The most important thing that I have found in working with Glitters is Order.
So I will explain how I have my folders set up so you can get an idea of how you might want to set yours up.
In my C: drive I have created a "Graphics" folder and a "Workstuff" folder. I put an "~" before them so they will be on top and I won't have to hunt all over for them.
In my "Graphics" folder I have a folder called "Glitters" where I download all my glitters to. I also have a folder named "Glitter Each" inside my glitters folder where I put my "broken" apart glitters. (will explain that later) Inside my "Workstuff" folder I put the things I'm working on in thier Own folder for future use. (so I don't forget where I put them and to keep order)
So 2 folders in C: drive- "Graphics" and "Workstuff"
Inside your graphics folder- "Glitter" folder with "Glitter Each" folder inside it.
As you download a lot of Glitters, you will understand my need of different folders. have to "break" your glitters apart .
Choose your "Glitter" you want to use here: Get the Glitter
Right click and Save your "glitter" to your graphics/glitter folder.
Open PSP 7.
Go to File/Jasc Software Products/Launch Animation Shop.
In your Animation Shop, go up to File/Browse, and find your "Glitter" you just downloaded.
Double click on it to open it in your Animation Shop, you will now see 3 frames. This begins the "breaking glitters apart" statement.
Hold down your Control Key and hit A to select all of the frames.
Then Control + C to copy them.
Go back to PSP 7 "Paste as Animations as Multiple Images" anywhere on an empty space.
You should now have 3 different frames open in PSP.
Left click with your "Arrow" tool on your 1st frame to select it, go to file, save as, find your graphics/glitter/glittereach folder and inside the "glitter each" folder make a new folder and name it "Purple_003"(or the name of that glitter you downloaded.) then double click your new folder you just made.
Then save this 1st frame as "1" inside your Purple_003 folder and in the "Save as type" it should automatically say, "Paint Shop Pro Image."
Now click on 2nd frame to select it, click up on the "floppy disk" icon and save as "2".
Do the same for the 3rd frame by clicking to select it, clicking on floppy icon and save as "3".
You should now have frames named 1,2,and 3.
Now we can begin making our name that we are thru "breaking" our frames apart. Now the next time you want to make a "glitter" name with this particular "glitter" you won't have to go through the "breaking" process. You now have that color in your Purple_003 folder. You can just go there and Open each of the 3 different frames and begin working. I do this same process for each color glitter I download, for future use.
You can go to Animation shop and close out your 3 frames and close your "browse" window.
Click here to continue: Make Glitter Name