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A little while later

"He’s clean enough now. We should get the spell underway. Want to do the honors, Frank?"

"Anything you want, Marian. A-hem!"

"Please, don’t do this! I like it how I am now. Please…"

"Shh, Alex. It’ll all be over soon."


"Xander? Mr. and Mrs. Harris? It’s Willow. The door was open…"

"Oh no, she’s in the hall! Quickly, Frank! Gag and cover him!"

"Willow! Help!"

"Xander?! Oh my god, what the hell are you doing to him?"

"That’s none of your business, Willow."

"Frank, this isn’t a good sign for us. This has never happened before!"

"Hyriondo Plebus Froisu!"

Thump! Thump!

Kick! Kick!

"You both deserve it!"

"Willow, you can beat up my parents all you like. Could you untie me first, though?"

"Sure, Xander. There. What were they doing to you?"

"Nothing they haven’t done before, unfortunately."


"Xander…your eyes…they look so much older."

"That’s because they are. Look, I’ll explain on the way to the library."

"What about your parents?"

"They haven’t been my parents for twelve hundred years. Let’s just destroy all this equipment and then leave. I need to get out of here. Thank you so much, Willow. I know all this must be really confusing for you, but believe me when I say I owe you a thousand favors for this."


"You’re over a thousand years old?"

"Yeah, Buff, I am."

"Fascinating…your parents must be some kind of demon breed…You say that they found you on a roadside?"

"That’s right. My real parents were killed when road bandits attacked our wagon. I was eleven years old at the time. My adopted parents took me in, but when I started talking about moving out and marrying, they panicked. They wanted to keep me so they made a deal with the goddesses Diana and Artemis to turn me back into a baby. They’ve been doing it for centuries. They're some sort of immortal demon breed so they never age. I never remember anything about my previous lives until I see the rack. Then I remember all of it for the minutes or hours until they change me back into a baby again."

"Oh, Xander…you’re safe now, you know that, right?"

"Yeah, Willow. I know."

"But your parents are still alive."

"Doesn’t matter, Oz. I went by Xander’s house myself. The whole place was cleaned out except for your room, Xand."

"So they’re gone, Buffy? Are you sure?"

"Yep, there’s no doubt about it; the rest of the house was completely bare."

"Well, let’s hope they stay far away, then."

"Amen to that, G-Man. Amen to that."


"How dare she! Steal our son like that."

"I know, Marian. She's a monster. We’ve been taking care of him for twelve hundred years! He was our oldest child yet, but it’s not worth going after them. He's destroyed the rack. We need to get a new one, and by the time we have that one ready, he'll be too old to change back into a baby."

"I know, Frank, but I still want him back."

"It’s all right, honey. We’ll get a girl this time. I know you’ve been wanting one for five hundred years. It’s about time we took in a daughter."

"Where are we going this time, Frank?"

"I figured we’d start somewhere big. We’re heading for Los Angeles."