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On Discovery

Buffy/Star Wars

250 words

This sucks, Andrew lamented silently. He scrambled into a sitting position, wincing at the bruises forming along his limbs from the fall. He glanced up and scowled, or tried to; he never could scowl convincingly. It was just his luck that he got thrown into the only open grave in the whole cemetery during the fight with five newly risen vampires.

He sighed. He wished, not for the first time, that he wasn't meant to be merely an observer on this world. If he could only use his painstakingly learned skills in public, then he would actually be a help to his young Slayer charges he liked to call the mini-Xenas. He knew he wasn't the best, but he still could have done some good. He frowned as he considered how he was going to get out of the grave. From the sounds of it, the Slayers were too engrossed in the battle. A smile formed on his face. As long as they didn't see him…

Andrew jumped out of the grave and flipped forward onto the ground. He grinned, immensely satisfied.

"Holy crap!"

He froze. Dawn was staring at him.

"How the hell did you do that?" she demanded, eyeing him warily.

He bit his lip as he thought over his response. Why not tell the truth? She'd just think he was being his usual, nerdy self. She didn't know that Jedis were real.

"The Force surrounds us all," he told her, and smirked when she rolled her eyes.

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