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Email Survey

Theo got an email survey earlier today an' he sent it on to me, so I t'ought I'd fill it out an' put it on de site. Like I said, you're gon' learn more 'bout me den you ever wanted to! :)

Name: Emil Francois Lapin

Were you named after someone? My father

Do you wish on stars? Not usually

Which finger is your favorite? These two: *Gives Peace sign*

When did you last publicly cry? What are you, nuts?

If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play you? Someone wit' red hair, obviously...

Do you like your handwriting? I'm a computer programmer, what do you t'ink?

Who are you jealous of? My cousin Remy

What is your favorite lunch meat? Anyt'ing Cajun-style

Any bad habits? Stayin' at my computer for hours an' hours wit'out movin' or eatin' or anyt'ing

What store would you never be caught dead in? Dose "Claire's" stores...dat's why I never go shoppin' wit' Zoe

If you were another person would you be friends with you? Well my friends are friends wit' me an' dey ain' me, so yeah

Are you a daredevil? I'm a professional t'ief, does dat answer your question?

Do you follow or lead? I ain' much of a leader...dat's more Theo's an' Mercy's department...

Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? Nope

Have you ever stolen anything? Is dis a trick question? (dat was actually Theo's answer to de question an' I left it 'cause it rocks)

Do looks matter? Nope

Do you pray? Yes...Tante Mattie would flip if I didn'

Have you ever met anyone famous? Non, but Mercy met Reed Richards once

Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? No, b'cause if dere was, don' you t'ink we would have stolen it by now?

Are you trendy? Nope

What do you do to vent anger? Hide in my closet an' cry, usually

Who is your idol? My uncle Jean-Luc was prob'ly de greatest man I have ever met

Who is your second family? I don' have one, actually, but my friend Jean is prob'ly de closest

What was your favorite toy as a child? I honestly don' remember

What class in school did you think was totally useless? De ones dat had not'ing to do wit' computers

Have you ever been on radio or television? Non an' I don' plan on it anytime soon

Do you have a journal? Yes, an online one

Do you write in it? Quite often

Have you ever intentionally hurt another person? Oui

Did they deserve it? I would never hurt someone if dey didn' d'serve it

Do you like/use sarcasm? All de time...drives ev'ryone nuts

Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Non

Do you feel understood most of the time? Only by certain people

Would you rather have a sore throat or an upset stomach? Sore throat

Have you thought seriously about committing suicide? Seriously? Non. But dat don' mean I didn' t'ink 'bout it in a moment of weakness

Do you know what "sctief" is? Um...

What are your nicknames? Mil, Red

Could you be a vegetarian? Not on your life

Have you ever bungee jumped? No way

Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? Oui

Have you ever given money to a bum? Non

What are you worried about right now? De fact dat my friend Jean is bein' possessed by a really pissed off telepath who is also pissed off at my girlfriend

Do you ever wear overalls? Hey I may be a geek, but I ain' dat much of one

Do you think you are strong (emotionally)? Only 'bout 25% of de time

What's your favorite scent? Tante Mattie's gumbo

Say something nice about the person who sent this to you: Theoren is my cousin an' my friend an' if you get past his seriousness, he's one of de most dedicated an' carin' people you will ever meet