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10 Incidents that Methos Wishes had Happened to Someone Else
Summary: Poor Methos...
Complete - HL x-over with EE/Roswell/Buffy/Sabrina/Spiderman/Dr. Who/SG-1/Smallville/Evolution/Firefly - 9/14/04

10 Things That Never Happened to Oz
Complete - Buffy/SG-1/HP/Matrix Revolutions/Books of Amber/Incarnations of Immortality/Quantum Leap/Futurama/Sabrina the Teenage Witch/Charmed/The X-Files - 7/31/04

Africa, Bronze Age
Summary: Methos met a demon long before he met Xander. The encounter led him to desire a better life away from his comrades in death.
Complete - BtVS/HL - An Immortal Life: Trials Past

Alex McPhierce
Summary: After a gruesome murder outside the Bronze, Buffy goes on patrol in the surrounding area and meets a shape-shifter, and shape-shifters are a little hard to kill.
Incomplete - BtVS/ST:DS9 - Unimaginable Forces Series #1

An Alternative
Summary: An older, wiser Xander Harris must travel through time to make sure that one of Willow's spells doesn't go wrong.
Complete - BtVS/HL - An Immortal Life Series #3

Summary: Giles becomes worried as the search for Lewis continues, while Michael and Maria enlist the help of magic in order to save their child from dying in the atmosphere. But will it be enough? Meanwhile, Larek hears that Tess is back on the home planet. He pays a visit to Max to offer his help in bringing Tess down and returning Max's born son to Earth. There's only one problem: Nicholas stands in their way.
Incomplete - Angel/BtVS/Roswell - New Dilemnas Trilogy #2

Summary: Marc and Marie have disappeared, Amanda's after Marc's head, MacLeod's having trouble adjusting to his new outlook on life, Xander's just found out that his best friend for twenty centuries used to be a cold-blooded killer, and the Scoobies are feeling more and more like strangers around Xander. To top it all off, Giles has just discovered a second verse of the prophecy, one that's worse than the first. Xander's stuck in the middle of it all and the world will end if he can't make everyone get along.
Incomplete - Angel/BtVS/HL - An Immortal Life #7 - 5/4/04

The Book of Eternal Power
Summary: Methos gets called to Egypt, where he translates several ancient tablets into English. Unknowingly, he awakens a demon and opens a portal through time and space in the process. That's not all. Watcher Renegades and a group of vampires would love to get their hands on that book and Methos. If they do, nothing will stop them.
Incomplete - HL/BtVS - Immortal Edition Series #5

A Crazy Flatlander
Summary: Mentions Buffy and Highlander, but is not about either one. During a normal day at the laboratory, two scientists discuss the habits of one of their subjects.
Complete - HL/BtVS

The Cure
Summary: My turn. 100-word drabble. For once, a werewolf isn't trying to kill him.
Complete - Updated 6/28/04 - Buffy/Van Helsing

Deep Space Eight
Summary: Commander Mark Harris is assigned to Deep Space Eight, Starfleet's "starship pit-stop." Everything is going okay considering that the Federation is at war with the Dominion. Then his old ship, the USS Excursion, shows up half-destroyed after a battle and everything starts going downhill.
Incomplete - Buffy/HL/ST:DS9 - An Immortal Life: The Future to Come #1

A Distraction
Summary: The night after Tess leaves the planet with Max's son, Isabel has a dream about a guy before she sees him. His name is Oz. Believing he has something to do with Tess, Max follows him around Roswell. Little does he know that he's watching the wrong person, because a Skin is in town, and he will do what it takes to deliver Max, Michael, and Isabel to Kivar.
Complete - BtVS/Roswell/AtS - New Dilemnas Trilogy #1
R for one part of physical abuse and rape; PG-13 for rest

Doyle, Demon Watcher
Summary: Doyle, a member of the Watchers' Society for three years, is working with Angel and Cordelia when an old friend, Joe Dawson, comes to see him. There have been Watcher murders in the L. A. area, and Joe needs Doyle's help in solving them. Cordelia and Angel don't know that Doyle is a watcher, so what is he supposed to tell them? Also, Amanda is in town, and her business just may be the same as theirs.
Complete - AtS/HL/BtVS - Unimaginable Forces Series #3

Father of Mine
Summary: "My name is Xander. Xander Harris. I think I may be your father."
Incomplete - Buffy/SG-1

Summary: Giles contacts the Elders, hoping to enlist their help in protecting the newly activated Slayers.
Complete - Buffy/Charmed

Grant Them Change
Summary: On the way to his crypt on the night before the full moon, Oz meets up with Alex. Together, they kill a demon who was terrorizing innocents in a park. Before the demon dies, he places a curse on them. That curse made them change places. Now, Oz is a shape-shifter, and Alex is a werewolf. Both of them become targets of the demon's friends and a group of warlocks. What are Buffy and the others to do when Alex is captured, Oz is given the only disease that can kill a shape-shifter, and Xander goes missing?
Incomplete - BtVS/TP/ST:DS9 - Unimaginable Forces Series #2

The Horsemen Ride Again
Summary: Pretar knows something about Methos' past that the Immortal hasn't told the scooby gang. Will they trust him after Pretar hires a warlock to make Methos' partners in Death come back to life and go on a rampage through the Hellmouth?
Incomplete - HL/BtVS/AtS/ST:DS9/TP: The New Series - Unimaginable Forces Series #6

The Hunters
Summary: Following rumors and evidence from research, the Hunters have come to L. A. to kill Angel and any other Immortal in the area. Doyle and an old Watcher friend have to stop them before it's too late.
Complete - HL/AtS/BtVS - Unimaginable Forces Series #5

Summary: A little glimpse into how a conversation taking place directly after the season five episode "Checkpoint" would look like in the " - An Immortal Life" universe. Quentin Travers gets a lecture from his superior that he's not going to forget easily. Who's his superior? Second Tribune Patricia Elmwood, of course.
Complete - HL/BtVS - An Immortal Life Series - 10/16/03

Killer Rabbits
Summary: The SGC is under seige by a monster with killer fangs!
Incomplete - SG-1/Buffy/HL/Monty Python - 12/04

Knives, Fangs, and Phasers
Summary: The Ducrests visit Janell's mother, and more things come out of her television set.
Complete - Simpsons/ST II: The Wrath of Khan/BtVS - A Mix of Characters Series #2

Summary: Doyle promised Alex LaVelle that it would happen, and he wasn't kidding.
Complete - HL:TS/HL:TR/BtVS/Angel - An Immortal Life #5

Mes Amis
Summary: Why did the older version of Xander change history? Three years before he reverses the time traveling spell, he isn't sure himself. While he tries to make up his mind, he runs into trouble when one of his students meets his younger, Pre-Immortal self in Sunnydale and comes to Paris demanding an explanation.
Dedication: To Cestershire/Devil Hunter at
Complete - HL/BtVS/AtS - An Immortal Life #4

Summary: Buffy, Willow, and the rest of Xander's friends learn to accept his Immortality while they track down Mary's informant.
Complete - BtVS/HL - An Immortal Life #2

Portals and People
Summary: TtH Mid-Year Fic-a-Thon story for dulcinea. Who the heck is that guy with the glowing green eyes?
Incomplete - Buffy/SG-1/Angel/HL/HP - 7/10/04

The Promised One
Summary: There's a prophecy about a human with extroadinary telepathic powers, and it's about to come true. The PTB fear this prophecy, but Pretar, a demon of unknown powers or limits, wants him dead. Methos, a warlock for five thousand years, is asked by Whistler to teach this Promised One. Only problem is, Methos can't find him, and Pretar may find the Promised One before the old man does.
Note: Don't let the title mislead you. This is not a fic about Doyle.
Incomplete - Updated 2/28/01 - HL/BtVS/TP/ST:DS9/AtS - Unimaginable Forces Series #4

Rendez-vous on DS9
Summary: On his way to his new posting at Deep Space Eight, Methos stops at DS9 to visit on an old friend by the name of Dax, only to discover that Dax's friend, Dr. Bashir, is a Pre-Immortal...
Incomplete - Buffy/HL/ST:DS9 - An Immortal Life, the Future to Come - 5/1/04

Rite as Rayne
Summary: Chaos literally abounds when Mason's cousins come to town.
Complete - R for language - Dead Like Me/HP/Buffy/Angel - 8/20/05

Seacouver, 1878
Summary: Troubles never run out for Xander when he moves to Seacouver, Washington, and they come in the form of serial killers, priceless objects, and the lovely Amanda.
Incomplete - Buffy/HL - An Immortal Life: Trials Past

Seacouver and Sunnydale, 1999: A Day in the Life
Summary: In "Mes Amis," Joe Dawson meets Alex LaVelle in 1996 Paris. In "Need," Joe appears in Sunnydale 1999 where he meets the younger version of LaVelle, only he doesn't give any indication that he recognizes Xander. This story explains why. It covers a time span from February 1999 to May 1999, or from "Too Late" to "Alternative".
Complete - BtVS/HL - An Immortal Life: Trials Past

Summary: Imagine: Six Immortals, some of which are mere aquintances while others are old friends that know all the right buttons. Now imagine all six of them trapped together in an alternate reality with little chance of escape, and all of them still have their weapons on them...
Complete - Buffy/HL - An Immortal Life Series #6

Summary: Dr. Anne Lindsay has already told her ex-boyfriend that she's pregnant. Now she has to tell the father.
Complete - Buffy/HL - Surprises Series #1 - 11/25/03

A Teenage Werewolf in Seacouver
Summary: Oz decides to pass through Seacouver during his road trip, and he runs into some interesting people while he's there...
Incomplete - BtVS/HL

This Sure Ain't Kansas
Summary: Lara lives in a world where Buffy the Vampire Slayer is her favorite television show. For five seasons, she thinks that Buffy isn't real, but when lightning flashes in a clear sky, Lara is transported to Buffy's dimension, and Buffy Summers is transported to Lara's. Buffy must fight Darla and Drusilla, who have followed her to Lara's dimension, and Lara must help the Slayerettes face the latest evil in Sunnydale. Who is behind all of this? Who sent them there? How will they get home? Lara, the Slayerettes, Buffy, and Lara's friends try to find out before it's too late.
Complete - BtVS/AtS/world where they're TV shows

Too Late
Summary: Xander reflects on how his life has turned out now that he is Immortal.
Complete - BtVS/HL - An Immortal Life #1

To the Last
Summary: The Gathering has come, and it's come to Sunnydale. Xander, the only Immortal resident of the Hellmouth, is one of hundreds who have been drawn to the final battle place. The question is, will there be a Sunnydale left when it's over?
Complete - Buffy/HL

Summary: At the age of 35, Oz is living a comfortable life assisting three Slayers with vampire-slayage in London, England, when he gets an offer that will allow him to live his life all over again, backwards.
Incomplete - Buffy/Incarnations of Immortality - 12/04

Summary: New Years Eve parties are sometimes crazy. People get caught up in the moment and do things they wouldn't dream of doing any other time. Nothing bad comes from it, most of the time. When you're Clark Kent, an innocent, whimsical kiss can have unusual results.
Incomplete - Smallville/Buffy - 12/04

Summary: When a family curse turns Xander into a genie, he becomes the property of Wolfram and Hart.
Incomplete - Buffy/Angel

USS Excursion
Summary: In the middle of a top-secret mission for Starfleet Intelligence, Xander remembers how he ended up where he was. It all started on the U. S. S. Excursion, his first Starfleet posting in the year 2363...
Incomplete - Buffy/HL/ST:DS9 - An Immortal Life, the Future to Come - 5/1/04

Versailles, 1675
Summary: Marie's First Death
Complete - Buffy/HL - An Immortal Life: Trials Past - 5/9/03

...What You Are...
Summary: Dawn's just found out she's the Key, and she isn't taking it very well. Little does she know that there are more surprises on the way. Dawn Summers, meet the rest of the family...
Incomplete - Buffy/The Books of Amber by Roger Zelazny - New Dawn #2 - 5/1/04

Who Would Have Thought?
Summary: Answers my own Who Would Have Guessed It Challenge. Secrets are often not what they are suspected to be, if they are suspected at all.
Complete - West Wing/Amber, Buffy/Star Wars, SG-1/Superman, HP/Roswell, Matrix/Amber, HL/The Sentinel - 8/20/05

You Think You Know...
Summary: In a Shadow alternate to the televised version of the Buffyverse, Dawn isn't just the Key, nor is she the daughter of Joyce and Hank Summers. She's still Joyce's daughter but her father was a Complete; ly different man, one who passed his legacy down to Dawn along with the rest of his offspring...
Incomplete - Buffy/The Books of Amber by Roger Zelazny - New Dawn #1 - 5/1/04