Cameron's Friends

"Ahhh're back.",Jason said leaning over the bar.

"Not permanetly...I'm going back to the studio tomorrow.",she said realizing she'd lied to Tay just to get him out so she could come here.

"Well I see you brought 'Ole Blue'.",he said gesturing towards her guitar.


"So you better get out there and makea surprise entrance."


About 10 minutes into her preformance the crowd was really getting into itand she knew for sure this what she wanted way more than being a teeny-bopper pop singer.When she started into her own acustic version of 'Because You Loved Me'(a Celine Dion hit),which she always dedicates to her fans,someone walked throught the door that she knew.

"Cameron!!!!!",she said running up to him and giving him a hug after the song.

"Jordy!",He said in his English accent.

"So...I mean..uh what are you doing here?"

"Well I came to see some friends,and we came here to eat.But when I heard that voice...I knew it was you."

"I didn't know you had friends here?!"

"Kinda...they just moved here.Come meet them."

"Sure.",she said as she followed him into dining room of the restaurant.

"'s been like three 4...1996.Man, we have to keep in touch better.", he told her.

"Yeah...that really brings back bittersweet memories."

"There they are,",he said pointing at a table,"Ike, Tay,Zac,Mackie,Avie,Jessica,and of course, Mr.and Mrs.Hanson."

"Oh God.",she mumbled under her breath.


"Nothing,I really need to get back to the stage.",she said walking backwards hoping they wouldn't notice.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah,must,have to,gotta."


When Cameron sat back down at the table,there were tons of question about the mystery person he had to go see.

"Who is it seemed to be the one asked most,so he answered.

"An old friend.",he said.

"A name please.",Isaac said.


"Oh really?",Zac said getting out of his chair,"I'll be right back."

main page
Chapter 13:You Like Me.....Uh...No
Chapter 15:Apology