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Witch Meets Immortal

By Danielle Ducrest

Disclaimers: Highlander: The Series is a registered trademark of Davis/Panzer Productions and Rysher Entertainment. Sabrina: The Teenage Witch is a registered trademark of ABC,

The hall became less crowded as the warning bell rang. At final bell, the hall was empty of students, except for a few latecomers still getting their books from their lockers. Mr. Kraft led the new teacher down the hall. As he turned right at a corner, a sophomore bumped into him. He was about to mutter excuses when he realized it was his dreaded principal, and decided to leave while he had the chance instead. No such luck. He could hear Mr. Kraft say his name out loud as he scribbled something on a notepad. Deciding detention was better than getting an unexcused tally, he continued down the hall.

The new teacher, who had been watching this, suppressed his bemused expression as Mr. Kraft turned to him. He wasn't very tall, but he was much taller than this man who was now his boss, and he could see his bald spot. He knew he'd have an interesting time while he was in Springfield.

"Now, Mr. Newman," Mr. Kraft said in a droning tone. "We have reached the classroom you will use." He indicated across the hall at a green door. "If there's anything you need, projector, textbooks, just talk to Mrs. _____. If you'll excuse me, I've got an appointment with Mr. Hickory, the parent who provides money for half of this school." With that, he walked down the hallway they'd just come down, disappeared behind the next corner.

Mr. Newman, or Methos, turned to look at the door Mr. Kraft had shown him. Walking in, he could see it was an ordinary classroom, set up for lecturing. Which was what his job was. He was a history teacher, and being the oldest man alive, he was the perfect man for the job. Not that anyone knew that little detail. It still didn't mean he'd enjoy it. He was there for two reasons; one, he no longer had a cover as Adam Peirson, researcher for the Methos Chronicles in the Watcher Organization, so he needed a new cover. Two, he'd heard two very old friends, Zelda and Helda, currently resided in Springfield, so he'd decided to come for a short visit, or an immortal's opinion of a short visit which, to Methos, would only be for a few years. Of course, he'd bought his own apartment. He doubted if he'd be very welcome in the witches' home once the caps of his beer bottles began to overflow from their hiding place behind the fridge. Assuming they'd even allow beer into the Spellman household.

Methos sat at the front desk. He didn't have a class until next period. His eyes darted down the names in his grade book, passed down from the previous history teacher. His gaze rested on the name Sabrina Spellman. So, he thought, a new witch is in the Spellman family. I wonder if she has the spell book, like ___ did?

Sabrina walked into the history room at second period. The final bell had already rung, and so she was late. She was the last person to get to class, and she could see Valerie sitting in the back row. She was staring at their new History teacher, who sat causally at his desk, reading a hardcover book that looked old and yellow. I hope he isn't as bad as our last teacher, Sabrina thought. He gave us two hundred page assignments the day before a test. I certainly hope this guy isn't like him.

When her teacher glanced up from her reading at her, she could see why Valerie was staring at him. He looked to be in his twenties, with short brown hair and gold-green eyes. Sabrina knew she had a crush on him already. But, of course, she had Harvey, so she had to forget about that crush. He was probably married, anyway.

"Ms. Spellman, you're just on time for class." He said. "Please, sit down."

"You know my name?" Sabrina asked as she walked over to sit next to Valerie.

"I've already taken roll, and you were the only one missing."

"Oh. Of course." She sat down next to Valerie, feeling stupid. She doubted she would make it in his class.

"My name is Mr. Newman." He said, standing. He didn't move to write it on the board. "If you'll get out your history books, we'll review last night's homework. Who knows where Salem is in the United States?"

Sabrina drifted off as Mr. Newman lectured. He may have been cute, but he was still boring. He wasn't half as boring as Mr. Felman, but he was close. The only thing that kept drawing her back to the class was the way he talked. His eyes seemed to cloud over as he talked, as if he'd experienced it himself.

Sabrina was so mesmerized by his eyes, she hadn't realized he'd called on her. "Excuse me?"

Amusement filled his eyes as he kept his gaze steadily on hers. She's just like her aunt Hilda. I wonder how she's doing? "Do you believe in witches, or do you think twenty innocent people were killed in the Salem Witch Trials?"

The way he said 'Do you believe in witches' made her stare. She decided to go with the easy way out. Shrugging, she replied, "I think innocent people were killed in the Salem Witch Trials."

There was a hint of amusement in Mr. Newman's eyes, as if he knew more than anyone could possibly imagine. But he also seemed lonely, somehow. Sabrina wasn't sure how, but she felt that the teacher act was just a cover-up of something even larger.

Perhaps I can help him not be so lonely, Sabrina thought. I'll have to ask my aunts first.

That afternoon, Sabrina walked in to the house through the kitchen to find Salem sitting on the counter. Salem was a witch's familiar. He used to be a witch until he tried to take over the world. As punishment, he was punished to a hundred years as an ordinary housecat. Well, an ordinary housecat who could talk. "Hey, Salem. Have you seen Aunt Zelda or Aunt Helda anywhere?"

"I'll tell you if you scratch my back." Salem said.

"No way. I don't want cat hair underneath my fingernails. Last time it took me two weeks to remove them."

"Well, then I won't answer your question.

Sabrina gave in and started scratching Salem's back. "Ahhh," he said, closing his eyes.

Sabrina stopped scratching and looked at Salem. "Now where are they?"

"They're in the other realm. They went to a party at an old friend's house. Why?"

"I wanted to know if there was a spell I could cast on my History teacher, Mr. Newman. He needs some cheering up."

"If you want, you could always check the spell book."

Duh, Sabrina. "Good idea." She raced up the stairs, Salem close behind her.

When she was in her room, she started flipping through the spell book she kept on her desk. She was still looking for the right spell when the doorbell rang. Sabrina stood up and went downstairs to answer it.

Mr. Newman was standing on the door mat. He smiled when he saw her. "Hello, Sabrina."

"Mr. Newman," Sabrina said, surprised, letting him in. "What are you doing here?"

"I was looked for your aunts, Helda and Zelda. Are they home?"

"No, they aren't. They're visiting a friend." They walked over to the couch and sat down. "You know my aunts?"

"Yes. We're old friends."

The way he said old made Sabrina study at him. However, she didn't get a good look at him before Salem jumped up on the armrest. "Benjamin? Is that really you?"

"Pardon?" Mr. Newman asked, obviously not surprised that he was speaking to a cat.

"It's me, Salem."

"Salem?" Methos studied him. "What did you do this time, you old witch?"

"Oh, I just tried to take over the world and got a hundred year sentence as a cat as punishment."

"That definitely sounds like you. You haven't changed a bit."

"Neither have you, ancient."

"You know Salem? Ancient?" Sabrina was confused. Did he call Salem an old witch? Did he know about witches?

"Yes, I do." Methos said. "How long has it been, Salem?"

"Over a hundred years." Salem answered.

to be continued