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Yep. Dat beautiful woman is de person I'm gon' spend de rest of my life wit...*dreamy sigh*

Her name is Jacqueline Rochelle LeBeau. Yeah, dat's right, LeBeau. Jackie, also known as Jade, is de adoptive daughter of Jean-Luc LeBeau. She's also de one an' only livin' (as far as we know) blood relation of my best friend Remy.

Jacks an' I met when she joined our family a few years ago. As amazin' as it sounds, it didn' take her (a mutant street kid slash circus performer) or me (a professional t'ief) long to realize de attraction we felt was real. Trust came a little later, but even dat didn' take too long. We jus' hit it off. It was incredible.

At any rate, we fell in love (duh) an' I t'ought everythin' was perfect, but it wasn'. For awhile anyways. 'Bout a year an' a half ago, Jackie d'cided she had to get away from Nawlins for awhile an' find herself. She hooked up wit' some fellow young mutants an' kinda wandered 'round de country. Den de FOH captured dem an' did experiments on dem. Dey were rescued by de X-Men an' brought back to de Xavier School for Gifted Youngesters, which is were Jackie met Remy for de first time. A few months ago, Jackie told me dat she didn' t'ink she'd be comin' back here to Nawlins to live 'gain, jus' dat she'd come for visits an' stuff. If her leavin' for all dose months didn' make me realize jus' how much I needed her, dat announcement did. An' it nearly broke my heart.

It took de help of our mutual friend Jean Summers to openly admit an' discuss how we felt 'bout de t'ings goin' on in our lives, an' wit' each other's lives. It's never been easy for either of us to come out an' say how we feel, no matter who we're talkin' to, but once we did...Jackie d'cided to stay here permenantly, after she said she had no idea how she could have possibly t'ought she could ever live without me. Her words, not mine.

We started talkin' 'bout de whole marriage t'ing not long after she returned from Westchester wit' all de stuff she'd acquired over de year. It was a logical step, an' a few weeks ago, I took her out on de most romantic evenin' I could t'ink of an' asked her to marry me. She said yes an' now has a beautiful diamond ring on her finger. We've d'cided to take de next year an' plan our dream weddin' an' get married in August of next year.

So do you wan' know more 'bout de love of my life? Hmm...okay. De followin' information is bein' put here wit' Jackie's permission. Anythin' else you wan' know, you'll have to ask her, now won' you?

BIRTHDATE: March 11, 1977

HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 5'3", 108 lbs

HAIR COLOR: Reddish-brown

EYES: Purple irises, black sclera



POWERS: De ability to read de thoughts of de people she has de closest bonds to. Like her older brother, she also has de ability to charge objects wit' biokinetic energy an' use dem as exploding weapons. Unlike Gambit, she learned how to use de full extent of de powers at an early age an' has always been able to charge objects without touching dem.

FAVORITES: De colors purple an' black, pizza, chocolate ice cream, watchin' old drama programs from de 80s (such as Miami Vice an' the A-Team), tigers, wolves, goin' to movies.

If you're interested, Jackie has an online journal as well, dat can be found HERE. She updates it 'bout as often as I do, but I guess dat's not de point. De point is, it's our own t'oughts 'bout t'ings. Yeah. Okay.