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Disclaimers: Angel belongs to Joss Whedon, David Greenwalt, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Television, Greenwolf Corp., Kuzui Enterprises, the WB, and Fox Television Productions. Any copyright infringements were not intended. This story was written for entertainment and not for profit.

Timing: Around 'Guise Will Be Guise.'

Summary: Doyle's back, and as an Oracle, he's got a bigger mission than before.


Bein' dead's not all that bad, considerin'. Sure, it has its down side, such as havin' ta use tremendous effort just ta move a pencil or not bein' able to drink a single beer, but it has its good side, too. Like walkin' through walls or watchin' hot gals in the shower without them realisin' it.

I wish I could talk ta Angel and Cordy again, though. It's been what? Ten months since my death and they still miss me. Cordy cries over me in private. I want her ta move on so that she won't be in any more pain. I hate seein' her in pain, especially since I can't do anythin' about it. And Angel, in between thoughts of that Darla chick, I've seen him sitting only on his bed in that huge hotel of his, brooding about me. I'm touched by it all, but I want ta see 'em happy. And if I could get Angel away from this obsession with his sire, all the better.

But I can't. I wish I could, but the Powers haven't done anythin' about it. I'm still in corporeal form, even after all this time. I'm actually Cordelia's guardian ghost, if you can believe that. It's an okay job. I've helped her out that way a few times, but I can tell that she doesn't need that kind of supernatural support any longer. She's becomin' stronger and stronger all the time. The Cordy I knew, when I was still alive, got scared when a vampire was nearby, and didn't know how to fight well. That usually didn't stop her, of course, but it was still a disadvantage for her. Now, though, she's learnin' and she's gettin' better at handlin' herself in a fight, a fact that's makin' me proud, although sad that she doesn't need me much anywhere whether she realizes it or not.

I have the feelin' that the Powers are gonna reassign me soon. I don't think they'll send me to heaven or hell or any other sort of afterlife quite yet. Whatever they do have planned, I think it's gonna be somethin' big.


"We have decided to give you a new position."

I already figured that out, but didn't interrupt the Powers. The last time I did tha', I got thrown into a wall. They hate being interrupted.

"You will no longer be the guardian spirit of the Vampire's Seer. You will see less of her, but she will see you as well."

What? I was jumpin' for joy when I heard that, believe me. Cordy'd get to see me? Hear me? Talk to me? I leaned forward as I anxiously waited for them to announce the name of my new job.

"You will be the new Oracle."

Wow. I knew that they would assign me to somethin' important, but I never expected that.

"You will have all the powers that entails. You will Know everything. You will have the power to manipulate time to an extent. Lower beings will come to you for answers and you will give them, and they will bring you gifts."

Sounded good. 'Course, I knew as well as the next guy that anything good always came with a price.

"Before you are given the powers of the Oracle, you must undergo a test."

See? Told ya.

"Like wha'?" I asked.


Not long after that, I was lyin' face down on a cold marble floor. Pickin' myself up, I looked around an' easily recognized the marble walls of the Netherworld of Eternal Watching. It looked exactly like Angel had described. Thankfully, the bodies of the last Oracles were nowhere ta be seen.

I had ta find Cordelia and Angel. Now that I had a body again, I had ta see them.

As I picked myself off the floor, marvelin' over the fact that I actually had a solid body again, I remembered what the Powers had told me. I couldn't leave the Netherworld of Eternal Watching.

to be continued