Ok...click on the title bar of your snowglobe...to select it.
Now on your keyboard. Shift + D, to duplicate it.
Click on the title bar of your "Duplicated" snowglobe, go up to "Layer", "Merge", "Merge Visible."
Click on your "Save" icon, Save this Layer 1 snowglobe in a folder..name it snowglobe1, and save as .Psp, like we did earlier.
Now you can minimize that saved Snowglobe.
Click back on your original snowglobe's title bar (to select it), and on your Layers palette uncheck the glasses on snow2 layer, and CHECK the glasses on snow1.
Now hit Shift + D to duplicate layer 2 snowglobe.
Click on the duplicates title bar, go to "Layers", "Merge", "Merge Visible."
Click on your "Save" icon, save as snowglobe2, as a PSP. Minimize it.
Click on the original snowglobe's title bar. On the Layers palette, uncheck the glasses on snow3 layer, and check the glasses on the snow2 layer.
Shift + D to duplicate this last layer, click on your duplicates title bar then go to "Layers", "Merge" "Merge Visible."
Save icon, save as snowglobe3, as a PSP.
Ok...whew! Almost finished!!!
Go the Animation Shop.
Click on the "Animation Wizard" icon.
Ok..it will show a total of like 5 panes before we get to where I want you to be...so I won't show them..I will just tell you.
Pane 1...Same size as the first image frame, Selected, click Next.
Pane 2...Transparent selected, click Next.
Pane 3...Upper left corner of the frame, selected, With the canvas color, selected, click Next.
Pane 4...Yes repeat the animation indefinitely, selected. How long do you want the frame to be displayed..set to 15. Click Next.
Pane 5...click on Add Image.
Find your 3 saved snowglobes...Open all three.
Now that all 3 are open in pane 5...click next.
Pane 6, click Finish.
With all 3 of your frames open in Animation shop, click the "View Animation" icon.
And there it is!!!! Pretty huh?
Go up to "File" "Save as."
Find your folder, name your animation, hit save.
Hit "Next" on all the remaining 3 panes, then "Finish" on the last one, and you are done!