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"What the hell was that?" Joe asked, his voice rising with each syllable. He painstakingly got to his feet. When Marek disappeared…or something…he'd stopped feeling like such a heavy weight and could actually move again.

"Oh boy," Methos muttered. He was at a loss of where to begin.

"You can control your Quickening," Duncan said, dumbfounded.

"Yes," Methos admitted. "I can."

There was another long pause. Then Joe asked, "What the hell did that other guy do? It looked like…er, well…"

"Magic?" Methos prompted. "That's exactly what it was."

"Uh-huh," Duncan said in disbelief.

"Who was that guy?" Joe asked.

"Marek Smith-Darmian," Methos said solemnly. "Possibly one of the most dangerous men in the world after his boss."

"And he can do magic," Duncan said skeptically.

"Yep. He can also teleport - that's how he vanished."

Joe looked reflective. "Huh. Well, you learn something new everyday, I guess." He looked up and put up a hand to stop Duncan from speaking. "I saw a lot of strange things you didn't get to see, Mac. Smith-Darmian did something to me…made me feel like I weighed a whole ton. I couldn't move until he teleported or whatever it is he did." He paused, and his eyes locked with MacLeod's. "Besides, after fighting a demon, magic isn't that much of a stretch, you know?"

The two of them exchanged a look filled with pain and mutual understanding. Methos glanced between the two, feeling slightly uncomfortable. He himself hadn't stayed to help when the demon Ahriman forced MacLeod to murder his own student without the Highlander realizing it. Methos hadn't been around when Joe helped MacLeod fight the demon and defeat him, keeping the world safe for another thousand years. That didn't mean he hadn't heard about it. Even though he hadn't had complete ties with the wizarding world at the time, it was hard not to hear of Ahriman's defeat from wizards passing by on the streets. They were always recognizable by their mismatched Muggle clothes, too.

A long moment passed. MacLeod turned to address Methos. "Okay. Let's say magic does exist. Now what?"

"Now I will tell you all about the wizarding world and make you an offer."

"'The wizarding world?'"


He explained what he meant by that. He told them about anti-muggle spells, about a world where wizards could grow up without even setting foot into the muggle world for even a moment. Where technology didn't exist but magic did. Both of them were skeptical, but as he kept talking, they let their curiosities show. Joe especially had quite a lot of questions.

Eventually, Duncan brought up Marek's visit again, and asked how that tied into Methos' story. He also asked about what Methos was really doing in England for the past month. "I've been teaching, MacLeod. Only I've been teaching at the only wizarding school in Britain, the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"And what exactly do you teach?" MacLeod asked.

"Muggle Studies and Defense. As for Marek…"

He told them about Marek's boss, Voldemort, and exactly what Voldemort was to the wizarding world. Afterwards, MacLeod looked revengeful, while Joe looked horrified. "My God," Joe whispered.

"And you think Voldemort is rising again?"

"We don't think so, we know so," Methos answered. "Only he's an even bigger threat than before. He's managed to get his hands on an artifact that will increase his power. How it will help him or what it is, we have no idea, but we will soon. Voldemort was successfully destroyed many of the owlries all over the globe. The Seacouver owlry was set up next to the post office. You might have noticed it when some of Voldemort's Death Eaters set the place on fire a few weeks ago. He's screwed up communication among the wizarding community for quite some time. It's an advantage that we have no wish to allow him to use. We need more fighters on our side. We've got quite a few assembled so far, but the more the better. Earlier today, Dumbledore asked me if I knew anyone that might be willing to join the fight. Are either of you interested?"

Remus Lupin, former Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Apparated to downtown Hogsmeade and took the tunnel from the Shrieking Shack to the Whomping Willow. When he stepped onto the Hogwarts grounds, it was still broad daylight. The clearing around the tree was deserted, but with his sensitive hearing he could detect a great deal of students moving about around the grounds.

He set out across the field for the front doors. Once he reached them, he stepped inside and hurried up the stairs. He passed many students on the way. Many of them recognized him and he paused for small talk a few times. As he passed them, he heard bits of conversation. The most common object of conversation seemed to go along the lines of, "glad the Slytherins are leaving," "nine o'clock train tomorrow," and "my parents still haven't managed to owl me." He wondered what was going on but didn't stop to ask; he needed to find Dumbledore, and as soon as he did, the Headmaster could fill him in.

Another snatch of conversation made him come to a complete halt on one of the moving staircases. He clearly heard a student, descending a staircase several meters down the stairwell, remark to another student, "I hope Harry Potter is okay. It's been days since he disappeared."

Remus started in surprise. After a moment, he sprinted up the stairs and up another one before he reached the faculty office floor.

His noise picked up on their scents before he saw them, but he was still surprised to see Alaster Moody, Arthur Weasley, and his son Ron standing in the middle of the hall. Then turned when he came running up to them.

"Remus!" Arthur Weasley exclaimed in surprise.

"Hello, Moody, Mr. Weasley, Ron," Lupin said in greeting. He turned to the elder Weasley. "I heard you were the new Minister."

Arthur smiled. "You heard correctly."

Lupin smiled back. "Congratulations. You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that, and how relieved my friends will be as well."

"You friends?" Arthur appeared puzzled for moment, then his expression cleared. "Ah, you mean 'the old crowd?'"

Lupin nodded. "I need to speak with you and Professor Dumbledore about that, sir. Right now would be preferable. Ron, Moody, you'd both welcome to hear this, too."

"Albus should still be in his office," Moody suggested.

The four of them trooped of the staircase and into the Headmaster's office. Albus Dumbledore was indeed still there. He was bent over his worktable, studying Melanie's book from every possible angle. Fawkes sat perched on the table beside the professor. The Phoenix also seemed to be intently studying the book.

"Remus," Dumbledore said, smiling. He looked relieved to see the werewolf. "What a pleasant surprise! How goes the search for the old crowd?"

"It's done," Remus said. "We were able to get in touch with Anabella Figg, Mundungus Fletcher, Brutis Grysle, Forest Boggs, Pannora Varis, and Martin Vertalicus Fletcher."

Dumbledore's face fell a little. "And Harolyn Draconis?"

Remus sighed. "She fell off a broomstick three years ago and severely damaged her spine. She's at St. Mungo's now. She can hardly move…"

Albus sighed. "And the others are in perfect health?" Arthur asked.

"Yes. They're waiting to hear from you."

"If they are willing to bring the Order out of retirement…" Mr. Weasley asked.

"They are."

"Then ask them to please come to the Ministry," Arthur said. "I will see them there."

Lupin nodded. "Of course. I'll tell them right away." He turned to Ron. "Where's Harry and Hermione? I'd like to see them before I head back."

"Granger's down in the Great Hall," Moody told him. "Potter has been kidnapped by Voldemort."

"When?" Lupin demanded.

"It was a few days ago," Ron answered. He looked very frustrated and a little angry. "We don't know where he is. We've been trying to find him, but nothing's worked so far." They'd even gone back to the castle in Romania only to find it abandoned.

Lupin forced down a growl. "Sirius is not going to like hearing this."

"Perhaps the Order of the Phoenix is ready to join the search?" Dumbledore queried.

"It might be," Lupin said, nodding.

"Let's go see," Arthur said. He turned to Dumbledore. "I will be back soon, Albus. We still have quite a lot to discuss."

"Yes, we do," Dumbledore agreed.

Mr. Weasley turned to Ron. "Say hello to Hermione and your siblings for me, Ron."

He and Lupin left through the door.

"Hi, Hermione."

Hermione glanced up. Blake sat down across from her at the Gryffindor table. "Hello, Blake," she greeted him with a friendly smile. She still didn't know him very well but from many conversations in the past few days, she thought that he was a nice guy.

"How's it going?" he asked, motioning towards his family's books, open in Hermione's lap.

She sighed. "Not good, I'm afraid. I’m surprised Dante let me take these out of that hidden room."

Blake smiled. "The books are under a complicated illusion spell. It combines my family's power of illusion with my and my sister's-"

He froze. From his expression, Blake had forgotten for one moment that his sister was still bound into a book. He swallowed before continuing, "It combines our illusion powers with pathic magic. Family members will look at the books and see them for what they really are. People who aren't family members have to be personally granted permission to see these books for what they really are."

"Wow." Hermione was absolutely fascinated. She glanced from the book back up at Blake. "How exactly do you go about combining-Blake?"

Blake stared at her, but after a minute she realized he wasn’t staring at all. She waved a hand in front of his eyes and he didn't even blink. "Blake?" she repeated, hearing her voice rise a little.

She glanced around frantically for someone that could help. Should she ask a student to find Madame Pomfrey? Or should she try to find one of Blake's cousins, or perhaps Dumbledore?

Suddenly, Blake unfroze. He was panting. "We need to find Dumbledore," he said, springing out his chair. Without even waiting for her, he ran to the doors.

Hermione stared after him before forcing herself to move. She hastily packed up her books and sprinted after the pathic wizard.

She followed him out of the Great Hall and up the main staircase on their way to the stairwell. "Blake, slow down!" she said. She increased her pace and finally managed to catch up with him. He didn't even stop to slow down.

"I had a Vision," he said in explanation.

"A Vision? What-"

Suddenly, Blake just stopped. Hermione had to turn around and jog back over to him. "I am so stupid," he said once she'd reached him.

"Blake, what is going on?"

"I had a Vision," he repeated. "It's very, very bad. Come on, we need to find a secluded place."

"What for?"

"To teleport! We need to speak to everyone in Dumbledore's office now, but it'll take too long to get there on foot."

Hermione went over to the door of a classroom and peered inside. It was empty. "In here!" she said.

They went inside the room. Blake placed his hand on Hermione's shoulder. "This might feel a little weird," he warned her.

Light surrounded them before the world fell away at their feet.

They materialized in the middle of Dumbledore's office, much to the astonishment of Ron, Arthur Weasley, Dumbledore himself, Remus, and Moody.

"Hermione!" Ron said. "What's going on? Did you guys just teleport here?"

Before either Blake or Hermione could say anything, there were three more flashes of light. Nola, Atalanta, and Dante appeared. "Nola had a Vision," Dante announced.

"Same here," Blake said.

Nola's eyes met his. She sent a flash of Vision-images to his mind. /Was yours the same?/ she asked him without sending the thought to anyone else.

Blake nodded. With a glance at Moody, Arthur, and Remus, he knew without her needing to him so that she wanted him to do the talking. They'd already revealed their telepathic and precognitive powers; she didn't want any more powers to be revealed unless it was necessary. "Voldemort's planning something bad," he said. Only Mr. Weasley flinched at the name. "He's going to break into the London Gringotts in two hours."

"What?" Moody growled in surprise.

"We must get to the Ministry," Mr. Weasley announced, deciding to put off his bewilderment of how these people had just arrived in the office. "Mr…?"

"Blake Mincent-Darmian, sir."

"Mr. Mincent-Darmian, could you describe everything you saw in the Vision?"

"I, we, didn't see much," Blake replied. "We just saw a group of Death Eaters breaking into the Gringotts bank. The Aurors didn't even know they were there until they saw the Dark Mark in the sky. That's it, though."

"Thank you," Mr. Weasley said. He turned to Moody, Remus, and Dumbledore. "Remus, I want you to head over to the Ministry, tell the Order to get over to Diagon Alley. Alastor, I want you to get over to Diagon Alley as soon as you can and get the Aurors already there over to Gringotts. Let's see if we can surprise them before they can steal something else."

"Yes, sir," Moody said. He followed Remus out of the room and down the stairs as fast as his peg leg would let him. They'd borrow two of the school broomsticks to get off of the grounds and then Apparate away.

Mr. Weasley turned to Dumbledore and paused, clearly not sure where to put the Headmaster. "I will accompany Alastor," Dumbledore said. "I believe the Darmians might be of our assistance."

Mr. Weasley glanced at him and then at the three adults that had just teleported into the room. "Yes, about the three of you. Are you wizard and witches?"

Atalanta shook her head. "No, we're not, but we have many talents that would be useful. We'd like to help as much as possible."

"Yes, the-how is it that you got in here, anyway?" He glanced from them to Blake and Hermione. "All of you?"

"Teleportation, sir," Blake answered. "It's one of the many things we can do."

"Okay, then. You're welcome to come with me to the Ministry, then."

He headed for the door when Dante stopped him. "We'd be happy to teleport you there as well, Mr.-," he said.

"Oh." He glanced at Dumbledore. The Headmaster gave him a reassuring nod. "Okay, then. I’m Arthur Weasley, and I'm apparently the new Minister of Magic. See you in Diagon Alley, Albus."

Arthur, Dante, Atalanta, and Nola teleported away in four flashes of light. Dumbledore escorted Blake, Atalanta, and Nola out of his office and went looking for Professor McGonogall to tell her to look after everything while he was gone. Blake, Hermione, and Ron headed off in the opposite direction.

"Your father is the new Minister of Magic?" Blake asked Ron.

"Yeah," Ron said, glancing back at the door they'd just left through, feeling worried and anxious. He wanted to go help fight, to give back some of what Voldemort did to the entire magic community.

Hermione suddenly stopped walking. Ron and Blake had to backtrack when they realized that she wasn't moving with them. "What is it, 'Mione?" Ron asked her.

"I think I know what Voldemort's trying to steal," Hermione said.

"You do?" Blake asked, surprise. He and Ron exchanged a look.

"There was something in one of the books that I saw on that first trip I took with Dante to see your family's library," she explained. "I didn't think anything of it at the time. We need that book. Without it, we won't be able to know what Voldemort is trying to get and what it can do."

"We're not even sure he's stolen anything!" Ron reminded her.

"Yeah, but it's worth a look," Blake conceded. He placed his hands on their arms. "Ready?" he asked them.

After exchanging a glance, Ron and Hermione nodded. They teleported.


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