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Best Buddies
Best Buddies

This is me and Sean. Sean is my best friend in the world. I meet Sean at a campground in 2000 during my spring break. Every chance I get I go to his house because he does not live in the same town as I do. I love Sean with all my heart and I love spending time with him. Thanks for being my best friend Sean. I love you!

This is me and Ryan. I meet Ryan through my best friend Sean. Ryan is one of my good friends and will always be. Me and Ryan get along so great. I love his rosey red checks and his smile. Hey Ryan and I love you!

This is me and John Murray. John is like a brother to me. When I lost my brother back in 1999 he was always there for me and still is. I look up to John because he has achieved so much in his life. He will soon be going off to college and he will be greatly missed. I have enjoyed every minute that I have spent with him and I will always have them for memories. Thanks for not only being a great friend but a brother too. I love you with all my heart.