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Chapter 7

Lee was trying to get some sleep, she didn't feel good, and the boys were just making it worse with all the carrying on about the Valentine's Dance. Teaspoon came in and announced, "I need two riders right now to go to Willow Springs to pick up some bank drafts."

"Why do you need two riders Teaspoon? Just one of us could handle this," Cody said.

"I need two guns on this one."

The boys all started arguing about who would go and Lee had enough of it and shouted, "Fine, I'll go!"

"Lee, you look sick. Are you up to it?"

"Teaspoon, It's just a head ache and I'm sure that as soon as I get away from these shouting boys, I'll be fine." Lee assured him. She needed to get away. If she didn't get away she'd kill whoever made her head hurt worse.

Teaspoon saw the determination in her eyes, and agreed against his better judgment. The others were still arguing when Jimmy walked into the bunkhouse. Teaspoon told him what was going on and Jimmy said that he'd go. Lee felt a little better having Jimmy go with her. It wasn't that she didn't trust the other boys, because she did, it's just that if Lee didn't want to talk, then Jimmy wouldn't talk, and that silence would help her headache to get better. Hopefully by the time they made camp that night, her headache would be gone. If she still had a headache by the time she got back, she would go check up on Lynn.

As they made camp, Jimmy was getting worried about Lee. It wasn't the silence that worried him; it was the worried look on Lee's face that worried him. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Jimmy finally asked.

"Nothin's wrong. I just got a headache."

"So why do you look so worried?"

"I don't know. I guess I was just remembering the last time I had a headache like this."

Jimmy waited for Lee to continue. When she didn't, he prompted her, "So what happened?"

"I don't know, I must've been 6 or 7. Lynn was real sick. The doctors didn't think she was going to make it. The higher her fever went, the worse my headache got. Ma would spend some time with Lynn while Pa would hold me to keep me from crying because it hurt so bad. The doctors didn't know why I had a headache and couldn't stop it. After a while Ma would come in and hold me while Pa went in to tend to Lynn. My headache went away when Lynn got better. A month later I came down with whatever it was that Lynn had and Lynn had the headache."

"You think Lynn's sick?"

"Um, I don't know. I hope not. If my headache's not gone by the time we get back with the bonds, then I'm going to Denver to see her."


After they made camp, Jimmy was getting more worried about Lee. She didn't eat anything, just went to sleep. He was worried about Lynn too. He knew that Lee would not worry about her sister unless she had a good reason to worry.


Meanwhile in Denver

One of Lynn's friends, Christine, came to see why she wasn't at school that day. When Lynn didn't answer the door, Christine got the boarding house owner to open the door with the extra key. They both knew it was unlike Lynn to miss school and wanted to make sure she was OK.

They found Lynn on the bed, drenched in her sweat and unconscious. When the boarding house owner felt Lynn's forehead, she said, "She's burning up. Go get the doctor and hurry!"

When Christine had gotten back with the doctor, Lynn had been changed into some dry nightclothes and the sheets on her bed were clean as well. Lynn woke up when the doctor came in and she recognized him. She knew from her studies that she needed help. "Miss Ethridge, can you tell me what's wrong? Does anything hurt?"

"My lower side hurts." Lynn said through clenched teeth and between ragged breaths.

"I'm going to feel your stomach OK?" The doctor explained. Lynn just nodded. She didn't care, she just wanted the pain to stop. "Have you been nauseous?" Lynn nodded. "OK, Miss Ethridge, I'm going to have to move you to my clinic. I need to operate. But after the operation, you'll be fine." He turned to the worried friends in the room and explained, "She's having an appendicitis. I need to remove her appendix."


Kid was returning from a ride when he saw a lady in distress. Of course, he had to rescue her. After he stopped the runaway horses, he found out that the woman on the wagon was the new schoolteacher, Samantha. He also found out that she didn't know the where the location of the house she was supposed to live in was, so he decided to do the gentlemanly thing and take her to the house. What he didn't realize was that Samantha was falling hard for him.

When they got into Sweetwater, Louise was coming out of the general store from buying supplies for her father. Kid stopped the wagon and introduced Louise as his fiancée. Kid didn't see the look of detest that came across Samantha's face, but Louise did. She just took note and would try to be her friend anyway, but she would be careful of what she said around her. Samantha's mannerisms reminded her of some of the girls in the finishing school that would stop at nothing to get what they wanted.

While Kid was stopped, Cody hopped on the wagon, Kid thought it was just to get out of loading the station's wagon with supplies. But then Cody said that Kid would need help unloading Samantha's things, so Kid wasn't sure why Cody wanted to ride along, until he saw the look of lust on Cody's face.


Lee woke up about ten minutes after she fell asleep. Jimmy hadn't fallen asleep yet, but the blood curling scream that came from Lee would have woken him up in a heartbeat. Good thing he wasn't asleep or he would have drawn his gun.

"What's wrong?"

"My side, it feels like someone just stabbed me." Lee said through ragged breaths. There was no wound or anything to suggest the reason for pain. They were both puzzled, but after an hour, the pain went away and she was able to go back to sleep. This time, Jimmy was just a foot away from her instead of on the other side of camp.


The surgery took just a few minutes, but Lynn did not wake up for an hour or so after. Her temperature went back to normal and she was fine, even though the doctor recommend bed rest for a week.

"What about school?"

"They'll understand. I'll talk to the dean about getting your studies delivered to you at the boarding house. But you are not to get out of bed for week. You have to heal."

"Yes, Sir."


When they got back to the station, Kid teased Cody about Samantha. Cody just brushed him off and replied, "What are you so upset about, Kid? You got Louise."

Kid smiled and laughed, "I'm not upset, I'm glad that I finally get to tease you like you've teased me!" Then he turned serious, "No, really I'm happy for you and I hope that it works out between you two."

"I'm going to ask her to the dance for tomorrow night."

"Great. Maybe she won't feel out of place going with the town flirt." Noah chimed in.


When Lee woke up the next morning, her headache was gone and so was the pain in her side. They decided to go on to Willow Springs and as soon as she got back she would pay Lynn a visit. She told Jimmy of a dream that she had while she was asleep. She dreamt that Lynn had some sort of surgery performed on her and she was worried about her. So Jimmy decided that he would go with her to Denver.

When they got to Willow Springs, the bank bonds were not there and they ended up having to stay the night. What made matters worse was that there was just one room left. Even after an argument with the hotel clerk, there was still just one room left.

"We'll take it." Lee said in a deep voice.

Jimmy signed the hotel registrar and mumbled on the way up the stairs, "Don't worry you can have the bed, I'll sleep on the floor."

They found a sign on their hotel door about a Valentine's Dance that night and decided to go. Jimmy thought, Maybe it would help ease Lee's worries a little bit, well at least take her mind off of her sister for a while.


Samantha's reason for going to the dance with Cody had nothing to do with Cody. She wanted to get Kid jealous. What she did not realize is that Kid was totally unavailable and uninterested in her. He was in love with Louise and to him there was no other woman on earth.

Cody was totally unaware that Samantha was using him. He thought she really liked him. So Cody took Samantha to the dance and Kid took Louise, while the others went alone. Buck was brooding that Lynn wasn't there and he was worried about her. He had the same dream that Lee had, only he didn't tell anybody, passing it off as just missing her.


Lee had bought a royal blue dress to go to the dance and Jimmy had bought a suit to go with her. They went to the dance together, and even though a lot of gentlemen asked to cut in, they politely refused them saying that she was shy and didn't want to dance with anyone that she didn't know.


At the dance back in Sweetwater, one of Samantha's old boyfriends tried to reclaim her and Cody stepped in. A duel was called and well, Teaspoon barely stopped the duel in time with Martha, Samantha's mother telling Robert that Samantha was his daughter and he couldn't love her in a romantic way.

When Robert realized this was true, he raised his gun to kill Cody anyway, but Teaspoon stopped him from pulling the trigger by firing his own gun and shooting the gun out of Robert's hand. Teaspoon told Robert to get out of town and to never return or he would lock him up for attempted murder.


He dared hardly breathe at the delicacy of the moment. Standing outside on the verandah and just watching the beauty before him. The dance was over, and their night was about to end. However, he wished it would never end. He looked at the love of his life in the moonlight. She was so beautiful in that royal blue dress. The color just brought out her blue eyes. Her short red hair was swept up off of her neck and a nice lace bow held it all in place. She was the bell of the ball in his eyes. A number of suitors had asked to dance with her at the dance, but she declined them all to stay with him. What did I do to deserve her? he wondered. As he unlocked the hotel room door, she spun around into the room and smiled at him. He walked inside the hotel room and as he lit some candles, he remarked, "You're beautiful, you know that?"

"You're not too shabby yourself." she breathed. She reached up and kissed him deeply.

"LeAnn," he said as he broke the kiss. As he looked into her eyes, nothing else existed but them. "I love you."

"I love you too, Jimmy." LeAnn said right before Jimmy kissed her again. Lee walked backwards as Jimmy walked forward. Lee did what she felt like she should do, as she fell onto the soft bed. As Jimmy deepened the kiss, Lee started to undo his shirt.

Jimmy stopped and looked at her intensely, "Are you sure?"

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life."


Lynn dreamed what her sister was doing, but just passed off as a medicine-induced dream. She couldn't see everything, but she could see clothes on the floor, Lee and Jimmy in a bed together. She had an idea what the dream was implying. She wasn't sure if she hoped that the dream was true or not. On one hand she hoped it was true, but on the other hand, she hoped that her sister would wait until she was married to do what the dream said she was doing.


As they laid there in each other's arms breathing heavily, LeAnn's thoughts turned back in time. Her mother had told her that sometimes, for one reason or another, you just couldn't wait until your married. She truly felt like this applied to her and Jimmy. She knew how Jimmy felt about marriage. It wasn't for him, J.D. Marcus had taken that option away from Jimmy. With the reputation that Marcus had spun, with lies for Jimmy as a gunfighter, there was no way he was going to endanger the woman he loved to some gunfighter-wanna-be or to someone who thought he had killed or wronged a friend of theirs. She knew that somehow God had made her Soul Mate not the marrying kind. She had made a decision in the heat of the moment tonight. A decision that was irreversible, but she blamed God for her decision. She wanted to give herself to her Soul Mate and nobody else, weather he was the marrying-kind or not. She would marry no one else and she made up her mind right then that she would not be bitter. She would take whatever consequences there were for her decision tonight and would hold her head up high.

Jimmy's thoughts also turned back in time. He remembered the first gunfighter that came after him because of Marcus. He cursed Marcus. He cursed himself for giving into his desire. He knew there was no other woman for him other than LeAnn, but at the same time, he knew that he could never marry her because of his reputation. If something happened and she left him, he would understand, it would kill him, but he would understand. If marriage would be an option for him, then LeAnn would be the woman he would ask. She could take care of herself, he had taught her well. She was almost as fast as he was with the draw, maybe ..... He would have to think on it some more, but maybe, just maybe, he could marry her.

They fell asleep in each other's arms. When Lee woke up in Jimmy's arms the next morning, she looked around the room and saw that their clothes were strewn about. Good. It wasn't a dream. She thought. The next thing she noted was time. It was 9:00 they were supposed to have picked up the bank bonds at 8:30. She got Jimmy up and they rushed as they got their riding clothes on and Jimmy ran across the street to get the bonds as Lee packed up their belongings. They had not planned on making love all night long, but they did and now they were running late, but if they hurried, they could make it back to Sweetwater in time for supper.

Jimmy met Lee at the livery where they had the horses and she was ready to go. "The bonds just got there, so we're really not late."

"Well, do you think that we can make it back to Sweetwater by supper?"

"If we hurry, maybe, we still might have to stop and make camp, though."

"OK. I'm just worried about Lynn is all."

"Still think that there was something to your dream?"

"Yeah I do." Lee answered as she mounted her horse.

"OK we'll get home as fast as we can." Jimmy said as he mounted his horse. They rode off at top speed.


They ended up having to make camp about 10 miles outside of Sweetwater. And they spent the night in each other's arms again.

The next morning they woke up early and broke camp on schedule. Lee was still worried about her sister and wanted to find out why she had this nagging feeling that Lynn was not well.

About 5 miles outside of Sweetwater, Jimmy and Lee decided to race. Lee was in the lead when she pulled back on Black and made him stop. Jimmy immediately stopped also, "What's wrong?" he asked.

"There's the windmill. They can't see us yet, though." Lee said as she stared off into the distance.

Jimmy couldn't follow her train of thought. "So why'd you stop?"

Lee took a deep breath, "Because we need to talk."

Jimmy thought he knew what she wanted to talk about, but he wasn't sure. "About what?" He asked and took a deep breath also.

"Last night and the other night." Lee said as she dismounted.

Jimmy was afraid that Lee had started regretting what they did. If she felt like he had pressured in any way, he would never forgive himself. But that was not the case. "Jimmy what if the others find out and Teaspoon fires us or never lets us take a ride together anymore, or makes me move into the house with Rachel ..." Jimmy shut her up with a kiss. If this was all she was worried about, he could handle it.

"Well, then we'll deal with it when that happens. But for now, I'm not going to tell a soul. What happens between you and me stays between you and me and is nobody else's business."

Lee smiled and kissed him. "I love you, Jimmy."

"I love you too, LeAnn."

Lee had learned that first night that Jimmy did not like being called James. He had told her that his mother was the only person to call him that and that was only when he was in trouble, so he had come to hate that name. On the other hand Lee loved her full name, especially when it rolled off of Jimmy's tongue. So there were times when he would call her LeAnn when they were alone.

They rode into the station at a slow canter and Buck came out of the bunkhouse with a letter for Lee. Lee took the letter and Jimmy took the bank bonds to Teaspoon who in turn took them to the bank.

My Dearest LeAnn, Feb 14, 1861

I am writing to tell you that I am laid up for a week or so. I had what they call appendicitis. That is when your appendix is infected and needs to be removed. Please don't worry about it, I'm fine now. Just bored out of my mind, because I have to stay in bed. I should be up and around in a week's time though. Hope all is well with you and hope you had a very happy Valentine's Day.


Your Sister,


Lee sat down on her bunk and just sighed a sigh of relief, her sister was in trouble, but now she's fine. When Jimmy came in she let him read the letter and chills went down his spine. "Do you still want to go see her?"

"If I can yes."

"Teaspoon's up at the house now, it's time for lunch."


When Lee saw Teaspoon, she explained to him what the letter said and Buck over heard what was said. He knew what his dream meant now and was relieved to find out that she was OK. He had written her the same day that she had written Lee to see if everything was OK and in his letter he explained the dream.

"So, can I go check up on her?" Lee asked.

"As long as you're back for your next run." Teaspoon said.

Lee thanked him and went to get ready to ride out. When she was ready to ride out, she ate a light lunch and headed to get Black. Jimmy was waiting for her in the barn. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too, but I need to do this."

"I know, just let me know if I can help you."

"If I'm not back you can take my ride."

"OK. But if you're not back by then, I'm coming after you."

Lee smiled, "OK."


The visit with Lynn went fine. Lee told Lynn of her pain and dream and Lynn confirmed that she indeed did have fever, but that she had no pain during the operation, but her side did hurt before the operation. Lee also read the letter that Buck had sent to Lynn asking if everything is OK and was shocked that he, too, knew when Lynn was in trouble. She promised Lynn not to say anything to Buck unless he said something to her first.

Lynn also told Lee of her dream and how she thought it was a medicine-induced dream. However, she knew that it was not a medicine-induced dream when she looked up and saw Lee's face beat red.

"Have you had that dream since then?"

"No. Just the once. It was the night that I sent off the letter to you." Lee just nodded, relieved that her sister would not know every time she and Jimmy made love. "Lynn, promise me that you won't tell anyone about your dream of me and Jimmy."

Lynn laughed and said, "OK I promise. Like I would tell anybody that. Just be careful, Sis. I don't want you to get hurt. I still wish you would've waited."

"I promise I'll be careful. But I love him, Lynn. And remember Ma said that there are times, when marriage just isn't an option."

"I know. I just never thought it would apply to us."


Lee returned the day before her run and let everybody know that her sister was fine. Buck was relieved, if he could have, he would have gone with Lee to see about Lynn, but he had a ride the day after Lee left to go Denver.

Chapter 8

The young couple found themselves alone by the pond. The ice had thawed, the grass was green, the flowers were blooming and the scene was romantic. They had come out to the pond for a picnic to talk about wedding plans, but somehow had got sidetracked. Instead of talking about the wedding, they were kissing passionately.

As he laid her back on the blanket, a voice inside his head said, Kid, she's not yours yet. Wait until after the wedding. Kid had enough sense to listen to that voice inside his head. He kept control of his hands.

"What's wrong?" Louise asked.

"We need to stop while we can." he told her as she looked into his desire filled eyes.

"Why?" She asked surprised.

"Louise, you know I love you and nothing would please me more than to keep going, but, Honey, we're not married yet and I want our first time to be on our wedding night." Kid said as he looked apologetically.

While a little disappointed, Louise did see the logic in Kid's words and agreed that it would be more special if they did wait. She remembered when she walked in on her father and the Widow Jones about three years after her mother's death. That's when she had found out that there were times when it happened outside of marriage. It was still wrong, but it happened. She realized that she wasn't really thinking straight. She had been determined to be better than her father had been that night and here she was just about to break that promise she had made to herself years before. But with Kid's sense of right and wrong, they would wait. But she had learned a lesson that night so many years ago, "Never to judge anyone for one sin in their lives."


After about a month of Samantha coming around, Lee noticed that she came around only when Kid was around and just hanging on to Cody's every word. This seemed a little strange to her. Not the fact that she was hanging on every word Cody spoke, although that was strange in itself. It just seemed that she was trying to make a show of her feelings for Cody. And only when Kid was around. When Kid wasn't around, she ignored Cody. Lee was so puzzled by this action, she talked to Louise about it. They came to the conclusion that Samantha was trying to make Kid jealous. Louise was secure enough and trusted Kid enough to know that this plan of Samantha's would never work. Kid had even remarked to her how over dramatic Samantha was.

One day right after Kid had left for a run, Lee cornered Samantha in the barn as she was getting ready to leave. "Leave the Kid alone."

"Whatever are you talking about?"

"Kid's engaged and not available. Stop trying to make him jealous. You're only making a fool of yourself."

"He loves me," Louise said as she entered the barn. "Now I could care less if you think you love him. I know he loves me and we will get married this summer. So stop chasing him."

"Ladies, I really don't know what you are talking about."

"Oh so it's just a coincidence that Kid happens to be around every time you come around or if he's not here, you treat Cody like dirt?"

Samantha got the look in her eyes that said that she was caught, but she was not going to admit it, "For the last time, I don't know what you are talking about. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've papers to grade and lessons plans to make." Louise and Lee stepped back and let her pass.

After she was gone, Lee asked, "Well, what do you think?"

"She'll never admitted it. Maybe if I hadn't showed up, you would have been able to get her to admit to it."

"But the look in her eyes was like a mouse caught in the cheese."


"Think I should talk to Cody?"

"Yeah go ahead and talk to him. Point out how she treats him when Kid's not around."


"But ultimately it's up to him."

"Yeah I know. I just don't want to see him get hurt."

"Neither do I, but he's fallen for her so hard, that he's going to be hurt anyway."


Lee spent days trying to figure out what she was going to say to Cody. She wished that she didn't have to do this. But she finally got some time alone with Cody when the others were doing chores or on rides.

"Cody, can I talk to you for a minute?" Lee asked nervously.

"Sure, Lee, what's on your mind?"

"Samantha actually."

"What about her?"

"Cody, does it seem odd to you that she's all over you whenever Kid is around, but when he's not around, she treats you like dirt?"

"What are you talking about?"

Lee sighed, "Cody, haven't you noticed that the only time she pays any attention to you it's when Kid is around and when Kid is not around, it's like you don't even exist."

"Lee, you're just imagining things. Why are so concerned with this any way?"

"Because, Cody, I hate to see you being used. And she's using you to try to get to Kid."

"Lee, you're so jealous that I can show my love for a woman in public and you can't show your love for Jimmy that you're either lying or you're imagining all of this!" Cody yelled, as he stormed out of the bunkhouse. Lee just collapsed onto Jimmy's lower bunk.

Louise walked in and observed, "I guess you told him."

"Yeah I told him."


"He didn't believe me. He even accused me of being jealous of him!"

"Well, then we're going to have to show him."



"Louise this is crazy, you see how she's all over Cody, how can you say that she's doing that to try to make me jealous? Especially since I'm in love with you?" Kid wondered.

"Kid, you're not around when she treats him like dirt." Lee interjected.

"Fine, I'll go along with it, but to show you that you're wrong about her. She truly is in love with Cody."

"See, girls! Even Kid says that she's not chasing him. I think a man would know if he was being chased."

"Not always, Cody." The two girls said simultaneously.

"Just do as we say." Louise said.

"Fine" The boys answered simultaneously.


Emma and Sam came to see Boggs and Cindy get married. It was a beautiful wedding. Cindy's mother was able to attend the wedding, however, her father had refused to attend. Cindy had asked Sam to step in for her father. Sam had been a good friend to her before he left with his new job. Louise stood beside her best friend as she took the vows. Cindy also added to her vows that she would treat Jeremiah and Theresa as her own children. (She had discussed this with Louise before hand and they had decided that it was best for them to remain as sisters and for her to take on the mother role with Jeremiah and Theresa.) Bogdanvovich "Boggs" McCloud was surprised at this addition to her vows, but was very pleased.

When the couple had decided to leave to go on a short vacation, Boggs announced that if anyone needed any medical attention in the next week, then Louise could handle it, he was on vacation. Everyone understood and chuckled at his antics.


It wasn't but just a couple of days after the wedding that Lee's and Louise's trap for Samantha was sprung. Kid was in the barn tending to Katy. Cody had told Samantha that there was oil in the barn that he needed to clean his gun. Samantha volunteered to go get it.

When she went into the barn where Kid was alone, she remembered that she didn't know where the oil was. "Kid, Billy said that there was some oil in here that he needed to clean his gun. Where is it?" she asked in her over exaggerated southern drawl.

"Samantha, you can cut it out. I know how you feel about Cody and I know how you feel about me. I'm in love with Louise and I'm going to marry her this summer."


Rachel and Mrs. Holmes were walking into the barn when they saw Cody hiding around the corner and he looked at them and asked them to be quiet by putting his index finger over his mouth. And they could hear every word that was going on. Lee and Louise were around the other corner.


Samantha turned serious and this time instead of denying it, she replied, "Well maybe this will convince you of who would be the better wife." and as Cody, Lee, Louise , Rachel, and Mrs. Holmes, rounded the corner, Samantha, who had her back turned to the barn entrance, kissed Kid on the lips.

He immediately pushed her away and said in a quiet voice, "I think you better go now." He and Cody had been proven wrong. Samantha was really doing what Louise and Lee had thought she was doing.

Before Samantha could answer Kid, Mrs. Holmes said, "Don't expect my children in school tomorrow. If this is the way that you behave, then I can teach my own children and I'm sure that there are other parents that feel the same way I do."

Cody had already left and was in the bunkhouse on his bunk. Lee went after the man she thought of as a brother.

"Cody, I'm sorry, we had no idea she would go that far."

"Forget it, Lee, you were right and I was wrong. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"No. No, Cody, it's not what I wanted to hear. What I wanted to hear was that I was wrong. I was hoping that I was wrong. That you were right and I was just imagining the whole thing," she informed him. "Cody, I didn't want to see you get hurt, I just wanted you to see her for who she was and if you still loved her then great. I was hoping she was who you thought she was."

"Lee, it's all right, you did what you thought was best." Even though Lee truly believed that last statement, it didn't make her feel any better knowing that her friend, her brother was used to get to another friend, another brother. Cody tried to smile as he continued, "You know in the process of making a fool out of herself, she made a fool out of me. I don't think I could ever look at her again."

"Well, I wouldn't worry about that. She'll probably lose her job too. Mrs. Holmes has the biggest mouth in town. I bet that by supper time, everyone in town will know she kissed an engaged man."


Lee was right. By suppertime, Mrs. Holmes had Teaspoon call a town meeting and told everyone what she saw. The town decided that they didn't want a whore, and that's what they called her, as their schoolteacher. They fired her. Her house came with the teaching possession so she was evicted as well. She left town the next day and none of the Pony Express Family ever heard from her again.

Chapter 9

Summer came quickly. Before they knew it, it was almost time for Kid and Louise's wedding.

"If I have to wear a dress, so do you." Louise was saying.

"But I can't. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I can't. I'll lose my job." Lee argued.

"You did it for Emma's wedding."

"You want me to wear the wig and go as Lynn, then?"

"Yeah. I want you, Cindy and Emma standing beside me."

Lee looked at her friend's face and said, "All right. I'll wear the wig. But remember that Lynn's going to be there too. She'll have to go as me."


When Lynn arrived for the summer, she agreed to go to Kid and Louise's wedding as Lee. And Emma agreed to stand with Louise when she was saying her vows. Kid had picked Jimmy, Sam, and Jeremiah to stand beside him.

Although Louise was looking forward to her wedding, she was nervous. She wanted everything to go just right. And Kid being late coming in from his last ride before the wedding was not helping her nerves at all.


Kid was 10 miles from home when he was held up by some bandits. Since they demanded to see the mail, he handed them the empty mail bag and said, "Sir, I just made a delivery. I don't have any mail, I was just on my way back home."

"He's lying, Boss," the small one said. "They always have some bank bonds or money on them."

"Sir, I don't know where he's getting his information from, but it's not true. We don't always carry bank bonds. Truth is most of the time we don't even know what we're carrying." Kid explained.

However, the two bandits did not believe him and the "Boss" knocked him out. They searched his bags and found out that he was telling the truth. When he woke up, Kid checked his pocket and found that the bandits had not discovered the wedding rings. It was getting dark, Louise must be worried. He got on Katy and rode off to Sweetwater as fast as he could.


Louise was standing by the corral with Lee when they heard Buck call out "Rider Coming!" They looked up and since Kid was the only rider out, they thought for sure it was him. To Louise's relief it was Kid coming in. When he dismounted she saw that he was hurt.

"Oh God! What happened Kid?" Louise asked worried.

"I got jumped about 10 miles outside of town. I'm fine though, they didn't get them though."

"Kid, what do you mean you're fine? You're head is bleeding. And what do you mean, they didn't get them?"

"They didn't get these." He said as he showed her the rings.

Louise was speechless as she hugged her fiancée. "Kid, I'm more worried about that cut on your head, let's get you inside the house where I can get a good look at it." He ended up needing three stitches on his forehead, but no other cuts or bruises showed up and his hair could cover that up if he was worried about it.


The wedding was gorgeous. Boggs gave Louise away while LeAnn , Emma, and Cindy stood beside each other, surrounding the bride. Jimmy stood beside Kid, with Sam on the side and Jeremiah, who was proud, stood as tall as he could beside Sam during the ceremony.

LeAnn was able to be with Jimmy at the party afterwards. While Lynnette was there, she was pretending to be Lee and could not spend the party dancing with Buck. She did however get a few moments alone with him.

Emma and Sam's gift to the newly weds was the deed to the land the station was on, the bunkhouse, and the house. The company would now pay Kid and Louise rent for the use of the land and the bunkhouse. Since they weren't ever going to use it and Emma looked at Louise as a daughter, they had decided it was the smart thing to do.


After the reception, Jimmy and Lee snuck off to the pond, while Kid and Louise went to the hotel. While Kid was not expected back that night, Jimmy and Lee were expected back and when they came in it was late. The others were organizing a searching party to go find them when they stumbled into the bunkhouse. Teaspoon had determined that they had not been drinking any more than the rest of them and was afraid to ask where they had been and what they had been doing. Although unknown to Jimmy and Lee, they had leaves in their hair, and the others could make a pretty accurate guess as to what they had been doing.

"Next time you go off, tell somebody!" Teaspoon scolded as he left the bunkhouse with the others just snickering.

Chapter 10

In the middle of July, the company started to have trouble with the Rock Creak Station and decided to move the Sweetwater station over to Rock Creak and close down the Sweetwater station.

After talking it over with Emma and Sam, Kid and Louise decided to sell the land so that they would have money for land in Rock Creak. Boggs couldn't stand to be that far away from his daughter, so he and Cindy decided to move to Rock Creek with them. Since it took a while for the land to sell, Boggs gave Kid and Louise what they were asking for it. He and his family would stay behind until the land and his clinic sold.

It took about two weeks after the riders moved to Rock Creak for Dr. McCloud's clinic to sell. Christopher Beckett heard that Boggs was selling and moving, so he and his beloved bought the place and Chris became the new doctor of Sweetwater. It only took a week later for the station land to sell.


When the riders got to Rock Creak, they discovered that the doctor in town had been killed in an accident. So Louise took up the doctor position until her father could get there.

Kid and Jimmy thought it would be best to rebuild the Rock Creak Station near town because of all the trouble that the town was having. It would be best to have the law nearby if they needed it. Kid and Louise took the money that Boggs had given them for the land and bought land for the station. The company had agreed to continue to rent from them if they owned the land for the new station. Since they owned the land, they built Rachel a house, and a house for themselves.

It wasn't long before they found an orphaned 13 year old that desperately was in need of some guidance. They convinced the young teenager that he could stay with them in the bunkhouse for exchange of doing some chores around the station.


For the 5th morning straight, Lee ran out of the bunkhouse. Her bunkmates were getting worried about her, even though she seemed to be fine later on in the day. This morning, however, Jimmy was going to find out what was wrong. When he found her, she was bent over trying to catch her breath.

"What's wrong, Darlin'?" He asked as tenderly as he could and placed a hand on her back in an effort to comfort her.

"I don't feel good, what does it look like!" she snapped.

Jimmy sighed. He hated to see her this miserable. "Have you found out why you don't feel good?"

Lee took a deep breath to try to calm her stomach and calmy said, "I'll be fine. It always goes away during the day."

"I'd still feel better if you get Louise to check you out. There might be some weird disease that you get sick only in the mornings, but feel fine the rest of the day."

That's when it dawned on Lee just what the problem might be. Whether or not Jimmy recognized the symptoms, she did at that moment. "What did you say?" she asked as she raised her head to meet his eyes.

"Well, since you're sick only in the mornings, I just thought...."

"You're right, Jimmy, I should have Louise check me out." she interrupted as she stood up and started to go over to Kid and Louise's house.

"Lee, where are you going?"

"I'm going to go talk to Louise." she answered as she kept walking.

"Honey, at least give them time to get up and dressed." he said as he caught up to her and blocked her path. She didn't seem to see him, she walked right into him. He could tell she was in a daze and now he was more worried than ever. "LeAnn, what is wrong." he asked sternly.

"I don't know, Jimmy. I just need to see Louise now." She said as she looked up at him, her eyes pleading with him to let her go.

"OK." He said and let her go.

As she walked over to the house, she prayed, Oh God, no, Oh God, please not yet. Not now please God not now.

When Louise opened the door, she found a very pale Lee standing at her door, "Lee, what's wrong?"

"Louise, I'm sick."

After listening to the symptoms, she felt pretty sure she knew what it was, but she wanted to do a physical examination before she said anything to Lee. "Lee, do you have any idea what could be wrong?" Lee sighed and nodded. When Lee didn't say anything, Louise asked, "Well, what do you think it is?"

Lee went from almost frightened to furious in an instant. "Damn it, Louise! Am I pregnant or not?!"

Louise sighed and looked at her friend, "Yes. You are. By the physical examination, I'd say about 2 months along."

"Shit! What the hell am I going to do?"

"Well, for starters, you're going to quit riding until this baby is born."

Lee nodded, she knew it was best for the baby for her not to ride anymore. "I'll tell Teaspoon right after breakfast."

"If you want I can tell him for you, all I'll tell him is medical reasons."

"Where am I going to go?"

"Well, first of all, I doubt that Teaspoon would kick you out, and even if he tried, Kid and I own this land and you're welcome here." She said sternly. "Does Jimmy have any idea?"

"No. He's the one that pointed it out to me that I'm sick only in the mornings, but he hasn't a clue as to the reason. Unless he was just playing dumb."

"Well, I think you ought to tell him first. Don't worry about telling Teaspoon, I'll handle that. You just go tell Jimmy that in about 7 months he's going to be a father." Lee nodded.


Lee walked into the bunkhouse. All the boys were up and dressed. Lee just went to her bunk and laid down. "Lee, you can't go back to sleep now. It's time for breakfast." Cody announced.

"Cody, you can have my breakfast. I don't feel like eating."

"Fine have it your way." Cody said as he and the others left.

Buck turned back, "Are you coming, Jimmy?"

"I'll catch up." Jimmy said as he turned toward Lee. She had her back toward him.

After they were alone, Jimmy walked over to her. It was only when he hugged her that he saw her tears. "What's wrong? What did Louise say?"

"Are we alone?"


"I have to quit riding."

This really confused Jimmy. "Why?"

She turned to face him, "Jimmy, ... I'm ..." she bit her lower lip and took a deep breath and just spit it out, "Jimmy, I'm pregnant." she held her breath while waiting for his response.

Jimmy was stunned by what he had just heard. The first thought that went through his mind was, I should have asked her to marry me when I first decided that I would. Then his face broke out in a smile. "Honey, that's nothing to be upset about."

"But Jimmy, ..." he interrupted her with a kiss. She sat up and he pulled her off the top bunk that was over his.

"Lee, I should have asked you this a long time ago, but I was afraid you'd say no and I couldn't live with that." He looked at her as if trying to get the nerve up to ask her now.

"What is it, Jimmy?" With the news of her pregnancy she wasn't following what he was saying, it was all rubbish to her.

"LeAnn," he said as he went down on one knee, "Will you marry me?"

Lee practically fell in to his lap and gave him a passionately kiss. She hoped that she would be able to say yes, but she felt that he was asking because she pregnant and she didn't want that. "Jimmy, don't lie to me about this, OK?" Jimmy nodded his head. "Are you asking me because I'm pregnant or because you love me?" She would study his eyes and facial expressions to determine if he was lying to her or not.

"LeAnn, I love you, you know that. I've been thinking about asking you since Cindy and Boggs got married, but I just couldn't chance losing you. I can't live with out you, LeAnn. You consume me and have ever since I met you."

Lee could tell that he wasn't lying to her. "I wouldn't have said no. I would have said in a few years after I get my Veterinarian degree, but I wouldn't have said no."

The use of the past tense was not lost on Jimmy. "What's your answer now?"

"Yes." She said with tears of joy in her eyes.

"You still want to wait though?"

"No. No I don't want to wait." she said with a smile and they both stood up. They were kissing passionately when Louise walked in. They heard the door open and pulled away.

"Lee, this will help calm your stomach." she said as she handed some bread to Lee. "It's soda bread, eat a little bit when you first wake up."


"You can go ahead and eat some now. You need to try to eat something. If you can't keep it down it's all right, your body has taken what it needs from it."

Jimmy had his arm around Lee's shoulder when Louise turned to walk out of the bunkhouse. "Uh, Louise, do you know how far along she is?" he asked.

Louise looked at Lee. Lee just said, "I hadn't gotten that far yet."

Louise laughed. "Glad to see you're happier now. She's about 2 months along." she said as she left.

"Now we just have to figure out where we're going to live." Lee remarked.


Boggs, Cindy, Jeremiah and Theresa were there at supper to hear of the new engagement.

Lee and Jimmy didn't tell anybody that a baby was on the way just yet. They wanted to announce their engagement first. Louise and Kid gave them part of the land to build a house and contraction started immediately. Teaspoon understood that there was some medical reason as to why Lee couldn't ride for the Express any more, and he had no problems with Lee staying in the bunkhouse as long as the others didn't mind. They all agreed that until the house was ready, Lee would stay in the bunkhouse and as soon as the house was ready, they would get married.

A couple of hours later, Buck asked Lee if it would be alright if he asked Lynn to marry him. Lee was delighted and said that it was alright and that she thought that Lynn would accept.

Chapter 11

Since it was still summer vacation, Lynn was still staying with Rachel. She was the first person that Lee told about the pregnancy, while Jimmy thinking that Louise would have told Kid, mentioned something about it to him. So only Lynn, Kid, and Louise knew that Lee was expecting as they planned the wedding and worked on getting the house ready to move in.

The house was almost finished and Jimmy and Lee had decided to go ahead and have the wedding the next weekend. When Cody asked why the hurry, they announced that Lee was pregnant. The riders, and the rest of their extended family, were happy for the couple. Even after finding out that Lee was 2 months along.

Lee and Jimmy showed up at the spring dance together, Buck took Lynnette, and everybody was surprised when Ike showed up with Emily. They were all having a good time, when Ike and Emily snuck out of the dance and into the barn.

When Emily's father was killed, Buck had to go looking for them. He found Ike coming out of the barn pulling his suspenders up and some hay in Emily's hair. When Emily reached her father's side, she went into denial. Ike had stayed with her that night to make sure she was all right. After they buried her father, they found out that Emily went after the man who shot and killed him. Ike got there in time to push Emily out of the way and take the bullet for her.

At first, they weren't sure if Ike was going to make it. Louise let her father take care of Ike and remove the bullet, while she removed the bullet that Neville suffered in his shoulder. Louise's judgment was clouded that she didn't use any anesthetic, she let Neville feel the pain.

It was close, but Ike lived. Boggs was sure he would fully recover, but right now he was laid up. He needed time to recover from the loss of blood. When Ike had heard how close to death that he had come, he realized that we were to live life to the fullest every day. When Ike asked Emily to be his wife, she accepted. They set the date for the last Saturday in October.


"I like the name Angel."

"Angel. I like that. But what about a middle name?"

"Don't need one."

"True." Lee said as she splashed Jimmy. Jimmy had gotten some time off and they were trying to have some time alone before the wedding that weekend. Lee knew she would be busy the next few days and they both wanted to take some time out for themselves. As they played in the secluded pond, they both new this would be the last time this week that they would have to relax. Lee would go around the town inviting the citizens to the wedding.

That night, Lee woke up curled up into a ball. She was in so much pain that she couldn't move. When the pain subsided to where she could move, she kicked the bunk above her. This would wake up Jimmy, she hoped. Jimmy looked over the side of the bed and when he saw her crying, he became concerned. He jumped down from his bunk and was at her side instantaneously. "Oh, Sweetheart, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Pain," was all she could say. As she looked at him, he saw the amount of pain that she was in through her eyes.

"Where, Darling?" Since she couldn't speak, she placed his hand on her abdomen. "What can I do?"

"Get Louise." she managed to gasp. The pain was coming back and it was stronger this time. She yelled out and when Jimmy picked her up to carry her to Louise's house, he saw the blood on the sheets. That was when he became fearful for his child's life. He knew that a woman wasn't supposed to bleed during pregnancy.

It was the middle of the night and Jimmy stood at Kid's door, banging on it. At this moment, he didn't care if he woke every person that ever lived. When Kid looked out the bedroom window to see who was banging on his door like the world was going to end, he looked over at Louise and said, "It's Jimmy and he's holding Lee. Something's wrong."

Louise grabbed a robe and raced down the stair and let the couple in. After Jimmy told her what was going on, she had him take her to the spare bedroom. Kid came down to see what was wrong, and was told to get some clean towels and damp wash cloths. He did as he was told and gave them to Jimmy to take them to Louise.

When Jimmy brought the towels and wash cloths, Lee was sleeping. Louise looked at him with sad eyes and shook her head. "She's sleeping for now. But I did everything I could, Jimmy. I'm sorry." She couldn't look at him, she looked down at the floor and gave him the news, "We lost the baby. I need the wash cloths and towels to clean up. It was what the medical world considers a complete miscarriage. There was nothing anybody could have done. I'm sorry." She took the towels and wash cloths and cleaned Lee up while Jimmy sat in a chair by the bed. He stroked her hair while she slept. Louise's voice cut into his grief as she said, "I gave her something to make her sleep. She needs to stay in here for the rest of the night. I'll go over to the bunkhouse and get the bloodied sheets and take care of them."

"Thank you." Jimmy called out as she walked out of the room. When he was alone with his bride-to-be, he crawled into bed with her and held her.


"Is she all right?" a voice in the dark asked.

Louise knew the voice to be Noah's. "She will be."

"What's wrong?" Jesse asked.

Louise saw no reason to hide what had happened, and since they all knew that Lee was pregnant they would find out sooner or later. "Uh, we lost the baby. There was nothing I could do." It was as Louise suspected, Lee had lost the baby before she saw her. There was too much blood on the bed. Louise suspected that it was the fever that Lee had that had killed the baby and that was what she had told her.

"What does that mean?" Jesse asked.

"It means, Jesse, that Lee is no longer pregnant and that the baby died." Louise said solemnly.


When Louise got back to the house, she checked in on Lee. Jimmy was in the bed with Lee holding her. He was not asleep yet, and Louise could see where his tears had traveled down his face. "Jimmy," He looked at her but didn't get up, "When she wakes up, she'll need you. I've seen several miscarriages, and the first thing that happens is that the mother blames herself. You can't let her fall into that trap." Jimmy just nodded as she closed the door. Louise took a deep breath and walked up the stairs to her own bedroom. She had dealt with miscarriages before, but she had never been this close to her patient before.

She was able to hold onto her own feelings until she got into the safety of her own room. Kid had overheard her tell Jimmy what had happened. When he saw his wife, he saw that she was hurting too. He stood there holding her for a while. "How is she?"

"She's sleeping. Jimmy's with her right now." She said as she dried up her own tears. "Kid, I almost lost her. She was hemorrhaging and I couldn't stop the bleeding."

"But you saved her didn't you?"

Louise nodded, "But I couldn't save the baby."

"I know."


When it was time to get up, Louise checked on her patient. Both Lee and Jimmy were sleeping. She decided to let them sleep, although she did check on Lee's temperature and found it was back to normal. Maybe she had be wrong about the fever causing the miscarriage. Maybe the miscarriage caused the fever.

At breakfast she told everyone that Lee had suffered a miscarriage and that Jimmy and Lee would be needing them for support. They all agreed to help in anyway they could, but understood that the only way they could help was to be there for them if they need a shoulder to lean on.


When Lee woke up, she felt Jimmy's arms around her. My baby is dead. He doesn't know. When he finds out that I let his baby die, he'll hate me. He won't love me anymore. He won't want to marry me anymore. I can't lose them both. These thoughts made her weep and she couldn't hold back the sobs that woke her fiancée.

"It's gonna be alright, Sweetheart." Jimmy tried to reassure him.

Lee had convinced herself that she would never give birth, and Jimmy deserved better. Although she knew she could survive without Jimmy, she would never know life to the fullest without him. But she was willing to make that sacrifice if it would make him happy. Since she was also convinced that Jimmy would leave her after he found out that she had lost the baby, she just blurted it out through her sobs. "No, it's not gonna be alright. The baby's dead."

"I know. It may take some time, but we'll be alright."

Lee couldn't believe what she had heard. "We'll be alright? We'll be alright? How could you say that when you're going to leave me? Sure you'll be alright but I won't ever get to hold my new born child because there will be none for me. Even if I did find someone else -- Which I won't -- I won't be able to have children and when you find that out, you're going to leave me!"

Lee hadn't realized she had spoken out loud, until Jimmy answered., "What are you talking about? I'm not going to leave you. I love you, I'd never leave you."

"How could you still love me when I killed the baby, your baby?"

"LeAnn, you didn't kill our baby."

"Might as well have, I just let it die."

"What could you have done? It's not your fault. You didn't do anything to cause it and you could not have prevented it."

"Jimmy's right." Louise who had been standing at the door, had heard everything. "Lee, there's nothing that you could have done that would have saved the baby and there is nothing that you did to cause this. It just happens sometimes. And yes you can still have children. So don't worry about that. I'll go get you some breakfast."

"I'm not hungry."

"Lee, you have to eat something so your body can heal." Louise said as she went to get the left over breakfast for her friends.


"How is she doing?"

Louise sighed, "To tell you the truth, Lynnette, I'm worried about her. For two days, Jimmy hasn't left her side, but she's convinced that he doesn't love her anymore. When he tries to tell her that he still loves her, she tells him that he's lying. I just don't understand it. She needs him right now and the more she realizes this, the more she pushes him away."

"That's just the way she handles it when people she loves dies. We may think she needs us, but she needs to be alone for a while. When she gets her feelings under control, then she will need us, until then, she needs to be alone."

"And I think that Jimmy needs to be with her right now." Louise mumbled as she realized a conflict in the couple's needs.

"Can I go in to see her?"

"Huh? Oh yeah sure, go on in." Louise said as she was brought out of her thoughts.


Lynn knocked softly and opened the door. Lee was asleep and Jimmy was just staring at her from the chair he was sitting in. While he slept in the bed at night, he watched over her from the chair when he was awake. "How are you doing?"

"I'm worried about her, Lynn. She doesn't think that I love her anymore."

"Let me guess. She said 'You don't love me, you can't love me I let the baby die.'"

"Yeah and no matter what I do or say I haven't been able to convince her different."

"Well, have you tried just being silent?"


"Jimmy, when our Mama died she did the same thing to Daddy and me. And Daddy felt the same way about us. She's so much like him. She just needs some time alone. She's trying to get you to leave her alone. I'm not saying leave this room. I'm just saying give her some time alone with her feelings. When Daddy died, she thought it was her fault and I needed to be with her and she needed to be alone. Sure she'd talk nonsense about nobody loving her, but she needed to say it. Ignore those comments and let her say them. She'll come around in a couple of days."

"We were supposed to be getting married now." Jimmy said on the edge of tears. Lynn nodded and Jimmy continued, "I'll give her all the time she needs, but I'm afraid I'm losing her."

"You're not losing her. This is just how she grieves. Give her a couple of days of silence and she'll be fine. I promise." Lynn said as she tried to smile.

Jimmy noticed that Lee was crying in her sleep again. When he wiped the tears from her cheek, she woke up. She saw Lynn just a few a feet away, "You hate me too, don't you , Lynn?" Lynn said nothing instead, she just hugged her twin. Lee sat there with Lynn on one side and Jimmy on the other both with an arm around her trying to hold the pain at bay and not succeeding.


Lynn's method of silence worked. Jimmy still didn't leave her side, but just kept silent. When Lee woke up on Monday, she wasn't too sure of what had happened. She knew she was in Louise's house, but she wasn't too sure of anything else, except that Jimmy was holding her like he had been doing for the past few nights. Then it came back to her. She had lost the baby. She probably said some awful things to Jimmy and every body else in the past few days. The fact that he was still here, was a good sign that it wasn't too horrible. Lynn had told her that after her mother died, she had accused everyone of hating her, so hopefully that's as far as it went. She could never remember what happened the first few days after a loved one's death. It was like her brain let her feel the pain for a short period of time and then blocked it all out. If she tried hard enough she probably could remember, but that would just take her back to the depths of pain that she had just left and she didn't want to go back. She turned to where she could see Jimmy and it was her turn to watch him sleep.

Jimmy woke up when he felt her move. Lee smiled at him and he saw that her eyes looked alert this morning. "Jimmy, before you say anything, I want you to know that the past few days have been like a nightmare to me. I remember bits and pieces. I know that I lost the baby. And I have no idea what all I said to you or to anybody else. I just want you to know that no matter what I might have said, I do love you."

Jimmy nodded. He wasn't sure if it was safe for him to say anything yet, but he had to try to let her know that he still loved her. "I love you, too, LeAnn"

Lee looked relieved, At least I didn't say anything to make him hate me. She kissed him for the first time in days and he knew that she knew that he loved her.

Lynn was checking on her sister when she opened the door and saw the two kissing. She quietly closed the door and walked into the kitchen to help Louise with breakfast.

"They're still sleeping?" Louise asked.

"Nope, she's feeling better. Now, it's going to be like nothing happened. Some of the things she said, she'll remember and some she won't, like a dream."

"Everybody handles grief differently. I had one patient who after miscarrying, killed herself. Left behind a husband and 6 small children. She was hurting so bad that she couldn't see past the hurt to those who loved her."

"Yeah, well, When Lee gets like that, she's liable to do anything. Thanks for keeping her here and watching over her."

"Like I was going to let her go anywhere else? No, she's my patient and I wanted to look after her."


"How are you feeling Lee?" Cody asked tenderly as she and Jimmy walked through the bunkhouse door for breakfast.

"Better. Thanks for asking, but can we just not talk about it anymore?" Lee asked looking at each of her family members pleadingly. She sighed when they agreed.

Chapter 12

Even though the house was finished, Jimmy and Lee stayed in the bunhouse until after they got married. Lee said that she wanted their first night in their new house to be on their wedding night. So the night before, she spent the night with Racheal and Lynn. Lee and Lynn stayed up talking half the night


Mr. and Mrs. Ethridge had arrived in Rock Creak eariler that night and checked into the hotel. Mrs. Ethridge didn't know why she felt an urgancy to make the second step. They had already found Lee and she knew that they were looking for her. It should be Lee's turn to make next step. However, she also knew that if Lee was anything like her father, their son, then should could hold a grudge for a lifetime. They had made a lot mistakes in the past and had to make up for them.


The next morning, Lee and Lynn were moving the last bit of Lee's stuff into the house when J.D. and Ellen Ethridge walked into the station. "Good Morning, Can I help you?" Racheal asked the elderly couple.

"We were looking for our granddaughrters, Lynnette and LeAnn Ethridge."

"Just a minute I'll see if their busy." Racheal walked over to the house and Stuck her head in the door. "Lee, Lynn, your grandparents are here."

"What?!" Lee asked coming out of the upstaires bedroom that she was fixing up for that night. "How did they know where we were?"

"Do you want me to tell them that you're busy and you'll see them at the wedding?"

"NO! I mean, I guess I'll see them now." Damn. She thought. How did they know I was here? And why did they have to show up today of all days?

As LeAnn and Lynnette walked out onto the porch, their grandparents couldn't believe that they finally had found them both together. They had been in contact with Lynnette through letters, and Grandfather had visited her at school. But Ellen Ethridge had not seen them. They looked so much like her son.

Lynn had a smile on her face, but Lee wore a scowl. She just wated for them to say somtehing first.

"Lynn, Lee," J. D. said.

"Only my friends call me Lee." Lee said annoyed.

"Sorry, LeAnn. We just came to say we're sorry for turning you out."

"It's a little too late for that don't you think?"

"Lee, give them a break." Lynn pleaded. "I told you they just wanted to apologize for truning us out."

"Why today? Why did you show up today?"

"We just came to apologize and try to get you to come back with us."

"No. No I will not forgive you and no I will not go back with you." Lee started to go back in the house.

"Lee, if they had never turned us out, then you would have never met Jimmy." Lynn pointed out.

Lee had her back turned and she stopped and thought about the man she was going to marry in just a few hours. She turned back towards the elderly couple and said, "Fine I forgive for turning us out. But I'm not coming back with you." Lee went inside and walked back up to the bedroom.

Rachel had not heard the converstion but she knew that Lee had snapped at them and then went into the house. Thinking that Lee had invited them to the wedding, she went up them, "I'm sure she's just nervous about the wedding. I know on my wedding day, I snapped at everybody. At least you were able to make here in time for the wedding."

When the elderly couple lookied confused, Lynn, explained, "I don't think Lee worte them about the wedding, Rachel."

"No, she didn't." Mr. Ethridge said.

"But I do know that if you aren't there she'll regret it for the rest of her life." Lynn added. "I'll go talk to her."


When Lee saw Lynn, she announced, "I don't want them at the wedding."

"Come on, Lee, you don't mean that." Lynn tried to argue, but could tell that her twin did mean it.

"Yes, I do. Why should they be there? They turned us out when we needed them the most."

"They are the only part of Daddy that will be able to be there. And if they didn't turn us out, you would have never met Jimmy."

"Why is it important to you that they are at my wedding?"

"Because they are the last bit of our family."

"They disinherited Daddy for marrying Mamma. They were no longer part of our family before we were even born."

"Yes, they are part of our family, wheather or not you like it. They are our grandparents. They realize that they have made mistakes, and they want to try to make up for them."

"Then invite them to your wedding. I don't want them at my wedding."

"Lee, if they are not there, and you make up with them later, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. If they are there, and you never make up with them, then they were just strangers at your wedding, no harm done."

After a moment of thought, Lee announced, "Fine. Have it your way. But Kid is still walking me down isle."

"Great. I'll go tell them what time to be back here." Lynn smiled.


Rachel was introducing Mr. and Mrs. Ethridge to the rest of the riders when Lynn came out of the house. "Lee, would like you to be back here at 6:00 this evening for the wedding." she proclaimed as she grinned at Rachel.

Jimmy raised an eyebrow, but kept sighlent. He knew how Lee felt about her grandparents. He had even brought up the subject of inviting them to the wedding, but Lee refused. Jimmy also knew how Lynn could talk Lee into things. He figured that Lynn had talked her into inviting them since they were already there.

The boys went back to decorating the outside for the wedding while Lee continued to try to get the bedroom to look perfect. Ellen wanted to talk to Lee privately and Lynn let her in the house.


As Ellen walked into the bedroom, she observed, a vase of wild flowers near the bed on a stand, and candles placed about the room. Lee was looking at the room and muttered. "Something's missing. I don't know what, but somethig's missing."

"The flower petals on the bed is what is missing." Ellen suggested.

"Exscuse me?" Lee turned around suprised.

"Flower petals covering the top of the bed. it will make the room compleat, if this is where you are going to spend your wedding night."

Lee just stood there and thought about it. She had to admit that she was right. She was trying to make the room look like the hotel room that they had shared the first time they made love, but she also wanted to add something special. Flower petals on the bed would be perfect. She wouldn't admit it to her grandmother though. "Did you need something?"

"I just wanted to give you these. Your father wanted you and your sister to have them after he had passed away." She handed a stack of envelopes to Lee. As Lee took them, she looked sown at them. They were letters that had been opened, but addressed to her grandmother. Some of them were in her mother's handwriting, others were in her fathers handwriting.

"Why are you giving me these now?"

"Because, my husband doesn't know about them. He would have distroyed them if he knew about them. And I think it would be a good wedding present from your parents. I never disinherited your father. I loved him with all my heart. I'm sorry I wasn't able to make J. D. see what he did was wrong. I'm sorry I wasn't able to visit you. I tried, but everytime I got ready to leave, J. D. wouldn't let me. I understand if you can't forgive me for that."

Something in Lee's eyes softened. "You really tried to come visit us?"

"Yes. When J. D. disowned your father, we thought it would last for a year or so, and then everything would be back to normal. But J. D. never forgave your father for marrying your mother and breaking the betrothal that he had made with a business parrtner. J. D. made the betrothal to further his business. When James refused to marry the girl, J. D. was ferious. The girl and her family understood that James was in love with someone else and the business deal was kept anyway. But no matter what I did, J. D. would not allow James and your mother to come home. Her family had disowned her too. They had arranged her marriage too." Lee nodded. Maybe she had misjudged her grandmother. "Since we thought that they would be back home in a year or so, I kept your mother's wedding dress for her. Just so that it wouldn't get messed up. I brought it with me, because I wasn't sure if you would want to see us again. If you want I could go get it for you."

Lee couldn't believe her luck. She thought that she would never get to even see her mother's wedding dress, let on have the choice wheather or not she wanted to wear it. All she could do was nod. She sank down on the bed as Ellen walked out of the room. Her mother's wedding dress. She had planned on borrowing Louise's wedding dress. She had tried it on right after her miscarriage and it had fit perfectly so they didn't need to make any adjustments. But if she could wear her mother's wedding dress....

Ellen returned with two packages. The first package they opened up was the dress. Lee tried on the dress and it was a little loose in the bodice. "I can fix that in no time. Here let me, just pin it and then I'll get to work on it. That is if you want to wear it."

"Oh yes of course I want to wear it. It's buitiful. I was going to borrow a friend's wedding dress. But if you can get this to fit me by this evening, then I'll love to wear this one." Lee said still in a daze.

"Lee, before I start making alterations on this dress, I have to ask you something."

Lee looked at the woman she was beginning to trust. "What?"

"You're not getting married because you feel like you have to are you? I mean if you feel like you have to get married, J. D. and I can help you out with anything that you need. You don't have to get married to support yourself or Lynn."

"You're right. I don't have to get married to support myself and Lynn, I've been doing it all on my own with just moral support from the family that I found here. The boys taught me how to protect myself and they were there when I needed moral support. But's been my paycheck alone that has supported Lynn and me. No, I'm getting married because I have to. I'm getting married because I love Jimmy and I believe that he loves me." Lee affirmed as her hand dropped down to her barren admen. As she thought about Angel for the first time that day, tears came to her eyes, but she was able to push them back telling herself that she had already morned Angel's death. Ellen didn't notice the tears because she had turned to get the second package.

"Here I think you need this also." she said with a smile.

Lee opened up the second package and found a box full of red roses. "Where did you get these?" she asked surprized.

"Don't you worry about that. But if you need more I can get you more. Well don't just stand there, let's see if you will need more roses for the bed." They started to cover the bed witht the petals and found out that it was more than enough. Lee was also able to make a path from the bedroom door to the bed with the petals. Ellen had said that the roses were red for passion and true love.


Louise understood about Lee changing her mind about the wedding dress and even helped Ellen alter the dress. Lee stood in front of a full length mirror. Her wedding dress was Southren Bell in style with a sweetheart neckline. About an inch above the hem there were bows placed about two inches apart. It gave the dress a gathered look near the bows. It was made of white satan.

The boys had placed the satan green bows that Lee, Lynn, Louise, and Rachel had made on the end of all of the row of chairs. They also had made an arch and had painted it white and had decorated it with wild flowers. Ellen had donated some red roses to go on the arch as well.

The boys were all dressed in their Sunday Best and all of the boys except Kid were standing beside Jimmy when the music started and the bridesmaids started walking down the isle. Lynnette was first, then Louise, then Emma and Rachel. Then Buck and Ike placed a red walkway made of a peice of matiral down on the ground. Theresa walked down the isle dropping flowers on the walkway. The matiral was to keep the dress from getting messed up. Then Lee walked the isle on Kid's arm. When Jimmy saw Lee, his mouth dropped. She was radiant. He had heard that she was going to be wearing her mother's wedding dress instead of Louise's dress like planned. She looked absolutly dazzling. He could hardly concintrate during the ceremony. At one point Teaspoon had to repeat the vows Jimmy was supposed to say.


At the recpetion, Teaspoon brought out the wine and told everyone that he was lifting the "no aclohol drinking" rule for tonight only and that they had better not overdo it, because everyone had chores to do and runs to take and no one was going to be exscused because of a hangover. He reminded them that Jimmy and Lee were on vacation and that while Lee was still going to be going on runs, she would not be back until a week. He was surprised if Jimmy and Lee made it to table for meals during their week off.

Everyone had a wonderful time and Lee got to dance with all of her "brothers" and Teaspoon and Lee danced the dance ment for Father and Bride, while Emma and Jimmy danced as Mother and Son. Jimmy's sister, Cylinda and Nathan were able to make it to the wedding and everyone got to know them. While Lee was dancing with her "brothers", Jimmy was dancing with Emma, Rachel, and Cylinda.

After 3 hours of dancing, Lee threw her bouquet and despite, Emily and Cassie also contending for the bouquet, Lynn cought it. Jimmy carried Lee over the threshhold and closed the door with his foot.


Two hours before dawn, Jimmy and Lee made their way to a spot by the pond where they had placed a marker with the name Angel carved on it. They stayed there until sunrise and then made their way back to the station for breakfast. Then they decided that if they were going to get anytime alone, they had better leave town for a few days.

Chapter 13

Buck was sitting on a bale of hey in the barn thinking about the last conversation that he had with Lee and Ike when Lynn came in.

"There you are! I was looking for you. I only have a few more days before I have to go back to school. I was hoping on spending some time alone with you."

"Yeah. Me too." Buck said preoccupied. It wasn't that he didn't want to spend time alone with Lynn. The reason he was preoccupied was because he wanted to spend time alone with her. He just wasn't sure how to ask her.

Even though Buck knew the answer, he went ahead and asked, "The person who catches the bride's bouquet is supposed to get married next, right?"

"Yeah, but we all know that Ike and Emily are getting married in Oct. That's only a couple of months away...."

"Yeah, but Ike said that he would love a double wedding." Buck interrupted.

Lynn was caught off guard, but chose her words carefully. "But what about Emily, how would she feel about a double wedding? Besides, I haven't been asked by the person I want to marry."

Buck inquired, "Someone else asked you to marry him?"

"Yeah. A long time ago. Before my father was killed. Matter of fact he was killed because I didn't want to marry this man. His twin wanted to marry Lee too, but we just wanted things to stay the same between us. We thought of them as older brothers. But they wouldn't take no for answer. We didn't know they could be like that. When they killed Daddy, we tried to run the farm, but we couldn't. I guess we were too young and didn't know enough about it. So we left to find our grandparents. And you know the rest of the story."

Buck just nodded and held her close as he listened to her painful story. He knew what he wanted to do, only he didn't know how to ask her. He was still having trouble with that. He decided to try once more and changed the subject a little bit. "Ike said that Emily didn't care if they had a double wedding with us. She said it only seems right, since Ike and me are as close as two brothers can get. Matter of fact it was her idea."

Lynn sat there stunned, not sure if she was understanding what buck was saying. "Buck did you just say our wedding?"

Buck held his breath, "Yeah I did. But only if you wanted to have a double wedding."

Lynn decided it was time to find out what he was really trying to say, "Buck Cross, are you asking me to marry you?"

Buck looked down at his boots then said, "Yes."

When he looked back up, Lynn had a big smile on her face and said "Then my answer is yes. Yes I will marry you."

Buck took Lynn into his arms and gave her a passionate kiss.


Lee was excited for her sister when she and Jimmy got back and heard the news. Lee also told Lynn that she would be an apprentice to become a vet. Jimmy had taken her to the same school that Lynn was going to get enrolled, but they didn't have a program for vets. So she was going to talk to the vet in town and ask him if he would teach her. Lynn told Lee that she had one more session of school then Boggs was going to take her on as an apprentice. Lee agreed to help with the wedding plans.


"Jimmy, listen to this." Lee read from a letter that she held in her hand "'...Please, Mom, come live with us. Father will end up beating up to death if you don't get away from him. Please come live with us. He'll never find you. And even if he does, I'll protect you from him. I have nothing to fear from him now.' Dad is saying that JD beats Ellen. He wanted her to get away from him. Maybe we should help her."

"If she'll let us help her, but she wouldn't let your father help her. So, she might not let us help her." After a moment's thought, Jimmy added, "But we do have to try. Let her know that if she wants, she can come live with us if she wants."

"OK I'll let her know. But, I think you may be right. She stayed with him, when Daddy offered her a place to live. There must be something he's holding over her to keep her with him. If we could find out what that is, we might be able to help her when Daddy couldn't."

"You're right. But, how are we going to find out what it is?"

"I'm not sure yet."


When Grace saw that her husband was drunk, she braced herself. She knew that she was in for a long, painful night. At least I'll be able to see my daughter as soon as this is over, she thought.


Boggs woke up to someone banging on his door. When he opened the door, it was the hotel owner, Bob. He was carrying a woman. She looked as if she had been beaten. "Bring her in here. Do you know what happened?"

"Her husband did this to her. He came in drunk and next thing we know, we her screaming out in pain. By the time we got to her, he was passed out on the bed and she was like this on the floor. I brought her straight to you."

When they got her to the office, Bob laid the on the bed and Boggs turned on the light. It was then that he recognized the woman. He checked her for broken bones and set the ones he found. He put antiseptic on her cuts and went to get his wife.

"Cindy, wake up, Honey. Your mother's here. She's been beaten again and she's unconscious."

"Is she in the office?" Boggs nodded and Cindy left without another word.

The next morning, Mr. Nelson went to the doctor's office to "collect" his wife. When Boggs answered the door, Mr. Nelson was outraged, "What are you doing here?"

"This is my office, Nelson. I live and work here. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to get my wife. The hotel owner said she was here."

"She can't be moved right now. She still hasn't regained consciousness since you beat her last night. I'm not even sure if she'll make it this time."

"What so you mean?" Nelson asked indignantly.

"I mean, Mr. Nelson, that you may have killed your wife this time!!!!" Boggs shouted angrily. "Now, get off of my property."

"Not without my wife." Nelson shouted back.

"I told you that she can't be moved yet and she can't walk!" Boggs said through his clinched teeth. He then slammed the door in Mr. Nelson's face.

Mr. Nelson walked straight over to the Marshall's office. The night deputy was still in the office. Teaspoon or one of the boys never showed up before breakfast. They had chores on the station that needed to be done before breakfast. Someone, usually Teaspoon, would come and relieve Dan after breakfast.

Mr. Nelson took advantage of this. Of course he didn't know that Teaspoon was the Marshall here in Rock Creak either. "I want to report a kidnapping! The doctor has my wife and daughter and won't let them come home with me."

Dan looked at the man suspiciously. He knew Dr. McCloud as a kind man, but firm when someone's health was at steak. "All right, Mr., let's go over there and see what's going on."

When Dan explained the charges to Boggs, he replied, "Come on in and see for yourself if I'm holding them against their will." Mr. nelson started to come in also. Boggs, with fire in his eyes, said, "You are not welcome. Get off of my land!"

"Why can't he come in?"

"You'll see. Oh good, you're up, Jeremiah. I need you to go get Kid and Louise. If they can spare a couple of the other riders it would be great! Tell them that the Nelson's are in town we have to protect Mrs. Nelson."

"Yes, Sir." Jeremiah said as ran out the door. He knew that his step-grandfather was a very dangerous man. He had seen what he did to Cindy when she professed her love for Boggs.

"So his name is Nelson, huh? He was so upset, he didn't give me his name."

"Grace and Eric Nelson. My in-laws. I've been patching Grace up for 20 years now. She keeps going back to him. He tried to claim that I had kidnapped Cindy when she left on her own free will. Of course he was beating her and Louise stepped in. She pulled her gun on him and gave Cindy the chance to get away. When Cindy did leave, he disowned her."

When Dan saw Mrs. Nelson, he needed no more proof. She was still unconscious and Cindy was sitting begging her to wake up. Grace had a broken arm, two broken legs, her chest was wrapped up, her head was stitched together and she had little cuts and bruises all over her body. "He gets away with this?"

"She won't leave him or have him locked up." Boggs walked over to his wife and gave her a loving kiss on her head. "How are you holding up?"

"OK I guess. I just wish she would wake up--like she always does. She will wake up right?"

Boggs heart broke. He couldn't lie to his wife, as much as he wanted to, he just couldn't lie to her. He had to tell her the truth. "I'm not sure Cindy. I hope so. I've done all I can. the rest is up her and the Lord." When Cindy heard her husband's despair, she couldn't hold the tears back.

"If she dies, he hangs for murder, ya hear?" Boggs nodded, afraid that Cindy had waited too late to take action.

Jeremiah, Kid, and Louise arrived a few minutes after Dan left. "So she finally left him, huh?" Louise asked as she walked in.

"Afraid not. Bob brought her to me a couple hours before dawn. She was unconscious. She has a broken arm, 2 broken legs, 3 ribs are broken and I think one of the broken ribs might have punctured a lung. She still hasn't come to yet, and to tell you the truth, I'm not sure she will."

"How is Cindy taking it?" Kid asked.

"Hard. She's in there now. I've done all I can."

"OK, Pa. I'll go check on her."

"See if you can get Cindy to eat something."

"I'll try." Louise said over her shoulder as she walked into the office.

"Have ya'll had breakfast yet?" Boggs asked Kid.

"Yes, sir. We were eating when Jeremiah came to get us. Cody and Noah should be here as soon as they get through eating. They have a run when Buck and Ike get back. Buck and Ike will just switch places with them. I have the day off so I'll be here all day. Louise will be here as long as she's needed."

"Thanks, Kid, I really appreciate this. I don't want him anywhere near her right now. If she comes to and asks for him, then he can come in. But not until then."

"McCloud! I want my wife back -- NOW!!!" Eric Nelson could be heard yelling from the street. Louise came to see what it was all about.

Boggs opened the door to find Mr. Nelson pointing a pistol at him. Kid saw the gun and stepped up behind his father-in-law as Boggs began to say,, "I told you, she can't walk yet. She hasn't even woke up yet. If she asks for you I'll send for you."

"Not good enough." Nelson said as he pulled the trigger. The bullet went into Bogg's stomach. As he fell to the ground, Kid pulled his gun and shot Eric Nelson in the heart instantly killing him.

Louise simultaneously yelled, "PA!!!" She ran to her father's side.

Kid was already bent down checking for a pulse. "He's still alive, Louise,. You can save him."

Louise looked horrified. "I've never operated before. All I've done is delivered babies and put bandages on. I've assisted him when he operated, but he did all the work."

"Louise, you have to save him. There is no one else who can do it." Cindy, who had heard the shots, begged. "When I heard the shots, I sent the kids upstairs. Please, Louise, for them, for me, for yourself at least try to save him."

Louise was discouraged, but realized that she had to try to save her father, "He's shot in the same place that Ike was shot. I'll do my best, but it my not be good enough." She said to Kid and Cindy.

Cindy went back to her mother while Louise started to operate on Boggs. "Well, Ma, you can wake up now, Pa's dead. He shot Boggs. Louise is patching him up new. But when he shot Boggs, Kid shot and killed Pa. So now your safe. Please, Ma, wake up." Cindy was exhausted and put her head down on the table.

"Where's, Pa?" Theresa asked Kid. The kids had come down once it had gotten quiet.

"Louise is patching him up now."

"Is it bad?" Jeremiah asked.

Not knowing how to sugar coat it for the children, Kid told them truth. "Yes, it's bad. Louise is in there trying to save him now. Maybe if we pray for him, God will let him live." Kid had added the last part to make the children feel like they could do something to help their father, besides in his experience a little prayer never hurt and most of the time helped.

Since Dan had seen the whole ordeal, he didn't need to ask who shot first. Matter of fact, he blamed himself for Boggs getting hurt. He was on his way to get the gun away from Mr. Nelson when Boggs was shot. he blamed himself for being too slow. When he told that to Teaspoon, Teaspoon assured him that it was not his fault, and that Eric nelson had always been a violent man. He even remarked that now Mr. Nelson can't hurt anybody else.

The rest of the riders had shown up with Teaspoon. Lynn went to help Louise, while Lee talked to their grandmother. "That could be you. You have to get away"

But Ellen wasn't listening. "I'll be fine, really, I will." Lee took her in to see Mrs. Nelson, hoping that Ellen would be shocked into leaving J. D. "Lee, I'm just a clumsy person. I'll be fine really. J.D. isn't like that. Your father was misinformed by one of my friends who was convinced that J. D. was beating me. It's not true though." Ellen lied.

The truth was she had been to the doctor's on many occasions to get stitched up or have a broken bone set after a beating. Matter of fact it was the doctor's wife in Denver that wrote James Ethridge about J. D. Ellen always told them that she fell down the stars, but they J.D. hand prints on the bruises that he left.

Lee was out of ideas at the moment and let the subject drop as she said, "Just know that you can come live with us, if you ever leave him."

"Thank you, Honey, but I don't need saving from him." God will protect me.

As they waited for Louise finish operating on her father, Grace woke up. Cindy was sitting right beside the bed when her mother opened her eyes. "Hi, Sweetheart. Sorry you have to see me like this again."

"It's not your fault, Ma. And you don't have to worry about him anymore. he's dead. He shot Boggs and Kid killed him. Louise is trying save Boggs now. He was shot in the stomach."

"Go check on your husband. You should be with him."

"Why was he here?"

"A business meeting. We arrived late yesterday and he went straight to the saloon. When he came back to the hotel he was drunk. Now go to your husband's side."

"I can't go to his side until Louise finishes operating. Do you want something to eat? I'll go fix everyone some lunch."

Rachel and Lee had lunch waiting for everyone when Cindy had thought about it. Cindy walked out her mother's room at the same time Louise walked out of Boggs' room.

"I got the bullet out and stopped the bleeding. Now we just wait and see. I think I did everything he did to save Ike, but I'm not sure I remembered everything." She turned to her step-mother, who she thought of as a sister and said, "If you want to, you can go see him. He's not awake yet, though."

"That's OK. I'll go see him. Ma just woke up if someone could get her something to eat, I'd appreciate it."

As Rachel fixed Grace a plate, Cody had to leave to go meet Buck. He would send Buck when he got the pouch. Noah and Ike had already traded places and Ike was eating his lunch, while Noah was on his way to Senica.

As Lee fed Grace her meal, she asked her why she stayed with a man that beat her.

"Because after it happened the first time, I told my parents. I thought that they would tell me to come back home, but instead they told me that if I left Eric Nelson that I would go to Hell. So I stayed with him."

"But that's not true. God doesn't want us to endanger ourselves like that. He wants us to safe."

"What about those in other countries that in danger because they believe?"

"That's different. When we are in danger because we believe, God will protect us. But with other things, he provides us with the means to stay safe. When you see a snake nest, you go out of your way to avoid it right? Same thing here."

"God only wants divorce in cases of infidelity and he was always faithful, that I know of. If he divorced me, then I couldn't help that. But I couldn't divorce him."

Grace was right. That was the only reason the Bible gave for a divorce. But surly God didn't want an abusive relationship to last. He made marriage and families for people to feel safe. No matter what Lee believed, she couldn't have Grace talk to Ellen about leaving J. D. Grace would encourage her to stay. At least Grace was safe now.

Kid brought Cindy some lunch and then left the room. Boggs still hadn't opened his eyes since he collapsed after being shot. He went to his wife's side. He almost had to force her to eat.

Jimmy brought the kids something to eat. When he opened the door to Jeremiah's room, he found both kids on their knees, begging the lord to let their father live. Instead of disturbing them, he just put their plates in a dresser and left quietly.

After Louise ate, she and Kid went to check on Boggs. Cindy was eating her plate of food slowly, but was glad for the company. Louise saw her father's eyes moving under his eyelids. It looked as if he was just sleeping. She checked his wound and put more medicine on it and wrapped it back up. As she was dressing his bandages, she could barely see through her tears and she must've been too rough, because Boggs, moaned, "Be careful, that hurts." He kept his eyes closed until Louise was finished redressing the bandages. "What happened all I remember is Nelson yelling at me."

"He shot you, then Kid killed him." Louise said.

"You were shot in the same place that Ike was shot." Kid remarked.

"Who operated?"

Kid took the opportunity to brag on his wife. "Louise did. Lynnette assisted her."

Boggs looked at his daughter and said, "Thank you Sweetheart. I'm not ready to meet my Maker yet. I have Cindy, Jeremiah, Theresa and you. I do want to see my grandchildren."

Everyone in the room laughed. Then Louise said, "Someone needs to go tell the others and the kids that Pa's awake."

"Louise, what about Grace?"

"She's doing fine. She's awake and talking now. Lee's feeding her now." Cindy said.

"Oh good."

"We nearly lost you both." Cindy said amazed at the miracles that had happened that day.

"Let your mother know that she has a place with us if she wants. Of course she has nothing to fear if Eric is dead."

"OK I'll let her know. But I'm sure she'll need to go back to Sweetwater for her things."

"I'm sure she will. Did you find out why he was here?"

"A business meeting. She said that they arrived late yesterday and he went to the Saloon and came back to the hotel drunk."

"Well, she won't have to worry about that anymore."

When Louise told the others that her father was awake and seemed to be doing fine, the tears of relief came. Kid told Jeremiah and Theresa that they could go see their father. That ran down the stairs and into the room that he was in.

Cindy told her mother about Boggs offer, buts Grace declined. She told Cindy that after she goes back to Sweetwater and gets everything straightened out, she would move t o Rock Creak to be close to them. She wanted the kids to call her grandma.

Everyone was glad that Grace would be moving to Rock Creak. There was small farm for sell not he outskirts. They were sure that Grace would buy it and live there.

Chapter 14

By the end of October rolled around Cindy and Boggs announced that they were expecting a baby. Nobody could have been happier for them than Louise. Jeremiah and Theresa were also excited to have a baby sister or brother on the way. Cindy and Boggs had waited for Sam and Emma to come to town before telling anybody.

Emma was needed to help finalize the wedding preparations, because Lynn, one of the brides, was in Denver going to school. Lee, the matron of Honor, was still riding for the Express and could only do so much. Lynn had told Lee exactly what she wanted and Emma made sure it happened. Emma and Sam showed up two weeks early to help out. Two days before the wedding, Teaspoon announced that the Pony Express was going out of business. "We all knew this day was coming. Ever since we moved o Rock Creak, the rides have been mostly government runs for the army and their payroll."

Cody added, "I, for one, plan to join the army."

"When's the last run?" Lee asked.

"Today. Jimmy has it. I want two guns on this one. Part of it is army payroll and the other part is the announcement that the Pony Express is ending and the last pay checks from Russell, Majors, and Wydell for each station. Jimmy, you'll be carrying this as far as Fort Laramie."

"I'll go with him" Lee said.

"OK. I just wish that I could have given you more notice than this." Teaspoon said regretfully.

"At least we own the station so we don't have to look for another place to live." Kid said. "Cody, Noah, you also have some land on this station to build a house if you want it."

"Well, Kid, if it's all the same to you, I think I'll stay in the bunkhouse until I have someone to share a house with. Besides, I'm thinking of joining the army with Cody." Even though Noah and Cassie had been seeing allot of each other, he wasn't sure if he was ready for marriage especially now that he had no job.

"I'll stay in the bunkhouse when I come to visit. But I'm going to travel with the army." Cody said dramatically.

Everyone laughed and Lousie added, "Well it's here for you both if you change your minds. We'll save it for you. We bought enough land for everyone. And we've been saving the money that the company's been giving us for rent. We haven't really decided what we are going to yet, though./"

"You could always work as your father's nurse." Ike signed.

"That's an idea that we've been talking about. I'm sure I will for while, but when Lynn comes to live us in December, she's going to be Pa's apprentice. I don't want to intrude on that."

"You wouldn't be intruding." Buck encouraged.

"Rider Coming" Kid announced as a Pony Express employee rode in with a pouch for the last time. Jimmy and Lee mounted up . Lee took the pouch and they rode off as courses of "Ride Safe" rang in the air.

"Matt, Rob, I've got some lunch in there here if you want some." Rachel offered as Matt handed Teaspoon the last payroll for the Rock Creak station.

"Thank you, Mrs. Dunne." Rob said and they went into the bunkhouse to eat as Teaspoon handed everyone their last payment. To everyone's surprise, there was a bonus to help out while they found new jobs. They even paid Kid and Louise an extra month's rent. Everyone had a little savings and was hoping that they could hold out before the money was gone.

Kid, Jimmy, and Cody probably would have no problems finding a another job, but Buck, Ike and Noah weren't so sure they could find another job easily.

Jimmy and Lee returned the day before the wedding. Lynn had arrived on the morning stage and was worried that her matron of honor would not make it back in time. Her new brother-in-law was also supposed to give her away. And neither one of them were there. When she saw them ride into the station, she ran out to great them. "I heard this was the last run." Lee just nodded. "Do ya'll know what you're going to do?"

"Not yet. We talked about it last night, but we're not sure. After the wedding we'll run it by everybody to see what ya'll think."

"Emily, Ike and Buck and I were discussing it this morning. We also decided that it would be best to wait until after the wedding to let everyone know our idea."

"Don't worry, Lynn. Everything will work out."

"I know. Grandma and Grandpa are supposed to come for the wedding." Lee just nodded.

Even though it was a double wedding, it was a small ceremony. The town showed up to show their support for the two couples. Jimmy gave Lynn away, and Cody gave Emily away. Teaspoon officiated. Kid was Buck's best man, while Noah was Ike's best man. Lee was Lynn's matron of honor, and wore a purple dress. Louise was Emily's matron of honor and wore a deep yellow-gold dress.

They used the arch that Jimmy and Lee used and covered it with wild flowers. The brides' bouquets were made of roses. complements of Ellen. While Ike and Emily used the traditional vows, Buck and Lynn made up their own vows like they did in the Kiwa village. This was their way of combining the two traditions without messing up Ike and Emily's part of the wedding.

At the reception, everyone danced with everyone at least once. Noah took Cassie and she caught Emily's bouquet. Rachel caught Lynnette's bouquet.

Since their was no more Express the newly weds decided to stay home instead of taking a honeymoon trip. They thought that this would save them some money.

When Southern sympathizers came to town, Frank James, Jesse's older brother, was with them. The union army, who was passing through getting recruits, found out where they were hiding. This band of outlaws were breaking Confederate laws as well as Union laws--all in the name of the South. They said that they stole the money for the South to help them out in the War. When Jesse heard that the army was going to arrest them all, he told Frank about it.

An angry widow, whose husband had been killed by the gang, tried to go with them. Noah went with her to try to protect her. He saved her life by stepping in front of a bullet that was meant for her. Cody saw this and grabbed Noah and brought him to Boggs.

As soon as they got to town, Boggs went to work saving Noah's life. Luckily, the bullet missed all organs. Boggs just had to take the bullet out. It looked a lot worse than it was.

Jesse felt so bad, that he left with Frank as soon as he found that Noah was going to live.

Chapter 15

As they all sat around the table eating, they were discussing what jobs they were going to be looking for. "Does anybody have any idea what to do now that the Express is dead?" Kid asked. Lee and Jimmy looked at each other as buck, Ike, Emily and Lynn looked at each other and Noah and Cody looked at each other.

"Well, we've been talking about it." Lee said first.

"We thought we would run it by ya'll first. It kindda involves everyone." Jimmy said.

Lee continued nervously, "We thought that since we all this land, we could maybe start a ranch -- if it's OK with everyone."

"Louise and I were thinking the same thing. We could help you and Jimmy." Kid said surprised.

"We could all help." Buck said.

"I'll help when I'm not working for the army. Cody said. "And I'll help with paying for whatever we need."

"Anything to get out of working but still get paid, huh, Cody?" Noah chuckled. "I'll help when Dr. McCloud lets me."

"And we'll have resident vet, doctor, and nurse with Lee, Lynn, and Louise here." Ike added.

"Yeah but I've got to become a vet first, Ike. I've talked with Dr. Smith and he's agreed to let me become his apprentice."

"And in December, when I return, I'll be Dr. McCloud's apprentice." Lynn added.

"Buck, Louise and I were talking and if everyone was going to help us like we had planned, we were going to suggest that you go back to Denver with Lynn. Ya'll shouldn't be apart like that. If we make any profits, we'll send you your share. We're not really expecting to make any profits for the first year or so."

"Are you sure I'm not needed here to help get things started?"

"Your wife needs you more, right now." Louise said.

So it was decided that Buck would return with Lynn to Denver the following week. Before they left, Buck was able to help get some horses from the Sioux for a fair price. Ike helped with the cattle and chickens. Cody and Noah spread the word around town about the new ranch. They came up with the name The Misfit Ranch. The night before Buck and Lynn left, Emily announced that she was pregnant.

Lee was a quick learner and Dr. Smith was impressed with her thirst for knowledge. She the animals and soon he gave a raise and started paying her as an assistant.

Jimmy, Kid, Noah, and Ike built a bigger carrel for breeding the animals when it came time to bread them. Jeremiah was able to help build a bigger barn and a chicken coop. The current barn was to be used as birthing stalls.

Lynn and Buck visited Red Bear for Thanksgiving. Red Bear was happy that his brother had found a wife that loved him. They even had a full Kiwa wedding. Lynn was glad that Red Bear accepted her as part of the tribe.

June was busy but happy month. It was the first month that The Misfit Ranch turned a profit by selling some colts that some of their cows had given birth to. Lynn received her licensee to practice medicine. And Emily gave birth to a baby girl. Ike and Emily named her Emily Elizabeth and called her Liz. Cindy gave birth to a baby boy. Cindy and Boggs named their son Michael Andrew and called him Drew or Andrew.

The End

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