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Alex McPhierce
Summary: After a gruesome murder outside the Bronze, Buffy goes on patrol in the surrounding area and meets a shape-shifter, and shape-shifters are a little hard to kill.
Incomplete - BtVS/ST:DS9 - Unimaginable Forces #1

Deep Space Eight
Summary: Commander Mark Harris is assigned to Deep Space Eight, Starfleet's "starship pit-stop." Everything is going okay considering that the Federation is at war with the Dominion. Then his old ship, the USS Excursion, shows up half-destroyed after a battle and everything starts going downhill.
Incomplete - Buffy/HL/ST:DS9 - An Immortal Life: The Future to Come #1

A Foggy Day in Carebear Land
Summary: Daniel and Jack find themselves in a place they've never been before, and they're not happy about it.
Complete - Stargate SG-1/Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - 3/27/05

Grant Them Change
Summary: On the way to his crypt on the night before the full moon, Oz meets up with Alex. Together, they kill a demon who was terrorizing innocents in a park. Before the demon dies, he places a curse on them. That curse made them change places. Now, Oz is a shape-shifter, and Alex is a werewolf. Both of them become targets of the demon's friends and a group of warlocks. What are Buffy and the others to do when Alex is captured, Oz is given the only disease that can kill a shape-shifter, and Xander goes missing?
Incomplete - BtVS/TP/ST:DS9 - Unimaginable Forces #2

The Horsemen Ride Again
Summary: Pretar knows something about Methos' past that the Immortal hasn't told the scooby gang. Will they trust him after Pretar hires a warlock to make Methos' partners in Death come back to life and go on a rampage through the Hellmouth?
Incomplete - HL/BtVS/AtS/ST:DS9/TP:TS - Unimaginable Forces #6

The Hunters
Summary: Following rumors and evidence from research, the Hunters have come to L. A. to kill Angel and any other Immortal in the area. Doyle and an old Watcher friend have to stop them before it's too late.
Complete - AtS/HL/BtVS/ST:DS9 - Unimaginable Forces #5

Knives, Fangs, and Phasers
Summary: The Ducrests visit Janell's mother, and more things come out of her television set.
Complete - BtVS/ST II: The Wrath of Khan/Simpsons

A Mix of Characters
Summary: Sometimes, bizare things happen in the Ducrests' living room.
Complete - HL/ST:V/Dilbert/Dreamcast - A Mix of Characters #1

Mystery Voyager Theatre 3000 - 2/13/02
Summary: Tom gets teleported to the Satelite of Love, where Pearl forces him to watch really bad movies with the 'bots. Will the crew of Voyager rescue him before his sanity is lost completely, or will this be the end of Tom's Captain Proton adventures on the holodeck?
Complete - MST3K/ST:V

The Promised One
Summary: There's a prophecy about a human with extroadinary telepathic powers, and it's about to come true. The PTB fear this prophecy, but Pretar, a demon of unknown powers or limits, wants him dead. Methos, a warlock for five thousand years, is asked by Whistler to teach this Promised One. Only problem is, Methos can't find him, and Pretar may find the Promised One before the old man does.
Note: Don't let the title mislead you. This is not a fic about Doyle.
Incomplete - BtVS/HL/TP/ST:DS9/AtS - Unimaginable Forces #4

Rendez-vous on DS9
Summary: On his way to his new posting at Deep Space Eight, Methos stops at DS9 to visit on an old friend by the name of Dax, only to discover that Dax's friend, Dr. Bashir, is a Pre-Immortal...
Incomplete - Buffy/HL/ST:DS9 - An Immortal Life: The Future to Come - 5/1/04

Symbionts and Symbiotes
Summary: The people at Stargate Command have been fighting the Goa'uld, a race of parasitic beings, for years when Ezri Dax is somehow transported to their base. She has no idea how she got there - one minute she's on the station, the next she's been transported across time and space to a past Earth. Hammond and SG-1 promise to help her get back to Deep Space Nine. However, after Dr. Fraiser discovers the Dax symbiont inside Ezri, all hell breaks loose, and that's not the only reason. Memory displacements, dimensional portals, wormholes, and snakes, snakes, and more snakes all make appearances.
Incomplete - SG-1/ST:DS9

U. S. S. Bumbarger
Summary: Voyager has just exited the Veridian System in the Delta Quadrant when they meet another Starfleet vessel. This one's heavily damaged, but the crew is still alive and well. But, according to the scanners, they shouldn't be up and walking around, because they all have very slow heartbeats.
Incomplete - AtS/ST:V

USS Excursion
Summary: In the middle of a top-secret mission for Starfleet Intelligence, Xander remembers how he ended up where he was. It all started on the U. S. S. Excursion, his first Starfleet posting in the year 2363...
Incomplete - Buffy/HL/ST:DS9 - An Immortal Life: The Future to Come - 5/1/04