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Disclaimer: Charmed belongs to Fox Television Productions, Spelling Television, and the WB. Highlander belongs to Davis/Panzer Productions, Gaumont Télèvision, and Rysher Entertainment. Any copyright infringements were not intended. This story was written for entertainment and not for profit.

Timing: Not long after the conclusion of "Just Harried" on Charmed and early season five of Highlander.

Summary: Leo and Piper decide to take a little trip up to Seacouver for their Honeymoon and make a few Immortal acquaintances during their stay.


"I love you," Leo said.

Piper glanced over at him. He had this big smile on his face, and she couldn't help but return it. "I love you, too." She returned her attention back to the road. They'd said it at least once or twice every hour all day. Earlier that day, they'd left San Francisco on a commercial flight. Now, they were leaving Seattle, Washington and its airport behind, and were now taking the hour-long trip by highway to Seacouver, which was south of Seattle. They'd been married the day before, and were planning to spend a week in Seacouver for their honeymoon. For the first time in Halliwell history, no demons had prevented them from setting a foot out the front door of the Manor House, so here they were, already having the time of their lives, and they weren't even in Seacouver yet.

They could have just orbed there, of course. Leo would have preferred it, but his new wife, he loved thinking of Piper as that, insisted on giving him driving lessons. She'd already given him a lesson an hour before. Of course, when he almost drove the car off the edge of the ramp they were traveling on, she decided to wait until they got to some place safer and quieter before she gave him a second lesson.

"You know, honey, you still haven't told me why you wanted to go to Seacouver so much," Piper said casually.

Leo smiled knowingly. "You'll see." He hoped she wouldn't press anymore. He knew she'd love it when she saw it, but he didn't want to give her any clues about what to expect.

Ten minutes later, they were driving into the Seacouver city limits. "Look up," Leo instructed her.

She did and gasped. Leo smiled again as he followed her gaze. He knew she'd love it. The view was always amazing no matter where in Seacouver you looked up. The city provided a stunning foreground for the beautiful snow-capped peaks that surrounded it on all sides.

"Oh my God," she blurted. "This is so beautiful. Is this what you wanted to show me?"

Leo nodded. "It's part of it. I've been here a few times, and I want to show you a few more things. Seacouver has some pretty great views. Wait 'til you see the docks."

Piper gave him a smile. "Thank you, honey. I’m already enjoying our stay here."

"You're welcome, Piper."

After a wonderful night in bed, Leo took Piper on a drive around the town. She drove of course, but he was still the tour guide. He showed her a few great places in the city that gave anyone a spectacular view of the mountains, the Pacific, and sometimes both, including the docks. Piper thought that the city was a beautiful one and was happy to spend their honeymoon there. After lunch at a great restaurant Leo knew about, Piper called a halt to the tour and decided to continue Leo's driving lessons. Leo groaned, but begrudgingly agreed. He drove around the hotel parking lot for awhile and was pleased that he was getting better at it.

They spent the rest of the afternoon in their hotel room. After dinner, however, they decided to go clubbing.

"This one sounds good," Piper commented as they were getting dressed. She held up a flier for her husband's inspection. "Joe's Bar. Ever heard of it?"

"Can't say that I have, but a blues bar sounds good." He gave her a quick kiss before slipping on his shoes.

A half an hour later, they were entering the bar. A man with graying hair and a beard stood behind the bar. When Piper and Leo took their seats in front of him, he smiled warmly. "What can I get you?" he asked.

They ordered their drinks. Piper leaned against Leo, just happy to be near him. When the bartender returned, Leo said, "This is a great place, Mr…?"

"Joe Dawson," the bartender, and evidently the owner, replied. He smiled widely. "Thanks. You are?"

"Leo Wyatt. This is my wife, Piper."

"Pleased to meet you." They shook hands. "Are you visiting Seacouver?"

"Yes we are," Piper answered. "For our honeymoon."

"In that case, congratulations."

"Thank you, Mr. Dawson. You know, I own a club back home, P3. I'm curious to find out if it's different than running a bar."

Joe and Piper began to talk shop, and Leo looked fondly on at his new wife. So far, this week was going great. He'd always liked Seacouver. It didn’t matter that it had been ten years since his last visit; it was always one of his favorite cities, and he was glad that Piper was also enjoying their stay here.

The door opened and someone walked up to the bar behind Leo. Joe smiled at them. "Hey, MacLeod. Hey, Adam."

"Hi, Joe," one of the newcomers answered. He had a Welsh accent. "Who're your friends?"

Leo twisted in his seat to face them as Joe gave introductions. "Duncan MacLeod, Adam Peirson, this is Piper and-"

"Leo Wyatt," Duncan MacLeod blurted, shocked by what he was seeing. Leo stared back. Both of them recognized the other, which was not a good thing, because as far as Duncan knew, Leo should be dead right now. Leo thought the same thing about Duncan.

"Leo, do you know this man?" Piper questioned. It tended to be a bad thing when strangers recognized her husband and then stared at him as if they'd seen a ghost. It got worse when Leo gave the stranger the same look.

Suddenly they heard a crash coming from outside. A little grateful for the distraction, and a little worried about what the sound originated from, both MacLeod and Leo sprinted out of the door with Piper on their heels. Behind them, Adam shouted, "MacLeod!" at the same time Joe called, "Mac! Piper!"

The three of them sprinted outside before descending the stairs. They stopped on the edge of the parking lot to watch as a car fled out of parking lot, its tires screeching in its hurry to depart. Piper memorized its license plate before it disappeared from sight, then looked around for any property damage.

Her eyes locked on a figure lying on the concrete. He lay at an impossible angle on the ground, and blood surrounded him.

"Piper," Leo said, quietly. He nodded at Duncan, and instantly Piper understood. Duncan hadn't seen the body yet; if she freezed him, Leo could heal the man without Duncan being the wiser. Piper nodded, turned to Duncan, and made the motion that she used to freeze people.

Duncan instantly froze, and then Leo and Piper ran over to the man. Leo knelt next to him and checked for a pulse. "He's still alive." He raised his hands above the man's chest. A light appeared beneath his hands, and slowly the cuts and bruises covering the man disappeared.

A few minutes later, the man's eyes opened, and he sat up. "Easy," Leo said, helping him sit up.

The man was confused, but Leo and Piper distracted him enough to keep him from asking too many questions about how he survived getting run over. They asked him if he knew who the person in the car was, but he didn't know anyone that wanted to kill him. They helped him over to his car and watched as he left.

"Should we go back over to Duncan?" Piper asked, glancing back at the still-frozen man standing near the entrance to Joe's.

Leo shook his head. "No. I knew him. He should be dead. We need to find out more about him before we go near him again."

Piper nodded her agreement, and they got in the car and headed back to their hotel.

A few seconds later, Duncan's form unfroze without even realizing that he'd missed anything. Looking around, he realized that the Wyatts had vanished. Puzzled, he headed back inside to give Joe that crazy guy's license plate number and ask the Watcher what he knew about Leo Wyatt.


As soon as they were back in their hotel room, Leo told Piper the whole story. "The Duncan MacLeod I knew was a medic in World War II, just like I was back when I was human," he explained. "I didn't know him very well, but I was there when he died. He was shot. I tried to save him using all of the medical training I'd been given, but I couldn't help him. He died in my arms."

He blinked back tears, and Piper took his hand in hers. She hadn't heard much about Leo's experiences as a medic during wartime, but she was getting a clear picture of how he felt about it. He didn't have any healing powers before he became a Whitelighter. Leo must feel so much guilt over every soldier he couldn't save. It must take ever ounce of willpower for him not to go back in time and change their fate, especially now that he knew how to do both. Piper wanted to take away his pain, but she wasn’t sure how. Yet.

"Are you sure the guy at Joe's was the same guy?" she asked him gently. "Maybe he was a relative."

Leo shook his head. "No. He recognized me. I know he isn't a Whitelighter, Piper. We have to find out who he is."

"We will," Piper assured him. She kissed his forehead. "We'll find out who he is and then we will have the best honeymoon ever. You will see that there is nothing to worry about."


Blade clashed against blade as Methos swung at Duncan and the Highlander blocked. The two were sparing in Duncan's dojo, and this time Methos wasn't holding back. Unlike during the Kristin incident, Duncan hadn't been able to disarm Methos yet. Methos was just too good, and he suspected that the old man held back even then. If they ever fought each other, Duncan wasn't sure if he would win.

Finally, they paused for a break. As the two tried to catch their breaths, Duncan's thoughts once again turned to the previous evening's events. Joe and Methos had managed to convince Duncan that the Leo Wyatt in the bar last night was a descendant, and not the same guy. However, thinking back on it, Duncan recalled the surprised look on Leo's face. There had been recognition in those eyes, Duncan was sure of it.

To be continued

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