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Bluejay's Top Links

PC Pitstop runs diagnostics on your PC to identify things that might help improve performance. The process is fully automated, private and safe

Tom's Hardware Page  Great resource for hardware junkies. Hardcore info, though. New users will faint with overload.

Experts Exchange - Free online "ask an expert" site for computer questions.

PC Stats - Nice looking site with reviews, buying guide, news and more.

Computer Jolt A community of computer users waiting to help you with any computer problems/questions you may have.

All Experts - Al is brought to you by the same people that run They have thousands of volunteers, including top lawyers, doctors, engineers, and scientists, ready to answer your questions regarding computers, hardware, software or pet advice. All answers are free and most come within a day!

Smart Computing - provides tips and how-to computer information. The site brings together computer users of all skill levels, providing constantly updated articles, an archive of all print issues, a Q&A Board, reviews of hundreds of hardware products, a Computing Dictionary with thousands of terms, and a Directory Of Web Sites. is the Online Technology Resource for Geeks! was created to fill a gaping hole on the 'Net--a place that Geeks could call home, and where those who aspire to be Geeks can get their feet wet! Get ready to enjoy the Online Technology Resource for Geeks--written by Geeks for Geeks.

Techdirt - News, commentary, and discussions on important or interesting high tech news and includes newsletters.

Active Hardware - Active Hardware provides reviews of hardware, a list of drivers hardware and bios drivers, a news archive dating back to July of 1999.

Tech Support Guy - Free technical support forums ran completely by volunteers. Forums include windows, hardware, networking, security, reviews and more.

Webfreebees - Thousands of links to cool and free computer stuff including software and other tech related stuff.

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