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Ms. Pink Cotton Candy tut

For this tut you will need:
Super Blade pro with M_coconutice,
You can get the M_coconutice preset here
Toadies Filter found here,
VM Natural--Sparkle effect found here .
(go down to the bottom of the page and look in
the box beside Visman to download the VM Natural)
I used “Majestic” font found here
“Lt dawn fade” gradient here
and Pink Beauty 3 tube here

1. Open a new 400 X 400, transparent image.

2. Put your Pink Beauty woman in the center of your image.

3. Go to Effects/Geometric Effects/twirl and set it to 500, hit Ok.

4. Repeat the twirl a second time…same setting.

5. Go to Effects/Toadies/Gray removing BOOST.

6. Go to Effects/Toadies/Blast ‘n’ Blur, Y effect=5, X effect=17.

7. Put a second Pink Beauty woman on top of that…I resized mine smaller.

8. Go to your text tool, I used Majestic font, Bold checked, floating checked, antialias checked, font size whatever you like. Stroke set to the lt. dawn fade gradient, fill set to white.

9. Place the text where you want it, go to Effects/Flaming Pear, Super Blade pro, use the M_coconutice effect.

10. Effects/drop shadow/ Vertical=5, Horizontal=2, Opacity=73, Blur=7.4, back ground color=#83395F

11. Merge visible layers. Crop if necessary.

12. On your layers palette…duplicate your layer 2 more times so you end up with 3 layers.

13. Hide 2 of your layers by clicking on the eyeglasses so they have a red check, highlight the 3rd layer.

14. Go to Effects/VM Natural/Sparkle---Max size=56, Red, Green, Blue, and Rnd Color on/off all are set to 255, Random speed set to 168.

15. Click on your second layer to unhide it, click on the glasses of the layer you just “sparkled” to hide it.

16. Go to Effects/VM Natural/Sparkle---Max size=53, Random speed=199, all other stay at 255.

17. Click on your last layer to unhide it, hide the layer you just “sparkled.”

18. Go back to VM Natural/Sparkle---Max size=47, Random speed=142.

19. Uncheck all 3 layers.

20. Go to file/save as. Save in .psp format to a folder.

21. Open Animation Shop.

22. Click on Browse.

23. Find your file you just saved. Double click to open it.

24. Click on the title bar of the image.

25. Hold down Control and hit A to select all frames (Ctrl+A)

26. Hold down Alt key, hit enter (Alt + Enter) and set Frame properties to 27. Hit ok.

27. Go to file/save as/find your folder/name it/hit Save button.

28. On the “Animation Quality Versus output size screen, hit the customize button, on the “Colors” tab…Optimized Median Cut is checked, Nearest color is checked. On the “Partial Transparency” tab, “convert pixels less than is set to ‘0’, Yes, blend with this color is set to white. Hit Ok.

29.Hit next on all following screens.

And there you have your Pink Cotton Candy girl.

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