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How to make a Tube Tutorial

Making Tubes are a lot like making a transparent gif.
I will make a tube from this gif. Your can right click and save it to your hard drive, or just copy it, and paste it on your workspace in PSP

Open your cow gif on your workspace.
Open a "New Image" 190 X 165, Transparent, 16.7 Million colors.
With your Arrow tool chosen, right click and copy your Cow gif, and right click and "Paste as new selection" in your new Transparent image.
You will end up like this.

There are several ways to do this, but this is how I learned and so..I just keep doing it the same way.
Choose your Freehand tool...which I call "rope tool."

(If your tool box isn't open, open it now)

Set it to "Freehand" "Feather" 0, "Antialias" checked.

Draw a squiggly line on the Transparent part of your New Image.

Now choose your "Magic Wand" tool.

Touch on the white part of your gif that you want removed.
It will change the "marching ants" to around your cow.

Go up to your scissors and click...or hit delete on your keyboard.
And the white background is gone. If there is any more white you want to get rid of, just touch on it with your magic wand and hit your scissors icon, or delete on your keyboard until all of the unwanted background is gone.
Now go up to "Selections" "Select none."
Now go up to "Edit" "Copy"
Go back to "Edit", "Paste", "As New Image."
Close out your cow gif, and the cow that we just took the background off of, leaving only your New cow.
Go up to "File" "Export" "Picture tube."

In the "Cells across" leave it as 1, "Cells down" 1, Name your tube, hit ok.

Click on your "Tubes tool" and open your "Tool box" and scroll to find your new tube.