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We are pleased to report that we have developed the new powerful and productive complex of tool to calculate dynamical processes able to solve exact and analytically the broadest spectrum of problems in elasticity, vibrations, oscillation crystallography, electric filters, seismology etc. With the help of this method we have already solved many basic problems of wave physics and calculated many complex models in a wide scope of applications. The results calculated by our method fine agree with the experimental data. Already today our method enables us to investigate complexly the model parameters much deeper, faster, more trustworthy, complete and visual than any conventional method can offer. We go on obtaining new and new important results. You can read about some of them below and in our publications. This method opens an immense outlook in the applied models research, essentially improves the known solutions and gives a broad range of those new, up to now unrealisable, gives deeper comprehension of vibration processes in dynamical systems of the most different nature. Of course, our small laboratory cannot raise this entire massif in single. We can solve only the most important, central problems, and we expect much from the co-operation with other institutions, universities and separate scientists. We always welcome the co-operation on the basis of mutual advantage and mutual development. So the principal core of our commercial, business and scientific propositions is not so much the problems we are solving now that are of our current interest as the mutual correlation of the scope we have already developed with the problems actual or prospective for our potential partners. Indeed, first of all we are interesting in the development of the basic core of our method, because it is very young and, despite many important achievements which we have obtained with its help, there exist many other problems which our method is able to solve, only we need to spend more time and efforts for it. We can suggest the specific subjects, however here we intentionally do not specify more narrow frames of possible subjects for co-operation, presenting the broad range of opportunities which one will obtain applying our method to the widest spectrum of problems. We will be glad hearing from you that you are interesting in these new opportunities and see your interest in the co-operation. Our proposition is actually prospective.

State of the art
The main results of our method in brief
Applications to the mechanics, acoustics and geophysics
Applications to the mismatched ladder filters, transmission lines and networks
References of this page