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Sabrina the Teenage Witch | The Sentinel | The Simpsons | Smallville | Stargate SG-1 | Star Trek | Star Wars | Supernatural
Time Cop | Tomorrow People: The New Series
Van Helsing | West Wing | The X-Files

Sabrina the Teenage Witch
10 Incidents that Methos Wishes had Happened to Someone Else
Summary: Poor Methos…
Complete - HL x-over with EE/Roswell/Buffy/Sabrina/Spiderman/Dr. Who/SG-1/Smallville/Evolution/Firefly - 9/14/04

10 Things That Never Happened to Oz
Complete - Buffy/SG-1/HP/Matrix Revolutions/Books of Amber/Incarnations of Immortality/Quantum Leap/Futurama/Sabrina the Teenage Witch/Charmed/The X-Files - 7/31/04

Witch Meets Immortal
Summary: A new teacher comes to Springfield. Thing is, spells don't work on him. And how do Aunt Helda and Aunt Zelda know this new teacher?
Incomplete - StTW/HL

The Sentinel
Who Would Have Thought? - 8/20/05
Summary: Answers my own Who Would Have Guessed It Challenge. Secrets are often not what they are suspected to be, if they are suspected at all.
Complete - West Wing/Amber, Buffy/Star Wars, SG-1/Superman, HP/Roswell, Matrix/Amber, HL/The Sentinel

The Simpsons
Knives, Fangs, and Phasers
Summary: The Ducrests visit Janell's mother, and more things come out of her television set.
Complete - BtVS/ST II: The Wrath of Khan/Simpsons

10 Incidents that Methos Wishes had Happened to Someone Else
Summary: Poor Methos…
Complete - HL x-over with EE/Roswell/Buffy/Sabrina/Spiderman/Dr. Who/SG-1/Smallville/Evolution/Firefly - 9/14/04

Summary: New Years Eve parties are sometimes crazy. People get caught up in the moment and do things they wouldn't dream of doing any other time. Nothing bad comes from it, most of the time. When you're Clark Kent, an innocent, whimsical kiss can have unusual results.
Incomplete - Smallville/Buffy - 12/04

Stargate SG-1
Click Here

Star Trek
Click Here

Star Wars
Who Would Have Thought?
Summary: Answers my own Who Would Have Guessed It Challenge. Secrets are often not what they are suspected to be, if they are suspected at all.
Complete - West Wing/Amber, Buffy/Star Wars, SG-1/Superman, HP/Roswell, Matrix/Amber, HL/The Sentinel - 8/20/05

Wrappings of Gauze
Summary: George thought she’d seen it all…then a freak tornado picks her up and deposits her in a whole other county, where two men she dubs Glaring Hunk and Prince Charming have got a job for her.
Complete - Supernatural/Dead Like Me - 8/22/11

Time Cop
A Secret Kept Through Time/Life Spans
Summary: What happens when the time cop meets the same man in 2010 and 1953, and this man just happens to be Duncan MacLeod?
Incomplete - HL/Time Cop

Tomorrow People: The New Series
Grant Them Change
Summary: On the way to his crypt on the night before the full moon, Oz meets up with Alex. Together, they kill a demon who was terrorizing innocents in a park. Before the demon dies, he places a curse on them. That curse made them change places. Now, Oz is a shape-shifter, and Alex is a werewolf. Both of them become targets of the demon's friends and a group of warlocks. What are Buffy and the others to do when Alex is captured, Oz is given the only disease that can kill a shape-shifter, and Xander goes missing?
Incomplete - BtVS/TP/ST:DS9 - Unimaginable Forces #2

The Horsemen Ride Again
Summary: Pretar knows something about Methos' past that the Immortal hasn't told the scooby gang. Will they trust him after Pretar hires a warlock to make Methos' partners in Death come back to life and go on a rampage through the Hellmouth?
Incomplete - HL/BtVS/AtS/ST:DS9/TP:TS - Unimaginable Forces #6

The Promised One
Summary: There's a prophecy about a human with extroadinary telepathic powers, and it's about to come true. The PTB fear this prophecy, but Pretar, a demon of unknown powers or limits, wants him dead. Methos, a warlock for five thousand years, is asked by Whistler to teach this Promised One. Only problem is, Methos can't find him, and Pretar may find the Promised One before the old man does.
Note: Don't let the title mislead you. This is not a fic about Doyle.
Incomplete - BtVS/HL/TP/ST:DS9/AtS - Unimaginable Forces #4

Van Helsing
The Cure
Summary: My turn. 100-word drabble. For once, a werewolf isn't trying to kill him.
Complete - updated 6/28/04 - Buffy/Van Helsing

West Wing
Summary: Sam Seaborn, son of Princess Llewella of Amber, has kept his past a secret from his co-workers for many years. Then family problems change everything.
Incomplete - updated 6/28/04 - Amber/West Wing

Who Would Have Thought?
Summary: Answers my own Who Would Have Guessed It Challenge. Secrets are often not what they are suspected to be, if they are suspected at all.
Complete - West Wing/Amber, Buffy/Star Wars, SG-1/Superman, HP/Roswell, Matrix/Amber, HL/The Sentinel - 8/20/05

The X-Files
10 Things That Never Happened to Oz
Complete - Buffy/SG-1/HP/Matrix Revolutions/Books of Amber/Incarnations of Immortality/Quantum Leap/Futurama/Sabrina the Teenage Witch/Charmed/The X-Files - 7/31/04

Investigation Immortality
Summary: Richie takes a Quickening at the same time Mulder and Scully drive by. What can Richie do if a friend of the dead Immortal's comes hunting for his head when Richie's stuck in prison?
Incomplete - X-Files/HL