Dear John,
I have before me your two letters of 21st Jany and 18 Feby [sic] ............
Spain has declared war against England -- The Havannah is opened for all our provisions, [_____] [__] invasion will be, but [____] the 21st May against every kind of American [___] [___] allowed any [___] ,[___] [____] --
Mr. John Close
Contractors Agent
Apelouses [sic]
Mr. J. B. [____]
Received the 21st of March 1805
better have some previous arrangements for a boat so [__] any time to be readily able to go or send for provisions that may be [______] at Plaquemines.
Endeavor to keep off you payments as long at you can at the present time, because until provisions boats arrive, I am, as you may imagine, shorn close for funds -- owing to the severity of the winter, to the new [____], nine [_____] boats have yet arrived, & as I have not yet drawn one dollar; & mean not if possible, I have only enough to keep a little ordinance--
I expect all the next year contracts myself.
With respect and regards
John F. Watson
Am very glad to find the troops consolidated. I may perhaps, send you [__] proof [____] rum to sell on my account -- How much could you sell, taking meat in exchange? at what price-- full proof & reduced to [__] proof?
I wrote you some few lines last month via Attacapas [sic]
Addressed to:
Mr. John Close
Contractor's Agent
Apelousas [sic]