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undefined Bayou Liberty Pictures

Pictures of My Bayou

This page is intended to show the beauty of the Bayou Liberty area in which we live.

Only thirty minutes from the hustle and bustle of New Orleans, outside of Slidell proper is Bayou Liberty.

The land is rife with live oaks and beautiful waterways.

The Times Pic featured a short video with interviews of the Bayou Liberty Pirogue Races participants.
Here is the link

In the background you can hear the squealing of the Bayou Liberty Bridge as cars cross the bayou.

This is one of my favorite sounds of this area.

The sights, sounds and smells of the bayou is what has kept me living in this area for 20+ years.

as of March 2007, many boats are still orphans due to katrina. Click here for the documentary.

before Katrina

after Katrina


I have lived in this area for over twenty years.

I hope to never leave the peace and beauty of Bayou Liberty.

Speaking of Hell, this area went thru Hell AND High Water as a result Of Hurricane Katrina in August of 2005. As of June 2006,the area is still trying to come back. 50% of the houses are still empty. FEMA trailers are everywhere. A LOT of the beautiful trees are gone. I have documented the losses from the surrounding area here.
Here are some recent pictures (August 06) along Bayou Liberty.

This Vet's office just reopened!

The old catfish that stood over Kellys Katfish Korner made it through Katrina's winds and floods.

St. Genevieve Church Rectory

St. Genevieve Church's Steeple, still down a year later

Here's an album of a boat owner from Bonfouca Marina who's boat survived the storm

This is Bayou Liberty Road six months Post K

tired bayoulibroad
Bayou Liberty Road, July 2006

tired sailboat

sad old boat


July 2006

Taken from the road, looking toward the marina - July 2006


Boats tossed around like toys

Anyone know how to put a steeple back on a church? St. Genevieve Church in Bayou Liberty needs this steeple put back

It looked like this Pre-K

More Bayou Liberty Pictures

Taken June 2006

Dealing with post Katrina stress and/or depression? Click here

I'm also trying to cope, and somedays are more difficult than others. I've created a blog (click here)to put down my feelings



Here is the scenery looking from the boat launch by the church

This awesome old shed is on Bayou Liberty Road

Evening on the bayou.


Sunrise on the bayou.


The denizens of Bayou Liberty


One of the many live oaks around the bayou


One of my favorite subjects not far from the bayou


This driveway somehow caught my eye. I’m glad it did.


See that swing?

Pictures from Fountainbleau State Park


One of my favorites at Fountainbleau, taken Oct 00


Fountainbleau, taken Oct 02


Until recently there was a building on the premises. It fell victim to either lighning or an electrical fire in Sept 02


Another favorite of mine, taken Sept 02


Probably one of the most beautiful, magnificent oaks out there.

Other Pieces of this Website

Katrina’s Aftermath

A page showing Katrina's wrath in Slidell and surrounding areas.

Recovering from Katrina
This site details how we're recovering from the bitch.

My Post Katrina blog

I initially created this blog to deal with my daily feelings and emotions living in debris ville after Katrina. Six years later I'm still blogging about anything and everything.
Venetian Isles & Lake Catherine
Following their recovery post Katrina

Go back to the main page

A Woman's Retreat
A place I've set up to celebrate women

A tribute to children
They grow so fast!! I've created this page to remember how sweet and pure children really are.

Need some inspiration? Go here
Writings that have inspired me and help me when I'm feeling blue

My Quit Smoking Links
Links to places I've found that have helped me "keep the quit" for over 12 years now.....

Herb/vitamin page
Information on the nutritional and medicinal uses for a variety of herbs. Links, too

My page dedicated to pets
Readings to help you deal with the grief of losing a pet and other thought provoking pet stuff

My favorite quotes
Quotes from all over about all aspects of life


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