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The good, the bad and the very ugly. But remember, reviews are nothing more than one person's OPINION, it is not law and a movie does not become 'so and so' just because someone says it is. A movie stands alone, an objective enitity within itself, for your own judgement.

Cool Online Databases to get Labyrinth Reviews: - The best place to get personal and quality opinions from non-professional reviewers like me and you. To date, there are 69 happy campers! And one Mangiotto.

Rotten - Database of professional critic reviews. Although there are not enough reviews for a proper splatter review - there appears to be more ripe tomatoes than rotten ones, which makes it all good!

Scanned Reviews:

A collection of scanned hardcopy reviews from various highly esteemed magazines, journal and books (so these are the reviews that professionally speaking, matter)

Labyrinth Review by Nick Roddick, Cinema Papers, Jan 1987 Issue - A thorough, well researched, mostly favourable review.

Labyrinth Review by Phillip Strick, ???, I can't remember! - The most comprehensive review I have come across, this reviewer actually sounds like he cared about analysing the movie carefully. The only point he missed was the ending.

Labyrinth Review by George Robert Kimball, Films and Filming, November 1986 Issue - Among other unprofessional comments, calls Ludo a "half-witted highland cow sort of thing" and inventing a new species in the process. In good humour I know, but I expected more from this famous, usually first-class publication.

Labyrinth Review by Jagr, Variety Magazine, 1986 - Calls Labyrinth among other things, 'a crashing nore' 'no real charm or texture' and 'silly and flat' We wonder what actually puts the 'variety' in 'Variety'.

Labyrinth Review by Halliwell, Halliwell's Film Guide 6th Edition, 1987 - Doesn't add a lot except to say that it sucks because Variety says it sucks

Online Reviews: Notable Articles

Reviews of importance or for sheer fun novelty value

Labyrinth Review by Roger Ebert, Sun Times Website - Although Ebert's review leaves a bit to be desired, we thought we should still honour him with his own link since he's Ebert and all. Fair enough comments, but completly misses the point of the Junk scene

Labyrinth Review by Jun Jun, It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie Website - From a witty whinge site devoted to worst movies of all time; this has got to be my favourite Labyrinth review of all time. This reviewer has the startling ability to remember a scene where the "Goblin King makes Sarah chase himself and the baby around a room"

Labyrinth Review by H. Arthur Taussig, Family Values Website - From a well researched (and highly entertaining) website which reviews films for children's suitability, Laby is scutinised for crimes, moral values, gender issues and substance abuse. Thumbs up for Sarah as a new age woman.