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Books of Amber
10 Things That Never Happened to Oz
Complete - Buffy/SG-1/HP/Matrix Revolutions/Books of Amber/Incarnations of Immortality/Quantum Leap/Futurama/Sabrina the Teenage Witch/Charmed/The X-Files - 7/31/04

This Isn't the Wine Cellar
Summary: What if Luke hadn't spent all of his drug-induced Shadow traveling in the bar with the Jabberwocky and Humpty Dumpty?
Complete - Stargate SG-1/The Books of Amber by Roger Zelazny - 5/1/04

Summary: Sam Seaborn, son of Princess Llewella of Amber, has kept his past a secret from his co-workers for many years. Then family problems change everything.
Incomplete - updated 6/28/04 - Amber/West Wing

...What You Are...
Summary: Dawn's just found out she's the Key, and she isn't taking it very well. Little does she know that there are more surprises on the way. Dawn Summers, meet the rest of the family...
Incomplete - Buffy/The Books of Amber by Roger Zelazny - New Dawn #2 - 5/1/04

Who Would Have Thought?
Summary: Answers my own Who Would Have Guessed It Challenge. Secrets are often not what they are suspected to be, if they are suspected at all.
Complete - West Wing/Amber, Buffy/Star Wars, SG-1/Superman, HP/Roswell, Matrix/Amber, HL/The Sentinel - 8/20/05

You Think You Know...
Summary: In a Shadow alternate to the televised version of the Buffyverse, Dawn isn't just the Key, nor is she the daughter of Joyce and Hank Summers. She's still Joyce's daughter but her father was a completely different man, one who passed his legacy down to Dawn along with the rest of his offspring...
Incomplete - Buffy/The Books of Amber by Roger Zelazny - New Dawn #1 - 5/1/04

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
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10 Things That Never Happened to Oz
Complete - Buffy/SG-1/HP/Matrix Revolutions/Books of Amber/Incarnations of Immortality/Quantum Leap/Futurama/Sabrina the Teenage Witch/Charmed/The X-Files - 7/31/04

Summary: Giles contacts the Elders, hoping to enlist their help in protecting the newly activated Slayers.
Complete - Buffy/Charmed

Summary: At the end of Angel's season three, Wesley wasn't in great shape...until Leo Wyatt is assigned to help him.
Incomplete - updated 6/26/04 - Charmed/Angel

Summary: Leo and Piper decide to take a little trip up to Seacouver for their Honeymoon and make a few Immortal acquaintances during their stay.
Incomplete - updated 6/26/04 - Charmed/Highlander

10 Incidents that Methos Wishes had Happened to Someone Else
Summary: Poor Methos…
Complete - HL x-over with EE/Roswell/Buffy/Sabrina/Spiderman/Dr. Who/SG-1/Smallville/Evolution/Firefly - 9/14/04

Summary: Sam Beckett must stop the world from learning Superman's secret identity, but how can he when he can't walk down the street without having to interfere with yet another super-villain's scheme?
Incomplete - Quantum Leap/DC Comics - 3/30/05

Who Would Have Thought?
Summary: Answers my own Who Would Have Guessed It Challenge. Secrets are often not what they are suspected to be, if they are suspected at all.
Complete - West Wing/Amber, Buffy/Star Wars, SG-1/Superman, HP/Roswell, Matrix/Amber, HL/The Sentinel - 8/20/05

Crow: Stairway to Heaven
What it Feels To be Shot
Summary: When Eric Draven encounters an immortal Crime Boss, the crow tells him to go to Methos for help. Together, they must go against a mortal mob directed by the other immortal.
Complete - Crow: Stairway to Heaven/HL

Dead Like Me
Rite as Rayne
Summary: Chaos literally abounds when Mason's cousins come to town.
Complete - R for language - Dead Like Me/HP/Buffy/Angel - 8/20/05

A Mix of Characters
Summary: Sometimes, bizare things happen in the Ducrests' living room.
Complete - HL/ST/Dilbert/Dreamcast - A Mix of Characters Series #1

Doctor Who
10 Incidents that Methos Wishes had Happened to Someone Else
Summary: Poor Methos…
Complete - HL x-over with EE/Roswell/Buffy/Sabrina/Spiderman/Dr.Who/SG-1/Smallville/Evolution/Firefly - 9/14/04

The Life and Times of Joseph Dawson and the Blue Box
Summary: Multiple Doctors. An odd sound filled the air, a cross between a car engine turning over and a piece of serrated concrete dragged across a slab of marble. It was unlike any sound Joe Dawson had ever heard, and it was a sound he would never forget.
Incomplete - Doctor Who/Highlander