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Promises Kept

PLEASE NOTE: I have taken a little creative license, and switched two of the episodes from The Young Riders Television Series. In my story I have put "Dark Brother" right before "In the Presence of Mine Enemies". This story begins approximately 11 months after "Dark Brother". This is the first 4 of several chapters I have written for this story. This is my first story, so I am looking for feedback. Please let me know what you think



Chapter 1

Mr. Cross, My name is Eulala Brenan and I am writing in regards to your friend Camille. She has been in my employ for the past 10 months since the untimely death of her fiancée. It is my opinion you being the closest form of kin she has, that you should know her whereabouts.

Eulala Brenan

Wandering Oaks Hotel, Cedar Falls

Buck shoved the letter in his vest pocket and grabbed his hat from the fence post. After stopping at his cabin to get some supplies he headed for the barn. Lou and Kid saw him charging toward them and knew the letter could not have been good news.

"Buck, what is it?" Lou asked with concern.

"I'm gonna be gone for a few days, I'm headed to Cedar Falls" He said as he saddled his horse.

"Cedar Falls?....Why?" Kid stepped up to help Buck, not hesitating to help even though he didn't know what had compelled his friend to ride out so quickly.

"Camille is there," he said

"Camille?" Lou was confused; "she and Bill were headed East"

"They never made it and Bill is dead"

"No!" Lou and Kid were shocked

"What happened" Kid asked

"Don't know.... but Camille is there and alone"

Buck put his boot into the stirrup and pulled himself onto his horse then looked Kid in the eye "I have to go to her.... you understand"

Kid put his hand on Buck's leg saying, "I know you do, Lou and I can handle things here, you take all the time you need"

"Thanks" he said as he reined his horse around and gave it a good swift kick.

Lou hollered, "Ride Safe, Buck"

And he is gone.

Buck rode hard, day and night, only stopping from time to time to rest and water his horse. The road between Rock Creek and Cedar Falls was well traveled but not the most direct route. By cutting over the mountain, he would shorten his trip by a half day. All he could think of was getting to Camille as quickly as possible; she was his responsibility, always had been, he had taken care of her for as long as he could remember. Even when she had come through Rock Creek months earlier with her fiancé Bill, he had to suppress those feelings knowing it wasn't his place anymore. But now Bill was dead, and he must care for her.

It was mid-morning when he reached the outskirts of Cedar Falls. It was an average size Nebraska town, but growing quickly. It was known for being a respectable enough town, nothing like Sweetwater. Sweetwater had become a town full of thieves, whores and profiteers. If she had been stranded in that rotting excuse for a town, he would have ridden his horse so hard, that it would have had to be put down for exhaustion when he got there.

But he was sure she was well treated in Cedar Falls, though he would feel much better when he knew it for a fact. As he pulled into Cedar Falls there was the usual hustle of people on a week day morning. He passed the Cattleman's Bank, the Nebraska Gazette and then at the corner he saw the Wandering Oaks Hotel.

It was a fine looking three-story building with a long porch along the front and sides lined with several rocking chairs. He tied his horse on the post out front and then went in through the open double doors. Removing his hat he approached the front desk, behind the desk was a black woman. Buck guessed her to be in her mid 40s. She turned and smiled as she addressed him, "May I help you?"

"Yes, ma'am, I am looking for Mrs. Brenan"

" I am Mrs. Brenan"

Buck hesitated, she had said that she was the owner of the hotel. It was very unusual to find a black woman who owned a hotel. Not to mention one that white folk would patronize.

"I'm Buck Cross, you wrote me," he said as he took the letter from his pocket.

"Mr. Cross" she said with surprise, "I only wrote you just recently, I didn't expect you so soon!"

"Well I rode all night," he said

She looked at his clothes and smiled "So I see"

Buck brushed the trail dirt from his jacket feeling self conscious, but one look at Mrs. Brenan and he knew she was not being critical ...just observant.

"Ma'am, if you don't mind...where could I find Camille" he asked

" Of course...I am must be anxious to see her, or you wouldn't have ridden so hard. Now you must understand I do not make a habit of making other peoples business my own. But I have grown quite fond of your Camille"

The use of the word "your" was not lost on Buck.

She continued, "Despite her strong resilient spirit she is at a loss, and ...just sad. She has spoken of you so often during our walks, and with such delight. She is a different girl when she is sharing her memories of you. I felt she needed you...I hope you don't think me too presumptuous."

"No ma'am...I have to thank you, I had no idea she was here" he looks down at his hat, "...or about Bill" No matter his feelings for Bill Barlow, his death must have devastated Camille, and for that he was sorry. His words of death had also taken Eulala to another memory, one of her beloved husband...whom she had lost two years ago, "Yes, it is very sad, the West can be so unkind"

Buck was restless, ready to see Camille.... Eulala noticed.

"Come Mr. Cross, Camille is on the third floor changing beds"

He looked at her with anticipation waiting for her approval to proceed further into her hotel. "I think it would be grand for you to go up and surprise her," she said with a smile.

Buck bolted for the stairs.

"But," she got his attention, "then why don't you both come down and I will fix you a plate of food, I am sure you must be hungry after your long ride."

He nodded and took the steps two at a time.

Once he reached the top of the stairs, Buck saw no one in the hall. There were three doors on each side of the hallway and only one door was open. He quietly walked to the open door; she was there, her slender figure in a black morning dress with a white apron and her long chestnut hair flowing down her back. She was tucking blankets under the mattress of the brass bed along the opposite wall. Her back was to him and she didn't feel his presence at first.

Just as he went to speak her name, she stood up straight, "Camille," he said.

She turned around, with the blanket in hand to see Buck standing in the doorway. He looked just as he had the last time she'd seen him, in his black hat and long camel colored riding coat. Underneath he wore a blue striped shirt and a dark blue vest, with an Indian medicine bag hanging from his neck. His camel colored pants were tucked into his knee-high boots, and along the outside of one of his boots he wore the sleath that held the knife his Kiowa half brother, Red Bear, had given him as a child. He was covered in trail dirt and he looked exhausted...but he also looked good, so very good to her.

She clutched the blanket to her breast and took a great gasp of relief as she ran to him. He held her, just held her, as she melted into the security of his arms. He pulled back after a moment, placing both hands on either side of her face, then he looked into her eyes. They were filled with tears and relief. He placed her head back on his chest and she began to sob as his arms enfolded her.

She was so surprised by her reaction at seeing her old friend. She had convinced herself she was dealing well with Bill's death and learning how to provide for herself. She was a strong, resourceful woman and had decided to make her future here among the citizens of Cedar Falls. But the comfort and safety she found in Buck's arm had taken her completely by surprise. Just as she had so many times as a child, she found her herself with Buck. There they stood for what seemed like an hour but was only a few minutes. She looked up at him and asked,"How did you know I was here."

"Mrs. Brenan wrote me, told me you were here", he said.

Camille was shocked. "She should not have done that," she said as she turned to walk away from him, but he grabbed her arm to stop her.

"No..... you should have," he said bluntly. She didn't miss the point he was making.

"I thought about it a couple of times" she spoke quietly, ".... Buck, I couldn' had your life with the pony express and I had made mine with Bill, I had chosen a life with him and I couldn't burden you with our problems. I would not complicate your life with our problem"

"This is not just a problem, Camille. Bill is dead and you are alone here" he said forcefully. She looked hurt at his bluntness; she turned from him and walked to the window. He want to kick himself, he could have been a little more delicate. But this was not just a simple problem; she was a single woman alone in a strange town with no kin. He walked up close behind her and gently placed his hands on her shoulders and asked, "What happened?"

"We were only a few hours from town.... Bill stumbled upon a nest of rattlers," her memories of that day began to flood back sending chills up her spine ".... Oh God.... it was awful. I tried... I really did.... I remembered everything your mother taught me about treating snakebites and I did it. But there were too many", she shook, "he was gone before I could get him to town." Her memories were becoming too vivid and too painful, "no one should have to die like that, especially Bill, all he ever wanted was to give us a new life."

"You loved him didn't you" he spoke quietly.

She turned around and looked him in the eyes.

"Yes, I did", she reflected for few minutes, "I had him buried here in the church cemetery....."

"I am sorry"

"So am I, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. Like so many things in my life, every time I think that I have a family, a future, or a chance for a normal happy life, it is taken from me. My white family was killed when I was young, and then my Kiowa family was taken from me" they both winced at the pain this memory brought. "And now my family with Bill will never be. Buck, I am so tired of being alone, so tired of not belonging anywhere or to anyone"

"I know," he said as he reached for her hand.

She just looked at him for a minute. "You of all people, does" then as if it was too much to bear, "I am just so tired of being alone, so tired"

He grabbed her to make her looks straight into his eyes.

"Look at me.... you are wrong, Little Bird, do you not remember that our spirits were bound as children, I am your family and you are mine, in this life and the next. I will never allow you to be alone."

"Little Bird," she repeated, "I haven't been called that in years, our lives with the Kiowas seems so very long ago.....but you don't owe me anything Buck, I have told you that"

" I know that, that is not why I am here," he made her look at him again, " this is what I want, let me do for you what I couldn't so long ago"

She looked at this man she had know all her life, this man she had loved since she was a child. She could deny him nothing, and really did not want to.

Placing her hand on his cheek she softly said, "I would like that Buck"

He broke a huge grin and gave her a hug that lifted her off her feet. He could smell the hint of lavender in her hair as he held her.

Then they heard Mrs. Brenan clearing her voice; neither had heard her come to the door earlier. "Mr. Cross, your food is ready."

She smiled, she wasn't angry they took so long, just wanted to avoid the opportunity for any accusation of impropriety.

"We are on our way down" Camille smiled and said, " Mrs. Brenan...."

"Yes" Eulala answered.

"Thank you", she said as she looked from Buck to Eulala.

"Your welcome", she smiled.

Chapter 2

The dining room of the Wandering Oaks Hotel was a large room with several floor length windows that lined the front wall; draping the windows were long flowing lace curtains tied back at the sides with ribbon. At the entrance to the room was the stair way to the rooms above and directly to the back of the room was the door that led to the kitchen. Scattered throughout the room were round tables covered with linen tablecloths adorned in the center with a small vase of flowers.

Once downstairs Mrs. Brenan had led them to a little table in the corner of the dining room. It was still a little over an hour before the lunch hour, so the room was empty of diners with the exception of a man near one of the front window sipping on a cup of coffee.

"Tell me about your ranch" Camille asked.

"Its not just mine, its Kid and Lou's too", he answered.

"I thought they were headed to VA, wasn't he going to join the Confederacy"

"Well he didn't, I think Lou had something to do with it, it is amazing how different a man's thinkin' can be when a woman is involved", suddenly he got a feeling he would pay for that comment.

"Meaning...", she asked curiously.

Hoping to recover from his mistake he said, "meaning, how smart he gets"

"Right....."she smiles at him "ok, so where is this ranch you three started?"

"The old Pony Express Station", he said cutting the ham on his plate.

"Really", she said.

"Yeah, once the telegraph lines were up, we were out of a job and the station went up for sale, Kid thought it would be a good place for the horse ranch he and Lou were plannin' on starting. They asked if I wanted in"

"I'm happy for you Buck, you have done well for yourself," she then asked, "would you have left Rock Creek, if you hadn't started the ranch"

"Not sure" he said as he took a mouth full of food.

"Well I am glad that you and Kid and Lou were able to stay together. When we stopped in Rock Creek, I could tell that all of you were more like a family, than just riders for the express. It's sad that the war has driven so many of you in different directions"

"Most of us have managed to stay in Rock Creek, you know Cody is scouting for the army. He stops in from time to time when he's passin' through"

"So he is not writing his stories any more?" Camille questioned.

"Ugh...I am not sure even the war could stop Cody from writing that junk."

"Now Buck, you don't like going down in history in Cody's stories", she said with a giggle.

" Not as much as I would like to break Cody's fingers", he teased.

"My, My...." she responded to his comment, then moving on she asked, "tell me about Teaspoon"

"He is officially Marshall of Rock Creek, the badge fits him well. Lou thinks he is sweet on Rachel", he said and then took another bite of his meal. He had not realized how hungry he was until the delicious plate of food had been put before him.

"What do you think", Camille asked.

Smiling at her with his cock-eyed grin he said, "I think Rachel is sweet on him" Camille and he laugh.

"How wonderful", she says, "how is Ike, is he working ranch too"

The color suddenly drained from Buck's face, he'd forgotten, the last time she had been to Rock Creek, Ike was still alive.

"What is it", she was concerned

"Ike is dead", he said flatly.

"God No", she was horrified, "Oh, Buck no, how?"

"Jumpin' between a bullet and a woman", he answered.

"When" she asked, too shocked to find more words.

He just stared at his food; not looking up...Camille placed her hand on top of Buck's hand on the table. Her heart broke for him, she curled her fingers around his as if to wrap her arms around him and comfort him. After a minute he gave her hand a squeeze, looked up at her and asked, "You ready to go". She answered with a nod. She knew he couldn't do it, it just wasn't the right time or the right place to talk about something that held so many painful memories. She would be patient and not push, when he was ready he would tell her and she would be ready. Ready to be there for him the way he was always been they're for her. "Yes Ma'am, thank you" he answered.

Eulala turned to Camille, thinking how wonderful it was to see her smiling. If she had had any second thoughts about contacting Buck they were gone now.

"Camille," she said, "I have seen to it that the rest of those rooms were finished. I thought you might like the rest of the day to show Mr. Cross our fine town"

Camille was thrilled, "Yes, I would like that..." Then as she looked into Mrs. Brenan's eyes she said "thank you" in the most heartfelt way. Eulala knew that she was not only thanking her for the day but also for bringing Buck to her.

"May I ask you for one favor though," Eulala said, "I believe that my order at the store should be ready and I cannot leave the hotel. Would you mind picking it up while you are out?"

"We'll make it our first stop," Camille answered.

"Thank you," she said, "now you two get going and enjoy your day"

After Camille had gone to her room to freshen up, they set out to pick up Mrs. Brenan's order. It was a beautiful spring day, the sun was shining and there was just the slightest crisp chill in the air. Which seemed to be a reminder that the end of winter was here. Camille wrapped her shawl around her shoulders as she took Buck's arm and they walked down the boardwalk. This was truly the best she had felt in so long, she felt light and happy, as if she could once again feel the air in her lungs. Maybe it was the freedom of an afternoon off, or maybe it was the promise of spring in the air or maybe, just maybe, it was the man beside her. No matter the reason, she intended to enjoy this afternoon. They crossed the street and entered Mrs. Ford's mercantile.

"I'll just be a minute", Camille said to Buck. He started looking around the store while Camille headed to the counter.

"Good Day, Miss Camille", Mrs. Ford said in what Camille thought was a strange kind of way.

"Hello, Mrs. Ford", Camille responded. She noticed that Mrs. Ford had her eye on Buck.

"What can I do your you", she said strangely.

Having a good feeling what was wrong with the storekeeper, she smiled her prettiest smile and responded, "Mrs. Brenan sent me over to pick up her order for the hotel"

Not wanting to take her eyes off of Buck, Mrs. Ford reluctantly turned to get the order, "Yes, it is right over here."

She paused before picking it up and whispered to Camille, "Are you OK, child?"

"Yes...shouldn't I be?" she asked, wishing she hadn't.

"It's.... Just...your..."she hesitated, "I don't like the thought of a man with Indian blood in my store"

Camille retained her composure, and "Then I suggest you don't think about it."

"Well," Mrs. Ford said not caring for the tone of Camille's response.

Continuing with the business she had come to the store for, Camille asked, "Could I also get some writing paper and pencils, please?"

The older woman nodded and gathered the order.

Placing the order on the counter, she gave it one more try, "Be careful, young lady, they are not all as they seem"

Camille was totally irritated now and Buck was concerned, he had been watching what was transpiring between the two ladies. The last thing he wanted to do was make trouble for Camille. He knew that look on Camille's face and he knew what was in store for Mrs. Ford.

Camille took a deep breath, "Mrs. Ford, you will find that most things are not what they seem. Take myself for instance, I was not as fortunate as Mr. Cross to be born of Indian blood, as you put it. But I did have the good fortune to spend most of my childhood among the Kiowa people. Buck's mother raised me as her own daughter from infancy." She turned to look at Buck and then back to Mrs. Ford, "So I am sure you can understand how pleased I was to have my brother come visit me here in Cedar Falls."

Buck was having a hard time not cracking a huge smile at the old woman, who was finally speechless. Camille broke the silence, " I believe this is what I owe you....Good Day"

Buck stepped up to take the box from Camille as they left the store.

Once outside Camille let out a sigh, she would never understand the cruelty of some people. As they walked back across the street, she heard a little chuckle.

She looked up at Buck, "What?"

"You always did have a sharp tongue," he said looking straight ahead.

She looked up at him, the sun shining in her squinting eyes, "Oh, really"

"Yes, really...I'm just glad I am not on the receiving end this time" he said mischievously.

"This time....", she agreed, "...she is a narrow minded woman anyway."

A few seconds later as they were approaching the hotel, he stopped her and said, "by the way..."

"Yes" she said looking up at him.

"I never though of myself as your brother," he said seriously.

With a twinkle in her eyes she said, "Neither did I".

She then abruptly turned and walked into the hotel. Buck watched her as she went through the doors, her skirt swishing back and forth. Never in his life had he been happier that he was not her brother.

Mrs. Brenan had asked Buck if he would put her order back in the kitchen. When he returned he saw Camille sitting at the desk intently reading a letter. When she was done she looked at Buck and said, "It's from Bill's family, I had written them to tell them about Bill".

She continued, "they want me to go live with them." Buck felt like someone had kicked him in the stomach. He crouched down beside her as he did his best to hide his feelings.

She looked at him as if in a daze, "it never occurred to me they would want me with them, Bill and I were never married. They have no responsibility to me." She retreated to her own thoughts for a moment. Buck felt panic running though his body, this was not what he had expected. He had planned on taking Camille back to Rock Creek with him, and never considered any other possibility. He wanted to tell her to say "no", he wanted to make the decision for her but he knew he could not do that and he would not offer his opinion unless she asked.

As if she had read his mind, she looked at him and said, "Should I go?"

"No", he said, he couldn't help it that was how he felt.

She thought for a moment then said, "You're right, I have begun to make a life for myself here, I will be fine here..."

"No...." he interrupted, "you didn't hear me"

"Buck" she said in the long drawn out way she use to, "you said I should stay here"

She just wasn't getting it; he looked her straight in the eyes, "No, I said you should come back to Rock Creek with me"

She thought that his deep black eyes would bore holes right through her. He could see her soul. She should say no to him. It just wasn't right. Her fiancée had only been dead 11 months; she was just now approaching the proper time to put away her mourning clothes. The proper thing to do was to go live with her future husband's family. She had met them when she and Bill had stopped to visit on their way East. She would not be thought well of if she were to leave town with another man.

But this was not just another man, this was Buck. He knew her better and longer than any person on this earth. He was right earlier when he had said that they were the only family that either of them had ever had. She would not allow propriety to take from her once again her only family… her Buck.

She looked deep into his eyes and quietly said, "Are you sure?"

He took her hands in his, "I have never been more sure of anything in my life, Little Bird"

She caught her breath, "How do you do that? You have always done that."

Buck was confused, "What?"

She tucked a stray piece of his straight black hair behind his ear and whispered, "Make everything all right"

Chapter 3

Camille could feel the letter in her pocket that she had just received from the Barlows. As she and Buck left the hotel, she wondered to herself why they had waited so long to respond to her letter about Bill's death. She had been here in Cedar Falls for over 10 months now. Why now, did they think it important that she come to live with them? Deep down Camille knew that time was not the real factor for her, she would not have chosen to go to them whether they had asked her 8 months ago or 2 years from now. The Barlows were Bill' family but they were strangers to her. She knew how to live among strangers without traveling across the country to do it.

Camille took a deep breath, not only to clear her lungs, but also her thoughts. It had proven to be as beautiful an afternoon as the morning had been. She took Buck's arm in hers as they strolled through town. She pointed out Doc Miller's office, the Dressmakers Shop and the new Telegraph Office. Camille had made some friends in the months she had been in Cedar Falls, and it was with great pride that she introduced Buck to a few of them as they passed on the boardwalk. As they passed the Marshal's office, they heard someone yell out Buck's name.

"Buck" he yelled again to get his attention.

Buck turned to see who could possibly be calling for him. Then, with a huge grin on his face, he rushed into the office.

"Jimmy" he said, embracing his old friend with a slap on the back.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jimmy asked.

"I'm here to see Camille," Buck said, turning and reaching his hand out for Camille to come beside him.

"Jimmy…you remember Camille. She came through to visit us at the station about a year ago." Buck asked.

Jimmy looked at her, remembering, "Yeah…I do…how are you, Camille?"

Reaching out to shake the hand he offered she said, "Good… Thank you"

"You came through with your fiancée …Bill was it?…So… the two of you decided to settle here in Cedar Falls?" he asked.

"Well…I have been here for a while, but Bill died several months ago", she answered, as she held tight to Buck's hand.

"I'm sorry to hear that, ma,am," he said sincerely.

"What about you Jimmy, what are you doin' here," Buck asked and motioned to the badge on Jimmy's shirt, "…and wearin' that."

Jimmy looked down at the badge and then back to Buck, "Ahh…I guess I just pinned on this thing one too many times for Teaspoon and now I can't seem to unload the job."

"How long you been here," Buck asked wondering why he had not seen him earlier.

"Just got in today….I'm fillin' in for a friend of mine for a few days. You know him, Buck. A man by the name of Dan Patterson. He ran for the express out of Ft. Laramine."

Buck nodded, "He's marshal here?"

"We all had to find work after the Pony Express died," he said, "Hey…speaking of work, how is that ranch of yours? And Kid and Lou?

"Good! We've got some nice horses, and we're lookin' to make our first sale real soon. Kid and Lou are doing the same as always. You should come and visit, it's been a while"

"Maybe I will do that," he said with that big smile that made his eyes twinkle.

Jimmy just looked at Buck for a minute, "Damn it's good to see you Buck," he said.

"How long ya here for?," he added.

"Not sure…couple of days maybe," Buck was being careful what he said in front of Camille.

Camille had just agreed to leave with him, he had not yet approached the subject of when.

"Listen, meet me over at the saloon later tonight for a drink," Jimmy said, "we can catch up."

"Sounds good," Buck answered with a smile, it was good to see his old friend….his brother.

As they left Jimmy in the Marshal's office, Buck was amazed that despite the different directions he and the other riders of the express had taken, their paths always seemed to cross. It was as if the Gods had a hand in it, reminding them that no matter the time and space between them they would always be a family.

Camille and Buck continued to the end of the board walk where the livery was. The Cedar Falls Livery was a typical cedar sided barn that had become gray and dingy from the weather. Beside the livery was a large corral that held several horses. They had walked over to the corral, stopping at the fence to admire the animals prancing around. Camille pointed to the bay colored Quarterhorse, with the blaze down the nose, as her horse. " That's one of them," she said, "I sold the other one to pay for burying Bill."

Buck just looked at the horse, not saying anything. There wasn't much to be said. Camille had faced a terrible situation and had done what was needed. Buck looked at her as she watched the horses trotting back and forth. He admired how she could cope with whatever life threw at her. She had the keen ability to accept and adapt her life to it's many changes, whether good or bad.

"Do you want to see the wagon," her voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Yeah," he said with a wink.

As they walked into the barn there was a young boy, toward the back, cleaning a stall. He was a lanky brown headed boy about 13 years old. He heard them come in and stopped what he was doing to approach them.

"Howdy Miss Camille, can I help you?," he said, looking at her but then noticing Buck beside her.

"Hello Henry, I am here to see Mr. Jobes," she said smiling at the young boy.

Henry's eyes were fixed on Buck even though he spoke to Camille, "He ain't here, he's in Robert's Creek, won't be back till in the morning."

"Oh..," she said thinking to herself

"Is there something I can do for you?," he asked still staring at Buck. It was then that Camille noticed Henry's fascination.

"Henry, this is my friend Buck," she said, then addressing Buck, "Henry works here for Mr. Jobes."

"Nice to meet you Henry," Buck said as he offered his hand to Henry.

Shaking Buck's hand he said, "Howdy", then asking curiously, "You a real Indian?" Buck just nodded.

"You ever scalp somebody?," Henry asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Henry!," Camille exclaimed.

"Sorry, ma'am," he said looking down at the floor embarrassed, "I was just wonderin'…"

Buck couldn't fault the boy for his comment. Other people's perception of Indians was something that he had always dealt with. From adults it usually bothered him because they should know better, but children only knew what they were taught.

He smiled at the boy, "I am Kiowa, my tribe does not practice scalping."

"Oh…," Henry answered, looking almost a little disappointed.

"Henry," Camille said, getting his attention and not wishing to allow Henry to ask another question like the last one, "I need you to let Mr. Jobes know that Buck is going to be helping me prepare my horse and wagon for travel."

"You goin' on a trip, Miss Camille?," he asked.

"Yes, I am," she said, not offering any more information.

Not one to give up easily, Henry asked, "Where to..,"

"Just let him know that Buck and I will be in and out over the next few days," she said ignoring his question, "Can you do that?"

"Yes, Ma'am," he said, knowing he would get no answers to his questions.

"Thank you, Henry", she smiled at him as they went to the back of the barn to inspect the wagon.

Chapter 4

After they were finished at the livery, Buck and Camille had spent the rest of the afternoon walking through the country on the outside of town. It been an eventful day and both were feeling a little tired and a lot hungry as they headed back to town. Once back in town, Camille had insisted that they stop by the Marshal's office and invite Jimmy to join them for dinner. The Acting Deputy Marshal had gladly accepted the invitation.

It was yet another fine meal at the Wandering Oaks Hotel. Mrs. Brenan had been able to take a little time from her duties at the hotel to join the trio for some coffee and pie. As they sat around the table, Camille realized how much she was going to miss Eulala, without realizing it she had become dependent on her. Not only was she her employer, but she had become her friend.

Once the dining room was empty, Mrs. Brenan began the nightly chore of cleaning and preparing for the next day's meals. Buck and Jimmy had excused themselves to the saloon for the drink they had spoken of earlier. In the kitchen Camille was drying the dishes, as the older woman was washing them. Camille told her of the exchange she had had with Mrs. Ford at the mercantile.

"You should not be surprised by Mrs. Ford's reaction to Buck," Eulala responded, "she is one of those people who will only see what she wants too."

Camille shook her head, "but all she sees is the color of his skin….it is wrong."

" Wrong or not, she owns they only mercantile in town, so there are times she must be tolerated," Eulala said with disgust.

"Well, I could tolerate her a lot better if she didn't open her mouth," Camille said with a smile.

Mrs. Brenan shot her a look of reproach and then after a second they both broke into laughter.

After a minute, Camille said, "Eulala, I need to speak with you about something."

"What is it?," she asked handing Camille another wet dish.

" Buck has asked me to go back to Rock Creek with him," she spoke softly.

"He has?," Eulala said looking at her, "I can't say I am surprised."

Camille was surprised at Eulala's comment, "Your not?"

Eulala took the dishtowel from Camille to dry her hands, "It is obvious that young man loves you very much, Camille."

Camille smiled at her words.

"I didn't expect he would leave here without you," she continued.

"Really?" Camille asked, in wonder at Mrs. Brenan's perceptiveness.

Eulala nodded to her with a smile, then asked, "Are you going?"

"Yes," she answered, looking to her friend for acceptance.

"Good", she said.

Camille was surprised by Eulala's response. She really shouldn't have been, but she was. Mrs. Brenan noticed her expression.

"What is it?" she asked.

"You have become such a dear friend to me. It will be hard to leave you," Camille said, "Working here at the Oaks was just what I needed to come to terms with Bill's death…I owe you so much."

"Camille, you owe me nothing," she said as she put her arm around Camille's shoulder, "…but you do owe it to yourself to find happiness, no matter where that might be."

Eulala looked her in the eyes, "As I see it, Buck Cross makes you very happy."

"Yes…he does," Camille agreed

"Then you must go." Eulala said giving her shoulder a squeeze.

Having finished cleaning the kitchen, the two ladies went into the dining room to place clean tablecloths on the table. They were quiet for a moment, immersed in the job they had done together so many times.

Then Camille broke the silence by asking, "Eulala, do you think it is possible to love two men?" Eulala lifted her head from her work to look at Camille, "Are you speaking of Bill and Buck?" Camille nodded.

"Why do you ask?" Eulala questioned.

"Because…I do love Buck so much. It's like the feelings I had when we were younger never left. They are even stronger." She continued to set the table as she shared her thoughts, " When he came here the other day, those feelings just came rushing back…like they were always there." "But you loved Bill too?" Eulala asked

"Yes, I did," she answered immediately, "but it was different than with Buck. Bill and I were such good friends, he was a good man and he treated me so kindly. We had fun together and enjoyed each others company. The natural thing to do was to marry."

Eulala asked, "how is it different with Buck."

Camille thought for a second, and then as she spoke her eyes began to light up, "When I am with him I am complete…when I look at him or hear his voice I feel such a peace that I can't explain. Eulala, when he touches me its like I can't breath. He knows me better than anyone on this earth….he knows my soul and I know his. Maybe that is the difference…our souls are bound together."

"Camille, when you and Bill stopped to visit Buck on your way East, did you feel for Buck the way you do now?"

"I knew I still loved him, if that's what you mean. I was told he was dead and when I saw him again my heart ached for what we had lost. But I had made a commitment to Bill and I never would have hurt him, by going back on that promise. It would have gone against every thing I had been taught as a child." She then looked at Eulala and spoke softly, " But, I feel like I am betraying Bill."

"Camille, you must not think that…, "Eulala said as she walked over to take Camille by the hand, "you cannot betray Bill…he is gone." She continued, "I believe you have answered your own question. Yes, it is possible to love two men at the same time, but differently. The feelings you had for Bill are very different than the ones you have for Buck. A heart has a mind of it's own, you can't tell it what to feel."

Camille was quiet. Eulala smiled lovingly at her, "You dear, have been blessed to know and love two wonderful men….don't be so hard on yourself. You know….I like your Buck very much. He is a good man and he adores you."

"The feeling is mutual," Camille said with a light in her eyes.

" Then go….go, be happy with your young man,"

Chapter 5

As Buck pulled on his boots he knew that the last 24 hours must have been a dream. He had arrived in Cedar Falls exhausted and dirty from the trail but now felt like the guest of a king or queen. Mrs. Brenan had seen to it that he and Camille received the finest dinner on the Wandering Oaks Hotel menu, steak w/ roasted potatoes and peas. For dessert they had the thickest apple pie he had ever seen. During his years with the express he'd not even seen Rachel or Emma make a pie so full of sweet sugary apple slices. He made sure he ate every bite. He and Camille had spent most of the evening discussing their past apart, the days and years after the raid on their village and how they had survived after that.

It was when Mrs. Brenan was cleaning the dinner dishes from the table, that she told Buck she had arranged for a bath to be sent to his room. She would see to the cleaning of his clothes, he was to leave them outside his door and she would have them back by morning. He started to protest then saw the look in the black woman's face. Knowing he would rather stare down the barrel of a gun than try to change her mind, he agreed. She was definitely a strong willed woman. He figured anyone who had disagreed with her in the past had lived to regret it.

Once bathed, he had climbed into the most comfortable bed he had ever slept in. In fact he had slept so soundly, that he took a start when he woke up, not remembering where he was. It only took a second for it all to come back. He had come for Camille. He laid there in that fine bed a while longer, he wanted to soak up the thrill of it for just a few more minutes. This would probably never happen again in his lifetime. It was unheard of for an Indian to stay in a hotel, especially a respectable hotel like the Wandering Oaks. Not to mention the fine treatment that he had received from the hotel owner.

Mrs. Eulala Brenan being of color herself, she was well aware of the treatment one could receive if your skin was not white. She knew what it was to sleep outside, eat your meals in the kitchen and be thrown out of stores. She knew what prejudice was and did not allow it in her hotel.

Now he was on his way downstairs to meet Camille for breakfast. They needed to make plans to return to Rock Creek as soon as possible. He didn't really want to rush Camille into leaving, but the sooner they left the better. He couldn't afford to be away from the ranch any longer than needed. Kid and Lou had said to take his time, but that was just the kind of people they were. They would never have made him feel bad about leaving so abruptly. But he knew well, there was too much at stake on the ranch for him to be gone long. There were two horse about to foal, plus he and Kid were scheduled to take four of their finest horses to Blue Creek for their first big sale to the Stage Company. If their ranch was to be a success all hands were going to be needed.

As he descended the stairs, he saw her sitting at the table stirring her tea. She looked so beautiful to him, as she always had. She was wearing a pale blue dress with her hair pulled back in a bow of matching color. The blue of her dress was so close to the blue of her eyes that the reflection made her eyes look like crystal. She had worn this dress when she and Bill visited Rock Creek. It had nearly taken every ounce of strength Buck had to remember that she was not promised to him anymore.

But that was all changed now. Her fiancée was gone now...six feet under in the Cedar Falls church cemetery. A tragedy but a fact of life in the west.

She had agreed to go back to Rock Creek with him, and he'd been so relieved. He'd known even as he left Rock Creek, that he wanted to bring her back with him. The only thing he wasn't sure of was if she would want to go with him. He had only hoped she would want to, and when she received the letter from Bill's family yesterday he feared he would go home alone. It would have killed him to send Camille on a stage back to Denver, but he would have honored her wishes. Instead, she had chosen not to go. She would make her life in Rock Creek, and Buck knew that eventually, that life would include him.

"Good Morning, Buck" she said smiling up at him.

"Morning" he answered taking his seat.

"You slept well?" asked, as she brought the teacup to her lips.

"Can't remember the last time I slept so well" he answered.

At that moment, Mrs. Brenan approached their table with two steaming plates of eggs, bacon, potatoes and biscuits.

"Good Morning, Camille, Mr. Cross," she said as she laid the plates on the table.

"Please call me Buck", he said

"Very well then...."she said, "I trust you slept well Buck"

"Very well," he said, "I am afraid if I continue to enjoy your hospitality I may forget my way home to Rock Creek"

" I assure you, that you would be a welcome addition to our community," she said, then seeing more customers coming in the hotel, she added, "enjoy your breakfast"

"Thank you," they both said.

"She is a very kind woman," Buck said referring to Eulala, "This is the only place I have ever been where the color of my skin did not matter, besides the express"

"I have never seen Mrs. Brenan turn anyone away,"Camille commented with affection.

There were a few moment of silence as they both dug into their breakfast. Then as Buck began to butter a biscuit he looked up at Camille very seriously with those dark eyes, "Cam, we need to talk" She looked at him smiling and without skipping a beat, she said, " I can be ready to leave by morning" He was startled, "How..."

She put her fork down, "I haven't known you all my life not to know the workings of your mind Buck Cross"

"You scare me sometimes", Buck said with a glint in his eye.

Raising her eyebrows, Camille said, "I will take that as a complement, to scare a Kiowa warrior like Running Buck is something to be proud of"

Buck just rolled his eyes at her.

"When do you want to leave," she added.

"Well.... it just that...we only started the ranch a short time ago, and all hands are needed...the Kid and Lou said to take my time...but there are two new foals coming ...the's just...."

She interrupted him, "Buck," then placing her hand over his on the table, "like I said I can be ready in the morning"

Buck was relieved, "I will go to the livery and start to get the wagon ready. Your horse could probably use some exercise too"

"Make a list of what we will need,"she said as she poured another cup of tea, "and I will pick it up at Mrs. Ford's while you are at the livery"

Buck looked up surprised, remembering their visit to the store yesterday; "who's the warrior now" They both laughed.

"Eat", she said.


With the time of their departure decided, Camille had gone to the mercantile to purchase the supplies they would need for their trip the next day. While she confronted Mrs. Ford again, Buck went to the livery to repack the wagon and exercise Camille's horse.

The wagon was not terribly full, so packing the contents for travel would not take too long. Camille had sold or given away some of Bill's thing just recently, as well as things they had brought for the new homestead, that she knew she would no longer need. He was in the rear of the canvas covered wagon, moving a large crate, when he felt a tug at the back of his shirt. Before he knew it he was flat on his back on the ground. Catching his breath he looked up just in time to see a fist rushing toward his face. He rolled away from it only to be hit in the back of the head with what felt like the barrel of a gun. Instinctively he kept rolling toward to back wall to escape his attacker. Then scrambling to his feet, he saw a balding man approaching him waving a gun in the air.

"Mister, I don't want any trouble," Buck said gasping for air.

"You shoulda thought about that before you went stealin' from that wagon," he said with a sneer.

"I wasn't stealin'…,"Buck exclaimed as the man advanced on him.

He cut off Buck by saying, "You lyin' Indian, I seen otherwise."

"NO…,"Buck couldn't believe this, "…you don't understand…"

"Shut up…" the man yelled as he pistol-whipped Buck again.

Buck bent over in pain, as he did, he went to reach for the knife on his boot. Then stopped when he heard the man cock his gun.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you…" he said to Buck, "…you toss that right over there in the other stall."

Buck did as he said, then stood and waited…trying to assess the situation and what he should do next.

"Damn Indians," the man said as he held the gun on Buck and went to get his knife from the stall floor.

"There are only two kinds of Indians…savages and thieves.", he said, as he spat tobacco on the floor, "At least the savages have enough guts to fight for what they want."<"P> "You got it all wrong," Buck tried again, "I know the owner of that wagon."

The balding man spat at Buck this time, "I know Mrs. Ford over there…but that don't mean I can help myself to anything in her store."

"I wasn't stealing anything," He shouted, finally realizing there was no reasoning with the man.

"I told you to shut up," the man shouted back and began to wave his gun around again, "now your gonna come with me down to the jail, maybe some time behind bars will teach you not to take what ain't yours"

Buck gave a sigh of relief, knowing that Jimmy was Acting Deputy. He gave no resistance as the man led him through town to the jail.


Camille was barely surviving her stop at the mercantile. Mrs. Ford had taken it upon herself to remind Camille what a mistake it was for her to be cavorting with an Indian. It was just about the time that Camille could take no more and was going to give the store owner a piece of her mind, that they were interrupted. Little Johnny Ray Taylor came rushing in the store shouting about something going on out in the street. Camille couldn't have been happier at his arrival…that was until she heard what he had to say.

"He got'em….he got'em," the boy kept repeating.

"Who," Mrs. Ford asked as she came around the counter.

"Mr. Jobes…he caught'em stealin," the winded boy said, "caught an injun' stealin' from the livery…I just passed him takin' the injun to the jail."

Camille felt like someone had just poured ice water down her back. She rushed to the window of the store with Mrs. Ford close behind her. She looked out the window just as Buck reached the Marshal's office being led at gunpoint by Mr. Jobes.

"I told you…,"Mrs. Ford said over her shoulder, "an indian is not to be trusted."

Camille shot her a look, over her shoulder, as she headed for the door. She had no time for the nasty old woman.

"It's better you found out now, child," the old lady shouted as Camille slammed the door behind her.


Jimmy had his feet propped up on the desk and was cleaning his gun when Jobes pushed Buck in the door with the barrel of his gun.

"What the hell," Jimmy said as he slung his feet to the floor, "What's goin' on here."

Buck shot Jimmy a look that said he agreed, but said nothing.

"Where's Marshal Patterson," Jobes asked

"He ain't here, I'm the Acting Deputy Marshal, James Butler Hickcok," Jimmy said sternly, "now put that gun away."

"I caught this here Indian stealin' from a wagon in my livery," he said ignoring Jimmy with his gun in the air.

"I said put that gun away….now.," Jimmy shouted "I ain't puttin' it away until you put this theivin' indian behind bars," Jobes declared.

Jimmy was done talking, he walked right over and yanked the gun from his hand, "He is no more a thief than I am one of Miss Tilly's dancin' girls."

Then the office door swung open and Camille rushed in, "Buck, are you ok?"

Mr. Jobes stepped up to Camille before Buck could respond, "I caught him stealin' out of your wagon Miss Camille." Then he stopped, realizing what Camille had just said to the Buck, "You know this indian, maim?'

"Yes…" Camille spun around to him, "..I know this man, Mr. Jobes."

Buck looked at Jobes with cold dark eyes, "I told you I knew the owner of the wagon, didn't I?"

"Well." he said stumbling over his words, "what was I to think with him rootin' around in your wagon?"

"All you had to do was listen to me," Buck said angrily.

Putting her hand on Buck's arm to calm him, Camille addressed the livery owner, "Mr. Jobes, didn't Henry give you my message?"

"I didn't get no message," he answered.

"We were at the livery yesterday," she said in her most diplomatic voice, "I spoke with Henry and he was to inform you that Mr. Cross is a friend of mine and he would be helping me prepare my wagon for travel."

Jimmy stepped in, "Well, that does seem to explain things, don't it."

"I guess…," Jobes said, he started to say he was sorry, but stopped himself, unable to show that courtesy to an Indian. He took his gun from Jimmy, then as he turned and left, he threw Buck's knife on the table by the door.

Jimmy looked at the man as he left, "Patterson told me this was a quiet town, a piece a cake he said… and the first day I got some Jack-a-dandy wavin' a gun around in my office…I am gonna have to talk to him about this." Jimmy shook his head as he walked back to his desk.

Camille too had watched as Mr. Jobes had left the office, disturbed by the event that had just transpired. "Remind me to speak to Henry about this", she said.

"Don't Camille," she looked at Buck as he spoke, "let it go…it's just the way it is."

She started to protest, but Jimmy interrupted, "Now, what this you said about travelin'"

Buck answered picking up his knife, "We're pullin' out in the morning."

"Already" Jimmy asked.

"Need to get back," was all he said as he placed the knife back in the pocket by his boot.

Jimmy turned to Camille, "I hear you're going to be moving on." then smiling at Buck, "with our prisoner here."

Buck gave Jimmy a looked that said he wasn't amused.

She smiled, "I am"

"Rock Creek is a real nice town, and knowing Lou and Rachel, they will enjoy the female company." He said to her.

" I am looking forward to getting to know them," she said

Turning back to Buck he said," Well if your gonna be leavin in the morning, how about I go back to the livery and give ya some help with that wagon"

"Thanks Jimmy"


They were well over half way to Rock Creek, but it would take another day for them to get home. The trip would not be made as quickly with a loaded wagon in tow. They left at first light after they said their good byes to Mrs. Brenan and Jimmy. Camille had embraced Eulala and they spoke hopefully of visiting each other in the future. Jimmy had shook Buck's hand and promised his next stop would be Rock Creek.

They rode hard all day, but it would be dark soon, so Buck found a suitable spot to camp for the night. It was a large flat area with plenty of grass for the horses to graze and a small brook running along side it. Buck was securing the horses while Camille gathered the supplies she would need to prepare dinner. She was doing her best to keep her mind on what she was doing but she was becoming more and more restless. She didn't want to admit it but she was terrified. This was the first time she had been on the trail in months, and the last time had turned into a nightmare. She hated this place, this lonesome, and wild, unpredictable place between towns, where anything could happen. She never use to be afraid to travel, but she was now. It was going to take all the determination she had to control her feelings because the last thing she wanted was to let Buck know how afraid she was.

It was just about the time she'd convinced herself that she had her fear under control, that it was put to the test. Buck had finish tending to the horses and he told Camille he was going to gather wood for the fire. She was panic stricken.

"Be Careful," was all she could say and then she turned abruptly to the wagon. On the outside she did her best to look calm, but inside she was screaming, Don't go, don't you die too He was only gone for a few minutes, but for her it had seemed like an eternity. Again, she told herself she was over reacting and that he was going to be fine. Before long, Buck walked back into camp with an armload of wood. At the sight of him she dropped the pan in her hand and rushed into his arms.

Buck was more than happy to feel Camille's little arms around him but a little surprised too. She was fine this morning when they left town but ever since they had begun to set up camp she had seemed to grow quiet and agitated. Buck had driven them pretty hard today and figured that she was tired, but now he wasn't so sure. Then all of the sudden she pulled away from him as if she gained her composure. "You all right", he asked feeling a little confused.

"Sure I am," she said nervously brushing out the wrinkles of her skirt, "just anxious to get this food's going to be dark soon."

Looking at the sky grow dark, Buck nodded, "Yea, I know". He decided a good night sleep would do them both good.

After they ate a simple, but filling meal, Buck made his bedroll by the fire. Camille was packing away the few kitchen utensils she'd used to make dinner. As she came out of the wagon she noticed where he was planning to sleep....on the ground. She didn't want him to sleep there on the ground, the same ground where any number of creatures crawled at snakes. She felt panic well within her. "Buck," she said getting his attention, "there is room in the wagon, you don't have to sleep on the ground" "I'll be fine," he answered as he added more wood to the fire.

He didn't realize the danger, she thought to herself. She had to think of something… something to keep him from sleeping on the ground.

"But...what if.... what if it rains tonight, you will be soaked", she said.

Buck knew there was not a cloud in the sky. For the life of him he could not figure out what had gotten in to her tonight. One thing was for sure, something was eating at Camille and it had to do with his sleeping arrangement. He gave the fire one last poke and stood up to walk over to her.

"Cam, it is not going to rain tonight. What is wrong with you? he asked, "You've been acting strange ever since we made camp"

"I am fine, why do you keep asking me that," she said as she straightened her back and lifted her chin. She was trying to look convincing, the only problem was that deep down she wasn't sure if she was trying to convince Buck or herself. She had to try again, "Please, Buck," she said realizing her voice did sound a little desperate, "I couldn't sleep well knowing I was comfortable in the wagon, while you were here on the hard ground. You will sleep much better if you don't have to contend with all the little animal and nuisances that can bother one when you sleep outside."

She was wringing her hands now. Would he believe her, he had too, she couldn't think of anything else, she was desperate…no not desperate, just plain scared. Suddenly it hit him and he thought he had a pretty good idea what was going on with Camille. He should have seen it earlier, but he had been consumed with covering as much ground as possible and then setting up camp. He had not seen the torment growing within her. He didn't fault her for her feelings; it was understandable after what she'd seen happen to Bill. But he also knew the best place for him was by the fire and not in that wagon. He took her wringing hands in his and made her look up at him, "I have slept on the ground many times, nothing will happen to me." She was looking at him with those big blue eyes, pleading with him. Damn, he thought to himself, she is not making this easy for me. He took her chin in his hand and with a twinkle in his eye he looked straight into hers, "Camille, if I make my bed in that wagon with you, I won't get any sleep tonight". He leaned down and kissed her cheek, "I'll be fine."


Buck woke to the sound of Camille screaming, he literally leapt from his bedroll to the wagon. He found her sitting up with her hands covering her face as she sobbed hysterically. He sat down beside her on the floor of the wagon and pulled her into his arms.

"Camille, its's me....everything is OK...." he said as he brushed the hair from her face.

"No, No its not, "she mumbled in between sobs, "they are out there....I saw them...crawling...everywhere." She began to cry again.

" You were dreaming, there is nothing out there," he said as he tried to calm her, "we are fine, it was just a dream"

She looked up at him suddenly, her eyes were red from crying and full of desperation, "you are wrong they are all out there. I saw them they were coming for you too. They were going to kill you, and I couldn't stop them, I kept screaming your name, but you wouldn't wake up, you just laid there, they were getting closer and closer. I couldn't stop them....I couldn't save you either."

"Camille, stop it," he shouted at her, she was getting hysterical again, "stop it, it was a dream." He shook her, "Look at me....I am here, I am fine"

As if coming out of a trance, she realized what he was saying, and then she grabbed at him, almost clawing at him to hold him in her grasp.

"Don't go Buck," she begged him, "don't leave me, please stay, I need you"

"I'm not leavin'," he said as he rocked her back and forth.

"...please don't ever leave me..."she said as she was beginning to calm.

He sat there for what seemed like hours, with his back against the wall of the wagon. He stayed there until he was sure she had fallen asleep again. Then he carefully laid her down on her bedroll and pulled the blankets over her. He turned to leave the wagon, but stopped when he felt the light touch of her hand grab his. "Please don't go", she whispered.

Her eyes were closed and she had almost been asleep, but she had felt him move to leave. Relief flooded her when he didn't make her ask twice. He laid in the narrow space beside her and rolled to his side with his chest to her back. He wrapped his arm around her. She took his hand in her two hands and pulled it close to her, holding him tightly. Soon he heard her breathing slow and he knew, now she would rest. He was just drifting off to sleep himself, when he heard her whisper something. He leaned a little closer to try to make it out what she said.

" Buck," she said quietly, "...I love you, Buck," Had he heard her right? He was sure he had. Buck laid there for a few minutes digesting what he had just heard. As he closed his eyes, he whispered, "I love you too, my Little Bird"


Chapter 7

They were almost to Rock Creek and could see it in the distance. Within an hour they would be at his ranch on the edge of town. They would be home. He could finally accept that this was his home. After all the years he had hovered between the Indian world and the white man's world, he finally felt like this was where he belonged. It was while riding for the Pony Express that he realized he could not go back to his Kiowa family. Teaspoon and the other riders had become his family. They were all orphans who came together because they needed a job. But they had gained much more than a job. They had become a family. Death had taken Ike and Noah, and the war had separated the rest of them. But nothing could sever the bond that had been built between them.

The early years in Rock Creek had not been easy ones for Buck. He was an Indian in a white man's town, and he faced injustice repeatedly. But over the last two years, he had gained the friendship and respect of most of the town's people. There were still some people in town who could not get past the color of his skin, and an occasional problem with someone passing through town, but for the most part this had become a comfortable place for a man like him.... a half-breed.... to live.

Buck looked ahead and said, "Almost home"

"Home", Camille repeated looking to town. She turned to look at Buck saying, "That sounds so good"

"It will be," he said with a smile.

"Promise?" she questioned.

Buck nodded to her and then smacked the horses. They were headed home, together.


They pulled into the ranch yard in the late afternoon. The sun was just beginning to make its decent to the earth as the sky turned a deeper shade of blue. Buck pulled the wagon to a stop as Lou and Rachel came rushing toward the barn. Camille noticed they came from a house that was new to the property since she was last there. It was a nice two-story house, seated between what she remembered to be Rachel's house and the bunkhouse. Buck was tying the horses to the post when Lou came up beside him.

"Hey, Lou", he said.

"It good to have you home, Buck", she said.

She went to the side of the wagon and looked up at the young woman Buck had brought home with him, "Camille, good to see you again"

She smiled at Lou, "Thank you, Lou, it's nice to see you too"

Behind her came Rachel holding an infant in her arms, "Buck, welcome home" she said and went to give him a hug.

Buck put his arm around her, "It's good to be home".

He looked down at the baby in her arms, and asked, "How's our little Becky".

"Perfect as usual," she answered smiling down at the bundle in her arms and tucked the blanket around her a little tighter.

She looked over to Lou and Camille as she said to Buck; "Camille came back with you"

"Yeah", he answered taking off his gloves.

Rachel looked at him, "Is she going to be staying on."

"Yeah," was all he said. But there was a grin on his face and a twinkle in his eye that made Rachel very happy for him.

Together they walked around the wagon to Lou and Camille. Buck stepped up to help Camille down.

Rachel went right over to Camille, "How are you, dear," she said leaning forward to kiss her check.

"I am doing better now," she said as she looked at Buck.

" Well, you look exhausted," Rachel said, "why don't you come on over to my place and we'll get you cleaned up"

"That sounds wonderful," Camille said, "but I should get my room at the hotel first."

"Nonsense," Rachel exclaimed, "you will stay with me". Rachel knew that Camille was being polite, but there was no way she would allow her to stay at the hotel.

"There is plenty of room, it's just me and Becky", she added.

Camille looked at Buck, as if to ask what he thought. He gave her a wink. "Thank you Rachel, I would like that," she said as she then stepped closer to see the baby in Rachel's arms.

"May I?" Camille asked for a peek at the little one.

"Oh, sure," Rachel answered and pulled the blanket back from Becky's little face.

Camille was a little confused, last time she had been here Rachel was neither married nor expecting a child.

"She's beautiful, Rachel," Camille said. Then she looked up at Rachel and asked, "she's yours?"

"Yes, she is," Rachel said with a sense of pride, then she looked up at Camille and with a hint of sadness in her voice she added, "ever since her mother died giving birth to her."

Buck walked over to the two ladies. He looked down at the baby, then he looked to Camille and said quietly, "she is Ike's daughter".

Camille's head jerked up to look at Buck, she was speechless. There were no words to express what she was feeling. She was overjoyed that there was a part of Ike still here on this earth, yet so sad that this little child had lost both her parents.

Lou broke the silence, "Well, I just put on a pot of tea, why don't we see if it's ready."

"Sounds good to me," Rachel said then turned to Buck, "Buck, could you put Camille's bags in the room next to mine?"

"Sure," he said as the ladies all headed to Lou and Kid's house.

Before they had reached the house he yelled to Lou, "Hey Lou, where's Kid?"

"He went to see Teaspoon," she hollered over her shoulder, "I expect him back anytime"

As they walked to the house, Lou and Rachel told Camille all the news since her last visit. But Camille was lost in her own thoughts. She was overwhelmed at how much her life had changed in the last three days. She was in a new town and beginning a new life again. She was no longer alone but surrounded by friends. But most overwhelming was that she was with Buck. How could it be? He had been lost to her forever. Suddenly Camille stopped and looked back at Buck, she smiled at him as if relieved he was still there, and he smiled back as they went in the house.

Buck stood and watched as Camille walked away with Lou and Rachel. He was glad she was here. He knew all along this was where he wanted her, but suddenly as he watched her, he was questioning his actions. Had he pushed her into this? Was this what she really wanted? Was it even what was best for her? He had only wanted her with him.

His thoughts were broken when Kid came around the barn. "Buck ", he hollered, "that was a quick trip"

"I didn't think I should be gone too long," he answered as he began to unharness the horses.

Kid was getting ready to tell him he shouldn't have rushed when he noticed the wagon, "Where'd the wagon come from"

"It's Camille's", he answered. "Camille's," Kid said raising his eyebrows, "She's here"

"Yeah, she came back with me," he said then proceeded to unharness the other horse.

Kid began to unhitch the wagon, "So her fiancée is dead"

Buck nodded, "It happened not long after they left here...rattlesnakes"

"Oh, God," Kid grimaced, "that a hell of a way to die"

As the two of them finished tending the horses and securing the wagon, Buck told Kid how Bill had died. As well as Camille's time in Cedar Falls, and how she came to be here with him. Kid noticed that Buck seemed to be bothered by something.

Then Buck asked, "Did the mares foal yet?"

"Yeah, Honey had a beauty two days ago," Kid referring to their honey colored Appaloosa. He had been so involved in Buck's last few days that he had forgotten to tell him about their new mustang.

"My guess is Oakley has only got a couple more days to go" Kid added, about their other horse.

"I'm glad I got back when I did, we still need to get the other stock over to Miller's place," Buck said.

"We're OK there, he's not expecting them till the end of the week," Kid said as he closed the corral door.

"Buck, once Oakley foals, Lou and I are gonna be gone for a few days ourselves", Kid added. Buck looked at him, "Where to?"

"Lou wrote the orhpanage," he said, "now that the house is finished, we're going to get Jeremiah and Teresa"

"Its about time, Lou must be happy your finally goin'," he poured some feed for the horses, then added "we'll be fine here"<"P> "Come on, I'll show you our new pony", Kid said motioning to the barn.

They walk toward to the barn, Buck still seemed silent and distant.

Kid stopped walking, "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing," Buck answered as he went to open the barn door.

Kid grabbed the door to get Buck's attention, "Don't tell me nothing, I know you...and I know what she means to you," Kid pointed to the house, "she is here in Rock Creek, she is a free woman again.... And you are mopping around.... what's wrong?."

Buck looked to the house, "I just hope I did the right thing bringing her here."

Kid smiled inwardly…now her understood Buck's brooding. Buck had become the brother to Kid that he had lost long ago, and they both had become close. Kid knew that Buck was a man of few words, he had a quiet earnestness to his nature. Buck put great thought into everything that he did. He always considered the situation before acting on it. The events of the last few days had moved quickly…and Kid figured it was a little too quickly for Buck.

"Buck don't go looking for trouble," Kid said patting his friend on the back, "it always seems to find us on its own.... now come on, we've got a horse to name"

Chapter 8
Rachel had cooked a big ham, so she had everyone over for dinner that night. Teaspoon was there for dinner too, but that wasn't so unusual anymore. He seemed to show up at Rachel's more and more these days.

One of the things Rachel loved the most, was everyone around her table, sharing a meal together. It brought back so many memories of their Pony Express days. It wasn't quite the same without Jimmy and Cody, but she knew they would visit when they could. She would always feel the emptiness of Ike and Noah's absence, those spots at the table could never be filled again. Despite all the losses and absences in their family, those of them that remained there at the ranch were determined to keep their family together.

So Rachel found the greatest joy as she watched her family around the table, and tonight they had a new addition. At least she had a pretty good feeling Camille would be come a permanent addition to their family. She looked across the table at Buck and Camille, they looked so good together and so natural. She liked Camille very much, not just because she made Buck happy, but because she was such a kind and loving person. She looked at Camille thinking how well she fit in here. It was as if she had always been with them, as if she and Buck had always been together.

During dinner Buck told of seeing Jimmy in Cedar Falls and his promise to visit soon. Jimmy had not been back to Rock Creek since Noah's funeral, and when he had left, it had not been on the best of terms with Kid. Buck told of how Jimmy had quickly become disillusioned by the war and especially with abolitionists. Not necessarily the movement itself, but those he had been associated with were so driven by their own agenda, that they were no better than those they were fighting. He and Rosemary had parted ways only a few months after they had left Rock Creek. Since then Jimmy had done odd jobs here and there, occasionally picking up the badge, but for the most part just drifting. All those round the table were glad to hear he was well and that he would be visiting soon, especially Kid. It had taken Kid a long time to decide where he stood in the War Between the States. But since he had made the decision not to go back to Virginia, his anger had been replaced with a desire to mend some fences. He was looking forward to the opportunity to clear the air with his old friend.

After a delicious dinner the ladies managed to rope the fellas into cleaning up the kitchen. So while Buck, Teaspoon and Kid drug their feet into the kitchen, the ladies went out on the porch to enjoy the evening air. Camille had asked if she could rock Becky to sleep, so Lou and Rachel went to sit in the hanging swing.

"Rachel, she is such a dear child", Camille said as she went to sit in the rocking chair.

"She has truly become the joy of my life," Rachel said, as she smiled at the child she had come to love as her own, "she is growing faster than I could have imagined"

"It seems like just yesterday she was born," Lou added as she pushed the swing with her feet. Rachel looked to Lou and said, "Ike would have been so proud of her, wouldn't he, Lou?"

Lou agreed nodding her head, "He would have been a wonderful father. I remember once when this scared young mother left her baby at the station. I had been out on a run and Emma had gone with Sam to Blue Creek for a wedding. Teaspoon and the boys were on their own. Kid said they were not quite sure how to take care of her. But Ike, knew exactly what to do."

"It broke my heart when Buck told me he had been killed," Camille said sadly then looked down at Becky, "...and now looking at this little one my heart breaks even more, she is so precious."

"It doesn't seem fair, to lose both of your parents, before you are old enough to know them," Lou said.

"You know..."Camille said thoughtfully, "...I lost my parents when I was an infant, just like little Becky here. But the Kiowa took me in and they gave me a good home, treating me like one of their own...the same as Becky. I would say in the end we are both pretty blessed."

Rachel was so touched by Camille's words, she knew she could never replace Becky's mother, but she wanted to be the best mother she could be.

Lou spoke up, "Everyone has fallen in love with her. You should see Teaspoon, she has him wrapped right around her finger."

Rachel smiled, "Actually Buck has been the most fun to watch with her. He calls himself Uncle Buck."

Camille's eyes widened and she gave out a little giggle at the thought.

Rachel continued, "There is a tender side to him that he rarely lets anyone see, but with Becky he can hardly keep it hidden. It is very sweet."

They all agreed.

"This child has no idea how much she is loved," Camille said.

Rachel smiled saying, "One day she will"

It was just about then that they heard the loud bang of pots that came from the kitchen. Teaspoon yell, "Damnation"

"What's going on in there", Lou hollered.

Rachel got up to go to the kitchen, but before she could reach the door, Teaspoon was in the doorway wearing an apron, "Now you ladies just stay right where you are, we had a little mishap, but everything is under control now." Then he disappeared. They all let out a huge laugh at the sight of Teaspoon in an apron.

"I am afraid of what your kitchen is going to look like when they are done," Lou managed to say. Rachel smiled and said, "Every little pleasure come with a price." The all laughed.

Shortly after the loud crashing noise the men came out to the porch and announced that they had finish cleaning the kitchen.

Kid went to sit on the porch rail near Lou, "Well, I hope you enjoyed yourselves out here, because the only thing more dangerous than cleaning a kitchen with Teaspoon, is wrestling a bear."

"Now Kid, don't be misleadin' these ladies," Teaspoon responded as he leaned against the door jam, "we done such a fine job that I doubt Rachel will even recognize her kitchen."

"You can say that again," Buck said with a grin.

Rachel's eyes went wide and she laughed with that deep sultry laugh, "I'm afraid to look"

Teaspoon could hardly take his eyes off of Rachel. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. As they cared for the boys over the last few years, he and Rachel had grown to be the best of friends. It was just in the last few months that those feelings seemed to have changed to love. It was at Kid and Lou's wedding that they first acknowledged that they felt more for each other than friendship.

"It was a fine meal, Rachel, Thank You", Teaspoon said with his eyes riveted on Rachel. The attraction between them was obvious.

"Anytime", she said in a way that sounded more like an invitation, than a response to a complement.

"Walk with me," he said as if no one else was on the porch.

Rachel reacted with the same kind of obliviousness as she reached out for the hand he offered. She stood, and then she suddenly turned to Camille remembering that Becky was sleeping in her arms.

Camille read her reaction and said, "Go, I will put her to bed."

Smiling at her kindness, Rachel quietly said, "Thank you, I won't be long"

They all sat there in silence as they watched Rachel and Teaspoon walk away. Kid looked to Buck saying, "What do you think of that?"

Before Buck could respond Lou said, "I think Becky may get a daddy after all." Lou's comment said it all.

They all chuckled enjoying the thought of the future family.

Kid looked to his wife and said, "Lou, you ready."

"Whenever you are, Kid," she answered putting her hand on his leg.

Kid stood to leave, "Night, Buck," then as he passed Camille he said, "Camille we are mighty glad you decided to settle here with us."

"Me too," she answered with a smile

Lou looked to Camille, "Do you want me to help you put her to bed," she said motioning to Becky.

"I'll help her," Buck said before Camille could answer.

"Then we'll see you in the morning, good night," Lou said.

"Good Night," Camille said as they left.

Buck was leaning against the porch rail, just staring at Camille as she continued to rock Becky. Camille looked down at Becky; "She's beautiful, isn't she."

"Yes, she is," he said with that twinkle in his eye, "and I am not talking about Becky." Camille blushed at his comment.

Then Buck turned serious; "It fits you well....holding a baby."

"I have always loved children, I hope one day to have my own babies," she said as she was still looking down at the baby. Buck could say nothing, because all he could think, was that he wanted to be the one to make her hopes and dreams come true.

"We should put her to bed, its getting a little chilly out here," she said as she stood up.

Buck held open the door for Camille as she carried the sleeping baby to her room. After they had Becky snug in bed, they went back out to sit on the porch to enjoy the pleasant spring evening. The sky was a canopy of lights with no clouds to extinguish them. There was the slightest hint of a breeze in the air. And the crickets had just begun to sing their night melodies. As they sat together in the swing they reflected on their trip from Cedar Falls.

Suddenly Camille remembered, "I wrote a letter to Bill's family to let them know I was going to stay here in Rock Creek, but I wasn't able to mail it before we left. Do you have time tomorrow to show me where I could mail it?"

"Sure," he answered, "how about after breakfast. I will show you around town."

"Thank You, I want the Barlow's to know as soon as possible," she said.

She then seemed to drift off in her thoughts for a moment. Buck figured she must have been thinking about Bill.

"I really am sorry about Bill", he said

Camille looked at him wondering; "You said that before.... what do you mean?"

"Just..." he hesitated, ".... you would have had a better life with him."

"What do you mean...better?", she asked.

Buck thought for a moment, should he tell her what he had been thinking or just let it go. What if she agreed with him, it would kill him. But then again at least he would know. He figured it was best to be up front right from the beginning.

"When I first met Bill, I won't kid you, I didn't like him," as he said this, Camille's eyes narrowed. He hoped he was doing the right thing.

He continued, "But I was wrong...I was cause...look, most of our lives we were promised to each other. It didn't matter what happened in those years we were separated, when I saw you I still felt certain feelings. But I realized that he could give you a better life than I could."

"How do you figure that?", Camille asked, beginning to feel a little edgy.

"Camille, you know what I am. I have had to choose which world to live in and I can't go back to the Kiowas. The white world is the one I have chosen. You are white Camille, most people don't know about your life with the Kiowa". He stopped for a minute to gain his composure, but while he was gaining his, Camille was losing hers. He began again, "Your life with a white man in a white man's world would have been better...easier than with me.

Camille grew irritated, and her voice reflected it, "Because you are half Kiowa?"

"No...Because you are white," he said sharply looking right at her.

Camille got up from the swing, spun around and pointed her finger. She exclaimed, "You know I have never seen color."

"But the white man does," he said as he also stood up. He hadn't meant to upset her.

She shook her head at him disbelieving, "You only see me as a white woman?"

"That's not what I meant," he said regretfully.

"I know exactly what you meant," raising her voice to him finally, "Don't do this, don't bring me here and then do this"

"Do what?" he asked. He said the wrong thing, because suddenly her eyes grew icy and her mouth took a straight hard line.

She walked to the corner of the porch, she was so angry… too angry. She chose to say no more, if she did, she was afraid she would say something she would regret. He walked up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. She immediately shook his hands off her shoulders. She wanted no part of him right now.

"I'm sorry," was all he said, as he turned to leave the porch.

Camille was furious. How dare he determine her future and what was best for her. She didn't want to talk to him or see him right now, but she knew she had to calm down. There were so many things she had wanted to tell him when she was here last time, but it just wasn't right. But now it was, this was the right time. If they were ever to have a future, she needed him to know.

"Wait," she said as she turned around. Buck stopped and turned as she approached him. She reached out for his hand and spoke softly, "There are some things you need to know."

He started to say something, but she placed her fingers over his lips to stop him.

".... no, just let me finish...don't interrupt me.... please," she requested. He nodded to her in agreement.

She took a deep breath, and began, "From the very first day I can remember as a child, you were there. You have always been there...a part of me. Growing up in the village, I remember when I first realized I was different, but I didn't care. The Kiowa people were the only family I had ever known. I also remember when I was told how my white parent had been killed. I never looked at the people of our village as killers just because their skin was red. Even as a young child I knew they were not to blame."

"Your mother was the only mother I ever knew, Buck..." she stopped for a moment as she remembered the mother they shared. She closed her eyes and she could see her face. Camille could feel her comforting touch and the overwhelming sense of belonging that she had given. The years had not proven to diminish to loss she felt. When she opened her eyes they were glassy with tears.

She continued,"...I loved her very much. When those men raided our village and killed her.... and your sisters...right in front of me. I begged them to kill me too." He went to hold her at the pain the memories brought to both of them, but she did not accept his offer of comfort. She wanted his full attention.

"Death would have been kinder", she said pointedly, "Instead they took me back to strangers, to a people and a way of life I knew nothing about. I hated those men, but not all white men. It was awful, and all I wanted was to go back to the village… the way it was. But I knew it was gone, the people I loved were gone...and you were gone...forever."

"So I did the only thing I could.... I survived." She looked up at him for a few seconds, "I made a new life for myself. Buck, there was never a day that passed that I didn't think of you." She paused for a moment looking down, "You are right, I loved Bill and I would have had a good life with him. But Bill is dead, it obviously was not meant to be. I have dealt with that, I did a long time ago."

"I haven't had a lot of control over circumstances in my life...." she said as she got right in his face, "but I will be damned if I let you, or anyone else, tell me what is best for me. I have never seen the color of a man's skin and I never will! Your mother taught me that."

She stepped back and took a deep breath. Then continued shaking her head, "Don't think that you can convince me I should look for a nice white man in town. I love you Buck." His eyes widened. "Yes, I do," she confirmed, as she saw his surprise from her statement.

She continued, "I have always loved you, how could I not. And now after all these years we are finally here together and you tell me there is a problem with the color of my skin. All I have ever seen is you, not the color of your skin. I will not allow you to do this! You will just have to deal with the fact that I am white!"

There was dead silence.

Camille had to go…she had to get inside before she lost all her composure.

"Good night, Buck," she said as she turned to walk in the door.

But she was stopped abruptly when he grabbed her wrist to stop her.

She looked over her shoulder, but not making eye contact with him and asked "WHAT?" impatiently.

"You've got a sharp tongue, woman!" he said with his crooked grin.

She was not amused, "THAT is all you have to say...."

"Let go of me, Buck!", she said, trying to pull her arm free.

But with one swift move, he pulled her into the tight circle of his arms.

"Can't do that," he said smiling like he had won a prize, "can't say that I am ever going to let you go again"

He was looking deep into her eyes as he bent down to claim his prize. The warmth she felt as his lips met hers filled her entire body. It didn't matter how angry she was with him, she loved him and could not deny him anything. And that was exactly what she wanted him to understand. She could only hope that from his reaction, he had. She wrapped her arms around him as she melted into his embrace.

Buck felt as if he had finally arrived at the end of a long journey. He had always known that he wanted nothing else but to make Camille his, but he had to be sure of her feelings. And now there was no question. Camille was his and they could finally be together, after all the separations and the years. They were always meant to be together and now the promises they made to each other all those years ago would finally be fulfilled.

He looked down at her, he had to ask, "This is what you want?"

She only nodded, slowing breaking a small smile with a flicker in her eye.

He loved her smile....her smile with those lips, those lips that were still red and swollen from their kiss.

Then he said very honestly, "I won't wait long, we've had to wait too long already."

She simply said, "Then ask me."

He reveled at the realization of her words. He released her from his embrace and then took her face in his hands. Her flawless skin looked even creamier between his dark rugged hands. He looked longingly into her eyes, then spoke the words he'd thought he would never have the chance to say.

"Camille, we made promises to each other years ago, I loved you then and you are still the only woman who fills my heart....I'm asking you to seal the promises we made to each other....will you marry me?"

Her bright blue eyes danced as she looked into his and quietly she said, "Yes". They just stood there smiling at each other, as if they moved, it might be a dream. Then Buck grabbed her and spun her around and around. Camille threw her head back with delight, as they both overflowed with joy. Buck knew, without a doubt, that he had won the prize. A prize of such great value that he would cherish it forever.

Chapter 9

Camille would have slept later than usual if it hadn't been for the beating of rain on the roof that morning. The rain clouds obstructed the morning rays of sunshine through her bedroom window, that faithfully woke her at the break of each day. She could smell the aroma of brewing coffee and knew Rachel was beginning her day in the kitchen. The day before Rachel had picked a bushel of blackberries from the bushes just beyond the barn and the ladies spent their morning canning jam and making a few pies.

As the day progressed it appeared the rain was not going to subside, so Camille donned a rain slicker as she prepared to walk into town. She shut the door behind her then checked to ensure the basket she carried was protected from the rain. The sky was gray and overcast, an altogether miserable day, but she couldn't help notice the fresh crisp scent the rain left in the air.

The roads in town were transforming into rivers of mud. If not for the boardwalks in town, her dress and shoes would have been a muddy mess. She felt herself giggle at her last thought as she noticed two little boys jumping through the puddles of mud. They obviously did not share her concern for remaining clean.

Having reached her destination, she turned the doorknob and entered the Marshal's office. Teaspoon heard the door open and turned in surprise to see Camille walk through the door. "Camille, is that you," he asked.

"It's me," she said as she removed the rain soaked slicker.

"Lord, child, what brings you out on such a nasty day?"

"I was a little restless, I guess," she said as Teaspoon took the rain slicker from her, "Rachel and I spent the morning making pies and jam. I thought you might like to sample our handy work. How does blackberry pie sound to you?"

Teaspoon gave her a grin, "Well, well, I do believe that I could help you out there."

"Good," she said cheerfully. She placed the basket containing the sweet confection on a table by the front window of the office.

"Why don't you sit a spell and have a piece with me?" he asked.

"I would like that," she replied, as she removed the pie from the basket.

"How 'bout a cup a coffee to wash it down?"

She nodded her head in response. "Perfect"

Camille began to slice the pie and serve it on the plates she had brought from home. Teaspoon returned to the table with a hot pot of coffee and two tin cups.

"Thank you," she said as he placed the steaming cup before her.

Teaspoon went to sit opposite her at the small round table. "Did Buck leave for Blue Creek yesterday," he asked.

She nodded, "I miss him already. Isn't that silly? I just feel a little lost without him here."

'Now that's not silly at all. It's understandable with you bein' around new folks and in a new town. Awe, he'll be back before you know it. If I know Buck he won't be wastin' any time getting back here."

"I hope your right," she answered.

"I know I am. That boy's got more reason than ever to rush back home. I have to tell you…it does my heart good to see him so happy. He's experienced a lot of heartache in his life, more than most people have in a lifetime. It's good to see him smilin' again."

"Is he really that different?" she questioned.

"Oh yeah! The last year has been a hard one for Buck. Maybe one of the hardest. The move here to Rock Creek wasn't an easy one for him. People don't always take easy to Indians…you know that. Until folk got to know him, he constantly had to prove himself. Anytime there was Indian trouble, folks seemed to forget he's a decent citizen of their town and just saw an Indian."

"And now?" "Some people will never change, Camille" Teaspoon said as he took a big gulp of coffee, "But most people in this town are good folk and have come to know him and accept him as they would anyone else in this town. I'm sure you know as well as I do what a good man he is. Folks can't ignore that for long."

Camille was quiet for a moment as she pondered what Teaspoon had just told her. She knew that life had dealt some bad cards to Buck. She also knew that one of the worst was the death of his best friend. Buck had not offered to tell her about his death and Camille felt it better to let him tell her in his time. But she desperately wanted to know what had happened to Ike. She needed to know if she was to understand Buck's pain.

She looked up at Teaspoon and asked, "Would you tell me about Ike?"

."Buck, won't talk to you about him either, huh?" Teaspoon didn't seem surprised at her question. Buck had talked of Ike a few times in the days after his death. But since then, he had refused to speak of his friend. Teaspoon tried several times to encourage Buck to share his feelings, but to no avail.

She shook her head, "No, I don't know if he can, Teaspoon. I haven't pushed him because I know how difficult it is for him. We were raised to believe that we shouldn't speak of the dead. If you did, their spirit would hear you and couldn't rest in peace. I think that makes it hard for him to talk about Ike."

"And Buck don't easily set aside his Kiowa beliefs," Teaspoon confirmed.

"No, and I wouldn't want him to. That is why I haven't asked." She admitted, "But it causes him such pain, I can see it and I know it is because he misses Ike. I've seen it sometimes when he looks at Becky. I know he loves her, but she is a memory of Ike. And the other day he was in the barn brushing down one of the horse, he was so deep in thought that he didn't even hear me come in. Teaspoon, I will never forget the painful look on his face."

"Which horse was he brushin'?" Teaspoon inquired, even though he had feeling he knew the answer.

"The dark brown one with the blaze down his nose"

He let out a sigh, "That was Ike's horse."

"I thought so," she said, then added, "please tell me about him."

"Sweetheart, Ike and Buck had a unique relationship," he said as leaded forward in his chair and rested his arms on the table. "They were quite a pair, as close as brothers. They always seemed to know the other's thoughts. They relied on each other for support. As far as society was concerned, they were outcasts and I think they found a bond there. They provided for each other, what they both needed. For Ike it was a voice and for Buck it was someone to understand and accept him unconditionally."

Teaspoon stopped to reflect a moment. "All my boys were orphans when they signed up for the Express, but it didn't take long before we were as close as any blood relations. None of them knew each other when they came to Sweetwater, except for Buck and Ike. They had already been together for years when they signed on. So they were already like family to each other. That is why Ike's death has been harder for Buck than anyone else. I'll be honest with you darlin', I am not sure Buck will ever get over his death."

"I wish I could have known him, Teaspoon. I feel this love for Ike and I didn't even know him."

Teaspoon smiled, "Ike had that effect on people"

"How did he die?" she asked, wanting to know what had taken this great man from them.

Teaspoon proceeded to tell her about how Ike met Emily Metcalf and her father. He told her of how Ike and Emily struck an instant friendship and its inevitable progression to a more serious relationship. Camille heard of Mr. Metcalf's inability to stay away from the card tables and his unfortunate encounter with a gambler named Neville. This led to a clash where Emily's father tried to shoot Neville, but was shot by the gambler first. Emily was grief stricken, and obsessed with revenge. In an attempt to kill Neville herself, Ike got caught in the crossfire while protecting Emily.

"We all thought Ike would pull through, it didn't seem possible that he would die," Teaspoon said, "but I think Buck knew. He sat alone with Ike for awhile, then he left the Doc's office and we didn't see him till later. Ike had already died."

" He wasn't with Ike when he died?" she questioned.

"No," Teaspoon answered shaking his head, " I asked him where he was. He said he was prayin"

Camille looked at Teaspoon with understanding. She knew of the prayer ritual that Buck would have performed as Ike lay dying. She could imagine Buck knelt in the ring of Ike's belonging and the desperation he must have felt. Even though it had been months since Ike's death, Camille felt anger at the thought of Buck losing yet another person that he loved.

She was silent. It was as if the events of that day were being played out before her in her mind. She could see it so clearly. But, it was another image in her head that caused her to cringe. She could only hope she was wrong about the events she'd visualized.

"Buck killed Neville, didn't he?" she asked soberly.

Teaspoon looked at her astonished, "How'd you know?"

" I know Buck," she responded with confidence, "It's exactly what I would expect him to do."

"I told him to stay clear of Neville," he said regretfully, "I warned him that a choice like that could haunt a man."

"Don't you see, he had no choice. It was the last thing he could do for Ike," she pronounced, "I'm not saying that I agree with what he did. If I had been here I would probably have begged him not to do it. But, I know his mind and his heart…the shame of doing nothing would have been worse than Neville's blood on his hands."

This woman across the table from Teaspoon was amazement to him. The only other person to know and accept Buck so well, was Ike. Camille understood Buck's need to remain true to his Kiowa heritage despite his decision to live as a white man. Even in the few years that he had known Buck it was obvious that this was the acceptance that the young man had been looking for all his life. After Camille had left with her fiancée last year, Buck fell into a sullen mood. Teaspoon discounted it as no more than dejectedness at having lost out on the girl. Now Buck's despondency was much clearer to him, Camille was not just any woman. She was Buck's soul mate.

A slow grin crept over his face.

Camille broke through his thoughts when she asked, "What are you smiling at."

He responded, "A promising future."

"Meaning?" she asked, not quite sure if that was a complement.

"Meaning…" He said, as he went to her side of the table to help her from her seat. He then affectionately put his arm around her, "That you, my dear, are very good for Buck. You love him and you understand him, and that is what he needs the most."

Teaspoon gave her a loving hug, "Welcome to the family, honey."

Chapter 10

Buck and Camille set their wedding for two weeks from Saturday. Every one was thrilled and none were too surprised. They had all seen the bond between them, since the day that Camille came to Rock Creek. The love they had between them for years had only grown into something that was truly beautiful to behold.

Camille had adjusted well to the move to Rock Creek. Rachel asked her to help at the school as an assistant teacher. The town of Rock Creek had grown substantially in the last year, and with Becky to care for, Rachel was overwhelmed. The arrangement was a perfect one; Camille had a gift with children and she found great joy as she came to know each of them.

As the weeks past, Rachel and Camille became close friends. Since Camille had moved into Rachel's house they'd spent hours sharing their past and many a late night dreaming of their futures. Camille would miss those late night talks when she moved into Buck's place.

It was just after Kid and Lou's wedding that the telegraph lines were completed and the Pony Express was closed permanently. Since Buck, Kid and Lou decided to buy the Pony Express station from Russell, Majors and Waddell, Rachel had remained in her home at the station. . Kid and Lou rented a small place in town, but after only a week they knew that town wasn't the place for them. Between the Kid, Buck and Teaspoon it didn't take long to build a comfortable two-story house with a long front porch. It was just perfect for Kid, Lou and Lou's brother and sister. So Buck remained in the one room bunkhouse. After he and Kid removed the bunks, they replaced them with a desk, a small table, and a single bed. It was an adequate residence for a bachelor, but would need improvements to become a home for the young couple.

The old bunkhouse had become Buck's place, but it would soon be their place. Camille had a lot of work ahead of her. She had to turn a cabin that once housed a bunch of rowdy young men, into a proper home to raise a family. Earlier in the week she'd purchased some fabric from the mercantile, it was pale yellow with tiny pink and blue flowers. At the time she had felt a little guilty at the extravagance of the purchase, but now as she saw them hanging from the windows, she was nothing but pleased at how they brightened up the room. As Camille hung the new curtains on the windows, she thought of how she looked forward to the day this old bunkhouse would become their home.

Camille was standing in the middle of the room, with her hands on her hips, admiring her handy work, when she heard footsteps outside the door. Suddenly, Buck came bounding through the door. He'd been away for the last four days, delivering a couple of their horses to the Stagecoach Station in Blue Creek. He was home a little earlier than expected and Camille was startled when he walked in the door.

He too was surprised to see her standing in the old bunkhouse, but immediately a big grin crossed his face as he said, "Hey". He threw his saddlebag on the table then turned to hang his hat and gun belt on the pegs by the door.

"You're home," she said, as she thought how good it was to have him home.

Buck raised his eyebrow and said mischievously, "Yes I am. And so are you!" His answer confirmed his awareness that this soon would be her home too.

"I meant," she smiled at him, "You're back early."

Grinning back at her, Buck sauntered over and wrapped his arms around her tiny waist. He buried his face in the creamy softness of her neck as her silky chestnut hair brushed his cheek. He took a deep breath that filled his lung with the divine fragrance of her. It was that familiar scent of lavender that was singularly hers.

"I had a good reason to get back this time," he said as he began to trail gentle kisses up her neck, in a way that made her heart beat faster. Camille's eyes closed as she felt the warmth of his breath on her neck. He'd held her loosely but as his hand moved up her spine, he pulled her closer to him. She felt the muscular hardness of his chest against the softness of her own. The pounding in her chest grew and she felt her head involuntarily sway while a tingling feeling poured over her body. It became harder and harder to breathe. She suddenly found herself acutely aware of every breath she took. Her fingers strayed through his silky dark locks as she wrapped her arms tighter about his neck. She could feel the moist touch of his lips on her ear and heard his delight at her gasp of pleasure. Unable to steady herself under this surreal sensation, she melted into his embrace. Through parted lips her breath came in short gasps, until suddenly her air supply was obstructed by the soft touch of his mouth over hers. She yielded her lips to his tender caress as her only desire was to be close this man she loved desperately. She welcomed him with an eagerness that only served to encourage him to partake of her sweet lips longer. Once his lips left hers, she took in a great gasp of air. "What a wonderful way to suffocate, " she thought.

She placed her forehead against his. "I missed you," she whispered.

"Hmmm, me too," he responded, then lifted his head to gaze at her. Buck let out a little chuckle when he saw her, with a big smile on her face and her eyes still shut. She looked as if she had not yet wakened from a wonderful dream.

She heard him and opened her eyes asking, "What?"

"Nothing," he answered with a broad smile.

"WHAT?" she insisted.

"Nothing…" he repeated as he began to tickle her, "…you ask too many questions."

"BUCK, stop it…" she exclaimed as she tried to break away from his teasing hands.

"Stop…What?" he said, obviously making fun of her earlier question.

She was laughing and trying to squirm free at the same time.

"You…" she couldn't stop laughing, "…you don't play fair."

"Your right," he said with a smirk on his face, "its more fun this way"

With that comment her eyes got as big as silver pieces and with a newfound aspiration she gave him a good kick in the shin. Taken by surprise he released her and bent to rub his wounded leg. Proud of her achievement, she ran around the backside of the table for protection. He looked at her in astonishment and she informed him with a devilish grin, "You said we weren't playing fair"

Her freedom was short lived. He grabbed her from across the table as she tried to run. She was right back where she started, captured in his mighty grip. They were both laughing as he teased her. But suddenly, he stopped. All he wanted now was to drink in the sight of her. "It's good to be home," he said as he gave her a sweet kiss.

"Yes it is," she answered softly, as she went to put a stray lock of his dark hair behind is ear.

"How did the sale go?" she asked.

"Just fine," he answered, stepping out of their embrace to take off his riding jacket, "John Miller knows Kid and me, he used to run the waystation outside of Ft. Laramine. He was real happy with the horses and promised more business in the future." He hung his coat on the chair.

"Have you told Kid?" Camille was elated! This was very good for the ranch. It meant that they had established a reputation for quality horses. But he didn't answer her question because he had just noticed there was something different about the cabin. He looked at Camille and pointed to the windows.

She smiled her prettiest smile, "Do you like them?" she asked.

"They're yellow," was all he could find to say.

"I made them this week, I think they brighten up the room." She waited for his response.

"That they do," he replied awkwardly, looking around the room.

That was not exactly the response she was looking for. Her smile faded, "I should've checked with you don't like them."

Once he noticed his blunder, he walked over to her and put his arm around her, "No, No, I like them, I really just looks strange..." From the look on her face he knew that was not the right answer.

"Not strange...just different," He was not doing well here. He gave it one more try. "This was a bunkhouse, Camille. I've lived with men most of my life. It's just gonna take a little getting use to living with a woman." She began to smile, then he added, "And pretty yellow curtains."

She realized how true his statement was. "I promise to make the transition as pleasant as possible," she said in a slightly seductive manner.

"I am gonna hold you to that promise," he answered then gave her a smack on the behind. She gasped, and smiled back at him. She did love him so much!

He started looking around the room, "I guess we could use a few improvements around here."

"A few," she answered, "but one in particular."

"What," he asked.

"Its...just that..." she was looking in the direction of the single bed in the corner, "It's not exactly the kind of thing a lady talks about."

He saw the direction of her glance, and flashed a roguish smile as he started walking toward her, "Cam, I've never seen you at a loss for words before, especially with me"

He had a wicked look in his eyes that made her step backwards as he closed the gap between them, "Alright then, if you can't tell me then you could always show me"

He wasn't going to make this easy for her, "Buuuuck," she said, drawing out his name.

"It's the bed," she whispered.

"What about it?" he smiled still walking toward her like a cat staking its prey. The back of her legs were now against the bed and she had no were else to go.

She let out a big sigh. He was going to make her have to spell it out for him. "It's too small," she said in a slightly irritated manner.

He intentionally gave her a bewildered look. He was making fun of her now and she would not put up with it! "Where am I going to sleep," she said flatly.

Buck leaned toward her, peering over her shoulder as if he had no other way of seeing the bed. When he looked back at her, they were nose to nose. "With me!" he said with a cockeyed grin.

She had no time to respond, for the next thing she knew he had pushed the two of them down on the mattress. He was laughed as he lay there beside her on the bed. She wanted to laugh but wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Then unable to contain herself, she giggled and smacked his arm saying, "What do you think you're doing?"

"If I'm going to make our new bed, I better check the size with the both of us in it," he smiled very proud of himself. It was the way he said "our bed", that sent Camille's heart racing. Only a few more days and this really would be their bed.

Camille realized that he once again had her in a vulnerable position. She shook her head as she reprimanded him, "You… are being very bad today."

"Doesn't feel like I'm being bad," he teased.

No sooner had he bent to kiss Camille, then Kid came bounding through the door of the old bunkhouse calling out Buck's name. They both looked up shocked at the intrusion and the appearance of their compromising situation. But neither looked as shocked as Kid, whose face has begun to turn the shades of a fiery sunset. All three of them seemed frozen in place, as well as, not quite sure what to do next.

Kid finally found his voice. "Uh…I am really sorry…I shoulda knocked…I'm not used to…." He stammered. Finally, he realized it was useless and he gave up trying to get his words out. Instead, he beat a hasty retreat.

Camille and Buck just stared at the shut door for a moment, then began to laugh at the embarrassment of their friend.

"Hey, I just remembered," Buck said as he jumped off the bed and walked to the table. "I got something," he said and took a drawstring pouch out of his saddlebag.

She sat up on the bed, as he came back and knelt down on the floor beside her. He placed the pouch in her hand. Camille looked at him in a questioning manner, surprised to be receiving a gift.

"Go on, open it," he said with anticipation.

She opened the pouch and pulled out a long silver chain. A shiny silver disc hung from the chain. He turned it over and then looked up at her to see her reaction. She looked at the pendant and there engraved in the silver was a running buck and a little bird, which were encircled in a thin band of gold.

Camille was riveted to the image engraved on the medallion. She passed her fingers gently over the finely etched lines. As she traced them over and over, she knew she was staring at the picture of all she had ever wanted in this world, but had accepted would never be. Through all the years of separation she had always known it was her truest desire to be one with Buck, but she'd long ago hidden it in the deepest recess of her heart. If she had not, the pain of their loss would have consumed her. Now, as she looked at the two images bound together within that shining circle of gold, she became aware of how amazing it was that they had found each other again. The breathtaking carving had been eternally embedded into the silver. It was a cherished gift that she would always wear. A reflection of the enduring union of their hearts.

Buck watched as her eyes turned glassy and welled with tears. "Do you like it," he asked, proud of his gift.

"Very much," she whispered, still staring at the pendant.

"Buck, where did you get it..."she asked.

He watched her run her fingers over the carving. "Last week I asked Mr. James to make it up for me," he said referring to the Smith in town.

She finally tore her gaze from the pendant and looked up at him. Buck noticed her face was flush and there was a little tear that had just crested her cheek.

"Would you put it on me?" she requested. He nodded as he took the necklace from her hand and placed it around her neck. Once the clasp was fastened, he took the medallion in his hand and looked at it now that she wore it.

He had imagined giving the pendant to Camille and also how it would look resting around her neck. But he had not imagined the surge of emotion he would feel. As he viewed the images of them, he knew he was now complete. In the years they had been separated he had been interested in a couple of women, but none had moved him to make a commitment. Something had always held him back…. some unknown force had kept the gates of his heart closed. No one had consumed him the way Camille had. She had been the standard by which he had compared any other woman. Despite all the years apart he had not been able to let go of her. She was his woman, his best friend and the one person on this earth that knew him best. Their bond was as lasting as the carving on the silver disc he held. But the lives they led apart were now over. He would never allow anyone or anything to divide them again.

"Thank you," she said as tears freely flowed down her face.

As his dark fingers brushed the tears from her face, he knew she was thanking him for much more than the gift.

Chapter 11

It was late afternoon when the stage finally stopped in front of the Rock Creek Hotel. Heavy rains over the last two days had washed out the main road, forcing the driver to take a time consuming detour. The weary passengers were eager to disembark their chamber of misery. One such passenger looked no happier to be at his destination than he had during his journey. Torrential rains, along with the constant bouncing of the coach and irritating traveling companions, had proven to feed his foul mood. He had been force to endure the entire trip next to a morbidly obese priest who felt the need to practice his messages on the captive audience. In an attempt to improve his appearance after the miserable trip, he tugged at the vest of his fancy business suit and tightened the silk tie around his neck. He then pulled a hankie from inside his suit jacket and wiped the dirt from his leather shoes.

If the man hadn't felt so bound by duty to his family he would never have considered leaving St. Joe. But it had fallen upon him to pick up the responsibility that his brother could no longer fulfill. It'd been a foolish dream his younger brother had cherished. To seek his fortune in the virgining West. He remembered him saying The opportunities are endless in the West, a man can make his own future and be proud of it. He's watched with disdain as his brother left their family home, as well his executive position in their father's successful business, to move West. The man knew all along that his prodigal brother would return with his tail neatly tucked between his legs. What he hadn't expected, was for him to do so with a fiancée in tow. He was well aware that his future sister-in-law had no family. So now with the death of his foolish brother, it had fallen on his shoulders to care for the young woman.

Despite the veil of dusk that surrounded him as he waited for his bag to be thrown from the stage, he could tell this was just like all the other crude towns he had stopped in over last few weeks. As he approached the steps of the hotel, he was overcome by the stench of a drunken cowboy. The drunk practically knocked him down as he stumbled in haste toward the saloon. Then before he could enter the hotel, he was approached by a young Indian boy offering to help with his bags for a few coins. This only served to confirm is suspicion that this was just another town of uncivilized drifters, who, due to their inability to fit into decent society, were forced to settle in this god forsaken place the call the West. He planned for this to be the last stop on his journey. He could take no more of the filth of traveling, the crude accommodations and a general lack of culture. All he wanted was an edible meal, a bed that didn't smell of the previous occupant, and to sleep without being wakened by the sounds of a midnight brawl in the local saloon. Tom was doubtful he would get his wish.


Camille took a deep breath of the fresh morning air as she reached the front door of the schoolhouse. It was a beautiful morning and everywhere she looked there was the splendor of spring. The sun shown through the trees with their new coating of bright green leaves. It was as she was opened the front door of the school that she noticed the loveliest delicate blue flowers coming to life in the window boxes. She smiled at the joy that just a tiny little flower could bring her.

In the few weeks she'd been in Rock Creek, Camille had grown to love her new life. Some would consider her life simple and maybe even boring, but this was just what she had dreamed of all her life. A quiet normal existence was the one thing that had always eluded her. But no more. Even the common activities of greeting the morning and preparing for the day gave her reason to pause and appreciate her good fortune.

She'd just placed her bag on the floor by the desk when Danny Claxon and his little sister Molly came tearing in the front door.

"Good morning Miss Camille" Danny said.

Camille smiled at her pupil, "Good Morning to you too, Danny. And how are you Molly."

Molly approached her teacher, taking Camille's hand in her little one. "Good," she answered. Then she asked, "May we go out and play until the other get here?"

Camille had become very fond of the pretty little girl with blond curls. "That would be fine", she answered.

The two children dropped their things on their desk and ran out the door as quickly as they'd come in. Camille turned to the corner cupboard to get the children's slates and chalk. She had just located the chalks when she heard a voice behind her, "Camille?"

"Yes," she said as she turned. Instantly the chalk scattered on the floor as he brought her hands to her face in shock. Stunned, she could only stare at the ghost before her. It had to be a ghost, because Bill was dead! She thought to herself.

The ghost spoke as it stepped toward her, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

Camille was frozen still with disbelief; it was Bill standing before her. No! She told herself, it couldn't be. She'd seen the rattler bites, she'd driven his lifeless body to Cedar Falls and she'd stood by his grave as they shoveled dirt over the pine box that contained his body. It must be a dream! She convinced herself. She tried with all her might to move, but couldn't. Camille was sure if she could only move her leg or her arm, it would wake her from this cruel dream.

"I'm so sorry, I should've knocked first," the apparition said. "My name is Tom. Tom Barlow, Bill's brother. You are Camille, aren't you?"

"Yes," she managed to say as she began to understand his words. Bill's brother? She knew Bill had a brother but he rarely spoke of him. And more importantly, he never mentioned their strong resemblance.

"Are you alright?" Tom asked.

Camille shook her head. "Yes, forgive me," she asked.

"No, forgive me," he said, "it was thoughtless of me not to realized that my appearance upset you."

"It's just that Bill never mentioned he had a twin brother," she explained.

"Oh, we're not twins," he responded, "Bill was 10 months younger than myself. Although we were often told we resembled each other."

"Yes! Yes, you do," she said thinking that resembled was an understatement.

As her composure began to return, she noticed the sticks of chalk on the floor and knelt to collect them.

"Please, let me help you," Tom said as he too knelt down.

With all the chalk in hand, she stood and placed them on her desk. She turned back to address him but was overwhelmed by how much he looked like Bill. He noticed her fixed gaze and repeated, "I'm very sorry I startled you."

Camille was beginning to feel a little foolish as the shock of meeting Tom was wearing off. "I didn't mean to scream, but it was like seeing Bill standing there. You understand? She asked.

"Completely," he said with a smile.

A pain seized Camille's heart as she saw Tom smile. That's Bill's smile she thought sadly. Her time with Bill seemed like it had been years ago, and she hadn't thought of it in a long while. But seeing Tom had reminded her of how she missed Bill. Not that she would change her life now. She wanted nothing more than to be exactly where she was now. She and Buck were always meant to be together; she knew that was the course their lives were destine to take. She had only wished that it's course hadn't had to include Bill's death.

The shock of seeing Tom Barlow had finally worn off. Now that shock was being replaced with concern.

Why was he here?

Getting right to the point she asked, "Mr. Barlow, what can I do for you?"

Tom grabbed his lapels as if he was getting ready to give a speech and said, "I have come as a representative of my family to bring you back to our home in St. Joe."

Camille was confused and he saw the confusion on her face. "You see, our father," he said, then paused to correct himself, "our late father was concerned for your safe passage to our home in St. Joe. So I was sent here to assist you as your traveling companion."

"But, I received your father's letter and he never mentioned any of this," she said.

"Yes," he nodded, "unfortunately, that letter was sent in such haste that he neglected to include that information."

Camille felt her head begin to spin again.

Tom continued, "I would have arrived sooner, but sadly I was detained by my father's sudden illness. His grief over Bill's death overcame him. You see, our father always had a special fondness for my brother. His inability to deal with Bill's death eventually led to his own. I was further delayed because I was unaware you were in Rock Creek. It was only after my arrival in Cedar Falls, that I learned that you were here. How did you come to be in this town?"He gave Camille a look that immediately made her uncomfortable. She couldn't explain it; she just didn't like it. Lost in her thoughts, she barely heard him ask, "You were in Cedar Falls, were you not, when my brother died?"Only giving him half her attention, she mumbled, "I have friends here."With one quick move he was directly in front of her. He raised his voice in an accusatory manner that gained her full attention. "I don't remember Bill mentioning that you knew anyone in this filthy town."

How dare he speak to me that way, she thought.

" Why would he!" Camille felt her temper flare. "He also never mentioned to me he had a brother that could pass as his twin!" she snapped at him. She could not account for her feelings, but something within her told her not to let him get the upper hand.

"Please, I didn't mean to offend, " he said so politely that it only served to confuse her more. He now was the picture of composure. Maybe she had misunderstood his previous comment. After all, she told herself, this was Bill's brother; he was only here out of concern for her well being.

"No, no, I'm sorry, "she apologized, "I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I'm just so overwhelmed."

"Well no need to worry yourself anymore," he said. "I'm here now and I'll see to it that you are taken care of. You'll see, before you know it we'll be back in St. Joe at the Barlow Estates. I'll see to it that this nightmare that my brother started, will be over soon."

Wait a minute, she thought to herself. Why did he speak that way of Bill? She then realized, He thinks he is rescuing me. This is very wrong! I have to put a stop to this now!

She spoke up, "I'm sorry, Mr. Barlow, but there has..."

"Please call me Tom," he interrupted, "After all you are my sister-in-law."

"Tom," she heeded his request, "Bill and I were never married."

"Yes, I know. But we Barlows have considered you part of our family from the first day we learned of your engagement to my brother," he answered her.

It was obvious he had not heard a word she'd said. She knew she must be clear with him, "You don't understand, there has been a terrible mistake."

Not allowing her to continue, he began to ramble, "I can understand your reluctance. My father had anticipated it also. That is why I am here. But there's no mistake that you belong with our family at the Barlow Estates." Tom offered his hand while he approached her, then added, "It's what Bill would have wanted. And you'll be most happy there."

She didn't accepted his extended hand, but involutarily stepped back, feeling ill at ease with his closeness. Camille wasn't sure he had any idea of what Bill wanted and she knew he had no clue what was best for her. Camille didn't know a lot about Bill's family; it was a subject that always brought silence. He spoke little of his family or his childhood and for the most part chose to distance himself from them. But one thing she knew for sure, Bill was returning to his family not because he wanted to, but because he had too.

"Didn't you get my letter?" she asked. "I wrote your father, thanking him for his kind offer, but informing him I'd be staying here in Rock Creek."

He was flabbergasted, "That is absurd. Why would you choose to live here in this uncivilized little town in the middle of nowhere without any family? Now Camille, you have a lovely room waiting for you at our Estate and a family eager for your arrival." Camille felt wary as he stepped forward to close the gap between them.

"Oh, what a mess," she said running her hand across her pounding forehead. "Tom, I'm so sorry you've come all this way and I appreciate the offer of your family, but I've chosen to live here in Rock Creek."

"Alone, a single woman...that is unheard of. Why would..." he spoke sharply but was cut off by Molly as she came running in the room.

"Miss Camille, Miss Camille," she hollered.

"What is it, Molly," she responded.

"Tell Danny he's wrong,"

Her attention taken from Tom for the moment, she asked Molly, "What did he say?"

Molly put her hands on her hips and said, "I want to come when you and Buck get married. Danny says I'm too young. But I told him you said I could come."

"Is that all?" Camille asked calmly. "Yes, Molly you may come to my wedding."

Molly abruptly turned and ran from the schoolhouse shouting, "I told you so. I am coming."

Camille's head was reeling. What had happened to her lovely spring day? Between the shock of seeing Tom Barlow, his insistence on her returning with him and now the reminder that she had a classroom of children to teach, she was having trouble keeping her composure.

She looked back to Tom to continue where she had left off, then noticed the stunned look on his face.

"Did that child say you were getting married?" he asked bluntly.

"Yes, she did," Camille replied, regretting that she hadn't been able to inform him of her marriage earlier.

Suddenly she noticed a change in his demeanor. His eyes were ablaze and his body became rigid. There was no mistaking the angry growing with in him.

"Please let me explain," she requested.

Without warning, he raised his open hand and just as quickly lowered it. It crossed her mind that he meant to strike her. But quickly she dismissed the thought. She wasn't thinking straight.

He stood directly in front of her, face to face and shouted, "There is no explanation to account for the disgrace you have brought on my brother and our family. You are no better than her."

She stepped back in shock. What had changed him so? Surely not just the fact she was to be married. It was well past her time of mourning and there was nothing improper about her engagement. I've continued on with my life since Bill's death, she thought, perhaps that is what has upset him so?

She spoke cautiously, "I have done nothing...."

"Shut up!", he cut her sentence short.

He took a step back and then looked her up and down in a way that made Camille feel vunerable.

"You disgust me," he said with a twisted face.

Before she could respond, there were children all around them rushing to their desk. He glared at her for what seemed to be an eternity, then turned and left the building. A chill ran through Camille. She had been wrong earlier; it wasn't anger she had seen in his was fury. Before long she remembered something strange he'd said, what did he mean when he said she was just like "her"?

Chapter 12

Camille spent most of the day giving the children assignments from their textbooks and having them spend time reading. She'd been disturbed by the visit from Tom Barlow. It had not gone well at all. Initially, after he left this morning she was frightened. But as the day wore on, she convinced herself she must have been mistaken about the intensity of his anger. He'd been through quite a lot in the past months, enough to make even the most placid person react strangely. She knew she must speak with him again.

She'd just begun the last lesson of the day, when Tom barged into the schoolhouse. "I must speak with you," he demanded.

Camille was embarrassed by his intrusion and walked to the back of the room to speak to him privately. But there was little privacy to be had with several dozen little eyes locked on her every move.

"I would like to speak with you, too" she spoke softly, "I'm almost through here. I can meet you..."

"Now!" he said grabbing her wrist and twisting her arm.

She could've sworn that she saw him smile when he realized the pain he'd inflicted with his grasp. She wretched her arm free. The sooner she spoke to Tom the better and she preferred that it not be in the presence of a room full of children. Realizing he couldn't be deterred, she turned to the children who'd seen the whole altercation.

"Children, you are dismissed for the day," she said as she rubbed her hurting wrist.

The children hurriedly gathered their things as they left, excited about their early dismissal. Camille was so consumed in thought that she hadn't noticed Danny look back as he left to check on this teacher. Once she was sure all the children were gone, Camille went to the front of the room to stand behind her desk. For some reason unknown to her, she felt the need to put some space between herself and Tom Barlow.

"I'm sorry you were upset by the news of my engagement," she said to him.

"Surprised," he said as he walked around her desk and stood before her, "yes I was. But I realize, I shouldn't have been. I know your kind well. And I find that like my own, Bill's judgement was poor!"

She wasn't sure how to take his comments. But her foremost concern was the return of the fear she had felt earlier this morning. She stepped toward the far corner of the room, regaining a measure of comfort from the distance between them.

"Tom," she said.

"Mr. Barlow," he shouted, retracting his offer to use his Christian name.

"Tell me...Camille," he said snidely, "Did you find your future husband the same day my brother died, or did you wait until his body was cold?"

"You have no right to speak to me this way," she informed him, "your brother was my fiancée and I mourned for him properly."

"My brother has only been dead a year," he said. Once more he removed her comfort zone as he pushed forward. "A proper wife wouldn't have conducted herself in the disgraceful manner you have."

"I never married your brother," she exclaimed. She recognized that he heard only what he chose too.

At once he advanced on her and backed her in to the corner. " a detail that I am coming to realize is a blessing," he said cruelly. His face was inches from hers, "Since you never married him that will make it impossible for a trollop like you to claim any of our family money."

"I never wanted Bill's money, I loved him," she cried in panic.

Instantly her face stung. He'd slapped her so hard and so quickly that she hadn't seen it coming. "I wouldn't believe a thing you have to say!" he screamed in her face. "You are no better than a common whore. You move from one man to another with out a concern for anyone but yourself. My guess is Bill did you a favor getting himself killed. He made it easy for you to move on to your next lover."

She realized he was out of control. His rage was now explosive and she was scared. But she was also mad! He had no right to say those things! He was out of his mind and she knew she had to get away from him.

"Let go of me!" she yelled at him while trying to break free from his grip.

He answered her request with another slap across the other side of her face. Her head was reeling, he said something else to her but she couldn't make it out. Suddenly a knife flew past the back of his head and lodge in the wall. She focused her eyes on the knife; she knew that knife.... It was Buck's!

Tom looked at the knife and then to the door to see where it came from.

"Take your hands off her!" Buck ordered him.

Tom scoffed at Buck then turned back to Camille, "Get out of here Indian, This is none of your...."

He didn't have the chance to finish his sentence. Buck grabbed his shoulders and hurled him against the opposite wall. Tom hit hard against the wall and lay there huddled in a daze.

Buck pulled Camille in to the protection of his arms, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she said as she looked up at him.

But one look at her face and Buck knew she was lying, "Camille, he hit you"

She made a feeble attempt to diffuse Buck's rage, "It was an accident, I tripped,"

"Don't lie to me," he answered her flatly and calmly. But Camille was not deceived…she knew his anger was smoldering, needing only a spark to be ignited.

Tom provided the spark. "That's right, the harlot fell down," he sneered.

Tom was completely caught off guard as Buck struck him with the first blow. Buck unleashed another hit his face and stomach, before Tom was able to make a feeble attempt at fighting back.

His ability to defend himself was no match to Buck's rage. The sight of the red swollen marks on Camille's delicate face overcame him and he no longer saw the man he was hitting. Buck continued to hit him repeatedly until heard Camille's plea for him to stop.

"Stop! Please Buck! Stop!" she cried, "You're gonna hurt him!"

Her appeal brought him back to reality and he stepped back from the crumpled man on the floor. His chest heaving and his heart pounding from his attempt at revenge on Tom.

Despite his defeat, Tom showed no fear of Buck. "You will pay for this, Indian," he said as he struggled to stand.

"You shut your mouth," Buck yelled at him, as he rushed Tom and pinned him against the wall, "You had no right to hit her."

"I have every right!" Tom scoffed, "The Jezebel has disgraced our family and she will pay."

Buck reached back to hit him again, but Camille grabbed his arm. "Buck, No, you can't!" she cried, "He's Bill's brother."

Buck looked at her and then at Tom. This man looked just like Bill Barlow. Buck saw it now, but in his rage he'd only seen Tom as Camille's attacker.

"Let him go, please!" she pleaded. Buck hesitated and she added, "For me, please!"

Buck knew he should take Tom straight to Teaspoon. Have him locked up, at least for a day or so, and then see to it that he was escorted out of town. Buck had a bad feeling about this man. There was something wild and unstable in his eyes. Whether he was Bill's brother or not, he was a threat to Camille. He couldn't give him the opportunity to hurt her again.

Camille put her hand on Buck's arm, "Please, Buck!"

Buck knew he would regret letting Tom go free, but he couldn't deny Camille's request. He placed his hand on Tom's throat. Even as he tightened his grip, Tom showed not fear. Buck felt a chill up his spine as he stared into the empty depths of Tom's eyes.

"You leave this town now! I see you again and I'll kill you!" Buck warned him. He loosened his grip on Tom's neck and stepped back. Tom stood still for a moment casting them a contemptuous look. He then bent to scoop up his hat from the floor and placed it on his head. Just before he walked out the door Tom turned back to Camille and Buck. He tipped his hat with a mocking smile, he said, "Good Day!"

Once he was gone, Camille rushed into Buck's arms. She buried her face in his chest and began to sob. She'd been so scared. But only now in the protection of his arms, did she admit it to herself. She realized who lucky she was that Buck arrived when he did.

Suddenly she looked up at him and asked, "How did you know to come?"

"Danny Claxon came for me. Said a strange man was at the school." he answered. Buck gently brushed her hair from her face and winced at the sight of a bruise beginning to form on her check. "I could kill him for hurting you."

"No, don't say that," she stressed, "He was upset, he didn't mean it." Camille saw that he didn't agree with her. "It's true. He's grieving. He's wasn't in his right mind."

"Your right!" he agreed, "There's somethin' wrong with him, Camille. And it ain't just greivin'." Tom was dangerous. Buck was sure of it. That man had no fear of anything or anyone. And Buck knew that a man without fear was capable of anything. A man without fear had nothing to loose.

Chapter 13

Buck and Camille walked home in silence. Both of them lost in their thoughts. The altercation with Tom had left them shaken, but for different reasons.

Camille couldn't organize her thoughts. Her mind and her intuition were at war with each other. Her mind told her that she had nothing to fear from Tom. His intentions were true and honest. He only wanted what was best for her... his brother's betrothed. It was an honorable thing he had done, to travel such a long distance to retrieve her and care for her.

But her intuition told her something totally different. There were times he hadn't even heard what she'd said. He would confuse fact and fiction. If she hadn't been sure of his temper earlier in the day, her suspicions were confirmed later that afternoon. Tom's violent attack upon her had left her shaken. Even now as she gently rubbed her sore cheek, she found it hard to understand his reaction to her engagement.

Buck walked fast and furiously through town. Camille could hardly keep up with his long strides.

"Buck, please slow down!" he heard Camille asked from behind him. He'd been so deep in thought he hadn't realized how fast he was walking. As he looked at Camille his anger intensified at the sight of her bruising cheek.

"Sorry" he answered then took her hand and continued home. As he walked the boardwalk, he scanned the streets in an effort to find Tom. Buck could only hope that Tom heeded his warning and left town. He also had so many questions to ask Camille. He needed to know what transpired between Camille and Tom, but the streets of Rock Creek were not the place to seek the answers. Once they got to Rachel's he would get the answers he needed.

As they rounded the corner to Rachel's, Buck stopped abruptly. He'd sensed it earlier when they passed Tompkin's Store, but now he was sure he felt eyes on his back. There was no doubt in his mind whom those eyes belonged to. Again he searched the street and the windows of the buildings for their stalker. There was no one there, at least in his field of vision. But Buck didn't need his sense of vision to confirm they weren't alone as they made their way home from the schoolhouse. What his eyes didn't see his spirit did.

"What is it?" Camille asked.

Not wanting to upset her, he kept his suspicions to himself. "Nothin," he answered as he stared down the street. "Come on, let's go"


"And you said he looked just like Bill Barlow?" Teaspoon asked settling into the chair in Rachel's parlor.

"Yep" Buck answered.

Rachel and Camille were cleaning the dinner dishes. With Camille in the kitchen, this was Buck's opportunity to tell Teaspoon what had happened earlier with Tom Barlow. Despite Buck's insistence, Camille refused to press assault charges against Tom.

"And ya ain't seen him since this afternoon?" Teaspoon asked.

"No," he replied, "but he's still here, I can feel it"

Teaspoon knew better than to question Buck's instincts. He'd proven to be correct many times throughout their years with the Pony Express. Along with a keen tracking expertise, Buck's ability to sense the spirit of others was a gift he'd received from his Indian ancestors.

Teaspoon sighed, "Well, if Camille ain't willing to press charges, there's nothin' I can do."

"Nothing?" Buck threw his head back in frustration, "Then I'll press charges"

"No!" Camille said firmly.

Buck swung around to see Camille standing in the doorway. From the look on her face it was evident that she was displeased with the conversation she'd overheard.

"You told him to leave and I am sure he will," she said with her hands on her hips. "He's probably already gone by now"

"He's not," Buck answered. His voice was deep and foreboding.

Camille couldn't hide her alarm, "You saw him?"

"No, but he's still in town," he said flatly, "and he's not leavin"

She questioned him, "If you didn't see him, then how do you know he's still here?"

Buck looked at her in disbelief. If Tom's intention was to confuse Camille, then Buck knew he'd succeeded. Little Bird would never have questioned him about his ability to sense Tom's presence.

Camille looked down at the floor, she couldn't meet Buck's gaze because she was also ashamed she'd doubted him. She made her way to the door. She needed to be alone to collect her thoughts.

Teaspoon spoke up, "Now wait a minute, darlin'."

"Teaspoon," she said, pointing to Buck, "he's looking for trouble."

Then turning her anger on Buck she cried, "Why can't you just let it be?"

She turned and bolted out of the house.


Camille stood in the darkness beside the corral. She crossed her arms in front of her, squeezing tightly as she held herself, not so much in defense of the chilly air but for comfort against a raging sense of dread. It was no surprise to her when she heard Buck's approaching footsteps. He stood there behind her in silence. He was so close she could hear every breath he took. After a moment, Buck wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her close to him and resting his chin on top of her head. His embrace was warm and comforting. She found a quieting comfort in his arms that moved through her and soothed her to the very depths of her being. She placed her arms over his, stroking his muscular forearms and relishing the security they offered.

How effortless this moment was, so free of problems and disagreements. Just the two of them alone, hidden and protected by the blanket of darkness, where no one could find them. Camille wished they could shut out the rest of the world. She'd grown tired of the obstacles in her life. Why was it so difficult for her to lead a normal life?

Deep down, she had to admit she was afraid of Tom. Afraid that he was every thing Buck thought he was. Afraid that he would threaten her future with Buck. Afraid that if she didn't put distance between Tom and Buck, something terrible might happen. Something would happen that would take Buck from her forever. She couldn't bear to lose him again.

Camille turned within his embrace to face him. "I don't want to fight with you," she said.

"Me neither," he answered tenderly. He bent down to brush her lips with a gentle kiss.

"Come on, we oughta get back," he said with reluctance. "Teaspoon will be wantin' his pie. Knowin' Rachel she'll make him wait till we get back."

She nodded in agreement, "You go ahead, I'll be along in just a minute."

"Camille, I don't want you out here alone," he firmly stated.

"I've been out here alone before."

"But tonight is different," he reminded her.

"Why are you doing this?" Camille sighed then stepped back from him. "Why can't you just let it be?"

"Because Tom Barlow is not going to let it be!" he said firmly.

"You don't know that!" She said raising her voice to him.

"The hell I don't!" He shouted at her. "I've seen men like him before. He's not going to give up. He followed us home today and you know it!"

She glared at him; she wasn't going to say he was wrong; she knew better. But she also wasn't going to encourage him by agreeing with him.

"Did you look at him Camille? Did you really look at him?" he asked.

"Yes! Yes! I did! Buck!" she yelled at him. "You want to know what I saw? I saw a man who has lost his brother and his father in the same year. A man who traveled weeks to help his brothers fiancée only to find out that she is engaged to be married to another. You can't blame him for being upset."

"He wasn't upset!" He corrected her, "He was out of control!"

"And you weren't? You could have really hurt him today"

"He hit you, Camille! What'd you expect me to do?" he exclaimed as he threw up his hands. "Why are you defending him?"

"Why are so eager to look for a fight?" she said avoiding his question.

Buck began to say something, but then stopped himself. He dark eyes bore into the depths of her soul.

As he began to understand, his face was awash with the realization of Camille's motives.

"Camille, he not Bill," he said solemnly.

Camille's temper exploded. "I KNOW THAT, BUCK CROSS," She lashed out at him, "You have not right to say that to me...I know exactly who he is!"

"I don't think you do. I think you look at him and see Bill. He's not what he seems. He's dangerous and I don't want you to be alone!" Then he added, "I am only trying to protect you."

"You can't be with me every minute of the day," she stated

He was silent.

She continued, "I have children to teach. What are you going to do, sit in the school house all day?" She then reminded him, "Kid and Lou are gone to the orphanage, and you've got your hands full with the ranch."

"Rachel can teach for a few days," he answered, "I want you to stay here on the ranch with me. Just till I am sure Tom has left town."

"No!" she answered him. "I will not hide on this ranch when Tom Barlow is long gone."

Buck was frustrated. There was no way to convince her that Tom was still in Rock Creek. And that he was a serious threat.

"I remember once you asked me not to leave you. You said something terrible would happen. I didn't believe you but you were right. Our village was raided." He reminded her, then continued, "Camille, listen to me. Tom is here and he's not who you think he is. I want you to say here tomorrow."

"You're not being fair!" she cried, "That was different. Those trappers were strangers. Tom is Bill's brother! This is different! You hear me! It's different!"

Then she whirled around and ran for the house. Buck could hear her sob as she entered the house. He longed to comfort her, but knew it was best to give her some time to come to terms with the truth. He couldn't help Camille to see past Toms' resemblance to Bill. If she had, she would have seen the a dangerously volatile man


As he watched her shut the door he realized that not only was he protecting her from Tom, but also from her choice to ignore the danger he presented.


Chapter 14

She'd left in the morning without a word to Buck. A new day would bring no resolution to the differences of the previous night. The first half of the day proved to be uneventful, except for two impromptu visits by Buck to check on her safety.

Aside from physically restraining Camille, there was no way to keep her on the ranch today. But no one could stop Buck from checking on her throughout the day. He'd just returned from his second trip to the school. As he peered at her through the doorway of the school, she cast him a disapproving look that confirmed to him her opinion that he was overreacting.

It was noon, and time for the mid-day break. Camille walked behind the children as they filed out the door of the school. As she watched the last of the children scurry off to their homes for lunch, she noticed Tom walking toward the school. Dread immediately overwhelmed her. Buck was right. He hadn't left Rock Creek. Not wanting to be alone with Tom, Camille stepped out on the porch of the school as Tom approached the steps.

"Mr. Barlow, I don't think you should be here," she said as he stopped at the foot of the steps.

"Please, give me just a minute of your time," he requested. "Please let me explain. Let me apologize."

"There is no need. Really," she nervously responded as she looked down the street toward the ranch. "It's best that you leave"

Tom did not respond to her appeal. "I was wrong, please forgive me!" he asked. "I had no right to raise my hand to you"

There was sincerity in his voice that caused Camille to soften to his request. He took her silence as her approval for him to continue.

"I have dealt with a lot of pain this past year, more than just the deaths of my father and Bill. I haven't been myself for a long time." He put his hand on the rail to begin up the stairs, but stopped when he saw her step back. He added, "I am not trying to make excuses, just explain my actions. "

"Camille, for the last few weeks, the only thing that has driven me is honoring my brother, by taking care of the woman he loved most in the world." "Bill and I had our differences, I am sure you are aware we'd been estranged at the time of his death. I believe I was looking for absolution by assuming responsibility for your care. When that too...was taken from me, by your engagement...well, I reacted very poorly."

Camille was speechless. She wasn't sure what to say or what to do. She didn't like how she felt when she was around Tom, he made her unsure of herself. He drained her ability to tell the truth from a lie.

"I am truly sorry that I struck you, Camille," he pleaded. "Please accept my apology."

Camille couldn't find it in her heart to deny his expression of regret, "Apology accepted."

Feeling sure of his sincerity, she stepped down to talk to him. "I know I told you this once before, but I want you to believe me. I loved Bill and his death devastated me"

Tom nodded his head to her in response. Then asked, "Camille, may I ask you for a favor?"

Camille felt uneasy, not so much from Tom's request but from her concern that Buck could return at any moment. As she turned to look down the street again, she prayed Tom would leave before Buck came back. He'd checked on her frequently throughout the day. If he were to return now, to find her talking to Tom, he would be enraged.

Tom saw what he believed was hesitation and quickly added, "I know I have no right. But could you tell me about Bill, about his last days. It would be such a help for me to deal with his death."

How pitiful Tom had sounded to her as he asked her to share her memories of Bill. She was confident that there was no harm in taking the time to ease his pain. "Yes, I will tell you about Bill"

"Thank you, Camille," he said. Then smiling broadly, he added, "It's such a lovely day, why don't we go for a ride in the country. I've rented a buckboard, and the countryside looks so inviting"

"I don't really have much time. The children will be back at the end of their midday break," she said. Camille was sure that she had nothing to fear from Tom. He'd successfully convinced her his actions yesterday were out of the ordinary. She felt certain that there was no harm in being alone with Tom. But she also knew Buck would be angry if she went riding with Tom.

He saw her uncertainty and added, "We'll just take a short ride. You are the only one who can tell me about my brother"

Camille was about to tell Tom that it would be best to stay at the school, when she looked down the street again. What if Buck came by to check on her? She couldn't run the risk of the two of them running into one another.

"I guess a short ride would be fine" she surrendered.


Danny Calxon was close on the heels of the youngest of Eli Murphy's boys. Several of the other children were running in and out of the schoolhouse. Buck knew that the children's midday break had been over long ago. It was totally out of character for Camille to allow the children to run unsupervised. The closer he got to the school, the greater his concern grew.

He rushed over to a group of boys playing jacks on the step. "Hey, guys. Is Miss Camille inside?" he asked.

"No, sir. She ain't back yet," the smallest boy answered, "Do ya wanna play jacks?"

"No," he said. Fear welling within him. "Do you know where she went?"

"Nope," they answered, without looking up from their game.

Buck stood up and walked down the steps to scan the street for Camille. It was a dim hope that he might see her walking toward the school. He fought the urge to panic. He had no facts to back up his suspicions, just a feeling that what he feared most was a reality.

He went to leave the schoolyard, when a little voice stopped him, "I saw her leave with that man."

Molly Claxon tugged on Buck's vest, "She went for a buggy ride."

Trying to control the panic that welled within him, he knelt down in front of the little girl. "Molly, what man? What Man?" He plead with her.

His gut wrenched as Molly answered, "The man that was mean to her yesterday."

Chapter 15

Buck slammed the door behind him as he stormed into the Marshal's office. The wild look on Buck's face nearly caused Barnett to drop the broom he was sweeping up with.

"Where's Teaspoon?" Buck demanded.

Barnett shuffled to the desk, "Well, that a fine how da ya do."

"I ain't got time for this, Barnett! Where is he?" he growled.

"He ain't here," the deputy answered.

Buck glared at him, "I can see that! Where'd he go?"

"Blue Creek. He left this mornin'," he answered as he sat behind the desk. "He's due back pretty soon."

Buck shook his head in frustration. "I can't wait!" Buck rushed behind the desk and flung open the top drawer, almost knocking over Barnett in the process. After scribbling a few sentences on piece of paper, he folded it and thrust it at the bewildered man beside him.

"Barnett give this to Teaspoon the minute he gets back. Do you understand? It's very important." he demanded as he bolted for the door.

"Sure Buck," Barnett called after him, "Somthin' wrong?"

"Just be sure he gets it!" he hollered back.


"Tom, we should start to head back to town if I'm to return before the children", Camille stated. It had been a lovely ride through the country. She and Tom discussed Bill at length and she believed that Tom had found solace in hearing about his brother. When they'd first left town Camille questioned her decision to go for a ride in the country with Tom, but the lovely day and Tom's impeccable behavior put all her fears to rest.

" Yes, you're right…I see a good place to turn around just ahead" he answered, as he motioned to the rise before them. He then added, "Camille, I can't thank you enough for sharing your memories of Bill with me. Your stories have brought me great comfort"

"I hope so," Camille answered, "Sometimes it can be painful to revisit the past, I'm glad that it's not so in this case"

'Painful? No, death is a fact of life…one we must all face." He was quiet for a moment. "Now betrayal, that is another thing all together," He said bluntly. "There's no amount of time or circumstances that can heal the hurt and disgrace of being betrayed by someone you love"

Camille was surprised by his comment, and left at a loss for a response. This was the first time he'd shared anything remotely personal about himself.

"I hope you aren't speaking from experience?" she asked.

"Unfortunately, I am," he said. He paused for a moment looking off into the distance and then continued, "Her name was Miss Emily VanBuren " he said, "She was the most desired debutante of St. Joseph, Missouri. Of all the fine ladies in town, she was the loveliest. She had many suitors vying for her affections, but I was the one who won her hand. The other men in town were jealous of me; I could see it in their faces but their jealousy only confirmed my victory. You know, our engagement party was held in the governors' mansion with only the foremost members of St. Joe society in attendance.

"It sounds lovely," Camille said.

"It was," he said with disgust, "but she ran off with an other man just before our wedding."

"Oh Tom, how awful!" she said empathetically. Placing her hand on his arm, she added, "You must have been heartbroken. I'm sure you loved her very much?"

"Yes, I did and I always will. I will love her until the day I die. Just as my brother loved you!" he stated.

Instinctively, Camille removed her hand from his arm and sat up straight. His statement shook her some how. It felt more like an accusation than a remark made in passing. Suddenly the buckboard dipped to the side as the wheel went in a big hole. She grabbed at the seat for stability and could've sworn she heard him mumble something under his breath. She wasn't quite sure but it sounded like he said something about "being fools".

"You remind me of her, you know!" he stated.

Startled, she asked, "I do?"

"Oh, yes! You are like her in every way", he said with a counterfeit smile.

Despite the pleasant tone of his voice and the smile he cast at her, Camille felt sure this wasn't a complement. He was comparing her to a woman who'd "betrayed" him. It seemed to Camille that there were times when Tom's outward expressions didn't match the words that came from his mouth. She suddenly began to nervously wring her hands. She needed to get back to town. Now.

"Tom, please I must insist that we turn around now," her voice trembled when she spoke.

He looked at her condescendingly, "We can't turn around, Emily! Not now!"

"Tom, you called me Emily. I'm Camille," she reminded him. Camille found his blunder unsettling.

"Of course you are" he said, "it's just that you remind me so much of her. Beautiful to a fault and you attract all sorts of men. Both of you know how to use your beauty to control the men in your lives."

Had she heard him correctly? She was none of those things. Her heart was racing as he began to show the same erratic behavior as yesterday at the school.

She addressed him directly, "No, Tom you're wrong…."

"DON'T…" he snapped, cutting her off in mid sentence, "don't correct me, you're always correcting me."

In an attempt to diffuse him, she apologized, "I didn't mean to upset you. It sounds like Emily hurt you, but I assure you I am not like her."

"Oh, but you are!" he said firmly, "Your affections are as fickle as the weather."

Camille felt anxious and she knew she was in a situation she couldn't handle. She scanned the countryside in hopes someone else was out for a ride. But there was no one. They were alone. She inched a little farther away from him.

"You hurt me badly, you know." He grabbed her arm to get her attention. "But worse than that, was the disgrace you brought on me and my family. How could you do it!" he exclaimed as his grip became painful. "I fought for you, I gave you everything you asked for! You were my prize, not his!" As he pulled her closer, his voice was full of repugnance, "I had everything he didn't. He was just a poor dirt farmer."

With one swift jerk, Camille wretched her arm free, "I'm Camille…not Emily! You're scaring me! Why are you acting so crazy?"

"Shut up" he yelled as he backhanded her, "I've lived all my life being told I was crazy and I won't hear it from the likes of you. You think I don't know what they say about me. But none of them have the guts to say it to my face…those aristocratic leaches. If they did, they would no longer enjoy the pleasures and prestige of being associated with the Barlow Family."

"Take me home, Now!" she shouted at him. He ignored her and continued driving. She grabbed at the reins to try to gain his attention, "Tom, listen to me! Look at me! I'm Camille…your brother Bill's fiancée."

"You didn't look like you belonged to Bill when I saw you in the arms of your Indian lover," he snapped at her.

Did he just address me as Camille? She thought to herself. His constant fluctuations to and from reality were leaving her unnerved. She felt her rapidly beating heart gradually climb into her throat.

"Neither of you saw me but I saw you. I followed you home that day and came back again that night," he said with a sinister look on his face. "I saw your disgusting display beside the barn." His penetrating gaze awaited her reaction.

She clasped her arms over her chest and vigorously rubbed her arms. Camille felt like she'd been violated. She'd thought they were alone. The revelation that Tom was there the night that she and Buck shared such a tender and intimate moment caused bitter bile to rise within her throat. Buck was right! Tom is everything Buck said he was! she realized.

"Please Tom, Please just turn the wagon around," she pleaded with him.

"I told you I can't do that, " he said shaking his head.

"I remember the first time I saw you with that pathetic farmer with his hands on you. I was sure he had forced himself on you but then you left me that pitiful note," he spat.

He brought the buckboard to an abrupt halt in the middle of a field and turned to her, "Really Emily, did you think I would let you break our engagement? That will never happen!"

Camille felt the blood run cold through her veins as he began to refer to her as Emily again. There was no predicting his mind. But what terrified her the most was the insane look she saw in his eyes as he helped her down from her seat " I have one small detail to take care of and then we can return home. We can consider it a blessing that you chose to carry out your affair in another town. We'll now be able to return to St.Joe and no one will be aware of your impropriety."

" You can't be serious, I will not go with you!" she exclaimed. Every fiber of her being was engulfed in frenzy. She began to back away from him.

"Of course you will!" he said. He yanked at her arm bringing her body slamming against his, "You have no other choice. It would be foolish of you to test my patience. I've been more than generous by overlooking your lack of judgement. Once we are through here, we will return to the estate and speak of this no more."

"Stop this…" she screamed. "I'm Camille! I'm from Rock Creek. I have friends there. When I don't return they will come looking for me. Buck is probably on his way now. If we turn back now…"

"Oh yes…I'm sure he is," he smiled with wicked delight, "In fact, I'm counting on it."

"He won't let you do this," she said breathlessly. In her frantic attempt to thwart him, she'd completely missed his intentions toward Buck. "Please Tom listen to me. He'll kill you if you try to take me with you."

"I seriously doubt that," he confidently replied.

She tried with all her strength to break free of his grip. "He will! Please believe me!"

"Emily, my dear," he said, "your concern for my safety is touching, but I've nothing to fear from a dead man."

Camille suddenly ceased her struggle as his words penetrated her consciousness.

" I see you finally understand. If I'm correct your lover should be here shortly. I've made it easy for him to find us." He turned to her and proclaimed proudly, "As soon as he's within my range, I will shoot him down like a dog. He'll never know what hit him."

There was no doubt in her mind now! Tom was totally insane! His sole purpose was to make Emily return home, to make her his trophy wife and to kill her lover. Hysteria overtook her as she realized there was no way to convince him she was not Emily and worst of all, that Buck was not Emily's poor dirt farmer.


Chapter 16

"NO", she screamed, "you can't do this! I won't let you kill him"

" I can and I will!" he exclaimed. "Now stand over there and keep your mouth shut," he ordered her as he pushed her toward the buckboard. He drew his gun from its holster and opened the bullet chamber. "One wrong move from you," he said as he eyed the chamber, "and I will make your lover's death a long and painful one."

Camille gasped at the magnitude of his cruelty, "Why are you doing this?"

"For you," he said approaching her. She recoiled as he placed his hands on her shoulders, "I'm doing this for you. It's the only way, my dear. As long as he's alive I can't trust you." She felt the weight of the gun on her shoulder. The sensation of the cold barrel sent shivers through her spine. "You've proven yourself weak, Emily. So I intend to remove your temptation. Thus protecting your reputation and my family's dignity."

"You've left me no other choice." He ran the tip of the gun along her cheek, enjoying the mental torture he inflicted upon her. "One day, you will thank me!"

"But I'm not Emily. Why can't you see that!" she screamed out of desperation, "You can't do this! You have no right! Buck is not who you think he is! You leave him alone."

Camille didn't see him raise his hand, but she felt the hard sting of his palm on her cheek. She closed her eyes from the pain. He shook her to gain her attention. What she saw there in his eyes was the hollow abyss of his insanity. "You'll not raise your voice to me!" he bellowed, "I am in charge here, you're in no place to make demands!"

She knew she had few choices. Nothing she'd said or done thus far had diverted him from his perverse plan. But even as she felt fear turn to sheer panic, she knew she must continue to try, at all cost, to divert him.

"Tom, if you kill Buck the law will follow you to St. Joe. The marshal of Rock Creek is like a father to him and he will never let you reach the state line," she plead.

Tom let out a great laugh. "Emily, honey. You really must learn to trust me." Camille flinched as he leaned toward her to kiss her cheek.

Camille resisted the urge to slap him. The touch of his lips seared her skin. But it was in her best interest to retain command of her emotions. He apparently didn't consider the law a threat. There was only one other thing she could think of that might change his mind.

"I'll tell him I don't love him. That I want to go with you!" she blurted out. Tom was obviously surprised. She continued, "I'll tell him to go back to Rock Creek. I'll tell him I'm not going back with him."

Tom looked amused by her declaration. Undeterred, she continued on, "I'll tell him that I never loved him, that it was all a mistake. Ill make him believe he was a fool to think that I would leave you for him. Please Tom, please let me try."

He spun the barrel of his gun and placed it back in the holster. Without saying a word to her, he turned to walk away. Camille knew he'd heard her and that this was another one of his sick ways of making her suffer. But she would play his game if it meant that Buck's life would be spared.

"If you kill him you'll be a wanted man. You may not be afraid of Marshal Hunter, but I don't believe that to good citizens of St. Joe will accept a murderer living in their community. Even if he is Tom Barlow."

Tom stopped. She held her breath as she awaited his response. Camille hoped his silence meant that he was considering her appeal, but he gave no indication of his feelings. Suddenly he's attention was diverted to something behind her. She turned. What she saw would normally have brought her great joy, but the distant sight of the dark rider atop his horse sent Camille into hysteria.

She whirled back around to face Tom. "Please! Please! Let me try! I can do this!" she begged him.

He grabbed her wrist and squeezed it tightly causing Camille to wince under the pressure of his hand. "You better make him believe you! If you don't, I'll step in. Do you understand me!" he demanded. She nodded, paralyzed with fear as he released his grip to turn her to in the direction of Buck's approach. "I'm warning you," he sneered, "Don't toy with me, Emily! You'll live to regret it...but he will not!"

Camille wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. She wanted to run as fast as her legs would take her. She wanted to warn Buck of the danger he was riding into. What she didn't want… was to stand calmly beside this insane man who held their future in his hands.

Tom stole her attention when he spoke with delight, "Smile, my dear. Your lover will soon be here."

As Camille thought through exactly what she would say to Buck, her eyes reflected the pain that filled her heart. She knew she must convince him, if his life was to be spared. The words she planned to say hung in her constricting throat as it closed around them. This would be the most difficult lie she'd ever have to tell.


Buck had no problem following their trail. From the tracks he surmised one of two things, either he'd overreacted and it was simply an extended ride in the country or Tom was making it very easy for him to find them. Buck's instincts told him it was the latter. But never the less, he would approach whatever situation he found with caution.

He saw them clearly as he reached the top of the rise. The buckboard was parked in the middle of an open field; he could see Camille and Tom standing aside it, deep in conversation. From this distance Camille didn't seem to be in danger or distress for that matter. Buck felt a slight bit of relief that she'd not been physically harmed. It was with cautious hope that he nudged his horse forward.

But any hope of a peaceful confrontation took flight when Buck saw Camille at close range. She looked at him fearfully through red swollen eyes and the dirty streaks down her cheeks proved she'd been crying. She tired desperately to look composed, but he knew her too well, and her appearance reflected the state of her torment.

She nervously pressed the pleats of her skirt with her hands as Buck stopped his horse several yards from them. Her statement reflected the events of the day. "Did he hurt you?" he asked with his attentions solely focused on Camille.

Camille knew it was now or never, she must convince Buck to go home without her. "I'm fine," she said as she began to step forward, "Buck, I'm going...."

She never had the opportunity to finish the speech she'd planned. The words froze in her mouth as she heard a loud pop and saw a puff of smoke out the corner of her eye. All at once everything seemed to move in slow motion. She turned to her right and saw Tom holding his gun; weightless gray smoke drifted from the barrel. Her eyes moved down the barrel of the gun in the direction of its target. She desperately feared what she would find there. It felt like invisible hands were squeezing the air from her chest. She cried out in horror as she watched Buck fall from his horse to the ground.

"Noooo!" she screamed and rushed to where he lay on the ground. He'd landed face down on the hard ground and Camille pushed on his shoulder and side to turn him over. Once she had him on his side she lifted her hand to brush his hair from his face, but stopped in horror at the sight of the bright red blood that covered her hand. "Buck! Buck!" she begged for a response. But he offered no answer to her desperate request. She watched helplessly as Buck's blood poured from his still body. She couldn't stop the flow of his blood, just as she could help but feel her own life streaming away.

She closed her bloody hand into a fist as she turned to Tom and cried, "You said you wouldn't kill him! I told you I'd go with you! You said you wouldn't shoot him!"

Tom cleaned his gun with the handkerchief from his pocket. He glanced at Camille and simply said, "I changed my mind."

She was immediately to her feet as she rushed Tom, pounding on his chest with her fist, "You will pay for this! You'll hang, do you hear me! I'll see you hang!"

He grabbed her wrist. "Merely self-defense, my dear," he scoffed at her, "now pull yourself together! We're leaving!"

She was wild with fury and futilely struggled within his grip. "I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH YOU!" She yelled in his face, "I rather die first!"

Tom had no patience for her resistance and shoved her hard against the side of the buckboard. His face was so close to hers that she could smell his sour breath as he spoke, "I said.... Get In!" Her blank stare gave him confidence she would follow his instructions. He released her from his grasp to untie the horses from a stump.

Camille glanced back to where Buck lay on the ground. "I won't leave him," she said quietly to herself. "I won't go.... I can't leave him here!"

Camille was within a few steps of Buck when Tom grabbed her from behind and spun her around. Even the force of his hand across her face didn't deter her. There was no pain greater than the pain of Buck's death.

"Let go of me!" she spat, "I hate you.... I hate you for killing him!" Tears were pouring down her dirty cheeks, but her vision was not clouded. She saw clearly that he was the personification of evil. "You should just kill me, too. Now! I have nothing more to live've taken it all"

"Are you finish?" he asked flatly. Camille silently wept. Her hands hid her face and she gave no indication that she would respond to him. Enraged by in insolence, he grabbed the back of her head and yanked hard on her hair to force her to look up at him. "I won't tolerate your tongue any longer, Emily."

She could take no more of his madness. "For the last time...I'm not Emily and I've done nothing to you. You're out of your mind," she sobbed, "No wonder Emily left you. Life with a poor dirt farmer would be better than being with a crazy man"

He hit her hard and she fell to the ground beside Buck's body. "Don't you call me CRAZY!" he exclaimed, then kicked her hard in her side.

Camille curled her body into a ball for protection from his next assault. For a brief moment she caught a glimpse of him as he bent down to hit her again. He was laughing at her. It was the same wicked laugh he'd emitted when he shot Buck. Sheer terror overtook her as she realized he would kill her too.

She scrambled to her hands and knees to get away from him, only to have him kick her back down to the ground. This time her face fell hard on Buck's boots and sent her head spinning. She clawed at the dirt to pull herself away from Tom when she jammed her fingers against a hard piece of wood. She reached out for what she thought was a stick to defend herself. But she soon realized it wasn't a stick after all.... it was Buck's knife. His knife, still in its sleath, was hidden between the ground and his boot. She grabbed the handle tightly and held the knife in front of her as she rolled over. She'd only meant to use the knife to ward off Tom's brutal beating, but he lunged toward her at the same time she turned over.

Tom landed hard on the large knife and it plunged deep into his chest. Tom's eyes grew wide with the awareness of his injury. In his final assault on her, he cast her a demented smile that she knew would haunt her for years. Camille trembled when Tom's body went limp and she pushed hard to roll him off of her. She stared at Buck's knife protruding from Tom's chest in disbelief. What have I done, I've killed him she thought. She couldn't suppress the heaves of bile that rose from her stomach as she cried in out in horror at what she had done. Camille was numb with shock. She sat in a lethargic trance between the man she hated most and the man she love desperately, both lying in a pool of blood.

She willed herself to look at Buck. She must accept that life had sentenced her to the cruelest punishment possible…life without soul mate. No longer was she whole. Her body would continue to live but her senses were dead. She would breathe, she would walk and she would eat. But she would never feel his rough hands in hers again or hear him say her name. She would no longer see the way his face lit up when he smiled or smell the hint of sage in his hair after he'd been to pray. She could no longer contain her tears. They rained down her cheeks, as she pressed her fingers to her lips in grief…never again would she taste his salty kiss at the end of a long day.

Her knees snagged on her skirt as she scurried to Buck's side. Camille gently rolled him to his back and brushed the wild tendrils of his hair from his face. She placed her hand on the side of his face, tracing his brow with her fingertips. She ran her ivory finger down the side of his dark temples and across his high cheekbone. His skin was still warm and moist, it almost deceived her into believing he was not lost to her after all. She willed him to open his eyes for her, allowing her access to his soul. Sorrow consumed her as she pressed gentle kisses to his cheek. She relished the sensation of his skin against her lips, just this one last time. Camille closed her eyes to beg their Kiowa Gods to grant deliverance, yet she knew there would be none. She shuddered against her desperate attempt to contain her sorrow as she brushed his lips to hers. Camille could taste her tears on his lips as she lingered, not wishing to end their final kiss. It was then she felt it. A brief delicate flurry touched her face. A breath. Camille lay very still, she held the air within her lungs and waited. There it was again.... she felt it again! She felt the gentle whisper of breath on her cheek. The gentle whisper of Buck's breath. Buck was breathing! He wasn't dead. He was alive!

Chapter 17

Buck was alive! He was breathing!

Camille had been so sure she'd lost him. His motionless body bore what looked to be a fatal wound and the abundance of blood that flowed to the ground led her to believe that the spirit of the man she loved was no longer housed within. But she'd been wrong to believe that Tom or anyone or anything could sever the bond between Buck and herself. She knew now that the Sprits hadn't abandoned to them to the merciless hands of fate, but once again had interceded to protect them.

As genuine as the supernatural assurance of Buck's survival was, she knew his life was hanging by a thread. He was still bleeding and no matter what she believed, if it wasn't stopped, he would surely die. A sharp pain gripped her chest as she lifted his shirt to reveal the inflamed hole in his side.

She'd managed to slow the bleeding by pressing against his wound with wads of fabric torn from her petticoat. Once, she'd tried to go for assistance but as soon as the pressure on his wound was lessened the bleeding would increase again. She cursed herself for the helpless state she'd found herself in. If she were to go for aid he would surely bleed to death and if she stayed he might die before help arrived. She was angry at the cruelty of the circumstances and screamed a cry of frustration that pierced the quiet stillness of the meadow.

As quickly as Camille's anger had flared it was gone, leaving her with a devastating emptiness. She was lost in a silent sadness when suddenly she heard Buck begin to moan. "Buck, can you hear me?" she asked as she propped his head up with the saddlebag.

Camille felt hope surge through her heart as he began to open his eyes. "Camille?" he asked. She'd always thought he had such beautifully expressive dark eyes but not even the most exquisite onyx stones could compare to the splendor of his eyes as they opened.

"Right here," she said as she stroked his forehead, "I'm right here."

The events of the day slowly came back to Buck, and he reached out to pull himself up but was immediately met with a stabbing pain in his side. His head fell back against the saddlebag in defeat. As he watched the sky spin before his eyes, he knew he'd been hurt worse than he thought.

"Sit back!" Camille demanded, "You can't do that, you'll start bleeding again." She lifted the blood soaked rags to see that he had indeed begun bleeding again. "Oh, Buck, you must be still!"

He looked at her with concern written over his face, "Where's Tom?"

Camille swallowed hard as she felt her throat begin to heave at the mention of Tom. Her consuming concern for Buck's survival had granted her a reprieve from the guilt she felt over Tom's death. "Tom's dead," she whispered.

"Dead?" he asked. She could find no words to respond to him but only nodded her head.

Buck relaxed a bit. "Where's Teaspoon?" He'd assumed that Teaspoon had arrived to help them and he'd been the one to kill Tom.

"He's not here, Buck," she answered. But Camille was confused, Why was he asking for Teaspoon?

"What?" He questioned, "Then who killed Tom?"

Camille couldn't make the words come out of her mouth, it was too painful to think she'd cause a man's death, let alone speak the words. She bit her lips in an attempt to suppress the mournful cry that would divulge her offense.

"Camille, how did…" he stopped. Despite his clouded vision, the answer he demanded was visible in the anguished lines of her face. His stomach twisted in a knot as he recognized that he'd not only failed to physically protect her from Tom but also protect her from the mental torment of inflicting death on another person, even in self defense. "I'm sorry…"

"No, this is my fault," she interrupted him, "You were right about Tom. If only I had listened to you then none of this would've happened and you wouldn't be lying here…like this. I was so wrong!"

All her repressed fear and anguish flooded to the surface as she covered her face in shame and sobbed. There was a solace she found in allowing her emotions to have their way, yet she chastised herself for her lack of control.

Although Buck was weak, he took her hand in his and brought it to his lips. Her sobs slowed to a whimper as he pressed the back of her hand to his moist, warm and very alive lips. As she felt his breath once again on her skin it sent a tingling sensation that began in her fingers, made a path up her arm and radiated throughout her body. The touch of his warm skin against hers was a balm to her soul that carried with it a reminder of the enduring union of their spirits. His gaze bore right through to the depths of her thoughts and offered the promise of healing, both physically and emotionally. Though no words were spoken, he assured her It's all over now!


Teaspoon had been quite a distance away when he heard the gunshot and immediately kicked his mare into a frenzied pace as dread consumed him. He prayed the shot had only been a warning, that he'd arrive in time to defuse the confrontation and prevent any bloodshed. But he was only a few feet away when he knew he was too late. Teaspoon wasn't prepared for the grizzly scene that he saw when he finally found Buck and Camille.

He reined his horse to a sudden stop and ran to Camille's side. Her dirty face was streaked with tears and in her eyes was a desperation that he found unsettling. He took her into his arms to comfort her, "It alright, Darlin'. Just tell me what happened"

"Tom shot him," she choked out, "He's lost so much blood."

"Merciful God!" he spouted under his breath as he looked at Buck. Teaspoon was shaken by Buck's appearance, if Camille hadn't already told him differently, he would have thought Buck was dead already. His clothes were blood soaked and his once deep bronze skin had gained a grayish hue that confirmed that time was of the essence. Teaspoon winced at the sight of the boy he loved as his own hovering so close to death. It was the thought of losing Buck that propelled him into action.

"Thanks for coming," Buck murmured weakly.

"Your gonna be all right, Son." Even thought Teaspoon found it hard to believe his own words, he hoped that Buck would. He put his arms under Buck to lift him into the buckboard, but paused and turned to Camille. "Are you hurt?" he asked with concern. She shook her head. "Good, go get in the back of the buckboard."

Teaspoon had only glanced at the other man lying on the ground. The knife that protruded from his chest was evidence that there was nothing to be done for him.

The agony of being moved was too much for Buck to bear and he passed in to unconsciousness before Teaspoon had placed him in the buckboard. The older man knew this was a blessing because the trip home would be no less painful.

"Now you hold down on them rags as tight as you can," he instructed Camille, "No matter how much this wagon jumps around, you gotta keep the pressure on that gunshot wound. You understand?"

She swiftly shook her head. "That's my girl," he said with a wink. For a split second their eyes met in a realization that they were in a battle against an unseen force that sought to claim Buck as it's prize.

"He's going to be alright…. Isn't he?" she asked as Teaspoon tied his and Buck's horses to the wagon.

"Yes, he is!" he responded. As he snapped the reins of the wagon he spouted, "God Almighty himself will have to fight me for him!"


It had been almost two months since Camille and Teaspoon arrived at the door of Doc Wheeler's office with Buck's limp body in the back of the buckboard. To Camille, that day now seemed so long ago as she looked up at the sun shining from high in the cloudless blue sky. Buck had recovered quickly from his injury but it had taken him a little longer to regain his strength due to the amount of blood he'd lost. During his weeks of recovery she'd brought him to this place many times to enjoy the warm summer afternoons.

"I love it here," she said as she drank in the beauty of the countryside. The brilliance of the sky was a striking contrast to the vibrant green prairie grass that covered the hills while sprinkled like pepper throughout the landscape were a kalidacolor of wildflowers. The spice of color seemed to form a patchwork quilt of flowers that followed the rise of the meadow and reached up to meet the horizon.

"I'm glad we decided to have the ceremony here, instead of in town," she said. There was no response. She turned to look at Buck lying prostrate on the blanket with his eyes shut. She narrowed her eyes in suspicion, "Buuuuck, are you listening to me or are you sleeping?"

"Yes, I'm listenin'," he answered with his eyes still shut, then added with a smile, "And yes, I'm sleeping."

She let out a giggle and leaned on her side beside him, "You cant' be doing both."

"Watch me," he said, then cracked open one eye to spy her reaction.

"I'd say your doing more sleeping than listening," she answered.

He looked at her with wonder, "Ain't that what you and Rachel been wanting me to do for the last couple of weeks?"

Camille had to smile at the truth of his statement, "I guess your right," she admitted. For the weeks of his recovery she and Rachel had been his constant shadows, assuring that he not overexert himself and get plenty of rest. But she knew all the hovering had been worth it as she savored the dark healthy glow that had returned to his skin. He had almost regained all the weight he'd lost in the first weeks of his recovery and was looking more and more like the virile young man he was.

She acknowledged her thoughts to him, "You look so good, Buck

He lifted his brow, "Well, I'm feelin' good too." He had a devilish look on his face as he rolled to lay aside her. "But you're lookin' cold to me, why don't you come over here and let me warm you up." His strong arms pulled her close to his chest and wrapped her in his familiar embrace.

"It's the middle of August," she reminded him, but her response was met only with the rise of his eyebrows. His face was just inches from hers and she was drawn in to his desirous stare. "Well, now that you mention it, I'm a little chilly," she said as she wriggled her body closer to his.

As she lay there beside Buck, the scent of lye soap, of leather and of clean male sweat filled her senses to stir the pure honesty of her desire. She gently placed her hand aside his face, and as she drew her fingers down along his jaw the prickles of his unshaven face tickled her skin. When Buck pressed the palm of her hand to his lips, she grew breathless with his intimate statement of love.

"I love you," he whispered as leaned toward her to gently kiss the corner of her mouth. Buck thought that there was no greater feeling than the touch of her slender fingers as they blazed a trail through his hair. He pulled back and watched as she moistened her lips and the urge to help her overcame him. He knew he'd never seen them as full, as soft or as inviting as they were now. He was riveted on the movement of her mouth as she spoke, " I love you too!"

Unable to suppress his desire any longer, he slowly closed the space between their lips. Just before their lips met the tip of his nose brushed her cheek, the initial touch of their skin sent imaginary butterflies aflutter in her stomach. Camille was breathless as they awaited the anticipated relief to their passionate torture. He gently kissed her once, then twice as he tasted the sweetness of her lips. She could feel the firmness of his hand on her back as he pulled her closer. Buck was rocked by an explosion of desire that grew within him as he fully kissed her lips. It was with a wanton hunger she submitted to his lips. The caress of his hand moved across her back and around her side. A hot flash of unbridled pleasure shot through her as the tip of his thumb brushed against her breast. She longed for this moment never to end, but she willing parted from his lips, as she couldn't help but welcomed the trail of kisses he placed down her neck.

She slowly opened her eyes to see him grin at her attempt to regain her composure. Overcome by his closeness and his vitality, she became aware of how near she had come to loosing him. "I thought I'd lost you this time," she said seriously.

He placed his hand aside her neck as his thumb stroked her chin, "It won't happen. You should know that by now."

"We've come so close, so many times," she shook her head at those dark memories.

He reflected for a moment, "Do you remember when we stopped at the creek on the way back from Thunder Mesa?"

"Yes," she answered.

"Do you remember what you said to me about our lives taking different paths, about us serving different purposes and with different people?" he asked.

She looked down, "I remember,"

"I asked you if you really believed it and you said you did." He lifted her chin to force her to look into his eyes, "But I never believed it. From the first time I saw you again on the front porch of the bunkhouse, I knew we were suppose to be together."

"Why didn't you tell me?" she appealed to him.

"Bill," he answered honestly. "You were gonna marry Bill."

Camille began to speak but he stopped her, "I accepted that you must marry Bill, but I knew we were bound in spirit and that bond would never be broken." He paused for a moment and then looked at her intently, "You felt it too. I saw it in your eyes."

His confession and his insight into her heart astonished her. She'd only admitted her true feeling to Eulala, yet he'd known all along.

"Don't you see," he explained, "When we were children, we repeated the pledges of the elders, and they were heard by the ears of men. But the promises of our hearts were heard and sealed by the Gods of our Kiowa ancestors. They cannot be broken."

She considered his words as she laid her head on his chest. She knew he was right and until now she'd protected her heart by abandoning her childhood dreams. But as the restrains of her doubt fell away a genuine peace filled Camille for the first time, in a very long time.


It was mid morning when the caravan of wagons, carrying the people most dear to Buck and Camille left Rock Creek. They decided against inviting the citizens of Rock Creek to a church wedding in town. Instead, they'd asked only their closest family and friends to join them in the country as they made the most sacred of promises to each other.

Buck led the convoy from atop his dark brown stallion and riding proudly beside him was his Kiowa half-brother Red Bear. The only thing Buck wanted more than to marry Camille was to have his brother standing along side him this day. Red Bear felt great joy when he learned that Little Bird was to be his brother's bride. He'd watched the two as young children and the undeniable connection between them. Aside from Buck and Camille, Red Bear was the only other person that could fully understand the significance of their union.

In the wagon just behind them rode Sam, Emma and their two boys. Everyone had enjoyed having them here for the last few days. They hadn't been able to make it to Lou and Kid's wedding since Emma was about to give birth to their youngest son William. Too much time had passed since their last visit and it was with great joy that they came, not only for the wedding, but to see their old friends.

All would agree that the most delightful group of travelers was Kid and Lou in their buckboard, with Jimmy riding along side them. Jimmy had arrived in Rock Creek the day before and remained true to his promise to make Rock Creek his first stop after leaving Cedar Falls. Time was a great healer for Kid and Jimmy, after an initial period of awkwardness the old friends recognized the value of burying their past differences. The two men rode along in casual conversation as they had so many times in the past.

Jimmy came to Rock Creek with a surprise for Camille. It was a surprise in the form of Mrs. Eulala Brennan. Camille wrote Eulala to share the good news of her marriage to Buck, but hadn't imagined it possible for her friend to attend. The two of them rode in the final wagon driven by Teaspoon along side Rachel with Becky in her arms.

Upon arrival the picturesque destination, the wedding guests gathered around the bride and groom as they stood in the center of the group next to Teaspoon and Red Bear. They faced each other, hand in hand as the tall grass swayed around their ankles.

Camille took a deep breath; her eyes danced with anticipation as she looked at Buck's handsome form. He wore his only suit and despite her best efforts to restrain herself, she couldn't help but smile as he tugged at the tightly buttoned neck of his shirt. Also around his neck hung his medicine pouch, it was as much a part of him as an arm or a leg and she was pleased he hadn't felt the need to remove it for the wedding.

As a fresh breeze blew past them, a lock of Buck's hair broke free from the leather strap that held it. Strangely enough, it bothered Camille to see him with his hair pulled tightly back behind his head. It didn't seem right. Impulsively she reached up and removed the restrains from his long hair and watched with pleasure as it began to blow freely in the breeze. Buck flashed her a look of surprise.

"Better?" she whispered. He offered her no response, at least no audible response, but the smile on his face was proof that he was pleased.

Everything about him today, including his hair bound in a strap, was a reflection of their white culture. There wasn't necessarily anything wrong with that, after all, Buck was a white man. But he was also an Indian. It was the Indian man that Camille knew since childhood. And it was the young Indian boy on the verge of manhood that stole her heart as a girl. She knew it was those memories that prompted her to such an impulsive deed.

Most of Buck's life had been a lesson in control, the command of his actions and the ability to hide his feelings came to him as naturally as breathing. But the sight of Camille left him exposed and vulnerable, tearing away every shred of control he'd ever known as his heart thumped wildly in his chest. She seemed to him a goddess in white with her long curls of chestnut hair falling over her neck and shoulders to frame the ivory countenance of her face. A band of tiny pink and white flowers encircled the crown of her head and reminded him of the ones she would pick by the pond when they were children. The longing he'd felt for her then was much different than what he felt now as he admired his bride. The friendship of their youth had been replaced by a deep and abiding connection of their hearts.

Their wedding ceremony was a mixture of Indian and Christian traditions. It was unconventional, but so were Buck and Camille. It was a reflection of who they were and what they held dear to them. Their Indian heritage was very important to them, even though they choose to live in a white society and they embraced both cultures with understanding and pride. Their wedding was a reflection of those beliefs.

"It's a beautiful day, and a might pretty spot I might add. We've come to witness the union of Buck and Camille," Teaspoon said as he began the proceedings, "Before I start, I want you two to know how happy we all are for you. I think I speak for all of us here, when I say that we are honored to share this day with you."

Teaspoon turned his attention to Buck, "Now Buck, I love ya like a son. All I've ever wanted for you was some happiness and a little peace in your soul. I think ya just might have found that here in your pretty young bride," He winked at Camille

Then he directed his comments to her, "Camille, Darlin', I never thought I'd meet a woman so perfectly suited for this fella. If ya wasn't so pretty, I'd a thought you was his twin," Every one laughed at the last comment that was a typical Teaspoon remark.

He continued, "There's some things in this world you can't explain, ya can't prove they exists or even know where they come from. You just know it's there and believe it always will be. It's like the wind, you can't see or hold it in your hand, but you can feel it and it's force effects everything it touches. I'm tellin' ya, the bond between the two of you is like that. It's as mysterious as the wind and as sure as the next gust to rustle the leaves in the tree. It's a mighty beautiful thing to behold."

Teaspoon led them through the traditional Christian wedding vows as each took their turn repeating after him their promises of love and commitment. For the exchanging of rings, Buck pulled two bands of braided silver from his pocket. He held Camille's ring between them, "Little Bird, I'm asking you to wear this ring. It represents my love for you, it's a symbol of what I hold most valuable and what I would give my life to protect" The truth of his statement was evidenced by the fresh memories of the past months.

In accordance with the Kiowa belief that anything worth dying for should be presented to the Six Powers of the World, Buck lifted the offering straight up, then to the right, the left and then again to each side ending in the center again. He took Camille's hand in his and placed the silver band on her finger. He welled with pride at the ring slid naturally into place.

"Running Buck," she began as she held Buck's ring before them, "I ask you to wear this ring. It represents my undying love for you and the pledge of my body and soul to you. You are as much a part of me as the air in my lungs, without you I die and with you I live."

She also presented this token of their love in the beloved Kiowa tradition and then took his dark hand in hers and slid the ring on his finger. Once in place, she looked at him with eyes that danced with delight. We've done it, she said without speaking. Yes, we have he responded with a squeeze of her hand.

Buck tore his gaze from Camille to look at his brother Red Bear. He'd asked him to perform the "triumphal binding", a Kiowa wedding ritual. Red Bear stepped forward placing each of his hands on the shoulders of the bride and groom. The fine buckskins he wore reflected his position as chief of his tribe. An array of feathers adorned his ebony hair.

Taking hold of their arms, he instructed them to grasp each other's wrist in an interlocking fashion. Then he tied their hands with a section of buckskin from around his neck. "Your hands have been bound. This is the joining of your earthly bodies before the God of our Kiowa ancestors." He then knelt down and scooped up a handful of dirt. Red Bear then held it above their hands and explained, "Just as our bodies spring from our mothers. Our spirits are brought forth from the earth. The earth is eternal, as is your spirits." He then allowed the dirt to flow over their bound hands. "The spirits of Running Buck and Little Bear are now united with their earthly bodies. You are now one body. You are now one spirit."

Red Bear raised his hands high above his head and spoke a ceremonial prayer in his Kiowa tongue. When he'd finished he turned to Buck, "My brother, you have done well. Little Bird will make you a fine wife." Red Bear's approval meant very much to Buck and he acknowledged it with a hearty embrace.

Red Bear leaned toward Camille and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Little Bird, you have grown to be more beautiful than the morning rays. You were once my sister, too. I am pleased you are back with our family." Camille felt tears of joy well within her eyes as she hugged Red Bear. He was right, she'd been part of their family and he was a brother she'd dearly loved.

Teaspoon broke the silence when he cleared his throat, "Ahummmmm?" He was wearing a huge smile that filled his face and caused the lid of his bad eye to completely close.

"I do believe, that makes you man and wife," he said to Buck and Camille bringing a roar of approval from the wedding guest. Teaspoon looked at Buck and gave him a wink, "Go ahead, Son. Kiss her!"

Buck took Camille's face in his hands, admiring her for the first time as his wedded wife. He marveled at her ability to display her feeling for him so clearly through her eyes. He paused for a moment to relish the astounding love and devotion he had for this woman. Then slowly and deliberately he bent to kiss her. As their lips touched, an infusion of their souls consummated their spiritual union. Buck gently caressed her lips and he felt no urgency to end their wedding kiss. Camille was also lost in the moment, as her body melted into his, enjoying the pleasure of his closeness. When they finally parted, they smiled at the fulfillment of their long awaited dream, and their faces displayed the contentment and joy of promises kept.

It was done! It was over! Not the wedding ceremony, but… the years of searching…the days of loneliness… and the endless hours… of wanting nothing more than to belong, to be accepted and to be loved.

THE END….of the beginning!

Author's Note: I must thank two people because in many ways this is their story too. First, my friend Sue, who was the first person to know about my desire to write and was my editor, cheerleader and extra brain when I needed one. And my thanks also to Mary, she has been a dedicated writing coach and challenged my imagination. Thank you, both!

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