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How to make a Snowglobe tutorial

Ok, roll up your sleeves and get ready to work hard and concentrate! haha. Do this on a day your brain is fresh and the kids are in school and every ones gone out of the house but you! This is fun, and challenging and very rewarding.
But don't get scared! You can do it.


I will make a snowglobe using this Snowmen gif.

Save it to your hard drive and go to PSP 7, go up to "File", "Jasc Software Products", "Launch Animation shop". In the Animation shop go to "File" "Browse New Folder" to find your Snowmen gif that you just saved.
(It will show up transparent in Animation shop.)
Double click on it to open. Right click on it and copy.
Go back to PSP and hit your "Paste" icon, or right click and say "Paste as a new image."

Now we have it Transparent in PSP..thats what we need.

You will need this "snow" tube, the "base" tube, and the "glass globe" tube. Click on each one to save.
Snow tube Base tube Glass globe tube

Click here if you need to learn how to "Unzip" and "Extract" your tubes.

(They are shown smaller than they actually are.)

We will use this snow as a background. Right click and save it to your hard drive, or you can copy, then paste it in your workspace.
Either way, Open it in your workspace.

Open up a new image 366 X 316, Transparent, click OK.
Click and hold down your foreground color, choose "Pattern."
Click on your "Flood Fill" tool.
Click inside your "Foreground" color box and scroll up to find your "Snowbkg" you just opened in your workspace. Click on it to select ok.
Fill your New Image with the "snowbkg" color in your Foreground.
Select your "Arrow" tool.
Now Right click on your Snowmen gif and Copy.
Right click on your Snow Background and "Paste As New Selection in the center of your Snow background."
Go up to "Selections" none.
Click on your "Selections" tool.

If your tool box is not open, go up and open it now.

In your tool options box, choose Circle, Feather set to 0, Antialias checked.

Ok..this is kinda tricky. Touch your "Selections tool" right in the center of your snowmen and drag out until you get all your snowmen in you "selection." Don't go all the way to your frame border tho.
If you don't get it right the first time..just hit undo, and try again.
You should end up with something like this.

Go up to "Edit" "copy."
Open "New Image" 366 X 392, Transparent, 16.7 Million colors.
Go to "Edit","Paste," "As New Selection." Place it kinda at the top of that new image, leaving room at the bottom for your "Base."
Hit your L key on your keyboard to open your "Layers" palette.
Now, go up to "Layers" "New Raster Layer."
Name this layer snow1. Hit Ok.

Go up to "Selections" "Save to Alpha Channel."

Hit 'Ok.'
I don't name mine..i just leave it alone. Hit ok.

Go up to "Selections" "Load from Alpha Channel."

Hit Ok.
Select your "Tubes" tool.

Scroll to find your Snow10 tube, Scale 100.

Click on your snowmen.
That will be your first layer of snow. It should look something like this.

Go up to "Selections" "select none."
Go back to "Layers", New Raster Layer" it snow2, Click Ok.
Go back to "Selections", "Load from Alpha channel", Click Ok.
Use your "Snow10" tube again, adding more snow.

Go up to "Selections", "Select none again." Back up to "Layers", New Raster Layer, name it "snow3", click Ok.
"Selections", Load from Alpha Channel" Click Ok.
Click with your "Snow10" Tube on your snowmen 1 last time.

Go to "Selections", "Select none."
Go up to "Layers" "New Raster Layer" name it "globe", click OK.
Go to "Selections" "Load from Alpha Channel", Click Ok.
Select your "GlassGlobe" tube from your tubes.Set Scale to whatever looks best on your circle. My Scale is set to 172
Click in the center of your snowmen.

"Selections", "Select none."
Go back to "Layers" "New Raster Layer" name it "base" Click Ok.
Your "Layers Palette" should now look like this.

Scroll on your Tubes box to find your "Fancy Base" My Scale set to 66. You will have to adjust yours to according to how big your circle is.
Click under your globe with your "Base" tube. If its not in the right position, use your Mover Tool, to position it better.

Use your crop tool to crop your snowglobe.

After its cropped like you want it. Go to "File", Save as, and find you a place to save it as, Paint Shop Pro Image(*.psp, *.jsl, *.pfr, *.tub)

Continued on next page.
