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Merge 2 Images

Merging Two Images Together

Open both the images you want to merge on your workspace.
I work with the resizing to get the to the size I want them both to be by going to IMAGE>RESIZE.
If your image you want on top has a back ground you don’t want on there, get your ROPE TOOL, type O on your KEYBOARD to bring up your TOOL OPTIONS and make your Selection type be FREEHAND and your Feather be 22. Draw completely around the part of the picture that you want to keep, and then you will see it feather out.
Now click on your ARROW TOOL, then RIGHT CLICK and COPY the image you just Feathered out and go to the image you want on the bottom and RIGHT CLICK and PASTE AS A NEW LAYER.
Get your MOVER TOOL, (the one with the crossed arrows) and move the top layer to where you want it on the picture.
Now, on your Keyboard type the letter L to bring up your layer palette. You should see 2 layers. On top it should say LAYER 1 and on bottom it should say BACKGROUND.
On the LAYER 1 layer, move the slider over as you look at the image to see how transparent you want the image to be. Mine is on 77, just because that’s where I liked it. Yours can be on what you want it on. If you don’t want it transparent, just leave it be.

When you are happy with the image and have put your name on it or whatever else you’d like, go up to LAYERS>MERGE>MERGE ALL (FLATTEN)
Save as whatever file name you give it and you have finished your image.
Hope this helped!

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