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November 22nd, 2000, 11:42 PM. Eighteen minutes to go.

I was born at midnight of November 23rd, 1980. In less than hour an hour, I would turn twenty.

My twenty-first year of existence would bring a whole lot of changes. I'd no longer be a teen, for one. For another, I'd no longer be human.

Family always has a way of biting you in the ass. For me, it was my mother's family that would cause me the most grief.

Once upon a time, my great-great-great-something-grandmother, Theresa Paul, happened to get cursed by this nasty witch who hadn't liked Theresa all that much. See, Theresa had been a Slayer, and the witch had been one of the bad guys. The witch knew that Theresa was married, so the witch lay a curse on Theresa's male offspring. She cursed them to become servants of the worst and most fowl humans in existence and have no choice but to do whatever those humans wanted. It was something a Slayer would have never done - Slayers did not aid evil. After laying the curse, the witch disappeared off the face of the Earth. It really sucks when that happens, but I digress.

Anyway, Theresa had three daughters, but no sons. Instead of this breaking the curse like it should have, the curse was then passed on to the proceeding generations. Two of her daughters died of disease, and the other died while giving birth to her firstborn, which happened to be yet another girl. See where I'm going with this?

Two more generations came and went before the first male descendant of Theresa Paul was born. By that time, it was the nineteenth century. His name was Bradley Samuels and he was my great-great-great uncle, or perhaps I should say 'is', seeing as how he's still around somewhere. How is that possible, you ask? Well, you see, when Bradley turned twenty, he left the race of humanity also. The witch's curse changed him, turning him into a servant of humanity that was something not.

He had no children before or after the change, so his sister ended up carrying down the family genes, all the way down to my mother. None of the generations in-between contained men. I was the first man born into the family since great-great-etcetera-Uncle Bradley. And now it was my turn to be affected by the curse. Having no siblings and no children of my own, I would be effectively breaking the line forever. I don't think genies can have kids.

My name is Alexander LaVelle Harris.

Bye-bye humanity.

It was 11:59 PM now. I glanced down at my watch, watching as the seconds ticked by.

Five seconds.





Happy Birthday to me.

I blinked. That was all that happened; one simple blink and I was suddenly somewhere else.

It was pitch-black; I couldn't see anything. I could hear voices somewhere in the room. At least I thought it was a room.

"You're just in luck," a man was saying. "We've just received a new candidate."

"Wonderful," a woman replied. "The Senior Partners want him to have the whole works. We're willing to pay whatever is necessary."

"Do not worry about payment, Ms. Morgan. Genies wreck enough chaos to satisfy us in deed alone."

"Yes, they do, don't they?" Ms. Morgan said. I could practically hear the smirk in that lady's voice and I knew then that I hated her.

to be continued

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