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Brent Austin

Brent Austin

I grew up and stayed best friends with Phyllis since first grade. Our first children, Brandon and Chad, are only 1 month apart. Our second children, Brent and Rochelle, were only 1 month apart. They all went to school together and were like family to each other. When Brent died, Rochell wrote this poem:

Of All Roses

Sad students fill the classroom,
there's only one empty chair.
A place where a very special person sat,
now it's lonely and bare.
So many hearts are broken,
so many lives are torn apart.
There will always be a tear in my eye,
you were so close to my heart.
My mind keeps going on and on,
there are so many memories I can recall.
These memories will forever stay,
Most of them when we were small.
You were somewhat a brother to me,
but God has taken you away.
He needed you with Him,
you just couldn't stay.
He brought you with Him at such a young age,
you hadn't finished your life.
I guess He needed something beautiful
to make heaven bright.
So of all the roses,
He picked the one and only you.
He knows we love you,
but He loves you too.
He took you out of this world,
and put you to rest.
God just proved
that he only takes the very best.

By: Rochell Tallia
May 14, 1998

Rochell has since married and had a new baby on January 28, 2002. His name is Brent Austin Smith after his "uncle" Brent.

Brent Austin