Some tips on searching this page and the web and some other computer related pages. This is not a commercial web site. I am just interested in having a little fun and seeing that you have fun as well. Email me if you like what you see. Please tell me which pages were your favorite and why.

Midnite Cowboy

Is your computer broke, let me fix it

speed up your computer



searching this page and the web

meta tags and searching

If you are in Baton Rouge, then I can help you with your computer problems.

how to make your computer faster  

how to copy and paste the many animations and photographs on my pages and other pages on the internet.

Click here if you want to know how to make your pages come up number one on the search engines when someone enters key words


download icq, how to download ICQ,a chat program


My ICQ number is 57295199

Do you need some photographs taken or scanned for your home page for a dollar an image? lets just make that free

Have you ever dreamed of being a model?

Do you need someone to take your wedding photos?

Butch's Photo Scanning

click here if you need someone to do a home page for you

Click here for more details about ordering home pages or web pages

Do you need some sound files or sound wav for you home page or just to listen to and laugh at like the duck wav

Register your home page with the major search engines with a few short clicks of the mouse


Click here if you want to know how to make your pages come up number one on the search engines when someone enters key words

great artistic home page back grounds and animations


clip art   

Remember when cell phones cost $1,000 plus the service. It was bound to happen. Now you can get a free computer. For use on the internet and other uses.  All for just a $20 a month connection fee. Here is a list of the companies I am aware of the links.

Direct Web


These companies offer free internet service connections if you view their advertisement in a small window you can close.



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