If you choose to use it too, you will have to Go up to "Colors"/down to Increase Color Depth, then choose 16 million colors. Or you won't be able to check your Antialias box inside your Text Entry box and your font might look jagged.
Select your text tool.
Click on your tag/gif/jpg where you want your text.
It brings up your Text Entry Box
Select the following choices I have on mine.
I chose "BethsCuteHmkBold font", Size=36, Auto kern checked, Bold selected, Justification on "Center", Click on Standard text box, Vector selected, Antialias checked, Click in side the "Fill box" under Styles, then choose your color. I chose red, then click ok.
Type your name in the "Enter Text here" box. Then click "Ok" on your Text Entry box.
Now look on the inside of the "Vector" box that surrounds your text and you will see a line with a little box on the end. If you touch that little box with your mouse (with the text tool still selected) you can move it up or down to slant your text.
Now that you have it slanted, click in the VERY center of that Vector box to move it to the right postition you want it in. (when you click in the Center 4 arrows will show up, if you click in the wrong place the Text Entry box will show up, click Cancel to get rid of it.)
Lets add a shadow to it.
Go up to "Selections" down to "From a Vector object"
Then Back to "Selections" again and down to "Float."
If you right click on your Text tool again (or right click on any tool) a menu will come up. Click on Effects tool bar.
Ok, now go up to your Effects tool bar that you just opened and click on your "Drop Shadow" icon.
The way your shadow looks shows up in the second window, you can set it the way you like or use my settings which are, Vertical=3, Horizonal=3, Opacity=28, Blur=3.7, Color is Black,(you can click on the color box to change to desired color) then Click, Ok.
Now go up to "Layers", down to "Merge", "Merge Visible."
Then go to "Selections" and down to "Select None" to get rid of the "marching ants."
Then go to File/save as, then save it.