If at anytime you need to undo something you may mess up, hit your undo button
Sometimes working with gifs that are 256 colors you will notice some of your tools won't work. If that happens, click on your gif (to select it) go up to Colors/Increase Color Depth/16 Million colors.
Also, your fonts may have a "jaggy" look, I always change all my gifs to 16 million colors when I work with them.
If you are using a gif with a back ground around it, remove the background using these steps. Making a transparent gif
I like to match my background color with something in the picture. For this I will use the green in the 2nd dolls dress.
To do this go to your "dropper" tool on your left in PSP7.
Now touch the dropper tool on the second dolls dress.
Now your color shows up as your Foregound color on the right side of PSP.
If you don't see it, either hit "C" on your keyboard or go up and click on your color palette icon.
Now open a new image.
Make your new image 50 X 50 pixels and this time set your Background color to "Foreground color." Click ok.
Now select your "dropper" tool again and this time click on the 2nd dolls buttons to get the "off white" color.
If at anytime you need to move in closer on your gif to get a finer detail, go up to view and down to "zoom in by 1" or "zoom in by 5" I find my self doing this alot.
To view it normal size again click this button.
Now 'off white" is your foreground color. (on your right)(I'm not going to show you that picture.)
Now select your paintbrush tool on your left
Then go up to your tool box.
Set your paintbrush options to these settings. Shape=round, Size=6, Hardness=50,Opacity=100.
No go to back to your new image and touch your paint brush on the green to make these sorts of dots. Or your own. It doesn't really matter, we are creating! Right?
Now go over to your "Foreground color" (on the right hand side of PSP) and click on the "black triangle."
Now choose the "pattern" icon.
Go to next page to finish. I didn't want to put all these pix on the page so it wouldn't take too long for the page to load. (for those of us that don't have DSL!) *sticks tongue out at Michelle*