by monkeyman
Name: New Jack
Short Name: New Jack
Nickname: Original Gangsta
Strategy: Dirty
Brand: (your choice)
AI Logic: Rule Breaker
(your choice)
Weight: Heavy
Skill Type: Rule Breaker
** New Jack himself once said that he only knows 2 wrestling moves (Leg Sweep
and Diving Headbutt). And that he doesn't need to know any other moves because
he just beats people's asses. Soooooo I used the Rule Breaker template for New
Front Grapple: Neck Hanging
Rear Grapple: Atomic Drop
Front Turnbuckle Grapple: Super Angle Slam
Rear Turnbuckle Grapple: Face Slam to Pole
Attack From Turnbuckle: Diving Headbutt 02
Down Grapple (Upper U): Mounted Punches
Down Grapple (Upper D): Back Mounted Punches
Down Grapple (Side U): Mounted Punches
Momentum Shift: Low Blow 02
Width: +20
Volume: +8
Face: Vertical +11; Deep 0; Width +8; Length 0; Depth 0
Cheekbones: Vertical 0; Deep 0; Width 0; Height 0; Volume 0
Outline: Vertical +7; Deep +11; Width +16
Jaw: Vertical 0; Deep 0; Width +34
Eye Brow: Horizontal 0; Vertical -40; Deep 0; Width -10; Height -38; Yaw 0;
Roll -12
Eyes: Horizontal 0; Vertical 0; Deep 0; Width 0; Height 0; Yaw 0; Roll 0
Nose: Vertical 0; Deep 0; Width 0; Length 0; Depth 0; Pitch 0
Mouth: Vertical +8; Deep 0; Width +6; Length -24; Depth 0; Pitch 0
Lip Angle: Vertical 0; Deep 0; Width 0
Crown: Width 0; Length 0; Depth 0
Head: Width +44; Length 0; Depth 0
Neck: Width +26; Length 0; Depth +26
Shoulder: Width +22; Length 0; Depth 0
Upper Arm: Width +16; Length +16
Forearm: Width +16; Length +16
Hand: Width +8; Length +8; Depth +8
Chest: Width 0; Depth 0
Abdomen: Width +26; Depth +26
Waist: Width +26; Length +26; Depth +26
Thigh: Width +22; Depth +22
Calf: Width +26; Depth +26
Feet: Width 0; Length 0; Depth 0
Hairstyle: None
Eyes: Eye Shape = Brow Wide; Eyelashes = Male Eye Wrinkle 07; Iris = Normal
Black 01
Eye Brow: Normal -- Color: H 360, S 0, B 11
Nose: Big Hole
Mouth: Thick Lips 01
Moustache: Moustache 01 -- Color: H 335, S 36, B 18
Outline: Face Line 06
Wrinkles: Wrinkle 01
Decoration (lower): NONE
Decoration (upper): NONE
Mask: NONE
Body: Fat -- Color: H 360, S 0, B 25
Inner Wear: No Sleeves 02 -- Color: H 360, S 0, B 11 -- Pattern 01 = custom
ECW logo
Outer Wear: Country -- Color: H 0, S 0, B 70 -- Pattern 01 = Camouflage -- Color:
H 360, S 74, B 32
Bottom Wear: Hip Hop 02 -- Color: H 0, S 0, B 70 -- Pattern 01 = Camouflage
-- Color: H 360, S 74, B 32
Gear 1: Bandana -- Head -- Horizontal 0; Vertical +13; Deep +3; Width +52; Height
+44; Depth +40; Pitch +10; Yaw 0; Roll +51 -- Color: H 360, S 74, B 32
Tattoo: Combination Body 01 -- Color: H 81, S 65, B 20
Elbow: Supporter 02 -- Color: H 360, S 0, B 11
Wrist: Wrist Band Short -- Color: H 360, S 0, B 11
Hand: Bandage 01 -- Color: H 360, S 0, B 11
Footwear: Ring Shoes Short 01 -- Color 1, 2, & 3: H 0, S 0, B 20
(Detailed Creation -> Template 09 with changes)
Theme Music: *your choice* I chose "Bring the Noise"
Entrance Movie: WWE
Entrance Walk: WGTT
Name Plate Settings: Ramp
Scene Edit:
Intro: n/a
Stage: Benjamin
Ramp: Benjamin
Arena: Male 31
Intro: Intro 02
Stage: Stage 01=Stage 07
Ramp: Ramp01=Ramp03
Arena: Arena 01=Arena 01; Arena 05=Arena 13
Intro: Tag Blue
Stage: Stage 01=HBK
Ramp: Ramp 01=Continue
Arena: Arena 01=Continue
Intro: NONE
Stage: NONE
Ramp: NONE
Arena: NONE