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A Tribute to My Friends

This is Teko my page guardian

Well honey we have seen the good and the bad
and yet your still here. You held my hand,
and made me walk again, and showed me light
where there was dark. Thank you so much for
your everlasting patience and humor.
Your unconditional love for me is overwhelming.
Thank you for just being you. I love you

I don't even know where to start.
Your my best friend, my confidant.
Your my sister, not in blood,
but in every other way imaginable. You are truly my kindred
spirit, and for that I owe you much. Thanks for always
being my sis I luvs ya bunches!!
more than words will ever express.

Woman where do I start.
We have seen and done most of it.
I couldn't have made it many days without you.
You are my dearest friend
and sister in heart, spirit and soul.
I love you and carry you in my heart
everywhere and always

Words cannot express
how much I care about you.
You have been such a dear, sweet man to me.
I know things have not always been as we
would have liked for them to be,
but as you taught me so well
"This too shall pass".
Your patience and acceptance have meant
the world to me. Thanks for being such a
wonderful friend to me.
I carry you in my heart always.

My VZ Family:
You guys are absolutely the very best!
You guys have been so sweet to me.
Thanks for all your humor,
companionship, understanding and acceptance.
I love each and every one of you guys.
I miss ya'll when your not around
and love it when we can hang out.
Thanks you guys for being so very wonderful

"Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when
our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."


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