Thursday, February 20, 2025
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"I want to go soon and live away by the pond,
where I shall hear only the wind whispering among the reeds --
My friends ask what I will do when I get there --
Will it not be employment enough to watch the progress of the seasons?"
--Henry David Thoreau" "
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Yes, some crushes do last forever...
Got This idea from Puff (we'll add a link to her page soon):
*Dixie Cats' Destruct-o-Meter*
2 toilet paper rolls - Alias
1 chewed up hairbrush - Alias
1 chewed up side of straw purse - Patches
1 chewed up plastic end of window blind cord - Daniel
3 toilet paper rolls - group effort
1 gecko (now blind in one eye but ok) - Alias
4 geckos (deceased) - Alias
1 pizza slice on owner's plate - Alias
1 candle jar - unsolved mystery
2 drinking glasses - Patches, plus one unsolved mystery
1 glass coke bottle - Alias
1 flower pot and plant - Alias
1 vase - unsolved mystery
1 nightgown with owner still in it - Daniel (did not want his medicine)
1 telephone company bill - Alias
1 Scuba Diver magazine - unsolved mystery
1 birdhouse planter - Alias
Notice that Lily Grace is not anywhere on this list (yet). She should get extra treats for that.
Click here for today's "Rose is Rose" comic:
Here is "Mutts," another of my favorites:
Please leave your pawprints on my Guestbook. NOTE: This is a family-friendly site. Any messages containing hate, cursing, sex, porn, or anything else non-family related will be deleted. Thank you for understanding.
You can also view my guestbook
Please note that any Confederate images on my page do not signify hate. Please do not leave any hate messages on my guestbook. They will be deleted as this site is not for hatred in any form. If you read this and wish to argue with me, pick up the book "The South Was Right" but I will not argue facts. Facts are there before you, simply to find and read.
Anyone who believes the Confederate Flag signifies hatred read this...
The Confederate Armed Forces has been documented as consisting of the following:
White Men and Women
Black Men and Women
Jewish Men and possibly some Jewish Women not listed
French Men and Women
Native American Men
Mexican Men and Women
A few mad dogs and Englishmen
Do you know that Liverpool provided men and guns to the Confederate ship "Alabama?" Do you know iron gunboat battles were fought as close as off the coast of France?
Do you know that England was poised to support the Confederate states?
Do you know that slavery existed in the Northern states and racism was virtually stronger there than in the Southern states?
Have you checked up on the Baltimore riots? The New York draft riots? Google them. The State of Maryland was only prevented from joining the Confederacy after the people threw stones at union troops passing through their town and the troops retaliated with bullets. Baltimore was then occupied by Federal troops and placed under martial law so they could not seceed. The New York draft riots were held because people there did not want to fight for "niggers" as they reportedly called them on historic record. So they held a violent riot.
In New York harbors, men arriving from other countries who knew nothing about America were handed guns and mustered into the Union army simply for food, as most of them came to the U.S. to escape starvation in Europe. They were not sure what they were doing and it was certainly not in their benefit to be denied the facts laid before them in order to make a choice of which side to fight for.
The South was fighting for her safety and the North was fighting for money. Southern boys died for defence and a second independence. Northern boys, sadly misinformed, died to line the pockets of others upon the pretence of "Saving the Union."
Anyone who wishes to blame the war solely on slavery should read Lincoln's letters, statements, and office decisions regarding when to "free" the slaves. The slaves were not really "freed" in either nation at that time but this was a very good political move by the North, however wrong it was.
This is a "Heritage Not Hatred" site, strictly enforced. Hatred has no place here, nor has White Power.
I urge anyone who wishes to purchase Confederate or "Rebel" items from any online site NOT do so if the site contains "stupid redneck" items and ESPECIALLY items showing disrespect of the Battle flag.
Untold numbers of Confederate soldiers died trying to keep the flag from touching the ground in battle. It was considered holy. Plastering it on a bikini, rear end of a pair of pants, or a beach towel is blasphemy. Any site that carries porn or naked women is even worse.
Imagine the Ladies of the South these men were protecting, imagine the faces of these men as they died in heat, cold, agony, choking smoke and blood, simply trying to keep the flag aloft. Imagine the faces of General Jackson, General Lee, and the common line soldier staring at you in disbelief as you desecrate their life-blood by using the flag in such a manner. If you would not walk around dragging it behind you in the dust, don't do anything else similar.
The desire to "keep the flag flying" and to "keep the flag out there" is commendable but ONLY if it is for the right reasons. The Old South was fighting for valiant honor, moral decency, and respect. Give the flag what she deserves.
Andersonville always comes up. It was a horrible place. That is clear. What is not clear is that the Federal government refused prisoner exchange, leaving their men there because they really didn't need any more men; the South was running out of men to fight against and the North was in constant renewal of soldiers who were poor immigrants from Europe, many of whom did not speak English. They were able to pay these men, whilst the Southern men had begun to fight without pay as the Southern coffers ran dry. The Northern Army was also too busy laying waste to the South, which prevented the Confederates from sending food to the Federal prisoners at Andersonville. The commander at Andersonville did what he could with what he had. The place was awful but not due to his cruelty as history would have you believe.
Point Lookout, Elmira, and other prisons which held Confederate soldiers were just as bad, and sometimes worse, as Andersonville. Abuse and conditions there were horrific. Yet we only hear about Andersonville.... I wonder why....? Could it be that the victorious tend a bit towards false propaganda?
I would really like to ask Lincoln, if he is in Heaven, why he felt it necessary to have blood on his hands for over 400,000 people simply for money.
Lest I sound hateful on my own "non-hatred" site, I should say that I feel anger but not hatred. I feel saddened. I feel anger that my heritage is being destroyed with such a vengeance. I will not sit still for it as long as I am able to speak.
By the way, all soldiers in the field ate that horrible hardtack (I tasted some! It was awful!) but Confederate soldiers consisting on small amounts of food have recorded finding canned salmon in Union camps that they overran. How bizzare is that?
According to the previous U.S. Constitution, the Southern states had a legal right to secede from the Federal union. Amendment 10 of the Bill of Rights stated, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
Because there was nothing written in the Constitution denying the states the right to secede, legally, the states could secede.
The Constitution also granted no power to the federal government to make a state remain in the Union against its wishes. This part of the Constitution has been changed so that no state may seceed again.
As far as we know that decision was made without a vote from the South.
Some links to share, in no particular order...
My Feline Family...
ART: International Feline Impersonation Gallery...
In Memory of Toby...
Proud to be a ZONIAN... site is owned by our very own CZBrats!
Feeling Empty? Searching...?
Panama Rules of the Road
Mysterious mass vanishing of people? Chaos? The answer is here...
Herding Cats video... a must see!
Not all who wander are lost...
Justice? Read it and weep.
My new favorite BOOTS to go with my favorite weapon!
One of my poems...
Firefly (Serenity movie)... my first biggest obsession
Lost... my second biggest obsession
I have loved this man since 1988.
Some of my idols and heroes...
I am the Confederate Battle Flag...
I hate cursing but this is hilarious. Serenity in 2000 words or less....
Panama's English news.... Eric, bueno de trabajo!
Houston Astros Homepage-Congrats on the Words Series boys!
Places I have lived...