For this tut you will need the typewriter tube found here, and “Teletype” font. We will be working with our layer palette a lot. So I hope you have working knowledge if of it…if not...I hope I explain good.
I chose this typewriter because it looks just like the one I learned to type on in the 9th grade.
2. Click on your tubes tool and set your scale to size 100.
3. Place your typewriter tube in the center of your new image, using your ‘mover’ tool if need be.
4. Go up to Effects/Sharpen/Sharpen.
5. Hit your ‘L’ key on your keyboard to bring up your ‘layers palette.’
6. Right click on ‘layer 1’ on your layers palette and duplicate layer 1 a total of 2 times…leaving you with 3 layers.
7. Now on your very top layer…right click on it, choose rename, and rename it ‘last frame’ so you won’t get confused.
8. On ‘layer 1’, check the glasses to hide it and do the same for the ‘last frame’ layer.
9. Highlight ‘copy of layer 1’ layer.
10. Go to your text tool, type your name, using the Teletype font, and depending on your name size, figure out what size you will need, I used 24. ‘Fill’ set to black, ‘Stroke’ set to null. Vector checked, Antialias checked. Hit ok.
11. Move your text to where it ‘might’ be if you were actually typing it.
12. That adds another layer, right click on that layer and choose, merge/merge visible.
13. Now we are back to 3 layers, on the ‘merged’ layer, right click and duplicate that layer 1 number less than the number of letters in your name. I have 7 letters, so I will duplicate it 6 times. I have a total of 9 frames; you should have a total of how ever many letters in your name plus 2.
14. We will begin working on the layer right above ‘layer 1’ and working our way from the bottom up. So hide all layers except the next to the bottom one.
15. Highlight your next to bottom layer. (It should be named ‘merged)
16. Click on your dropper tool and click on the ‘paper’ on your typewriter to get the right color. (Making sure your foreground color is set to solid color)
17. Select your ‘paint brush’, size set to 27, and begin painting over all the letters except the first letter of your name.
18. Use your ‘zoom tool’ to zoom in a couple times to the ‘keyboard’ of your typewriter. Find the letter of your name begins with. You may have to use your own keyboard to kinda decipher which key is which.
19. Select your ‘lasso’ tool. Draw a circle around your key with the lasso tool and double click on the inside of it. Then you will see 4 arrows, click on your ‘key’ with the 4 arrows and move your key down.
20. Go to selections and select none.
21. Select your ‘clone tool’, size set to 1or 2, Find an area next to where you have a blank space around your key that matches and right click, then left click and fill in the blank spaces around your key that you just moved. You may need to zoom in more.
22. When you have all the areas filled in, hide that layer you just worked on and go to the next layer up, highlight that layer. (Remember work from the bottom up)
23. Select your paintbrush and paint over all but the 1st two letters in your name.
24. Get your lasso tool, draw a circle around the ‘key’ on the keyboard that matches the second letter in your name, move it, deselect it, and repeat the clone process.
25. Then go to your next letter, always hiding your layer you just worked on, and highlighting the one that you will be working on.
26. Repeat this process until you have finished your name.
27. On your last letter, you don’t have to paint, just do your ‘key.’
28. Shift + D to make a copy of your frame you just finished. (With your whole name showing)
29. On the copy, crop your name, kinda close around your name.
30. Right click and Copy your name you just cropped.
31. Unhide your ‘last frame.'
32. On you “last frame” layer, move your opacity slider to 55 so you can see your layer beneath.
33. Make sure your ‘last frame’ layer is highlighted.
34. Zoom in a couple of times so you can align better.
35. Right click on the typewriter and position your name right above the name you see on you typewriter and paste as new selection.
36. Now you can move the slider back to 100.
37. Go to selections/select none.
38. Make sure all layers are hid except ‘last frame.’
39. Get your ‘lasso tool’ and draw a circle around the lever of the typewriter, and double click inside the circle.
40. Click on your ‘deformation tool.’ (the one under your arrow tool)
41. Push the outside box toward the inside just a little, so it looks like you are pushing the lever. Now click on your arrow tool, and go to selections/select none.
42. Unhide all your layers.
43. Save this as a .psp file.
44. Open animation shop.
45. Go to file/ browse, find your file, open it.
46. Control +A to select all frames.
47. Alt + Enter to set your frame properties at 50.
48. Drag out the frames…go to the last one, left click to select that frame, then right click and chose frame properties, and set that one at 100.
49. Crop, and go to file/save as and find your folder and name it and go thru the optimization wizard as usual.