DANILO MARIC was born Augst 26. 1938. year in Kosor, twelf kilometars from Mostar, capital city of county Hercegovina, in state Bosnia and Hercegovina accordingly in Yugoslavia. Kosor is cetrically village in Mostar's valley Bisce polje, with the most rivers in the world: Neretva, Radobolja, Jasenica, Posrt, Buna and Bunica, thay were fascining him in his childhood, and vastly govern to forming his character, and even literature's opus.
Danilo is technician (engener and master degree), educated in Blagaj, Mostar, Trstenik and Sarajevo. He is now retired, worked over 40 years, (35 years in Mostar and 5 years in Los Angeles.) In front of Yugoslavia's war he refuged April 3. 1992. years, and after 3 years dislodges landed
in Los Angeles, he is living there now.
Danilo Maric is a writer: 9 novels, about 90 stories, and poems, drames and expertises.
1965. Years Danilo Maric paired off with a Danica Supljeglav from Lakisevina (village nex to Kosor).
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