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On Collision

Harry Potter/Roswell

175 words

Hagrid trudged up to the castle, dragging a tree one-handed. Fang followed him, sniffing the ground. "Come along now, Fang!" Hagrid called. "We don't want ter be late deliverin' the las' Christmas Tree to the Great Hall, now do we?"

He turned his attention back to the castle in front of him and resumed walking. The ground was covered in a fresh coat of snow. Hagrid thought longingly of the half-completed snow hippogriff in front of his house. He'd invited Harry, Hermione and Ron to come help him finish it. He hoped they'd be able to come.

He turned a corner and nearly ran into a student. "Oy! Sorry 'bout tha'. Hey, come back 'ere!"

He watched as the teenager scrambled away and out of sight. All he saw was a flash of red hair he could have sworn belonged to Ron. "Well, blimey…that's an odd sight if ever I saw one."

If he'd glanced to the left, he would have seen an odd, glowing handprint embedded in the stone wall, but he didn't.

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