Here Are the Game Geanie Codes Item Codes Viridian City Market Use these codes in this town.xx4-44D-F7A 1st slot xx4-45D-C46 2nd slotxx4-46D-D56 3rd slot Pewter City Market Use these codes when you get to this town. xx4-4BD-F7A 1st slotxx4-4CD-B3A 2nd slot xx4-4DD-91E 3rd slot Cerulean City Market xx4-55D-F7A 1st slotxx4-56D-B3A 2nd slotxx4-57D-912 3rd slot Vermilion City Market xx4-63D-F7A 1st slotxx4-64D-A26 2nd slotxx4-65D-D5E 3rd slot Cinnibar Island Market xx4-BBD-E62 1st slotxx4-BCD-E66 2nd slotxx4-BDD-A22 3rd slot Items and Badges Codes00 - ????? 01 - Master Ball 02 - Ultra Ball 03 - Great Ball 04 - Pokè Ball 05 - Town Map 06 - Bicycle 07 - Surf Without Pokemon 08 - Safari Ball 09 - PokèDex 0A - Moon Stone 0B - Antidote 0C - Burn Heal 0D - Ice Heal 0E - Awakening 0F - Parlyz Heal 10 - Full Restore 11 - Max Potion 12 - Hyper Potion 13 - Super Potion 14 - Potion 15 - Boulder Badge 16 - Cacade Badge 17 - Thunder Badge 18 - Rainbow Badge 19 - Soul Badge 1A - Marsh Badge 1B - Volcano Badge 1C - Earth Badge 1D - Escape Rope 1E - Repel 1F - Old Amber 20 - Fire Stone 21 - Thunder Stone 22 - Water Stone 23 - HP Up 24 - Protein 25 - Iron 26 - Carbos 27 - Calcium 28 - Rare Candy 29 - Dome Fossil 2A - Helix Fossil 2B - Secret Key 2C - ????? 2D - Bike Voucher 2E - X Accuracy 2F - Leaf Stone 30 - Card Key 31 - Nugget 32 - PP Up 33 - Pokè Doll 34 - Full Heal 35 - Revive 36 - Max Revive 37 - Grand Special 38 - Super Repel 39 - Max Repel 3A - Dire Hit 3B - Coin 3C - Fresh Water 3D - Soda Pop 3E - Lemonade 3F - S.S. Ticket 40 - Gold Teeth 41 - X Attack 42 - X Defend 43 - X Speed 44 - X Special 45 - Coin Case 46 - Oak's Parcel 47 - Item Finder 48 - Silph Scope 49 - Pokè Flute 4A - Lift Key 4B - Exp. All 4C - Old Rod 4D - Good Rod 4E - Super Rod 4F - PP Up 50 - Ether 51 - Max Ether 52 - Elixer 53 - Max Elixer 01 - Pound 02 - Karate Chop 03 - Double Slap 04 - Comet Punch 05 - Mega Punch 06 - Pay Day 07 - Fire Punch 08 - Ice Punch 09 - Thunder Punch 0A - Scratch 0B - Vice Grip 0C - Guillotine 0D - Razor Wind 0E - Swords Dance 0F - Cut 10 - Gust 11 - Wing Attack 12 - Whirl Wind 13 - Fly 14 - Bird 15 - Slam 16 - Vine Whip 17 - Stomp 18 - Double Kick 19 - Mega Kick 1A - Jump Kick 1B - Rolling Kick 1C - Sand Attack 1D - Head Butt 1E - Horn Attack 1F - Fury Attack 20 - Horn Drill 21 - Tackle 22 - Body Slam 23 - Wrap 24 - Take Down 25 - Thrash 26 - Double Edge 27 - Tail Whip 28 - Poison Sting 29 - Twin Edle 2A - Pin Missile 2B - Leer 2C - Bite 2D - Growl 2E - Roar 2F - Sing 30 - Supersonic 31 - Sonicboom 32 - disable 33 - Acid 34 - Ember 35 - Flamethrower 36 - Mist 37 - Water Gun 38 - Hydro Pump 39 - Surf 3A - Ice Beam 3B - Blizzard 3C - Psybeam 3D - Bubblebeam 3E - Aurora Beam 3F - Hyper Beam 40 - Peck 41 - Drill Peck 42 - Submission 43 - Low Kick 44 - Counter 45 - Seismic Toss 46 - Strength 47 - Absorb 48 - Mega Drain 49 - Leech Seed 4A - Growth 4B - Razor Leaf 4C - Solar Beam 4D - Poisonpowder 4E - Stun Spore 4F - Sleep Powder 50 - Petal Dance 51 - String Shot 52 - Dragon Rage 53 - Fire Spin 54 - Thundershock 55 - Thunderbolt 56 - Thunder Wave 57 - Thunder 58 - Rock Throw 59 - Earthquake 5A - Fissure 5B - Dig 5C - Toxic 5D - Confusion 5E - Psychic 5F - Hypnosis 60 - Meditate 61 - Agility 62 - Quick Attack 63 - Rage 64 - Teleport 65 - Night Shade 66 - Mimic 67 - Screech 68 - Double Team 69 - Recover 6A - Harden 6B - Minimize 6C - Smoke Screen 6D - Confuse Ray 6E - Withdraw 6F - Defense Curl 70 - Barrier 71 - Light Screen 72 - Haze 73 - Reflect 74 - Focus Energy 75 - Hide 76 - Metronome 77 - Mirror Move 78 - Selfdestruct 79 - Egg Bomb 7A - Lick 7B - Smog 7C - Sludge 7D - Bone Club 7E - Fire Blast 7F - Waterfall 80 - Clamp 81 - Swift 82 - Skull Bash 83 - Spike Cannon 84 - Constrict 85 - Amnesia 86 - Kinesis 87 - Softboiled 88 - Hi Jump Kick 89 - Glare 8A - Dream Eater 8B - Poison Gas 8C - Barrage 8D - Leech Life 8E - Lovely Kiss 8F - Sky Attack 90 - Transform 91 - Bubble 92 - Dizzy Punch 93 - Spore 94 - Flash 95 - Psywave 96 - Splash 97 - Acid Armor 98 - Crabhammer 99 - Exposion 9A - Fury Swipes 9B - Bonemerang 9C - Rest 9D - Rock Slide 9E - Hyper Fang 9F - Sharpen A0 - Conversion A1 - Tri Attack A2 - Super Fang A3 - Slash A4 - Substitute A5 - Struggle Tm and Hm codes code | item |Ability C4 | HM01 |cut C5 | HM02 |fly C6 | HM03 |surf C7 | HM04 |strength C8 | HM05 |flash C9 | TM01 |mega punch CA| TM02 |razor wind CB| TM03 |swords dance CC| TM04 |whirlwind CD| TM05 |mega kick CE| TM06 |toxic CF | TM07 |horn drill D0 | TM08 |body slam D1 | TM09 |take down D2 | TM10 |double-edge D3 | TM11 |bubble beam D4 | TM12 |water gun D5 | TM13 |ice beam D6 | TM14 |blizzard D7 | TM15 |hyper beam D8 | TM16 |pay day D9 | TM17 |submission DA| TM18 |counter DB| TM19 |seismic toss DC| TM20 |rage DD| TM21 |mega drian DE| TM22 |solar beam DF | TM23 |dragon rage E0 | TM24 |thunderbolt E1 | TM25 |thunder E2 | TM26 |earth quake E3 | TM27 |fissure E4 | TM28 |dig E5 | TM29 |psychic E6 | TM30 |teleport E7 | TM31 |mimc E8 | TM32 |double team E9 | TM33 |reflect EA| TM34 |bide EB| TM35 |metronome EC| TM36 |self destruct ED| TM37 |egg bomb EE| TM38 |fie blast EF | TM39 |swift F0 | TM40 |skull bash F1 | TM41 |soft boiled F2 | TM42 |dreameater F3 | TM43 |sky attack F4 | TM44 |rest F5 | TM45 |thunder wave F6 | TM46 |psywave F7 | TM47 |explosion F8 | TM48 |rock slide F9 | TM49 |tri attack FA | TM50 |substitue FB | TM51 |cut FC | TM52 |fly Pokemons Codes The codes that follow let you fight any Pokémon you want. In so doing you have the chance to capture it. I recommend that you have some master balls, which have a 100% capture rate. (If you use a master ball you won't have to fight at all). You can find my store codes that let you buy master balls at my page and other places. E-mail me if you can't find them. Replace the xx's with the same number from the list in this faq for the best chance of getting the Pokémon you want. You can put 3 different ones in if you want. Don't expect to get the pokémon you wanted right off the bat. You will probibly have to fight a few fights before you get the one you wanted. YOU MUST FIGHT IN THE GRASSY AREA WEST OF CERULEAN CITY. THIS IS THE ONLY AREA THESE CODES WILL WORK. RED only codes.xx1-91A-7FC xx1-93A-F7E xx1-9BA-5DB Blue only codes.xx1-91A-7FC xx1-93A-F7E xx1-9BA-6EB This set of codes lets you fight any pokemon you want, in the grassy areas, just north of Pallet Town. They work on the red or blue USA versions. You will not always get the pokemon you want the first time you fight. You may have to fight awhile before the one you picked comes up. xx0-E1A-F7A xx0-E3A-F7C xx0-E5A-F7C Pokémon ListNumber before Pokémon is number you use in place of xx's Number after Pokémon is number of pokémon in the game. 99 Bulbasaur 001 09 Ivysaur 002 9A Venusaur 003 B0 Charmandern 004 B2 Charmeleon 005 B4 Charizard 006 B1 Squirtle 007 B3 Wartortle 008 1C Blastoise 009 7B Caterpie 010 7C Metapod 011 7D Butterfree 012 70 Weedle 013 71 Kakuna 014 72 Beedrill 015 24 Pidgey 016 96 Pidgeotto 017 97 Pidgeot 018 A5 Rattata 019 A6 Raticate 020 05 Spearow 021 23 Frearow 022 6C Ekans 023 2D Arbok 024 54 Pikachu 025 55 Raichu 026 60 Sandshrewk 027 61 Sandslash 028 0F Nidoran(female)027 A8 Nindorina 030 10 NidoQueen 031 03 Nidoran(male)032 A7 Nindorino 033 07 NidoKing 034 04 Clefairy 035 8E Clefable 036 52 Vulpix 037 53 Ninetales 038 64 Jigglypuff 039 65 Wigglytuff 040 6B Zubat 041 82 Golbat 042 B9 Oddish 043 BA Gloom 044 BB Vileplume 045 6D Paras 046 2E Parasect 047 41 Venonat 048 77 Venomoth 049 3B Diglett 050 76 Dugtrio 051 4D Meowth 052 90 Persian 053 2F Psyduck 054 80 Golduck 055 39 Mankey 056 75 Primeape 057 21 Growlithe 058 14 Arcanine 059 47 Poliwag 060 6E Poliwhirl 061 6F Poliwrath 062 94 Abra 063 26 Kadabra 064 95 Alakazam 065 6A Machop 066 29 Machoke 067 7E MachAmp 068 BC Bellsprout 069 BD Weepinbell 070 BE Victreebell 071 18 Tentacool 072 9B Tentacruel 073 A9 Geodude 074 27 Graveler 075 31 Golem 076 A3 Ponyta 077 A4 Rapidash 078 25 Slowpoke 079 08 Slobro 080 AD Magnemite 081 36 Magneton 082 40 Farfetch'd 083 46 Doduo 084 74 Dodrio 085 3A Seel 086 78 Dewgong 087 0D Grimer 088 88 Muk 089 17 Shellder 090 8B Cloyster 091 19 Gastly 092 93 Haunter 093 0E Gengar 094 22 Onix 095 30 Drowzee 096 81 Hypno 097 4E Krabby 098 8A Kingler 099 06 Voltorb 100 8D Electrode 101 0C Exeggcute 102 0A Exeggutor 103 11 Cubone 104 91 Marowak 105 2B Hitmonlee 106 2C Hitmonchan 107 0B Lickitung 108 37 Koffing 109 8F Weezing 110 12 Rhyhorn 111 01 Rhydon 112 28 Chansey 113 1E Tangela 114 02 Kangaskhan 115 5C HorSea 116 5D SeaDra 117 9D Goldeen 118 9E Seaking 119 1B Staryu 120 98 Starmie 121 2A Mr. Mime 122 1A Scyther 123 48 Jynx 124 35 Electabuzz 125 33 Magmar 126 1D Pinsir 127 3C Tauros 128 85 Magikarp 129 16 Gyarados 130 13 Lapras 131 4C Ditto 132 66 Eevee 133 69 Vaporeon 134 68 Jolteon 135 67 Flareon 136 AA Porygon 137 62 Omanyte 138 63 Omastar 139 5A kabuto 140 5B Kabutops 141 AB Aerodactyl 142 84 Snorlax 143 4A Articuro 144 4B Zapdos 145 49 Moltres 146 58 Dratini 147 59 Dragonair 148 42 Dragonite 149 83 Mewtwo 150 15 Mew 151 Codes Below Look Ma, No Bike(This requires the Surfboard aka ?????): go on the bike path and use the surfboard on any body of water on the path and look, oh my gosh, you surfed! Get off and, oh my gosh, you are walking! And They said no pedestrians! Note: All you peeps with a gamegenie who don't got the surfboard, here's the code from Kris' gamegenie page to buy it in cerulean for free: 074-57D-912 Another Note: Do Not, I repeat do not, go too far out surfing on the bike path, your game will glitch and may cause damage to the saved game.