Updates 7-19-99 We have added tons of sections to our site. We made a free e-mail service for you all to join. 7-18-99 We have done a ton to our site in just THREE DAYS!!!!!!!! 7-17-99 Hi I'm Ryan.I will be working on this page with my friend Chip.We will update often we plan to make this site th best out there!!!!
Free Browser If you have AOL and are interested about our free mail service then got to downloads and download the free browser from lycos. Once you have downloaded it it will ask you if you want to use it right now say yes. the go to our page press ctrl d and go into frames. You have to be on aol but still be using the free browser. Then go to our free mail and sign up. remember you have to be on aol but your screen should have the lycos browser on it. I use the browser and it is really cool.