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Lesson of a Lifetime

By: Jocelyne

Sitting with his back against a tree looking out over the prairie. Buck was lost in his own thoughts. He didn't hear Sarha calling to him as she walk towards him. Seeing that he seems to be off in his own thoughts. As she neared him she decided to just sit directly in front of him, She said, "Hey there handsome. What has you looking so distant?"

Smiling at her he said, "I was just thinking about how I wish my brother could be here tomorrow."

Looking at him Sarha knew he was hiding something from her. Touching his check she said, "You know your brother is more then welcome to come. Now I know there is something else you are thinking about. What is it?"

As he reached out and pulled her to sit in front of him encircling his arms around her he said, "It's nothing just thinking of the past. What brings you out here? I thought Lou would have you busy preparing for tomorrow."

Resting her head against his chest she said, " I just needed a break. You would think that no one ever gets married around here by the way she is carrying on I know that she means will. So I don't want to hurt her feelings. It will be over with tomorrow afternoon.

Nuzzling his face in her hair he said, "I think Lou is more ready for tomorrow then we are. But I do need to talk to you about something."

Getting the feeling that what ever he needed to say was really important to him to say. Without looking at him she said, "You know that you can talk to me about anything. What is it?"

Resting his head on top of her head he was thinking, How do I tell her that she's not my first. Becoming lost in his thoughts again, That particular day long ago seem to come back to him as if it happened to him yesterday.

On his way back to the mission from a successful day of hunting. He was suddenly surrounded but about 15 men on horse. Seeing that there was no way he could get away he just stood there ready for what ever they might try to do. One of the men on his right said, "Hey Thompson look what we have here. Its an Injun,"

One of the men to his left moved forward and said, " So if he isn't one. But there are no Indians around here. But look here he has done and got us our supper. You can save yourself a lot of trouble boy but giving us those rabbits."

Looking down at the rabbits in his hand. He said, "I can't do that. These are for the people at the mission. Now please I don't want any trouble just let me pass and I will be on my way."Laughing the one that seem to be the leader said, " Now I can't do that. You might tell someone where we are. Now hand them over and drop that knife." Shaking his head no He was struck form behind. Everything went black. He woke several hours later. Trying to sit up he looked around and saw that he was in a small room. Managing to get to his feet. He looked for a door but didn't see one. and there were no windows the only light was from cracks in the wall. He could hear voices but couldn't make out what they were saying. Sitting back down on the bed he thought, Where am I? The nuns and Ike are going to be worried about me if I don't return soon."

Just then the door opened, and a lovely white women walked in and shut the door behind her. She was caring a candle with her which allowed him to see her better. Feeling a bit frightened he got up from the bed and began to back away from her. Seeing the fear in his eyes she said, "Don't be afraid. I wont hurt you. I will be gentle." Not knowing weather or not to believe her he continued to back up til he was up against the wall. She stopped and continued to say, " What's your name? I'm Kathreen. I have always wanted to know what it was like to be done by and Indian." She closed the distance between them with in two strides.

Reaching up she gently cupped his face and began kissing him. While kissing him she let her hands wonder down to his waist. She reached for the tie that held his pants up. She untied in and began to push them down. Not knowing what she was trying to do. He followed her lead and let his hands wonder to her breast. then he proceeded to unbutton her blouse and cupped her breast. Breaking the kiss he let his instants take over. He took her breast into his mouth and sucked on it. Slowly he started to tease her nipple with his teeth. He moved over to the other breast and did the same thing to it as he did to the other one. He continued to this till both nipples stood erect. He heard a low moan escape her throat. He knew that she enjoyed what he was doing.

Pulling back she knelt down in front of him and helped him out of his boots and pants. Sitting back she said, "You sure are built for someone so young." His checks started to turn a flaming red when he realized what she was talking about. But that was quickly replaced but a low growl from his throat. As she took him into her mouth. With one hand she cupped his sack and played with the balls inside and the other hand reached around and garbed his check. She worked him in and out of her mouth for a few minutes them feeling him tighten she sensed that he was close. So she took him as far into her mouth as she could. As this moment he couldn't hold back any longer. He exploded with a force he never knew excised.

She stood and taking him by the hand she lead him over to the bed. Removing the rest of her clothes. She laid down on the bed pulling him down next to her. Seeing the look of confusion on his face she said, " Go on explore. that the only way you are going to learn." Getting on his knees next to the bed he began sucking and teasing her nipples again. Then he made a trail of kisses down her stomach towards her womanly center. She pulled her legs open to allow him more access to her. He maneuvered himself into a better position. He opened her lips and let his tongue and finger explore her. Letting is tongue go to work on her love button he slid his finger into her and and out of her. He continued to do this till she was close to climaxing. Sensing she was close to climaxing, He continued the slow and methodical movement of his tongue. while he worked his finger to a more fever pitch. He felt her clamp down on his finger as her body thrashed around as a earth shattering force of her orgasm took her.

Turing her over he cupped her check with one hand and stroked himself with the other hand. He remembered seeing his mothers husband do this to her when they thought he was asleep. He's movement started out slow and long at first. Then they got faster and more forceful. The sound of their bodies slapping together was the only sound that could be heard in the room. They both reached their peek at the same time. He collapsed on top of her. Rolling over she cradled him in her arms saying, " Well I would have to say you were very good for first timer. I better be leaving before Thompson finds me here. I am going to leave the door unlocked. When you don't hear any noise outside the door Open it and take your knife from the table and leave never look back."

As she got dressed He said, " Will I ever see you again?"

As she tied her shoe she said, "No. Its to dangerous. But please never forget me."

She left the room and Buck said to himself, "I will never forget you."He waited a few minutes then open the door and garbed his knife and left. He made his way back to the mission. Never knowing what became of Kathreen.

Feeling someone lightly tapping his face he came back to the present. Shaking his head clear of the thoughts that had been running through it. He saw his future wife staring at him with a look of concern on her face. Wrapping his arms around her he said, "I'm sorry. What was I saying? I didn't mean to scare you. I was just lost in my memories."

Pulling back to look at him. Smiling she said, "Its okay as long as you come back to me every-time. You were saying that you needed to talk to me about something." Wrapping her in his arms tightly as if he was afraid that she would leave him.

He said, "What would you say if I told you that you are not my first."

Wrapping her arms around him to reassure him she said, " I thought that I might not be your first. As long I am your last I don't care what that past holds. As long as we are together. I know your past is important to you but as long as you don't let it get in the way of our future, I can live with your past. Just always remember that I love you."

Pushing her back to look at her he know that this women was the one for him. Kissing her he knew that together they could handle anything. Then he said, "I promise that I will always come back to you and that no one will come between us. I know that together we can handle anything life throws us. Now go a help Lou get ready for tomorrow. We will have the rest of our lives together. I love you."

Kissing him before she stood she said, " I love you too." Then she stood and walked back to the old way station they help turn into a working ranch. She knew that tomorrow was going to be the best day of her life.

The End
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