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After the huge successfulness the First Pokémon series was, it was obvious that a second series would soon follow. This is it. The Pokémon Gold and silver versions are coming, and they look better then ever.

200 New Pokémon each with its own gender! This means that Pokémon can bare a child! Yes, it is rumoured that you can even cross breed Pokémon!! This should be very interesting!

New nocturnal and diurnal Pokémon, wich means that you'll only be able to catch some Pokémon at night, and you'll only be able to catch some at daytime.

200 New tricks and abilitys to teach your Pokémon.

Another version of Pikachu, but this one is a water Pokémon, and is named Mariru (Meaning marine) and it is rumored his American name will be Pikablu, but that is only a rumour.

A skateboard! Yes, in addition to that lovable bicycle, their will also be a new skateboard for you to get along! Hmm, I wonder if their will be a Skateboard Road?

The ability to transfer the data from your old Pokémon cartridge into your new one (but not Vice versa).

Improved Pokédex features, including information on Pre evloved Pokémon, so if you have a Raichu, you will also be able to see the same info on a Pikachu.

Improved graphics, notably the Battle Screens.