put a stop to it sooner than the Highlander expected. He sat back and waited to see what was coming next.

"Why?" Duncan asked her.

"Why what?" She answered him.

"Don't be coy with me…you where married to him and never bothered to tell us!" Duncan snapped as he pointed an accusing finger at Methos.

Jenna looked at Methos with a questioning glance and then back to Duncan, "I didn't think it would be of interest to you cousin." She said trying to keep her calm.

Methos leaned forward and grabbing a cracker continued to munch as he watched. For this he received a withering look from Duncan, the immortal didn't let it bother him though he'd been in worse spots with Duncan Macleod and he knew Duncan's anger was only temporary and mostly out of shock.

Jenna stared back at her cousin as calmly as Methos had and continued to eat. She was almost three thousand and had no intention of letting Duncan rattle her. Her marriage to Methos had been long ago. She said nothing instead letting Duncan fume silently.

She finally took pity and when she addressed him it was low and soft, "Duncan? It was a mistake, it happened, what…?" She looked at Methos for confirmation, "Over a thousand years ago?" He nodded, slightly angered at the fact that she had called it a mistake but held his tongue.

"Besides, I don't know why Connor never said anything to you. I told him about it a few years ago and all he said was that he was sorry." She told him.

Methos' head swiveled quickly to Jenna as she spoke to Duncan, 'Sorry…for what, 26 happy years?' He thought angrily. Still he held his tongue, 'Just you wait little one, I'm going to give you as good as I get when we get out of here.' He thought with a smile.

Duncan's mouth dropped, "Connor knows!?" He watched her nod.

"And now you know why I didn't tell you." She said quietly watching his mouth snap shut. Methos covered his chuckle with a cough and was almost sure Duncan was going to reach over and smack the shit out of him for his bad timing.

Duncan sat back, Jenna watched him grinding his teeth for a moment and finally said, "OK…you obviously crave answers, so ask…I mean it's alright with me, I certainly have nothing to hide. Do you?" She asked looking at Methos.

Methos shook his head but stood and crossed to the nearest window leaving his back to the Macleod cousins. Jenna glanced back at Duncan, "So, what is it you wish to know?"

Duncan stared at Methos' back a moment before asking, "How long where you married?"

Jenna sighed, "Twenty six years." She saw Methos give a small nod.

"Who left who?" Duncan asked, not missing a beat.

Jenna saw Methos stance change, his shoulders took on a defensive set. She said softly, "I did."

Duncan snorted as if to say, 'I knew it!'

Jenna sighed and said, "What else?"

"Where, and when did you meet?" her cousin asked, glancing toward the silent figure by the window. Jenna heard Methos say, "Egypt…we met in Egypt."

Jenna stood, closing the space between them, she lay a gentle hand on his arm. He turned toward her and she smiled up at him. She laid one cool hand on his face and said, "Those where the good times." He nodded and kissed the inside of her wrist electing a small smile from Jenna.

Duncan realized he was no longer in the room to them. He cleared his throat and watched Jenna move quickly away from Methos. The old man watched her go reluctantly turning back to the window, his arms still crossed across his chest. It was then that it became clear to Duncan how much the old man still cared for her. He took a moment and asked, "What happened? Why didn't it work?" He was surprised when Methos spoke up, "Life happened Macleod."

Jenna snickered and Duncan watched Methos turn at the sound, she looked at him with a grin and said, "If I recall her name was Suzanne…and she was a brunette."

Duncan tensed, 'He cheated on her!' He thought angrily, but he watched as they both laughed and Methos said, "Actually Suzette and she was a red head. God, if it's one thing you Macleod's have in common it's a long memory." He said with a snicker.

Duncan's face took on a cold look, he was having a hard time laughing all of this off and as Jenna finally looked at him, her laughter stopped as suddenly as it began. She stood and grabbing her boots started to put them on. She looked quickly at Methos, "Do you have an apartment near here? Someplace we can talk privately?" She asked. He nodded and stood up, following her lead. Duncan didn't try to stop them but sat silent and brooding. Jenna accepted her jacket from Methos and as she stopped at the door that he held open for her she glanced back at Duncan. Her decision made, she crossed the room quickly and standing in front of him said nothing but gave him a pleading glance. He rose from his seat and enveloped her in a hug. Methos looked away and out the door in order to give them the privacy that he and Jenna had not been given earlier. He heard her say, "Thank you." to Duncan before re-crossing the room to him and stopping to stand beside him, Methos turned and glanced at Macleod. The Highlander looked at him silently and then turned and walked off toward his bedroom. Methos knew he would have to deal with Duncan one on one later, he would have to make sure he had his sword at the time, better safe then sorry.

Methos hailed a cab and giving the driver his address, sat back and looked across to Jenna. She was staring silently out the window not really seeing the passing scenery. He took one of her hands in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. She returned the squeeze without looking at him and the ride started and ended in silence. As he paid the cabby the fair, Jenna stood staring up at the night sky, remembering a night long ago that she had danced under these same stars, a newly married woman to a handsome man who made her incredibly happy. She looked down to find that same man beside her now and smiled. He took her hand and led her inside.

Methos unlocked his door and let Jenna in ahead of him, turning on lights as he went. She stopped inside the entry and let him pass her by. She stood silent as she took in her surroundings. Methos had never been one for creature comforts and she could see that he hadn't changed that fact. The walls where a cream color, paintings hung every so often around the room. The largest piece of furniture was a king size bed that dominated one corner of the room. A large fireplace, a leather couch and stacks of books where really the rest of the largest furniture besides a stereo system and large screen TV that was really it. She gave a slight shiver due to the chill in the room. She turned toward her host as he cleared his throat. He had taken off his coat and stood, one shoulder leaning easily against the nearest doorframe while awaiting her response.

She smiled easily and asked, "Can I get something hot to drink?"

He nodded, "Tea ok?" He asked her

"Earl Grey?" She asked hopefully. He chuckled, "Coming right up. Take a seat or look around…" He said waving a hand at the room. She nodded and removing her coat hung it next to his before starting to inspect her surroundings. Methos was over five thousand years old and even when Jenna had met him the first time she had realized immediately that he was a scholar. She picked up some of the books and began to read the titles, a small smile tugging at her lips; there was everything from Shakespeare to Physics. One thing that caught her eye was a painting that hung above the fireplace; it was done by one of her favorite artists, Monet. The piece that Methos had chosen was entitled, "The Thames Below Westminster". Jenna stood silently staring at it, and this is how he found her. He watched her a moment in silence from the kitchen before crossing to her and handing her the mug of tea.

"I've always loved that piece, I've no idea why. I purchased it a few years ago at Christy's." He said sipping at his own steaming mug. She looked at him and then back to the painting before making her way to the couch. He followed her and asked, "Would you like a fire?"

"Mmm, that would be great." She said with a smile. She watched him squat and start to build up the firewood, it gave her time to take him in without him being so aware of it. An immortal never changes physically, but as Jenna took in Methos' face she could detect small changes, most of it in the eyes. She wanted so badly to know how he'd been. Finally done he stood and crossed back to the couch, taking the seat beside her he stared off into the flames letting a comfortable silence envelope them.

She spoke first, 'You don't know how surprised I was to…feel you tonight." He looked at her, one eyebrow raised and a slight smile pulling at one corner of his mouth as he said, "I think I was just as surprised, although I must admit it was quite a pleasant one at that." She returned the smile and sighed.

"It's been far too long, if I remember correctly you where teaching medicine the last time I saw you." She said sipping her tea.

He nodded and looked back toward the fire. "I was…I gave medicine up about four hundred years ago." He said quietly.

"That's a shame, you where god at it."

He looked back at her, their gazes locked for a long time, she being the one to look away first.

"So, tell me, what brings you here? The last I heard you where in Scotland helping Connor with his antiques business."

The fact that he had any idea where she had been and recently took her by surprise, "Yes, I was. Connor couldn't come, we wanted to surprise Duncan for his birthday. I came and Connor's to be here in a few days. Kind of like a family reunion of sorts." She said watching him closely.

He simply nodded and finishing his tea, set the cup aside and turned in his seat so he could see her better. "How long will you be in town?" He asked her.

She shrugged, "A week or two at most I suppose, why?"

"I was hoping to get to spend some time with you. It's been a long time Jenna…" He said trailing off.

"Methos…" She began, she sighed and ran a stray hand through her hair. She was unsure where to go with his last comment. While she had missed him terribly, it had ended rather badly the last time and he had left her heartbroken for quite a while. She realized he was not aware of the damage he'd done, but she didn't feel like suffering again. Turning toward him, she was surprised to find he had moved closer still and was looking at her, his head cocked to one side, seemingly trying to read her thoughts. He smiled and leaning closer claimed the kiss he'd been waiting six centuries for.

Jenna closed her eyes and let him take control for a moment. He placed one hand on the back of her head and urged her closer still. She moved slightly, turning into him. He felt warm and solid, she moaned softly and felt him smile. Breaking away, he kissed her forehead and eyelids softly. "You've no need to be frightened of me." He murmured. She stared into the green eyes that had hypnotized her more than a thousand years ago and began to feel her resolve cracking. She placed her hands on his face and ran her fingers gently over it. "I've missed you too. I have a feeling the last 600 years have not been so kind to you. Have they my love?" She asked him. He shook his head, "However the future has suddenly become a bit brighter." He told her claiming another kiss. She moved closer to him, arms wrapped loosely around his neck, her hands running through his soft short brown hair. She had forgotten how she had missed the very feel of him, the soft accent of his voice. She sighed as they broke away again.

"If …" She began, "You break my heart this time Methos, neither Duncan or Connor will have the opportunity to try and protect my heart, for I will take your head without a second thought." She said staring at him.

"I don't doubt it for a moment." He said with a chuckle. He stood and picking her up carried her over to the bed. He didn't lay her down but let her stand beside it with him. He looked at her a moment, drinking in everything, from the way her hair lay against her bare shoulder to the way she smelled and felt in his arms, he could remember their first night together over a thousand years ago, they had met in Egypt. One of the cities Methos still believed to be the most beautiful in the world. They had come together in a large chamber in a bed fit for a king, silk netting and silk sheets…now here they stood again…and he felt somehow as if they had come full circle, back to where they belonged. He brushed a strand of hair off her shoulder and ran a loving hand over her face. He smiled as she closed her eyes and turned her face into the caress. He stepped back and removed his shirt and watched as she began to undress as well. When he was through he turned down the sheets and turned back to her. She stood with a small smile on her face…waiting, he moved forward and pulled her into his arms, looking down at her he returned the smile before claiming her lips with his.

Jenna couldn't recall how he had done it, but the next instant she was lying among the pillows, Methos covering her. She had forgotten how well they fit one another. Her petite frame melding in all the right places with his lankier one. He was currently paying homage to her neck and she felt him place a possessive hand on the small of her back urging her upward, she knew he was aware that, that was her most tender spot. She moaned softly and felt the fire inside her grow. She also knew in the back of her mind that Methos had always enjoyed tormenting her by dragging her, even kicking and screaming to the edge before fulfilling her. It would be a long and pleasurable night for the two of them, she knew he would make certain of it.


Jenna awoke with a sense of the surreal, gazing around the apartment it took a moment to place where she was. As memories of the night before came rushing back to her, she felt heat flood her cheeks. She had sworn she wouldn't…but he had looked so good. She sighed softly and lay still, she could hear his soft and even breathing…Methos was still asleep. Crawling out from under the covers she gathered her things and found her purse and headed for the bathroom. She took a hot shower and stood wrapped in a white terrycloth towel that she had found hanging on the back of the door. She contemplated getting dressed and leaving before he woke, but struck the thought almost as fast as it had come to her. She wanted to see him, wanted the time together that he had mentioned, and besides Connor wasn't due into town for a few days. Duncan…well, she would…no they would cross that bridge later. Toweling her hair dry she put on her delicates and wrapped the towel around herself again. Opening the door she peeked around the corner, he was still asleep. She tiptoed to the side of the bed and stared down at him a moment, then picked up his shirt from the night before. It was gray cotton, long sleeves and an open neck. She held it to her nose and breathed in deeply, she could smell a musky scented cologne and a warm male sent that was Methos. Removing the towel she put his shirt on. It was too large and came to her knees. She rolled up the sleeves and padded back to the bathroom to replace the towel. She sighed and headed toward the kitchen, once there she found what she needed for a cup of tea and then went back into the living room, steaming mug in hand. Unhurriedly she browsed his book selection. Eclectic was the best word she could use to describe it and Jenna managed to find a paper back detective novel and curled up on the couch under a blanket and began to read.

She was unsure of how much time had passed when she suddenly became aware of someone watching her. She looked up from the book to find him sitting up gazing at her intently. She smiled and was rewarded when he returned it. He yawned and stretched as he moved the sheet aside and began to dress. He stopped as he began to look around for his missing shirt. She coughed lightly and stood, letting him see that she had borrowed it. His gaze went from head to toe and he said quietly, "It looks better on you." She chuckled and sat back down with a light shiver. He crossed the room and began to build up the fire, which had burnt out the night before. When he was done he turned toward her, "Hungry?" he asked. She nodded.

"What would you like?" He asked as he headed toward a closet and a fresh shirt.

Jenna shrugged, "Anything sounds good." She said with a smile. She watched him nod and then head into the kitchen. "You want some help?" She called as she heard the clang of pots and pans.

"No…I'll be fine…how does an omelet sound?" He asked her.

"Delectable." She answered. It was less than an hour later that he presented her with the most wonderful omelet she had ever tasted. As they ate they talked about what to do with the day. Methos suggested an art museum and then lunch at one of his favorite café's.

"Actually…" She said, "I had hoped to just spend the day here, with you…alone."

He almost dropped his plate, but caught it and gently placing it on the table turned toward her with a smile. "Really?" He asked.

Jenna had to stop herself from laughing at the way his voice sounded, almost like an over eager little boy. She nodded. "Uh-huh, that ok?"

His smile was huge as he moved a little closer and instead of speaking answered her with a kiss. The rest of the day was spent reading to one another by the fire, playing chess (In which Jenna had the satisfaction of besting Methos twice.), making love and sleeping curled together between the sheets. As the light began to fade, Methos moved from beside her and began to dress. Jenna woke and watched him in silence. He turned toward her when he was done and kissed her lightly. "Get dressed, I'm taking you out to dinner."

"Methos…maybe we should call and invite Duncan. The poor man turned 407 yesterday and I practically abandoned him at his birthday party."

He glanced at her and shrugged…"Fine." He said heading toward the bathroom.

She watched him go before crawling out from under the covers and tugging on his shirt as she picked up the telephone to call her cousin. Duncan picked up on the third ring.


"Duncan? It's Jenna…are you ok, you sound out of breath?" She asked.

"Fine…I was helping Connor with his luggage. Thanks for telling me by the way."

Jenna froze. Methos was watching her from the bathroom and came to stand against the doorframe, a questioning look on his face. She mouthed, "Connor!"

"Already?" He said out loud without thinking.

Duncan heard him and said, " What?"

Jenna heard the tenseness in her cousin's voice and said, "Is Connor there? May I speak with him?" She heard a muffled conversation and then Connor was on the line.

"Jenna! Where are you lass?" I was expecting you to be here?"

She laughed lightly and said, "I'm at a friends, we where just about to go to dinner and had hoped Duncan might join us. But now that you’re here it would be wonderful to have all four of us together for dinner. Are you hungry?" She asked him glancing worriedly in Methos direction. His face remained impassive, but his eyes showed he wasn't thrilled with her extended invitation. She shrugged and shook her head as if to say, 'I don't know what to do!'

He sighed and shrugged, then said quietly enough that only she could hear him, "It's fine little one, all I care about is that you’re here. Your cousins are welcome to come, it would good to see Connor again." With that he turned back to the bathroom and closed the door lightly. Jenna sank onto the couch and tuned back into what Connor was in the middle of saying…"…flight was early, I just wanted to surprise the both of you. Dinner sounds great. How about you and…your friend come here. We can fix dinner and talk." He said. She heard Duncan say something loudly in the background and could only imagine the Hell that Connor would catch when he hung up.

She decided to get it over with and said frankly, "Connor, I know he's told you it's Methos. I figured he'd handle it better than this." She said quietly.

Connor could hear the tension in her voice and said, "Relax lass it'll be fine. It would be good to see the old man again. Bring him with you and tell him to bring a good bottle of wine and that everything will work itself out. Duncan's young, and he loves you, it's only his protectiveness and pride that are showing."

Jenna heard Duncan say something else too that was muffled, but sounded like, "Not that young!" She chuckled and said, "We'll be there in an hour, and Connor…thank you."

He laughed and said, "I love you cousin, see you soon." And hung up the phone. She did likewise and turning around found Methos standing in the doorway watching her. She remained silent and waited for him to speak. What he said caught her so off guard she almost fell off the couch.

"I love you Macleod."

The admission in itself was not surprising, but that he had voiced it out loud. She stood and came to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him close she said, "And I you Methos, Now and forever."

**End Section One **More to come!**

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