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Adding glitter to a Picture

For this tut we will add some glitter to a picture with a glitter name beside it.

You will have had to read my tuts on, Curved text, if you want your name to be curved over the dogs bow like mine is.

For this tag you will need the following:

This red glitter and this Dalmatian tube. Dalmatian tube

If you need instructions how to download and extract your tube see these instructions.

Have your glitters broken into 3 frames according to my instructions here and opened on your workspace in PSP.

Open a "New Image, Transparent 235 X 355, Click ok.
Click on your tubes tool, and add your Dalmatian tube "Scale" set to 75, place him kinda close to the bottom because we will add our name on the top, over the bow.
If he's not right in the middle you can use your "Mover" tool to move him.
Go up to "Effect", "Sharpen", "Sharpen."
Go to "Foreground Color" box, and click and hold down the black arrow.
Choose "Pattern" from the menu."
Click on your "Foreground color" box and scroll up to find your number 1 red glitter. Click on it to select it, Scale set to 77, click ok.
Click on hold down your "Background color" box and choose "Solid" from the menu.
Click on your "Background color" box and choose "White" as your background color.

Optional step
****If you want to go through the steps for curved this now according to my Curved text tut. Just following the steps of how to put the circle on, and take it off and the box off...don't use the text instructions for that tut..use these for this dog tag. After you "Select none" on the last "Vector box" of the circle for sure to double click on your name to put a "Vector box" back around your text so you can go up to Selections to make it "Float". ****

Click on your text tool.
Click above your dog to add your name.
My settings in my "Text Entry" box are: Walt Disney Script for my Font, size 48, Bold, Kern 0, Leading 0, Vector CHECKED Antialias checked, Click Ok.

If you need to adjust your text, use the little boxes on your vector box surrounding your text. If you need to move it over, place your cursor in the center of your vector box until you see the 4 arrows then move it to where you need it.
Ok, Get your Crop tool and crop your image.
Go to Selections, then From Vector Objects.
Go back to Selections, then float.
With your Name now floating, Shift + D, 2 times until you have a total of 3 frames with floating names.
Click on the title bar of one of your frames, Click on your Flood fill tool, and fill your name with your number 1 red glitter.
Move it over, click on the title bar of another frame, click on your Foreground Color box, and find your number 2 red glitter. Flood fill your second name.
Find number 3 and do the same for you last frame. to the fun part.
Save them in a folder as a .psp in the order that you did the glitter number 1 glitter would be saved as (number1dog.psp) , number 2 glitter would be saved as (number2dog.psp) etc. Just to keep order.
With you 3 dogs on number 3's title bar...since you have your number 3 glitter in your Foreground.
Click "L" on your keyboard to open your Layers palette.
It will probably look like this.

Right click on your Layer2 and delete it.
Click on your Layer1 to highlight it.

******side note****

If you hold your cursor over the layer you will see a little picture of what is on that layer, in case you get confused as to why you can't do something...or if you are doing something and its not working and you don't know why you can use that to find the right layer.*****

Layer1 is suppose to be your dog...hold your cursor over the palette just to make sure. You can right click it and rename it "Dog" to help you remember if need be.

Ok, fun time begins.
Either go up to View and "Zoom in by 1" a couple of times so you can see good, or click on your Zoom tool (under your arrow tool) and click on your dog to zoom in. Zoom in on the part of the ribbon with the bow.
Click your 'Magic wand' tool, set your tolerance to 70, feather 0, RGB value.
Touch your magic wand on a red part of your bow.
Go to your Flood fill tool and now fill that bow part with Glitter 3. Get your magic wand and click another part of the bow (remembering to click on a red part and not the black part), fill that part. Continue with this until all parts of the bow are filled.
Now click on the ribbon under his arms with your wand and fill it.

Ok, do the same with the 2 parts of the ribbon
beside his cheeks (zoom in more if you need to)
to completely fill all of the ribbon with Glitter 3.

Ok....go thru the same process with the other 2 dog frames doing Dog # 2 with Glitter # 2, and dog #1 with Glitter # 1.
Important part before you start with the other 2 frames is that you
REMEMBER TO DELETE Layer2 before you start, or you will get a message about "current Floating selections."
When you've finished with that dog, and you want to Zoom back out, hit your "Normal View" icon.

After you have completely filled all your dogs ribbons with glitters, go up to the Save icon and hit save for all 3 of your frames, it won't ask you to name them because you already have.

Go to File, Jasc Software Products, Launch Animation shop

Click on your Animation Wizard. (located in the top left corner of Animation shop)
There will be 6 frames in the Wizard, use these settings.
Pane 1...Same size as the first image frame, Selected, click Next.
Pane 2...Transparent selected, click Next.
Pane 3...Upper left corner of the frame, selected, With the canvas color, selected, click Next.
Pane 4...Yes repeat the animation indefinitely, selected. How long do you want the frame to be displayed..set to 15. Click Next.
Pane on Add Image. Drop down the drop down arrow, find your folder, open frames 1, 2 and 3. Click Next
Click "Finish" on the 6th pane.
In the upper right hand corner, click on your "View Animation" icon.
And there you have your glitter on a picture with your name.

Go to File, Save as, find your folder, hit save.
Hit next on all the following panes and Finish on the last pane. And there you have it.

Ok, hope that wasn't too hard to understand and you learned something new!!


You can also use 2 different colors of glitter as my daughter Lauren did here.
She followed my instructions on the text and just used blue glitters 1,2, and 3......then when she started doing the ribbon, she used the red 1,2, and 3.
I didn't want to get all bogged down in explaining it and get you more confused...but you can try that too once you get used to doing the glitters.

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