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Early Edition | Evolution
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Harry Potter | Highlander

Early Edition
10 Incidents that Methos Wishes had Happened to Someone Else
Summary: Poor Methos…
Complete - HL x-over with EE/Roswell/Buffy/Sabrina/Spiderman/Doctor Who/SG-1/Smallville/Evolution/Firefly - 9/14/04

10 Incidents that Methos Wishes had Happened to Someone Else
Summary: Poor Methos…
Complete - HL x-over with EE/Roswell/Buffy/Sabrina/Spiderman/Doctor Who/SG-1/Smallville/Evolution/Firefly - 9/14/04

10 Incidents that Methos Wishes had Happened to Someone Else
Summary: Poor Methos…
Complete - HL x-over with EE/Roswell/Buffy/Sabrina/Spiderman/Doctor Who/SG-1/Smallville/Evolution/Firefly - 9/14/04

10 Things That Never Happened to Oz
Complete - Buffy/SG-1/HP/Matrix Revolutions/Books of Amber/Incarnations of Immortality/Quantum Leap/Futurama/Sabrina the Teenage Witch/Charmed/The X-Files - 7/31/04

Harry Potter
10 Things That Never Happened to Oz
Complete - Buffy/SG-1/HP/Matrix Revolutions/Books of Amber/Incarnations of Immortality/Quantum Leap/Futurama/Sabrina the Teenage Witch/Charmed/The X-Files - 7/31/04

Chance Beginnings
Summary: Albus Dumbledore thinks that Methos is a muggle, while Methos thinks Dumbledore is a mortal. Soon enough, however, they're both proved wrong.
Complete - Highlander/Harry Potter - Games of Chance #1 - 1/6/04

The Game Begins
Summary: Methos, 'muggle' husband of a powerful witch, takes the head of a dangerous headhunter. Only this headhunter, Voracnar, was powerful, both in the Immortal world and by reputation in the world of wizardry. If Methos isn't careful, the dead Immortal's Quickening will overpower him. If that happens, Voracnar will be the most powerful and dangerous man in both the muggle and magic worlds, and great wizards like Harry Potter aren't yet born to stop him…
Incomplete - HL/Harry Potter - Game of Chance #2 - 12/23/02

Jack O'Neill and the Curse of the Salamander
Summary: Jack O'Neill left the wizarding world in 1963 without any intention of ever returning, but Loki's experiments change everything. It all begins when Jack's clone receives a letter from Dumbledore asking for his help. The favor? Infiltrate Slytherin. The problem? Jack wasn't a Slytherin the first time he attended Hogwarts, and once a Gryffindor, always a Gryffindor. Throw in Death Eater attacks, kidnappings, imprisonment, prophecies, and salamanders, and both Jack O'Neill and his clone will wish they'd stayed in Colorado…
Incomplete - SG-1/HP - 9/14/04

Mysterious Magick
Summary: Voldemort's coming out of hiding. His first action is to attack several Gringotts banks in search of something very powerful, and if he finds all the pieces, not even Harry Potter stands a chance against him.
Incomplete - HP/HL/Darmians - Games of Chance Series - 10/26/03

Portals and People
Summary: TtH Mid-Year Fic-a-Thon story for dulcinea. Who the heck is that guy with the glowing green eyes?
Incomplete - Buffy/SG-1/Angel/HL/HP - 7/10/04

Rite as Rayne
Summary: Chaos literally abounds when Mason's cousins come to town.
Complete - R for language - Dead Like Me/HP/Buffy/Angel - 8/20/05

Who Would Have Thought?
Summary: Answers my own Who Would Have Guessed It Challenge. Secrets are often not what they are suspected to be, if they are suspected at all.
Complete - West Wing/Amber, Buffy/Star Wars, SG-1/Superman, HP/Roswell, Matrix/Amber, HL/The Sentinel - 8/20/05

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